Warm Dragon

Chapter 351 Conversation under the starry sky (Part 2)

Russell chatted with his grandfather, Lord Merlin, on the corridor for a long time under the starry sky, and no one came to disturb them.

"Russell, do you think my grandfather's more than ten years in power have any significance to the Grand Duchy?"

"Grandpa, why do you ask that?"

"I am so ashamed of my two former Grand Dukes." Earl Merlin sighed, his silver hair trembling under the light. "The first Grand Duke was sneak attacked and killed by the Snow Giant Da, and the Grand Duke Kunstan was sneak attacked and killed by a blue-skinned horseman, twice. , I haven’t learned any lessons.”

"This...it can only be said that Snow Giant Da is getting more and more cunning." Russell comforted him.

Legendary creatures like the Snow Giant and the Dragon are so powerful that they no longer need to use any tactics to fight against each other.

In other words, the influence that a strategy can have is far less direct and sensational than a direct confrontation.

Moreover, humans have been fighting against snow demons for five thousand years, and have long since adapted to brainless snow demons, stupid snow demons, and face-on snow giants. Who could have expected that the Snow Giant would actually use the art of war and severely damage the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy with just two moves.

But in fact.

Snow Giant Da's plan did not weaken the combat effectiveness of human beings much. If the Blazing Torrent Kingdom hadn't plotted against the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, the Torrent Dragon and the Shadow Flame Dragon would have joined forces to kill the Snow Giant Da.

"Now that the Snow Giant Da has controlled all the snow demons to hide, the recovery time of the Shadow Flame Dragon will be further lengthened... Invisibly, it has formed an alliance with the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent to suppress the development of our Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame."

"Grandpa, what on earth is the dragon knight from the Blazing Torrent Kingdom planning to annex the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy?"

Currently, ice and fire are at odds with each other in Longmian Continent.

The main theme of human civilization is obviously to unite with the outside world to hunt down the snow demon, repel the snowfield, and restore a warm world.

So essentially, many kingdoms and grand duchies should be allies.

Communicating and trading with each other, increasing prosperity, and increasing the power of the dragon are what we should do, instead of annexing each other and going to war.

At least Russell thought so.

"How can I know what the dragon knight is thinking." Earl Merlin shook his head, "I thought that the hope of the Shadow Flame Dragon had been lost, and the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent would stop, but this is obviously not the case, and the kingdom interferes more. "

"I'm afraid that many nobles have secretly taken refuge with Marquis Arnaud."

"Haha." Earl Merlin sneered, "They are wishful thinking. Do they really think that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent will provide much support? They are just letting us fight among ourselves so that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent can benefit."

"The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit," Russell concluded.

Earl Merlin nodded: "Yes, that's the truth. But I..."

He hesitated to speak, but took a look at Russell, who although young, has always behaved quite maturely, finally said: "I am worried that the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent may be passing on the disaster and trying to sacrifice my Grand Duchy."

"Ah, grandpa, what do you mean?"

"Alas, I shouldn't have said this to you young people, but you are already a flying dragon knight and need to take responsibility." Earl Merlin sighed, "There have always been rumors that Longmian Continent is the hunting ground of the Snow Giants. They have never Came from another world just to hunt the dragon."

Lord Merlin then explained the basis of this rumor.

That is, the Snow Demon penetrates the gate to another world and freezes Longmian Continent. However, it does not exploit the resources of Longmian Continent, and does not colonize Longmian Continent for profit. It simply kills humans and then fights the dragon.

"Imagine, if you get a territory, do nothing, just freeze it and leave it alone?"

"of course not."

"This is the basis of the rumors. What the Snow Demon wants to obtain from Longmian Continent is not our land, minerals, population, and wealth... They seem to have frozen Longmian Continent just to..." Earl Merlin pointed at his feet. .

He sighed heavily: "If the rumors are true, they actually want to drain the power of our Longmian Continent!"

"Hiss!" Russell gasped.

He was a little shocked inside, and he somewhat believed the truth of this rumor.

The war between the alien invasion and the human kingdom is obviously not a war on the same level. After all, judging from the properties of magic power, Longmian Continent and the world of Snow Demon are obviously different. All the products on Longmian Continent may be waste to the Snow Demon World.

Only the power of the earth is worthy of their covetousness.


The power of the earth is the origin of Longmian Continent, just like the origin of the dragon's breath of the flying dragon, and the origin of the dragon's flame of the giant dragon.

The Snow Demon is most likely targeting the origin of Longmian Continent.

But how to mine the source?

"The frozen world... gave birth to the giant dragon... the origin of the world was condensed into the dragon's original dragon flame, and then the snow giant came to hunt and harvest..." For a moment, Russell thought of many things, which may not be the real answers.

But at least it's a possibility.


"Okay, you kid, don't be frightened and look like you've seen a ghost." Earl Merlin took a sip of his frosty cigar and became free and easy again, "If the sky falls, there will be a dragon knight holding it up. You, a little flying dragon knight, won't be afraid What."

"I'm just a little shocked, Grandpa." Russell smiled bitterly.

But he was complaining in his heart - he is not a little dragon knight, he is the future dragon knight!

If the rumors were true, wouldn't the hunting target of the Snow Demon World be dragon knights like him?

If the sky falls, others may not need to bear it.

But he must bear it with Xiao Menglong.

At this moment.

Russell could only look up at the starry sky at a 45-degree angle, muttering in his heart: "After all, I am the only one who can bear it all."


The ball was over, and most of the guests had gone back to their rooms to rest, except for a few who were ready to gamble all night.

Lady Meryl, Princess Anxia, ​​Lady Kunna, and Lady Kunli were also ready to play cards all night.

Of course.

Today's gambling is not commercialized, but more of a noble social activity, popular among the upper class. But gambling has already spread to the lower class. The nobles like to play cards, while the common people like to roll dice.

Baron Roman does not like gambling.

He only likes to taste red wine.

So after his wife went to play cards, he rejected the invitation of his noble colleagues to play cards and went to the study alone to drink some wine.

From his study, he could see several towers opposite.

Many two-legged flying dragons were perched on the towers of the castle. For some reason, the wyverns don't like fixed nests, and they especially like to stay in pointed and high places, and the tower is their favorite place.

Squinting his eyes.

Baron Roman saw his clay dragon Ross, and his eyes were always on the newly born black oil dragon Rose.

"Ross, why are you so concerned about Rose?" Baron Roman drank red wine and communicated with the clay dragon Ross in his mind.

Ross retracted his gaze and looked directly at the castle's study: "Smell."

"Smell?" Baron Roman asked, "You mean the smell on Russell that makes you feel unusual?"


"What do you think this smell is?"

"I don't know." Ross responded calmly, "But unicorns and owls also have similar smells, especially the smell on unicorns, which is particularly strong... I don't like this smell, it makes me... stressed."

"Okay, but you don't need to worry at all, Russell won't hurt you, you are the guardian dragon of our family." Baron Roman comforted.

"I don't like it."

"Maybe it's the breath left by the Shadow Flame Dragon. You hate Shadow Flame Dragon too, don't you?"

"I don't know."

"So relax, buddy." Baron Roman continued to comfort him, "Russell is my son. Even if he is being watched by the Shadow Flame Dragon, it doesn't mean he will hurt us... We are a united and friendly fluorescent mushroom family, with loving fathers and loving mothers, and respectful brothers and younger brothers."

Ross rolled his eyes.

There may be loving fathers and loving mothers, but who would believe such words as respectful brothers and younger brothers? Anyway, it has watched Roland and Russell grow up since childhood, and has not found any deep brotherhood between the two brothers.

But to give Baron Roman a little face, it did not pass this idea on through the mind connection.

Mind connection does not mean that all psychological activities will be shared with each other.

It is more like a way of communication.

Seeing that Ross was silent, Baron Roman smiled and raised his glass: "Cheers to our increasingly prosperous fluorescent mushroom family!"

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