Warm Dragon

Chapter 364: Life and Death (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

Shadowflame volcano.

The magma was bubbling, and the huge head of the Shadow Flame Dragon floated on the surface of the magma. Its eyes, which had been tightly closed, suddenly opened.

In the red eyes, the pupils shrank into two thin slits in an instant.


It opened its mouth and roared, and the sound was amplified by the Shadow Flame Volcano, instantly resounding throughout the volcanic oasis, and continued to tremble towards the surrounding warm space.

He struggled angrily out of the magma, with a red light flashing under the scales in his huge black body. The hot magma slid down from his wings, neck, and body, and billowing black smoke continued to billow outward.

Along with the rage of the Shadow Flame Dragon, the entire Shadow Flame Volcano seemed to be erupting again.

In an instant.

The Shadow Flame Dragon flew out of the crater, and then spewed out a stream of scorching dragon flames towards the south.

This dragon flame burned the air, quickly melted it, and then disappeared into nothingness.

After doing all this, the Shadow Flame Dragon was no longer able to fly, and its huge body fell heavily, crashing, into the hot magma, leaving only its head exposed. The slender pupils have recovered somewhat, and their eyes are full of exhaustion and sadness.

It looked at the rock wall of the crater. The fine and long cracks seemed to form a prison dragon, binding it here.

at this time.

Several knights quickly ran over from the volcano tunnel and knelt on the ground: "Your Highness Yingyan, I wonder what happened to make you angry?"

The Shadow Flame Dragon did not respond, but stared at the cracks in the rock wall in a daze.

At the same time, in the meeting hall of the Elder Council, several ruling elders and three electors were also alarmed by the roar of the Shadow Flame Dragon. No one could understand the meaning of this roar, so they quickly rushed towards the Shadow Flame Mountain. .

Russell's body cracked.

The dragon's breath was shattered, the essence breath was annihilated, and all the power was wiped out by the sneak attack of Snow Giant Da's palm.

By the time the unicorn Baoli arrived and launched the Dream Escape Technique, his body was already infinitely close to death.

Even Baoli was affected. It and Russell's power had long been integrated, and their minds were perfectly synchronized. Russell suffered such a devastating disaster. For it, it was also a devastating disaster, a disaster that destroyed both body and mind.

But at this moment, the Dark Escape Technique successfully pulled the bodies of Pauly and Russell into the dark dreamland.

The broken body and broken strength stabilized in the dark dream.

But it's still broken.

"Russell!" Paulie kept shouting in her heart.

Russell felt that it was extremely difficult for his thoughts to function, but he still responded with encouragement: "Pauly, what's wrong with me?"

His eyes could no longer see, and he could not see any magical light, leaving only darkness.

"I don't know, Russell, I don't know." Baoli was already panicking. Although it was not hit by Snow Giant Da's palm, it was also defeated by Snow Giant Da's powerful power, and its own strength was defeated, and its soul was severely damaged. .

At this moment, its eyes can no longer see.

Russell cannot see it, and it cannot see Russell. It can only communicate through limited telepathy.

"I remember, Paulie." Russell's mind cheered up a little, "I seem to have been sneak-attacked by the Snow Giant... I'm really unlucky. I am in the territory of the Grand Duchy of Shadowflame, and I will encounter the Snow Giant. "

For a moment, the sadness of "die before leaving the army" arose in his heart.

He still has many dreams that have not been realized. He has not ridden the Little Dream Dragon, nor has he reached the peak of his life, nor has he visited the Snow Demon's hometown.

So much so that he didn't even have time to make arrangements for the development of the Black Fire Land.

"Russell, it's going to be okay." Pauly comforted softly.

"Will it get better?" The memories of Russell's two lives overlapped slightly, and his mind was smiling. "Although there are too many regrets, being able to appreciate the extraordinary power of this world and soaring in the sky on a flying dragon has already made me happy. It’s a worthwhile trip!”

He suddenly mustered up the last of his mental strength and wanted to cut off the spiritual contract between himself and Paulie, Rosey, and Happy.

If the contract is allowed to continue to bind.

The Snow Giant's severe damage to him will follow the power of the contract and severely damage his contract partners, Rosey and Happy, especially Paulie. Because Paulie and Russell's minds are in perfect sync, their powers are indistinguishable from each other, and they both prosper and perish.

"Paulie, live well, and together with Rosé and Happy, take a good look at the scenery of this world for me."

There is great terror between life and death, but when death is really imminent, Russell feels relieved.

The world is like this, and not every wonderful or not wonderful story will have a just right ending. Many stories, like his experience at the moment, end abruptly before reaching the climax, leaving the eunuch unfinished.

"No, Russell, don't give up!" said Paulie.

"Haha, I'm not giving up, I'm just making the final decision." Russell's thinking became more and more active, and he was even in the mood to joke, "I was careless just now, and I didn't dodge, and I was sneak attacked by Snow Giant Da!"

Paulie couldn't understand what Russell was talking nonsense, she just said: "Don't give up on yourself, and don't give up on me!"

"What I can do now is protect you, Baoli, and cut off the contract so that you can escape."

"Why do you want to escape?" Paulie said.

Through the spiritual connection, Russell can feel that it has a death wish and is ready to live and die with him.

In this regard, Russell sighed: "You can live well and see the scenery of this world for me. Don't talk about life and death lightly. If it were me, I would definitely work hard to live... Pauly, I really regret it. I lied to you about the contract."

"How can you call it a lie? That's what I agree with."

"Haha, that's right, but then again, why did you agree to make a contract with me in the first place? Hape was coaxed into making a contract by using my roasted rat meat. Why did you do it, just because I have beautiful light blond hair? ?”

Russell still remembered that when Paulie first saw him, the Phantom Beast whispered that she liked his light blond hair.

He even wanted Russell to touch its horn.

At this time, Baoli responded softly in her heart: "I don't know, it may be a whim, or it may be soul speculation. Although I am not a human being, I am attracted by the colorful human souls and like the human world."

"I see."

"So the choice is mine. Since we are contract partners, it goes without saying that we will walk together on whatever road lies ahead." Paulie said, "Russell, life and death are bound to be broad. No matter whether it is dark or gloomy after today, let us experience it together."

"Haha, okay!" Russell laughed.

After laughing, he wondered: "It's been a long time, why am I not dead yet? Something's wrong, I can even feel my left hand... Hiss, the mark on my left hand is burning and beating! "

Previously, Russell could not see or feel his cracked body.

But now he can clearly feel that the mark on the palm of his left hand is burning, and the M-shaped mark is burning particularly fiercely.

There are also four clear marks that are also burning.

"Sword butterfly... Sword butterfly is helping me guide my fighting spirit, helping me guide my broken strength... thorns... thorns are constantly pulling my body, preventing my body from falling apart... ticks... ticks are sucking me blood!"

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