Warm Dragon

Chapter 316 Snow Unicorn Armor

Although Russell spoke freely, he was still stimulated by Katie's talent and hard work, so he really spent the whole day practicing with the unicorn Paulie the next day.

Not only that.

Afterwards, he spent a full week practicing hard day and night, and finally successfully completed the stage of training in transforming fighting energy into armor.

"Paulie, come on!"

On the terrace garden, Russell shouted.

Baoli in the bamboo forest suddenly turned into a ray of white light, rushed into Russell's body, and then turned into a snow-white set of breath-taking armor.

On the garden wall, there is a dressing mirror specially placed by Russell.

Looking in the mirror, looking at himself in the mirror wearing Yuanxi armor, Russell had to exclaim: "We are really handsome and cool!"

The snow-white Origin Breath Armor is composed of rich white light, giving it a crystal-like dreamlike texture. And this set of Yuanxi armor can be shaped into an angular image according to his and Baoli's wishes.

At this moment, the Origin Breath Armor was finally drawn up after Russell comprehensively referred to the Origin Breath Armors of many Phantom Beast Knights.

The overall structure is snow white without a trace of variegated blemishes.

Because it is transformed by Yuan Qi, there is no weight or thickness, and there will be no problems affecting Russell's actions.

"I feel like a Saint Seiya now." Russell praised.

"What?" Paulie didn't understand.

"It's hard to explain, you just need to know, handsome, and that's it."

"Really handsome."

"Let's give this set of Origin Breath Armor a name... How about we call it the Snow Unicorn Armor?"


"Then it's settled." Russell snapped his fingers.

Pulling out the green ceramic sword, Russell looked at the image in the mirror and suddenly shook his head: "It doesn't deserve it anymore. The green ceramic sword is no longer worthy of my new image. It looks too shabby."

This is a fact.

The Origin Breath Armor is so cool that it is difficult to match with ordinary weapons.

"After I contract Hape, I will be able to extend the fighting spirit Yuanwu outside of the Yuanxi Armor... Then I will be handsome without any blind spots."

The principle of Dou Qi Yuanwu is similar to that of Dou Qi turning into armor, except that you must turn 2 into a high-level fantasy beast knight to practice it. One phantom beast provides the energy needed to transform Dou Qi into armor, and the other phantom beast provides the energy required for Dou Qi Yuanwu based on the Dou Qi transformation into armor.

That is to say.

At that time, the unicorn Baoli can be transformed into the breath armor, and then the harpy dragon Hape can be transformed into the breath weapon.

Armor and weapons are transformed from Yuan Qi, so they are naturally so handsome.


Russell took off from the garden terrace, walking in the air as if pacing in the void. This was the passive effect brought about by Feng Xing. Ordinary fantasy beast knights cannot fly in the air, only advanced fantasy beast knights can do it.

So this is the additional benefit brought by contracted flying fantasy beasts, especially those with passive flying magic.

"grown ups!"

Eric, Grove and Katie, who were practicing on the lawn, all bowed to Russell and saluted.

Seeing the dashing and extremely handsome Russell, the hearts of the three fantasy beast knights were already filled with shock.

Especially Eric.

He contracted the fantasy beast half a year earlier than Russell, but now there are still some obstacles in getting used to the golden and silver wolf dog Kevin, so much so that he has not yet been able to successfully transform his fighting spirit into armor.

As a result, Russell, who contracted the phantom beast later than him, had successfully displayed the second stage of fighting spirit armor - Yuanxi Armor.

This talent was beyond his reach.

Moreover, as Russell's knight class teacher, Eric knew very well how poor Russell's fighting spirit talent was.

As a descendant of the fluorescent mushroom family, he is served delicious food and drinks every day. Although he did not grow up soaked in magic potions, he can still drink magic potions every day. The result was that it was only before the coming-of-age ceremony that his fighting spirit blossomed.

The difference in qualifications is shameful.

But who would have thought that Russell would soar into the sky after blooming the seed of fighting spirit. If he was promoted to the Great Knight, he relied on the bipedal flying dragon's original dragon breath to propel him, contracted the unicorn Baoli, and relied on the fantasy beasts and knights. of compatibility.

These can all be explained by good luck and being watched by the dragon.

So being able to cultivate Yuanxi Armor so quickly is enough to prove that Russell's cultivation talent is definitely at the genius level.


Russell's talent in swordsmanship made Eric even more admired. It was a swordsmanship that could overwhelm the entire Grand Duchy of Shadowflame.

Every time he competes with Russell and faces the terrorist attacks of the Three Swordsmen, he can't help but feel a trembling fear.

This young lord has become more and more unfathomable.

However, Eric had no education and just praised in a muffled voice: "Sir...amazing!"

Grove was also a fool. He had not followed Russell for a long time, so he didn't know what Russell was like before. He only thought that his lord was really wise and powerful, so he echoed loudly: "Your Majesty is really awesome!"

Only Katie, with a look of admiration in her eyes, praised seriously: "My lord's talent has reached the sky. Before I could use the Yuanxi Armor, I was already invincible at the same level. Now I am afraid that the Phantom Beast Knight is invincible!"

"That's not clear. So far, I haven't fought against a high-level fantasy beast knight." Russell said calmly.

Thinking at the same time.

You can find time to learn from Lord Marcus.

"This Marcus, just because I didn't like his daughter Malena, started to dislike me and had a bad face to me all day long." Russell narrowed his eyes and began to fantasize in his heart, "Find a time to shock him!"

Thinking of the happy things, he couldn't help but chuckle twice.

But soon he frowned again and restored the majesty of the lord: "Three, who wants to fight with me?"

Grov scratched the back of his head: "I'm not familiar with fighting qi and flying swords, wait a minute."

Eric thought about it and shook his head: "The gap between me and the adults is too big, and there is little point in continuing to fight."

Only Katie was eager to try: "My lord, please let me grow up in the whip!"

"Okay!" Russell nodded, "I admire your courage, Katie, then, draw the sword, I will fight you with only one sword."

The mind moved.

The snow-colored unicorn armor quickly turned into a white light and dissipated, and the figure of the unicorn Polly reappeared, and silently returned to the bamboo forest to rest.

"Quack." On the garden terrace, the harpy dragon Hape, who was squinting in sleep, was awakened, cried out in dissatisfaction, and then continued to squint.

Since Russell returned, it has never returned to the cold spring spot in Green City Garden to sleep.

A moment later.

Russell held the sword in one hand, looked at Katie who was lying on the ground, and said calmly: "Your foundation is very poor, Katie, I think your top priority now is not to practice as a fantasy beast knight, but to practice as an ordinary knight."

"Sir, do you mean that I should polish my fighting skills again?"

"Yes, you have too much ranger style, focusing on wandering and sneak attacks, but the battle between knights is to seek breakthroughs in the front. And in this regard, you are far behind. You have not polished enough the penetration force, rotation force, instant force, toughness, shield force and round force."

Now Russell's vision has surpassed Eric, and it is easy for him to guide Katie to practice.

Having said this, Russell suddenly thought of Gronttan Baimaigen in Poplar Gobi. He wondered how this "cheap follower" was doing.

"Hurry up and ride the dragon to take my brother back to Poplar Gobi to marry Miss Gwyn... and by the way, I can also take another follower." Because of Baron Gwidas's humiliation, Russell was determined to take Gronttan as a follower.

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