Warm Dragon

Chapter 367 Lei Ze

The wind blows, and my cock gets cold.

"Uh..." Russell smiled awkwardly, and quickly used the unconscious Harpy Dragon, Hape, as a cover to block his spring light.

But he soon regained his composure: "Don't laugh, Polly, in fact, strictly speaking, we are all the same, all naked."

Polly responded with a chuckle in her heart: "That's different, I have hair, Rose has scales, and even Hape has feathers. For humans, we are all wearing clothes and have no habit of exposing ourselves."

"Ahaha." Russell laughed.

There was no one around, so he didn't need to feel too embarrassed.

But it would be difficult to return to the territory without clothes: "Baoli, please go back and get me some clothes."

"Don't bother, Russell. It's fine to be without clothes. And every time we merge into a combat form, your body will swell and your clothes will burst." Baoli said, "Anyway, Rose and I won't laugh at you."

Russell's face darkened: "No, absolutely not!"

Every time he fights, he has to be naked. What kind of prestige does the Dragon Territory Lord have? He will become a laughing stock.

After teasing Russell for a while, Baoli chuckled and said, "It's easy to solve."

Then he turned into a flash of lightning and sank directly into Russell's body. The next moment, a golden lightning mark appeared on Russell's forehead.

At the same time, a set of armor flashing with a faint silver light also appeared on his body.

After being promoted to a pseudo-dragon, Baoli's ability to transform has been greatly enhanced, and he can actively mimic and transform many things.


Russell looked down at the silver armor on his body. Physically, this armor didn't feel anything, just like he wasn't wearing it, and it didn't hinder any of his actions.

But visually, it completely covered his body, so he didn't have to worry about being exposed.

Moreover, he could feel that this illusory silver armor was much more defensive than the previous snow-colored unicorn armor.

"This is just my active mimicry ability after I was promoted to a pseudo-dragon. Just tell me what armor shape you want. Now I can turn into a mark and follow you anywhere, Russell." Polly's voice sounded in his mind.

"This is so cool!" Russell sighed.

Before, when he was riding a dragon, Polly couldn't keep up with the speed, so she could only use Dou Qi to transform into armor and take a photo with the phantom beast to follow Russell.

Now she just needs to turn into a lightning mark on her forehead.

After sighing, Russell reached out and touched the lightning mark on his forehead, and could feel the electric sparks jumping on it: "This mark, let's call it the Thunder Lord Mark."

At this time

Hapei, who he was holding, slowly woke up and opened her mouth to let out a weak cry: "Guaer."

"Hapei, you're awake."

"What's wrong with me?" Hapei asked in her heart.

"We were attacked before, and you blocked the disaster for me and then fell into a coma. Fortunately, everything is over and we are safe now." Russell looked at Hapei with a slightly hot look. This is the pseudo-dragon heir of the mythical beast.

With Baoli's successful experience, maybe Hapei can also be promoted to a pseudo-dragon-harpy one day.

By then, he will be a 2nd-turn dragon domain lord.

"Russell, you have become stronger." Hapei felt the difference in Russell, "even my strength has increased."

This is the feedback from the dragon domain lord.

After all, the pseudo-dragon Yuanxi boosted Russell's own fighting spirit strength, and the naturally enhanced fighting spirit would increase the strength of Yuanxi, so Hapei benefited from it.

"Take good rest, we will become stronger in the future, and there will be no danger to hurt us." Russell comforted.

It seemed that they had experienced the catastrophe together. Hape, who woke up after a coma, rarely showed a weak side in front of Russell, which made him and Russell's hearts closer, and no longer as independent as before.

This is a good thing.

After surviving a great disaster, there must be good fortune in the future. Russell is now extremely satisfied with everything.

"I can fly." Hape struggled out of Russell's arms, flapped his wings gently, and flew again.

Russell nodded gently, then turned over and rode on the black oil dragon Luo Sai: "Let's take a look around this newly opened warm enclave, and by the way, clear out all the snow ghosts that fell into the water. When the warm season comes, we must develop this place together!"

Looking at the vast and constantly expanding new warm enclave, Russell was full of joy.

But besides the joy, there was a sense of fatigue of "looking at the ocean and sighing".

"Develop...how to develop?" He was a little speechless. With his current population of 10,000 people, let alone developing this new warm enclave, he could only develop a small area of ​​the Black Fire Land.

Other places can only be left barren and wild like the Sancha River Mouth.

"I hope that the wasteland will become a forest in the future, and then breed more fantasy beasts and elves, just in time for me to ride the little dream dragon to pick them." He could only think of the joy in the midst of suffering - it is better to leave the land barren than to have nothing.

The ice and snow melted quickly, even in the cold ice age.

Russell looked down from the sky and could see the periphery of the expansion of the warm land. As the ice cap cracked and melted, countless electric sparks would float.

"Hmm." He thought silently, "Rosai opened up the black fire land, like high temperature melting ice and snow, and Baoli opened up this new warm enclave, more like thunder constantly disintegrating ice and snow... extraordinary power, mysterious and unpredictable."

Normal ice and snow, even if exposed to the sun, could not melt so quickly.

It can only be said that whether it is a flying dragon or a pseudo-dragon, the radiation power has exceeded the limit of nature.

So it can change the climate and geographical form in a short time.

In the vast ocean, many snow ghosts are struggling to float on the water and open up the warm land. These snow ghosts have no time to escape and fall into the snow water with the ice cap.

Russell signaled Rose to fly close to the water surface, and then he grasped the air with his right hand, and a three-meter-long thunder sword condensed.

This is a weapon transformed from Baoli's golden thunder pattern horn.

Russell didn't give it a cool name, just called it-Thunder Sword. Because it can also be transformed into a ten-meter-long thunder spear, or a thunder shield, a thunder bow and arrow, or even a flashing magic wand.

In short, the pseudo-dragon's ability to transform can already be done at will.


The thunder sword passed, countless lightning burst, and a group of snow ghosts struggling on the water surface turned into flying ashes and dispersed, leaving behind a group of ice hail beads.

Russell waved his hand gently, using the skill of flying sword with fighting spirit to pick up all the ice hail beads and put them into the pocket of the silver armor. Soon, he swept the ocean that had expanded for hundreds of square kilometers.

"This warm enclave looks flatter than the Black Fire Land." Russell frowned slightly as he looked at the snow water surging back and forth. "The snow water in the Black Fire Land will also rush around to find an exit. The snow water here seems... can't flow out?"

He couldn't help but shook his head: "The snow water can't flow out. Will it form a swamp here in the future?"

If it is a swamp, the development value will be limited.

But soon he was relieved: "It may not be a swamp. Even if it is a swamp, there is a way to transform it. Like the Fire Ant Swamp, digging a large lake in the territory and digging a few water diversion channels should solve the problem."

The Fire Ant Swamp, the fief of Swan Baron Kunbiff Shadow Flame, is a flat swamp that is difficult to develop for farming.

Later, a swan lake was dug in the territory to store water, and gradually the fire ant swamp became a fertile granary.

"This place is tentatively named... Lei Ze." Russell looked at the warm enclave that was still expanding outward. As the sky gradually darkened, he prepared to return to the territory to rest.

When he crossed the snowfield and arrived at the Black Fire Land.

Russell suddenly thought of a possibility: "The three warm enclaves of the Dark Light Valley, the Black Fire Land, and Lei Ze are very close to each other. Will they be like the Sancha River Mouth... The power influences and resonates with each other, and after many years, a larger territory is formed?"

The original Sancha River Mouth was three independent warm enclaves.

But just as the knight's fighting spirit can resonate, the power of the warm enclave, or the power of the wyvern, can also resonate.

So the first three warm enclaves at the Sancha River Mouth resonated with each other and connected to form a larger warm enclave, which led to the prosperity under the governance of the Yu Jiuhua family. There are more than 20 elves, and even a big elf was born.

"If so... the earl is coming!" Russell was happy.

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