Warm Dragon

Chapter 368 The Lord is Mighty

Whether the Dark Light Valley, the Black Fire Land, and the Thunder Lake can resonate and form a huge warm enclave is still unknown.


Rosai landed on the roof of the third floor.

Russell returned to the Cigar Courtyard in the night.

"Master, welcome home." Butler Morris heard the dragon roar and immediately went upstairs to greet him, then looked at Russell's silver armor and the dazzling golden mark of the Lord of Thunder on his forehead with some curiosity.

Russell did not explain much, but just said: "Let the servant send me a new set of clothes. My clothes are lost."

"Okay, Master."

When the servant brought the clothes, Russell quickly changed them, and then he felt better-although the silver armor can cover the body, it has no touch, which makes Russell always feel that he is not wearing clothes, which is very awkward and shameful.

Then Russell walked to the garden terrace and said in his mind: "Okay, Polly, you can rest now."


The mark of the Lord of Thunder flashed, and turned into a lightning bolt that flew out from Russell's forehead, and then outlined the perfect body of the unicorn in mid-air.

The flashing lightning instantly lit up the dark night, and the harsh thunder startled the entire Black Snake Manor.

"It's a bit noisy." Polly said in her mind.

"Haha, this is in line with your identity as a pseudo-dragon. Now that we have been promoted to the lord of the dragon domain, it's hard to keep a low profile." Russell responded with a smile. He was not dissatisfied with the noise made by Polly when she transformed, but was quite satisfied.

It has to be so cool to match your new identity.

"Ah!" Butler Morris walked to the garden terrace and saw the brand new unicorn Polly. He was stunned. "Master, how come Polly is different? She actually grew a pair of wings!"

"Because Polly evolved into a pseudo-dragon."

"Pseudo-dragon?" Butler Morris was confused. He had never heard of pseudo-dragons, let alone the existence of dragon domain lords.

Russell was about to explain when he saw his followers rushing over.

Apparently they all heard Rose's dragon roar, as well as the huge thunder and lightning when Polly transformed.

"Morris, let's talk downstairs." Russell ordered.

Then he waved to Polly in the air, walked in the air, and walked directly from the garden terrace to the lawn at the gate.

Eric and others came one after another, and then they all saw Polly in a new form.

"You came just in time. I want to announce a new honor to you!" Russell smiled calmly, "I have been promoted to Dragon Lord, and Baoli has also been promoted to a pseudo-dragon. A new warm enclave is being opened up to the east of the Black Fire Land!"

"Ah!" Charles exclaimed, "Dragon Lord? Pseudo-dragon? New warm enclave?"

Although he is just an ordinary armored knight, he is well-informed and has heard of the legend of Dragon Lord and Pseudo-dragon.

But it is precisely because of this legend that he was so surprised that he couldn't help himself.

In addition, Eric, Grove and Gronttan Baimaigen also opened their mouths wide, surprised that the legend came into reality.

And Katie and others were a little confused. They didn't know what a pseudo-dragon was and what a Dragon Lord was. In their cognition, a fantasy beast is a fantasy beast, and after the contract, it is equivalent to reaching the peak of life.

I don't know that there is a small probability that a fantasy beast can break the ceiling and be promoted to a pseudo-dragon.

Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces, Russell casually said: "Charles, it seems that many people still don't know what the Dragon Lord is. Explain it to them."

"Yes, sir!" Charles took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

He carefully told everyone the legend of the Dragon Lord that he had heard from others: "The legend says that the knight and the fantasy beast have experienced the catastrophe of life and death, and can break the mystery of life and death before breaking the shackles of the fantasy beast knight and being promoted to the Dragon Lord!"

The fantasy beast is promoted to a pseudo-dragon and obtains authority similar to that of a wyvern.

When the fantasy beast knight is promoted to the Dragon Lord, he will have a warm enclave of his own, so he is called the Dragon Lord.

"Then sir..." Katie exclaimed after hearing the legend, "Didn't you and Lord Polly experience a life-and-death crisis?"

"Yes, when I was cleaning up the snow ghosts on the snowfield, I was attacked by the snow giant Da." Russell said softly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's breathing paused.

The name of the Snow Giant Da has become a ghost floating over the entire Shadow Flame Duchy, and a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of every knight.

Especially Eric and Grove, who participated in the Second Fall, can better understand how powerful the Snow Giant Da is. Even the Shadow Flame Dragon, the guardian of the Shadow Flame Duchy, was beaten half to death by the Snow Giant Da.

And now, the Snow Giant Da actually attacked Russell!

"Sir, are you... okay?" Grove asked carefully, fearing that Russell would have a few accidents.

Russell rolled his eyes: "If I have something wrong, can I still stand here?"

Then he said loudly: "The Snow Giant Da has been repelled by me and the Shadow Flame Dragon, and has escaped again!"

"Sir, you are mighty!" Charles immediately applauded.

Although he always felt that Russell was bragging - that was the Snow Giant Da, a powerful existence at the same level as the dragon.

Even if Russell was promoted to the Dragon Domain Lord, he was only on par with the Dragon Knight.

The flying dragon knight is not good enough in front of the snow giant Da. If it is not faster and can fly, it dare not hang around in front of the snow giant Da. If the snow giant Da slaps the flying dragon knight, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured for three months.

With Charles taking the lead, the subordinates shouted: "Your Excellency is mighty!"

After Russell and others cheered for a few times, he slowly raised his hand and pressed it down: "Okay, okay, the snow giant Da was only stabbed in the forehead by my sword, and then fled away. I didn't hurt its origin. It will come back at any time."

"My lord, can you tell us about the scene at that time?" Katie's eyes were filled with worry. "As a follower, I am ashamed that I can't protect you and resist danger for you!"

"It's not your fault. Who would have known that the snow giant Da would dare to step into the territory of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy? I thought it only dared to hide outside the border." Russell was also scared when he talked about this. He almost died.

In fact, he was not afraid of the snow giant Da.

When he went abroad to hunt snow demons before, he might be ambushed by the snow giant Da at any time, but after all, he was riding a two-legged flying dragon, so he was very mobile.

And Baoli would also merge with him and help him start the dream escape technique at any time.

So when he went abroad to hunt, Russell was not worried about his safety. He could escape anytime and anywhere, and the snow giant Da could not do anything to him.

But he never expected that the snow giant Da would sneak attack him in the territory of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, so that he was very relaxed at the time, and did not let the black oil dragon Rose follow him, nor did he ride the unicorn Baoli, but practiced with the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape.

This was caught off guard, and was attacked by the one-armed snow giant Da, and his body was directly smashed.

Fortunately, Hape helped him to block the disaster, Baoli arrived in time and launched the dream escape technique, and the little dream dragon stopped time again. The amber worms empowered him together, and then he turned the danger into safety, and got a blessing in disguise and was promoted to the lord of the dragon domain.

"How dare the snow giant Da enter the territory?" Eric asked in a muffled voice.

Russell shook his head: "I don't understand either... The Snow Giant is doing this, it's completely seeking death, afraid that the Shadow Flame Dragon can't kill it."

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