Warm Dragon

Chapter 350 Conversation under the starry sky (Part 1)

The lights of the Fluorescent Castle were bright, and the nobles were dancing on the dance floor; the bonfire of the Black-waisted Snake Manor was blazing, and the common people held hands and sang and danced together.

At Russell's dragon riding ceremony, all the noise seemed so vivid.

However, as the host of this ceremony, Russell himself felt a little lonely in his heart amid the noise.

It can't be said to be lonely, but to be precise, there was a little bit of incompatibility.

He walked out of the ballroom and walked to the corridor of the castle, leaning on the railing with both hands, looking up at the stars in the sky. The stars are so dense, but each one seems to be squeezed together, but in fact it is separated by tens of millions of light years.

"Isn't it the same for people?" Russell thought.

However, he was not a person who was easily sad, and soon found a point that could cheer him up: "But every star will have its own planets and satellites... Just like me, I have parents and friends, as well as Rose, Polly, Happy, and ice cream."

In his opinion,

Although he is a lonely star, he also has dragons, fantasy beasts, and elves revolving around him.

It's just that stars rely on gravity to pull planets and satellites, and he relies on the spiritual power given by the contract to pull dragons, fantasy beasts, and elves. The body may be lonely, but in the world of the mind, he will not feel lonely at all.

"Is it, Polly?"

"Yes, Russell." Polly's voice sounded in his heart.

Russell likes to chat with Polly because Polly has a high IQ and is talkative, and it seems that "humanity" is more than "animalism". Rose and Hape also have high IQs, but their "animalism" is stronger.

This "animalism" is precisely a kind of self.

In Hape's self, it is a pseudo-harpy dragon, the same source as the owl-like dragon in the cold spring point of Green City Garden; in Rose's self, it is a black oil dragon, guarding everything in the black fire land.

They will not think about problems from the perspective of humans, nor do they want to think from the perspective of humans.

Only Baoli likes to think about the various problems of the human world, acting like a human with a unicorn body.

So it is more suitable to talk and confide.

"The place we live in is too small, Baoli." Russell sighed in his heart, "I want to go to a farther place to take a look, to a place outside the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame, to the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent, to the farther Hurricane Thunder Kingdom, the Kingdom of Clear Sky Dusk Kingdom..."


He continued in his heart: "There is also the most powerful kingdom of mankind in Longmian Continent, the Kingdom of Fire Gilded Guarded by three Dragon Knights."

Since the establishment of the Holy Shining Empire, humans have opened up warm land civilization on the snowfield.

However, with the collapse of the Holy Shining Empire, humans have never been unified again. And only a unified dynasty can be called an empire, so now there are only many kingdoms and duchies in Longmian Continent, but no empire.

Moreover, the frequent appearance of snow giants has blocked the communication between human kingdoms.

Now it is also difficult for a talented dragon knight to break through the blockade of the snow giants and re-establish a unified dynasty.

"Yes, Russell, I will always accompany you and support you to travel all over Longmian Continent." Baoli responded, "In fact, I also want to see the world. I want to find out if there is another unicorn in the world."

"Okay, let's work together!" Russell laughed.

Just at this moment, a clear and pleasant voice sounded behind him: "Brother Russell, what are you looking at here, so happy?"

"Ah, it's Kunlaya." Russell turned around and saw the delicate and beautiful little princess Kunlaya, who was like a fairy. "I was looking at the stars and thinking of something happy, so I couldn't help laughing."

Since Princess Anxia invited him to a meal.

The relationship between Russell and Princess Anxia has been much closer, and there is no need to respect each other as Your Highness. Just call Princess Anxia "Madam", and start calling each other by name with Princess Kunlaya.

However, recently, Princess Kunlaya added the title of "brother" after his name, which seems closer.

"Riding a dragon is really worth being happy about." Princess Kunlaya said, and several maids from the Red Castle followed behind her.

"Kunlaya, did you enjoy the banquet today?"

"Very happy, I came to a new place again and met many strangers. And I also saw your territory, brother Luo Su. Although there is nothing there, it will definitely be as beautiful as the Valley of the Light in the future."

"Of course." Luo Su smiled.

Under the gaze of the maids, the two chatted briefly for a few words, and then a maid reminded: "Your Highness, Princess, you should go back and rest."

"Okay, maid." Princess Kunlaya nodded and waved to Luo Su, "Brother Luo Su, good night."

"Good night."

Watching Princess Kunlaya leave under the escort of the maids, Luo Su soon looked up at the stars in the sky again.

At the same time, a very strange feeling arose in his heart.

Princess Kunlaya, who used to be shocked by a fairy, was broken a little by little when they met at this moment. When I looked at it again, I even looked down on her and felt that Princess Kunlaya was more like a canary.

A little canary locked in the big birdcage of the Red Castle.

"I don't know what the fate of Princess Anxia and Kunlaya will be... How will they deal with themselves after my cousin wins the election?" Russell sighed, "When the time comes, I will help them if I can and arrange a good home for them."

Anyway, Princess Anxia was kind to him.

At this time.

A familiar voice sounded behind him again: "Russell, the party is in full swing, why are you, a young dragon rider, hiding here to watch the stars?"

Russell turned around and saw his grandfather, Earl Merlin, biting a cigar and walking over alone.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

"To get some fresh air and chat with you kid." Earl Merlin came over, one hand on the railing, the other hand holding up the cigar, exhaling a puff of smoke, "Now that you're riding a dragon, what are your plans for the future?"

"To make achievements and be crowned a baron as soon as possible." Russell said.

"What about the important events in life?"

"Grandpa, do you want to be my matchmaker?"

"Haha, I don't have the time for that." Earl Merlin said, "I don't even care about Mel's marriage. Your parents care about you. Why should I join in the fun... But speaking of it, suitable marriage partners in the principality are indeed rare."

"Just go with the flow, grandpa."

"You have a good mentality." Earl Merlin sighed, "I never thought that you could pick up a dragon... If the Shadow Flame Dragon was not dormant and the contract had bloodline restrictions, I would have thought you had a chance to ride a dragon."

This opportunity to ride a dragon obviously refers to the dragon knight.

Russell asked curiously: "Grandpa, is it true that people outside the Shadow Flame Family can no longer make a contract with the Shadow Flame Dragon? To be honest, I really want to make a contract with the Shadow Flame Dragon and experience the wonderful taste of a dragon rider."

"Hehe, you are quite arrogant." Earl Merlin laughed, "I have never ridden a dragon, so I don't know what it feels like, but with the pride of a dragon, how can it change its rider even if there is no contract to bind it... People's hearts will betray, but the dragon's heart will not."

Russell spread his hands: "It seems that I have no hope of contracting the Shadow Flame Dragon."

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