Warm Dragon

Chapter 370 I don’t have any suggestions

The next day.

Russell got up early in the morning, and even without practicing the morning knight class, he asked the black oil dragon Rose to come to greet him and carry him to the direction of the Red Castle.

The pseudo-harpy dragon Hape stayed in the manor to recuperate, waiting for new feathers to grow and replace the burnt feathers.

The unicorn Polly turned into a golden lightning and landed on Russell's forehead.

This is the mark of the Lord of Thunder. The tiny lightning leaps on it, setting off Russell like a true god on earth, and the whole person's temperament is infinitely elevated.

When passing by the fluorescent castle, Russell signaled Rose to land.



Rose landed in front of the gate. The clay dragon Rose, who was perched on the top of the tower, immediately stared at Rose and swore that this was its territory.

However, Rose just glanced at Rose with disdain, waiting for Russell to jump down, and then it quietly flew to another tower and crouched down calmly-regardless of size and strength, Rose is the top match of the two-legged dragon.

"Master Russell, welcome home." When Carter heard the dragon's roar, he hurried to the gate to greet him.

"Good morning, Mr. Carter." Russell smiled slightly, and he still had a good impression of the butler who worked hard for the family all his life.

Especially in the memory of his predecessor, the old butler Carter's attitude towards him and Roland was basically the same. He would not flatter Roland more just because Roland had better talent and was the heir, and would not be perfunctory to him.

"Master Russell, why do you have a..." Carter asked curiously. The mark of the Lord of Thunder on Russell's forehead was too conspicuous.

"This is Baoli." Russell explained casually, "It has evolved into a pseudo-dragon, so Mr. Carter, the one standing in front of you now is not only a flying dragon knight, but also a legendary Dragon Domain Lord."

"Ah?" Carter, the old butler, was well-informed, especially after serving the nobles for many years, he naturally knew the legend of the Dragon Domain Lord.

"Is father home?"

"Yes." Butler Carter suppressed his surprise and quickly calmed down. "I'll lead the way for you, Master Russell."

"Okay." Russell followed Carter upstairs. "By the way, where are mother, elder brother, and Lola?"

"My wife took Lola to the Gale Manor to take a hot spring bath yesterday and stayed at the old lady's place. Master Roland went out this morning to inspect the ice age resettlement of new serfs in various manors." Carter said that the Fluorescent Mushroom Family also bought a lot of serfs this year.

While the Senate has not closed the serf trade, the nobles are actively buying serfs to enrich the population of the territory.

As he was talking.

He saw Baron Roman standing on the corridor on the second floor, waiting for Russell's arrival: "I heard Rose and Ross's calls early in the morning... Hey, Russell, what's the situation with the lightning on your forehead."

Butler Carter bowed and left, and took the servant who was cleaning away, leaving enough space for the father and son.

"Father, let's go outside and talk. The place here is too small." Russell said, and then he came to the martial arts training ground with Baron Roman.

The next moment.

The mark of the Lord of Thunder on his forehead turned into lightning and flew out, outlining the gorgeous figure of the unicorn Baoli.

Looking at Baoli's enlarged body, the golden thunder pattern horn, and the gently flapping huge wings, Baron Roman was slightly distracted: "What is this?"

"A real unicorn." Russell said proudly, "Pseudo-dragon, unicorn!"

"Pseudo-dragon!" Baron Roman's eyes were fixed on Baoli, and suddenly he remembered something, and looked at Russell with wide eyes, "Baoli has actually been promoted to a pseudo-dragon, which means, Russell, you have been promoted to the Lord of the Dragon Domain!"

Russell nodded: "Yes, father."

"This... This is really surprising!" Baron Roman's shocked tone turned into a strong sigh.

Once upon a time, he felt that he had no hope of riding a dragon, so he hoped that one day in this life, a certain fantasy beast would fight for his reputation and be promoted to the Dragon Lord with him. It can be said that most knights, when they have no hope of riding a dragon, will fantasize about breaking the shackles with their fantasy beasts.

However, after riding the clay dragon Ross, Baron Roman also forgot his desire for the Dragon Lord.

Never expected.

His second son Russell actually realized the knight's dream and became a legendary Dragon Lord.

Baoli folded her wings and quietly floated beside Russell, her golden horn gleaming, and her snow-white hair smooth and silky. In terms of body shape, it has not changed much from the pseudo-unicorn dragon period, but her temperament has been sublimated too much.

It is difficult for Baron Roman to take his eyes off it.

And the clay dragon Ross on the tower not far away no longer confronted the black oil dragon Rosse, but turned to stare at the unicorn Baoli.

It instinctively felt that Baoli had a powerful force that was no less than its own, and Baoli was now qualified to stand with it - in essence, pseudo-dragons and wyverns were both magical creatures that were infinitely close to dragons.

After being surprised, Baron Roman put away his complex emotions and slowly looked at Russell: "The Dragon Domain Lord is worth celebrating, but I am more curious, what did you and Baoli experience before that made you both promoted together?"

"It was the snow giant Da..." Russell carefully recounted the situation yesterday.

Baron Roman frowned after hearing this: "Snow giants actually crossed the border, it seems that the Shadow Flame Dragon is indeed... too weak. But fortunately, you are lucky and have a long life. Not only did you survive Da's sneak attack, but you were also promoted to Dragon Domain Lord!"

"Thanks to Baoli's own pseudo-dragon bloodline, otherwise, if she wants to be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord, I'm afraid she's still a little short of time." Russell said.

He didn't know how the previous dragon domain lords experienced the disaster of life and death, and what kind of will they relied on to gain promotion.

But he knew that his willpower was actually not strong. After all, he was an ordinary person in his previous life.

Being able to be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord is due to the combined effect of many factors, including Baoli's pseudo-dragon blood, the empowerment of the amber worm, and the time stasis of the little dream dragon... Of course, Russell felt that his free and easy attitude when he was on the verge of death should also play a role. played a major role.

If he had cried or cried for help before dying, he might not have been able to arouse Paulie's empathy and unleash the power of his bloodline.

all in all.

He succeeded and became the legendary Dragon Domain Lord.

"What are you going to do now?" Baron Roman asked.

"I will definitely report the Snow Giant's cross-border sneak attack to the Red Fort, and talk to the Shadowflame Dragon by the way." Russell said, "But before going to the Red Fort, I want to ask my father for your advice. What do you think I should do now?”

"I'm very pleased that you could ask me for my opinion first." Baron Roman sighed, then shook his head and said, "But I'm also sorry that I can't give you any good advice... You know, being a father has already It’s been low-key for many years.”

"Okay." Russell smiled, "Then I'll go to the Red Castle first."

"I'll go with you... forget it, you should go alone. I was punished with three years of hard labor in combat and cannot show up in the Red Castle." Baron Roman waved his hand.

"Then I'm leaving." Russell waved to Paulie, who transformed into the Thunder Lord's mark again and landed on his forehead.

Then Luo Sai flew down, Russell jumped up and flew north on Luo Sai.

Watching the black oil dragon's figure disappear into the sky.

Baron Roman shook his head with both relief and fear: "Russell has grown to such a height that he has left me as a father far away... The Snow Giant reached... Hiss, fortunately I feel that it is not suitable to go on an expedition during the Ice Age, otherwise I will be I was the one who made the sneak attack, and I don’t have the confidence to be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord..."

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