Warm Dragon

Chapter 362 The Castle of the Future

"Good morning, sir." Maid leader Leona came with several maids to clean Russell's room.

The quality of the maids was worrying, but Russell was used to seeing them and felt that they were all very friendly.

Especially when Leona leaned over to make the bed, her perky buttocks made the hot-blooded Russell always couldn't help but respect her.

"Good morning." Russell put on a set of training clothes under the service of his personal servant Ram, and then strode downstairs.

After a buffet breakfast, he started the knight's morning class on the lawn in front of the door.

The snow on the lawn had been shoveled away by the servants early, and someone was already practicing on the lawn. It was the fantasy beast knight Katie. Katie vowed not to marry in this life, and had been appointed as the chief knight of the territory patrol. She was supported by Russell for food, drink, shelter and practice.

"Good morning, sir." Seeing Russell coming out, Katie immediately stopped practicing and bowed to Russell.

"Good morning, Katie." Russell nodded.

However, he did not practice with Katie. Since he was promoted to Dragon Knight, his strength has crushed the Magic Beast Knight, so practicing and fighting together has no effect, and he can only explore alone.

Of course, he can also go to Fluorescent Castle to fight with Baron Roman, and discuss the practice path of Dragon Knight with his son.

A moment later.

Grove, the Knight Commander of the Cigar Courtyard Guard, rushed over after breakfast at home: "My lord, good morning, Katie, good morning."

"Good morning, Grove, why don't you stay at home to accompany Fanny for a while?" Russell asked with a smile.

Grove's wife Fanny is already three months pregnant, so now Grove has completely become a winner in life.

"It was Fanny who urged me to come here. She didn't want me to be late." Grove smiled innocently, with a happy smile on his face.

Just talking.

Eric also rode over: "My lord, good morning."

Soon several more knights came, Gronttan Baimaigen, Tom, Jack, James, etc., joined the crowd of practitioners.

Although the temperature was cold, the scene was very lively.

Several fantasy beasts were not to be outdone, roaring around and cooperating with the knights to perform moves. Russell was no exception, and was practicing fighting spirit armor, fantasy beast group photos, and developing Hape's magic with the harpy dragon Hape.

Only housekeeper Morris stood in front of the gate, looking worriedly at the knights who had destroyed the lawn in front of the gate.

When Russell returned to the living room to rest for a while, he stepped forward and said, "Master, we have to plan a special land for practice near the cigar courtyard. After each practice, we have to hire someone to come and trim the lawn in front of the cigar courtyard."

"Well, there really needs to be a special land for practice." Russell nodded.

Although the knights were very careful not to damage the lawn when practicing, they always used too much force and destroyed the lawn.

For the overall image of the Cigar Courtyard, he immediately ordered: "Just opposite the Cinder Avenue, mark out a piece of open space, compact the foundation, and cover the whole with a layer of charcoal slag. In the future, practice will be carried out on this open space."

"Okay, sir." Butler Morris breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he asked: "Then sir, will you continue to have lunch with the knights today?"

"No, you ask the kitchen to make some bread and blood paste, leave the knights for lunch, and then make some dry food for me now, I'm going to go to the Black Fire Land for a tour." Russell planned to go to the Black Fire Land to inspect the territory.

"Okay, sir."

After preparing the dry food for lunch, Russell rode on the unicorn Polly, took the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape, and walked outside.

"My lord, do you need me to accompany you?" Katie asked.

"No, you continue to practice." Russell waved his hand. Katie didn't have a flying fantasy beast, so the speed was too slow.

In fact, none of his three beast knight subordinates had contracted flying beasts, which led to a slow travel speed and could not keep up with Russell's pace.

He set out alone.

With Polly and Happy accompanying him, he was not lonely, and the black oil dragon Rose was waiting for him on the Black Fire Land.

A heavy snow caused the development of the Black Fire Land to stagnate slightly.

The Black Fire Land is now completely covered with snow, but there are always some weeds and small trees sticking out from the snow quilt, showing that this warm enclave is nurturing an inextinguishable vitality.

Not long after, Russell came to the hot spring area.

There is a huge stone pillar here, and on the top of the stone pillar, the black oil dragon Rose squatted like a sculpture.

"Roar." Seeing Russell coming, Rose called softly.

"You continue to sleep, Rose, I just come here for a walk, it's enough to have Polly and Happy accompany me." Russell did not ride a dragon, but occasionally he had to ride a unicorn, so that he could share the rain and dew and maintain a spiritual balance with the beast.

Luo Sai nodded gently and stopped moving.

Russell looked at the hot spring area. The warm spring water never stopped flowing all year round, and the surrounding snow was melted by the hot spring water.

The water flowing out of the hot spring has formed three basic waterways after being planned by Russell. They flow to the three corners of the triangular territory. The location of the castle has also been basically determined.

In the future, a castle will be built above the hot spring, and the hot spring will be turned into the internal water source of the castle.

As for the size of the future castle, referring to the Fluorescent Castle, it will also be built into a medium-sized castle covering an area of ​​50 acres.

Then Russell already had a rough blueprint in his mind.

The castle faces south, and the gate opens to the south. The entire south side of the castle will be leveled into a large lawn for grazing in the castle.

Then, bamboo and cordyceps will be transplanted to the west of the castle to build a bamboo forest, which is Polly's favorite; to the east of the castle, acorns have been scattered on the wasteland, waiting to sprout into an oak forest next year.

The oak forest is Russell's promise to the fairy Sesbania, promising to plant an oak forest in his warm enclave for the fairy Saiban to live in.


It seems that he is afraid that Russell will go to fleece him again. Now the fairy Saiban seems to no longer live in the Saiban Snow Forest.

Russell strolled over several times and wanted to find the fairy Saiban to talk, but he couldn't find him.

As for the north side of the castle, the temporary plan is to plant a birch forest, and fluorescent mushroom cordyceps can be transplanted in the future. This is the magic potion that the fluorescent mushroom family started. As a member of the fluorescent mushroom family, Russell has a fluorescent mushroom bird, so he will naturally pay attention to the fluorescent mushroom.

In addition

Tobacco potion fields, wheat potion fields, and other potion fields will be concentrated around the castle to protect the safety of the potion fields.

"I will start building the castle when the warm season comes!" Russell has not yet decided on the name of this castle. "Now the large amount of slag bricks produced by the Black Snake Brick Kiln Factory in Youguang Town have been stored by me."

Slag bricks are stronger and more durable than rocks and are superior building materials.

A slag brick castle has a stronger defense effect than a rock castle - of course, any castle will add magic materials to tamp the walls, rather than using only rocks or slag bricks.

Castles built with ordinary materials cannot withstand the day and night occupation of the wyvern.

"Let's go, Polly, Happy, let's go to the snowfield outside the territory to see if there are many snow ghosts." After Russell finished his lunch, he prepared to head to the snowfield, hunting snow ghosts on the snowfield while running-in with the fantasy beasts.

"Roar." Rose responded softly.

"You stay here, I'm just going for a walk in the snowfield." Russell waved to Rose, then rode Polly and flew quickly to the snowfield.

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