Warm Dragon

Chapter 349 I hope the master can ride on the dragon

Luncheon and drinks at Fluorescent Castle.

In the afternoon, visit the Black Fire Land.

At the dinner, a grand dance was held at the Fluorescent Castle.

The entire dragon riding ceremony did not have many special steps, it was just larger than an ordinary banquet.

However, the citizens of the entire Youguang River Valley all admired Russell for riding the dragon, because the Fluorescent Mushroom family also imitated Russell's methods and spread money to the 60,000 to 70,000 citizens in the territory. It was not much, just two copper coins per person.

But for the people in the territory, this was equivalent to two days of bread in vain, so they naturally cheered for Russell.

I even wish that every member of the Fluorescent Mushroom family could ride a dragon every day.

"Young Master Russell is amazing. Praise the dragon and the fluorescent mushroom family!"

"The Fluorescent Mushroom family has two bipedal flying dragons. No more snow ghosts will dare to invade our Netherworld Valley!"

"Praise Master Roman, praise Master Russell!"

"I wonder when Master Roland will ride the dragon?"

"Princess Anxia has also come to the Fluorescent Castle. It's absolutely true. My aunt's cousin's wife's brother's sister works as a maid in the Fluorescent Castle. She even caught a glimpse of Princess Anxia when she was bringing water to the room! "

"Oh my god, how enviable!"

"Who is Princess Anxia? I only know Mr. Roman's family. Does Princess Anxia also have a flying dragon in her family?"

"Master Russell is riding a dragon, blessed by the glory. I was in the same class with Master Russell at the Knight Academy, and I knew at that time that he would be able to ride a dragon. Let me tell you, Master Russell has a temperament that is not only intoxicating, but also fascinating. Even dragons are fascinated!"

In the entire Youguang River Valley, the citizens were not just paid to praise him. During this period of time after dinner, all the topics were about Russell riding the dragon.

For those living in a manor with little information and little entertainment, Russell riding a dragon is the biggest news they have ever seen in their lives.

The biggest news last time was that Baron Roman rode a dragon.

The Black-loisted Snake Manor was even more lively. All the serfs and free people in the manor were invited to the small market.

Enjoy the performance of the burlesque troupe invited from the town at the small market, and participate in the subsequent song and dance.

Light a bonfire.

The citizens sang and danced around the bonfire, loudly praising the lord for riding a dragon, and wishing that the lord would have more dragons and more elves in his home.

"Since the master came to the manor, life has been getting better day by day!" Old Barton, the serf of Potion Village, smoked his pipe and watched the young men and women in the manor dancing around the bonfire, including his daughter Barbara.

Barbara is not pretty and has freckles on her face, but she works as a maid in the Cigar Courtyard!

Kitchen maids are maids too!

Therefore, many single young people want to ask Barbara to dance and show their attentiveness to Barbara in order to win her heart.

"Isn't that right? Now I no longer have to worry about not having enough to eat. I can also eat bean sprouts and tofu in winter!" Another old serf said, "I praise you, I hope you can ride a dragon one day." !”

"The dragon is watching, this is really the dragon watching. I heard from the officials that the master is really being watched by the dragon!" Another old serf said with confidence, "I guess, the dragon must want to be watched by the master." ride!"

"Shh, please keep your voice down, don't let the dragon hear it, the dragon will be embarrassed!"

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about being ridden by our master. Our master is handsome, tall, and talented in cultivation. Even the very powerful Lord Marcus was beaten to the ground by him... Now I have become a flying dragon knight again. No one can beat me!"

In the simple world view of the serfs.

After riding the wyvern, Russell was basically invincible.

Fluorescent Castle, the dance has been going on for an hour.

Russell didn't end up dancing. He didn't find anything that moved his heart among the ladies and ladies who arrived, so naturally he had no interest in dancing.

Originally there was Cousin Mel, drinking tea and chatting with him.

But several ladies came over to invite them, and Mel followed the ladies into the dance floor, leaving Russell alone to drink tea.

After all, there was an age gap between him and the great nobles, so he didn't want to chat with the earls and barons.

At this time, I suddenly saw a familiar person coming over. It was Malena, the daughter of Lord Marcus. Along with Malena, there was a tall young nobleman.

"Hello, Master Russell."

"Malena, hello."

"This is my fiancé, Mikel." Malena generously introduced the identity of the young noble.

"Hello, respected Sir Russell." Mikel saluted Russell, with admiration in his eyes. The flying dragon knight who picked up the dragon is undoubtedly the most standard idol for a knight from a small noble family like him.

"Hello, Mikel." Russell smiled slightly, "Please sit down, both of you."

"No, I won't disturb you, Master Russell." Malena also smiled, "I just want to take Mikel to see you. Mikel always wants to say hello to you... Master Russell, let's go to the dance floor to dance first. ”

"Okay, go ahead." Russell nodded.

Watching Malena and Mikel leave arm in arm, I felt quite emotional.

Thinking back to his mother, Mrs. Meryl, she wanted to introduce Malena to him, and even Malena took the initiative to show her kindness.

But he refused.

I thought we would never meet again, but apparently, we might meet again in the future: "Just saying hello to me, I'm afraid it's not that simple... Mikel probably wants to follow me, so let Marlena bring him to meet me."

This is not Russell's mysterious self-confidence.

But many of the guests who came in the past few days, especially the duchy lords, have hinted more or less that they want their sons or relatives, these young knights, to become Russell's followers and fight for the Black Fire Land.

The ultimate goal is definitely to win a lord title.

Whether it is the lordship granted by Russell or the duchy lord recommended by Russell, this is a shortcut to rise.

It is always faster than their own continuous fighting and continuous accumulation of beads to be awarded a knighthood.

In the final analysis, the title is a power game of the nobles. The hope of a knight with connections to be awarded a knight is definitely greater than the hope of a knight who can only make hard work to be awarded a knighthood.

However, there are only a few real knight followers of Russell at present.

Charles has become a civil servant. Tom, Jack, and James have limited talents. Katie is a woman and it is difficult for her to be knighted. The only ones left are Eric, Grove, and Gronttan Baimaigen who has just come with the family.


There is another one, Lord Marcus' son Musk. In order to express his apology to Lord Marcus, Baron Roman is proposing that Russell accept Musk as a follower.

So strictly speaking, Russell now has only four followers.

"Let's investigate and see if these knights who want to follow me are worth my training." Russell thought silently.

Following him, you are destined to embark on a smooth road.


He will not easily give this opportunity to others casually. Only knights who satisfy him in character and strength can get his attention.

"My own knights must also be trained. Let Eric pick another batch of seedlings and send them to the Knight Academy for further study... By the way, I have to tell Butler Morris and ask him to entrust Butler Carter to train a group of servants in Fluorescent Castle."

Knights need to be trained, and servants also need to be trained.

"And various technical personnel for the future development of the territory... Otherwise, I will open a technical school in Youguang Town?"

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