Warm Dragon

Chapter 363: Covering the sky with one hand, there is no way to escape

To the east of the Black Fire Land, Russell had flown more than fifty kilometers, and indeed he found many snow ghosts along the way.

I don’t know if it’s because he ate too many ice beads before he was born, but the black oil dragon Rosey doesn’t seem to be very interested in hunting snow ghosts. As long as the snow ghosts don't invade the Black Fire Land, Roselle won't bother to hunt the snow ghosts in the snowfields.

Unlike Rose, the clay dragon, who can be called the natural enemy of snow ghosts, he walks in the snowfields around the Youguang River Valley every day to hunt snow ghosts.

It can only be said that people have thousands of personalities, and dragons also have different personalities.


Russell lightly scolded, then threw the green ceramic sword, and used the fighting spirit sword control method to control the green ceramic sword and sprint forward, then he rode the unicorn Baoli, stepped onto the green ceramic sword, and with the help of the green ceramic sword Moving forward at a rapid speed.

However, after flying only a few hundred meters, it broke away from the green ceramic sword, and its speed dropped back to normal flying speed.

"It still doesn't work, Russell." Paulie sighed in her heart.

This is an advanced version of the Fengxing Technique that it and Russell are developing - Sword Controlling Technique. However, developing magic is not an easy task. The current Sword Controlling Technique is not only rough, but also extremely ineffective. It can only succeed once every ten times.

However, as long as there is one success, it means that the direction of sword control is in the right direction. Russell encouraged: "Don't be discouraged, Paulie, we have successfully flown several hundred meters just now. As long as we develop patiently, sooner or later we can keep flying!"

After a pause, he smiled and said: "And haven't you noticed that the speed of sword control can reach almost thousands of kilometers per hour!"

This is magic with huge potential.

After the development is successful, Russell can reach any location in the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame within half a day as long as he activates his sword control skills.

The Shadow Flame Dragon uses all its strength, which is probably at this speed.

As far as Russell knows, the speed of phantom beasts, dragons, etc. recorded in all the current data does not exceed the speed of sound. Therefore, once the sword-controlling technique is successfully developed, Russell's speed will be among the fastest in the world.

"Yes, even Happy can't catch up." Paulie echoed in her heart.

Hape flew leisurely in the sky, and its speed was not slow either. It could reach more than 600 kilometers per hour at full speed, which was already faster than the speed of a flying dragon.

But Paulie quickly added: "Kendall's Aurora Falcon can also fly at speeds of thousands of kilometers per hour."

"Although Knight Commander Kendall's Aurora Falcon can fly at over a thousand kilometers per hour, after using the Phantom Beast Photo, the speed is reduced by half, and it can only fly over 500 kilometers per hour, which is almost the same speed as Rossay."

Russell said: "But when the two of us use sword control, we don't need to halve the speed and directly maintain a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour!"

"Yes." Paulie responded.

"Okay, let's continue and keep up the good work!" Russell devoted himself wholeheartedly to practice.

When Baoli got tired of practicing, she switched to practicing with Hape, because their minds were not synchronized enough, and now even the transformation of Dou Qi into armor was stumbling.

Cast five times and succeed at most twice.

However, after the success, the Yuanxi armor that Hape transformed into was also extremely cool and stylish. It was a set of white armor, just like Baoli's snow-colored unicorn armor. The difference is that this set of Yuanxi armor has the beauty of superimposed feathers.

"Snow-colored banshee armor!" Russell named this set of Yuanxi armor. "The two sets of Yuanxi armors have similar defensive effects and similar levels of attracting attention... Next, it depends on which one of you, Baoli or Happy, will transform. The energy weapon is now powerful.”

At the second level of the advanced fantasy beast knight, there are two contracted fantasy beasts that can be transformed.

One of them can be transformed into the Origin Breath Armor, and the other can be extended into an Origin Breath Weapon based on the Origin Breath Armor.

This is Dou Qi transformed into armor and Dou Qi Yuanwu!

It's a pity that he and Hape's minds are not synchronized enough, so they can't use the fighting spirit and Yuanwu for the time being, so they can only slowly adjust.

"A snow ghost is coming, Russell. I'll kill the snow ghost. You continue to practice with Happy." Baoli jumped up and went to hunt the snow ghost. Its threaded horn pierced the snow ghost's body, and Yuan A breath of shock can crush a snow ghost.

"Paulie, don't worry, let me and Happy try the magic - hurricane technique!" Russell, wearing a snow-colored banshee armor, was suspended in the air.

Then communicate with Hape mentally and start to cast Hape's fixed magic - hurricane spell.

Fan hands.

In an instant, the strong wind bloomed from his hands, turning into countless wind-edged steel knives and rolling towards the group of snow ghosts below. The snow ghosts with copper skin and iron bones had extremely strong defense, but under this strong wind that could even tear apart glaciers, they could not He couldn't hold on for long before he was crushed to pieces.

Only two big green skins barely blocked the attack of the hurricane spell. They lay on the cracked ice cap and roared silently.

"This trick should be used sparingly." Russell clicked his tongue, "The snow ghost was broken into pieces, but the ice graupel beads were also blown away."

When the Snow Ghost saw Russell who looked like a saint, he despised himself so much. He immediately got up and rushed towards Russell, slamming down the ice sculpture weapon in his hand.


The ice sculpture weapon seemed to have hit a wall and could no longer be smashed down. This was Hape's other fixed magic - the wind wall technique.

Then Russell waved his right hand lightly, and two sword beams pierced out, directly decapitating the big snow ghost, and then crushed the head to take away the high-quality ice beads. The whole process was relaxed and enjoyable. The snow ghost that made him sweat in the past has now become an ant.

"Strong, I am really strong now!" Russell slowly landed, standing on the cracked ice cap, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

The sky was full of white clouds, blocking the sun, making the snowfield even colder.

This kind of coldness was so cold that even the dragon breath in Russell's body could not resist it, and he gradually felt a bit of chill.



"I can actually feel the cold!"

Russell was startled, and then he jumped up and yelled: "Polly, pick me up!"

"Russell!" In the distance, Polly, who was cleaning up snow ghosts and picking up ice hail beads, also found something unusual.

She quickly ran towards Russell.

However, everything was too late.


The ice cover, which had been torn by the hurricane technique, was completely shattered into pieces. A huge pale hand like the Five Finger Mountain, wrapped in an unparalleled tyrannical aura, grabbed Russell's leaping figure fiercely.

In a flash, Russell threw the green ceramic sword and tried to perform the sword control technique alone, but failed.

The green ceramic sword shot into the sky, but others failed to step on the green ceramic sword and follow it into the air.

Relying only on the passive magic - Wind Walk, he tried to leap into the sky, trying to avoid the grasp of the pale hand.

But the hand was too big and too fast.

Almost at lightning speed, he finished grasping Russell, and five fingers as thick as mountains began to close.



The unicorn Polly rushed over at the fastest speed, and then launched the magic - Dream Escape at Russell who was about to be caught by the pale hand.

At this moment, Polly and Russell's power were successfully connected, and then the powerful and mysterious effect of magic was quickly launched, and Polly and Russell were about to escape into the dark dream, and even the figures of one person and one beast began to blur.

But the power of the pale hand distorted space and even time, making the Dream Escape slow down a step.

One tenth of a second, or even only one hundredth.

The fingers of the pale hand slapped Russell's body heavily. The overwhelming force hit Russell without him feeling anything. His body was cracked and his blood didn't even have time to splash before it was torn into pieces.

The snow-colored banshee armor that Hape had transformed into collapsed instantly, turning into a white light and falling from the sky. She returned to the image of a pseudo-harpy dragon and fell into a coma.

Before Russell's body cracked, he only had time to think: "Da!"

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