Warm Dragon

Chapter 348 Princess Anxia Arrives

The wind and snow howled.

In the warm season, the Great Wall of Ice and Snow on the Shanhe Commercial Road welcomed a mighty convoy, with several two-legged flying dragons hovering in the sky, and countless fantasy beast knights surrounding the convoy.

In the middle, a gorgeous carriage, pulled by eight horses, drove steadily on the Great Wall of Ice and Snow.

The curtains of the carriage were lifted.

Waves of warm air rushed out from the window, and Princess Anxia's face appeared on the window, and she took a simple look outside. In fact, there was nothing to see. The Great Wall of Ice and Snow blocked the view of the carriage, and it could only see far away, not near.

"Mother." The voice of the little princess Kunlaya sounded, "How long will it take to reach the Valley of the Light?"

"Soon, if I remember correctly, the next cold spring point is the Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring Point, I came here when I was young." It was the Dragon's Birthday of a certain year, and she came with the still-living Marquis Quintero.

The purpose was to accompany Kunstan, who was a few years old, to inspect the fiefdom of the great nobles.

Strengthen the recognition of Kunstan by the great nobles.

Now, more than ten years have passed, but the limited tours in her youth are always remembered in the depths of Princess Anxia's mind. As a canary, she has become accustomed to the tall and deep Red Castle.

But this does not mean that she does not yearn for the outside world.

"I seem to have heard Brother Russell talk about the Four Seasons Flower Sea Cold Spring Point. Mother, are there many quail-like dragons here?"


"Are quail-like dragons really the descendants of pseudo-dragons?"

"You have to ask the great scholars, especially the great scholars who study fantasy beasts." Princess Anxia has not practiced for a long time, and she does not pay much attention to information about these fantasy beasts.

"But Brother Russell said that there are dragon domain lords in the Blazing Torrent Kingdom."

"Yes, but I haven't seen it." Princess Anxia shook her head and lowered the curtains of the carriage. "The promotion of dragon domain lords is much more stringent than that of dragon knights, and pseudo-dragons have a limited lifespan, unlike two-legged dragons that can live for many years... It's fleeting."

"Oh." Little Princess Kunlaya nodded.

"Will Brother Russell be promoted to the Lord of Dragon Domain? He is the youngest flying dragon knight, so he should be promoted, right?"

Princess Anxia did not answer immediately.

It was not until a long time later that she sighed faintly: "Anything can happen, but...how can there be so many possibilities in the world. Always fantasizing about possibilities will be more painful when these possibilities are lost."

The carriage was very stable, and it was almost impossible to feel the shaking. Moreover, the insulation in the carriage was very good, and it was almost impossible to feel the cold.

But Princess Anxia felt a little self-pitying in her heart.

Once upon a time.

She also believed that everything was possible, that love could bring everything, and that firm love could bring happiness. Just like the combination of the princess and the poor knight, the prince and Cinderella in the knight novel, they would eventually usher in a happy ending.

But the reality is not like this.

All possibilities are just possibilities-because behind those recorded and praised possibilities are countless failed impossibilities.


The carriage stopped.

Then Princess Anxia heard the voice of the female knight guard: "Madam, we have arrived at the Cold Spring Point of the Four Seasons Flower Sea. Lord Merlin invites you to rest in the Cold Spring Point. The convoy will camp here tonight and set off tomorrow morning."

"Got it." Princess Anxia nodded, "Let the servants come in to pack up."

Soon, Princess Anxia and Princess Kunlaya, surrounded by the servants of the Red Castle, entered the Cold Spring Point wrapped in thick clothes.

The knights and servants all stayed outside the Cold Spring Point, including Earl Merlin, the elected prince Mel, and the family of the elected prince Kunsley Sunflower, and the family of Earl Osclo Shuiliu of the Stone Territory.

Only the tent of Princess Anxia and her daughter camped in the flower garden in the center of the Cold Spring Point.

The prohibition of the Fluorescent Mushroom Family, which prohibits anyone from trampling on the flower garden, is invalid only for the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family.

It was also on this night that Princess Kunlaya saw the quail-like dragon mentioned by Russell.

That was a story Russell told at the dinner: "Every cold spring point with a pseudo-dragon heir must have had a battle long ago. The knight and the phantom beast stimulated their potential energy at the critical moment of life and death."


The knight and the phantom beast both evolved and became the dragon domain lord who opened up a warm enclave.

But with the withering of the pseudo-dragon, the warm enclave experienced a brief prosperity and was covered by ice and snow again.

Only such a cold spring point with spring all year round was left.

And some descendants of the pseudo-dragon with weak blood became pseudo-dragon heirs of the meta-beast species, complementing the cold spring point and preserving a trace of warmth of fire.

"The Shadow Flame Grand Duchy has never produced a dragon domain lord..." Princess Kunlaya tried to think, "Then what about before? Was there a powerful country here that gave birth to many dragon domain lords?"

Then she shook her head again: "But my brother said before that the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy was built on a barren land, and there were no human footprints here before."

I can't understand.

The next day.

The convoy drove out of the snowfield and was warmly welcomed by the Fluorescent Castle when it arrived at the Red Bat Cave.

Old Lady Ingrid, Baron and Baron Roman, Russell, Roland, and many other guests who had arrived before all came to greet the convoy. Princess Anxia, ​​Earl Merlin, the three young masters, and a large number of other guests all followed the convoy to arrive on time.

"Greetings to Mrs. Jianguo!" The guests saluted Princess Anxia as she stepped out of the carriage.

Although the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy has entered the era of selecting young masters, Princess Anxia is still the orthodox member of the Shadow Flame Dragon Blood Family and the lord of all nobles.

"Your Highness, I finally see you!" Mrs. Ingrid was extremely excited. She knelt on one knee and kissed Princess Anxia's hand, tears streaming down her face.

In the minds of her generation, Princess Anxia has a different meaning.

Because Princess Anxia is the first princess of the kingdom to marry a grand duke in the 400 years since the founding of the country - to be precise, the son of the grand duke. Marquis Quintero did not succeed the grand duke - her status is extraordinary, and her magnanimity is also impressive. Impressed.

"Old Madam Ingrid, there is no need to be polite." Princess Anxia quickly helped Old Madam Ingrid up after finishing the kiss on the hand, "You have cultivated such outstanding descendants for the Grand Duchy. You have worked hard and achieved great results."

Wait until Russell salutes Princess Anxia.

Princess Anxia even praised continuously: "Russell, you are the best young man in the entire Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame. You successfully rode a dragon and opened up a warm enclave, bringing a stronger foundation to the Grand Duchy. His Highness Ying Yan is watching you." !”

"Thank you for your compliment, madam." Russell smiled and responded, "This will be my motivation to make further meritorious deeds for the Grand Duchy and His Highness Shadow Flame."

When meeting Lord Merlin.

The silver-haired chief executive just smiled, holding a frosty cigar in his mouth, and patted Russell heavily on the shoulder: "Boy, that's good!"

Then when it was Cousin Mel's turn, Mel imitated Count Merlin and patted Russell on the shoulder: "Boy, that's good!"

Russell rolled his eyes: "Please call me your Excellency, Phantom Beast Knight Mel."

"Ha, Russell, you are floating now!" Mel gave Russell a hard punch, then got close and whispered, "Don't forget, as soon as grandpa retreats, I will be the manganese steel dragon knight. You are here." I'm in trouble!"

"If grandpa doesn't retreat, you will have to call me your Excellency." Russell teased with a smile.

Then the two brothers laughed and hugged each other.

Compared with his eldest brother Roland, Russell and his cousin Mel are more sympathetic and more like brothers.

So far.

Except for the necessary left-behind nobles, almost all the nobles of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame came to the Netherworld Valley and entered the Fluorescent Castle to participate in Russell's dragon riding ceremony - Marquis Arnold did not come, but sent someone to send a congratulatory gift .

The nobles also brought nearly fifteen wyverns.

However, no matter which dragon, no one can steal the limelight from the black oil dragon Rosey, because Rosey is the top-notch one in size among bipedal flying dragons. With its wings spread wide, its wingspan is forty meters wide, exceeding that of any bipedal flying dragon.

"Old Dragon of Shadow Flame, how blind he is!" Master Chosen Augustus Shuiliu stood on the corridor of the castle, looking at the black oil dragon Rosell, jealousy welling up in his heart.

"Son, there is no need to be envious." Quinli Shadowflame, who looks somewhat similar to Mrs. Kunna, tugged on Augustus's shirt, "We have a three-headed dragon in our family. If you keep fighting for it, you will become a dragon knight!"

"Mother, I...I contracted a fantasy beast. Do you think I still have a chance to be recognized by the three-headed dragon?" Augustus was a little unsure.

Ever since the Archduke Kunstan was killed in a surprise attack by a blue-skinned horseman.

Those noble children who kept their "virgin bodies" put aside their obsessions and began to contract fantasy beasts to increase their strength, fearing that they would encounter misfortune if they did not get the recognition of the flying dragons.

"Of course, mother believes in you!" Mrs. Quinli's eyes were full of her son.

At this time, a young female woman walked over quietly. Mrs. Kunli saw her at a glance and couldn't help scolding: "Dai Wen, where have you gone? I asked you to follow Augustus, why are you so disrespectful?" Know the rules and wander around!”

"Ah, mother, no, no, it was Mrs. Luo Bi who called me over to ask questions. I..." Dai Wen hurriedly explained.

"What does Mrs. Luo Bi mean? Have you forgotten that you are the daughter-in-law of the Shuiliu family! You actually need to look at the face of a woman who can't give birth to a son!" Mrs. Kunli scolded, "She is indeed a petty person! "

Dai Wen did not dare to contradict her mother-in-law. She could only look at Augustus hopefully, hoping that Augustus would say something for her.

But Augustus had no reaction at all about his mother educating his daughter-in-law.

It wasn't until Mrs. Quinli was called to chat by other ladies that Dai Wen whispered: "Augustus, can't you say a word for me?"

"What can I say?" Augustus looked impatient, "You have to remember your position. You are a member of my Shuiliu family. In the future, when your brother inherits the title of Golden Baron, you must also support me as the Grand Duke. !”

"Of course I support you, our whole family supports you!" Dai Wen quickly expressed her stance.

Her younger brother is Dyson, the nephew of the Golden Baron Davis. Davis has no children and has already verbally stated that he will make Dyson his successor and inherit the title of the Golden Baron, as well as the gold. The territory of the wilderness.

But Dai Wen quickly said: "But I can't persuade Uncle Davis alone. You have to let your father and mother win over uncle in person."

"It's natural!"

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