Warm Dragon

Chapter 315 More important than hard work (more updates, please give me a monthly vote)

Russell doesn't like to play favorites.

After improving his relationship with the pseudo-harpy dragon Hape, he signaled it to patrol the territory to see if there were any snow ghosts invading the territory.

Then he jumped down from the terrace garden.

He waved to the unicorn Baoli in the bamboo forest: "Come, let's practice. The Dou Qi sword control has reached perfection, and the Dou Qi armor cannot be left behind."

"Go ahead." Baoli flew over gently.

Dou Qi armor is divided into two stages.

The first stage is that the knight performs Dou Qi armor alone, evenly covering the Yuan Qi on the body surface, which is somewhat similar to the Dou Qi round force of the great knight, but the Dou Qi has advanced to Yuan Qi, and it is more condensed than the loose Dou Qi round force.

It's like wearing a layer of invisible Yuan Qi armor, and the defense is stronger than the armor forged with ordinary magic materials.

Russell has mastered this stage.

The second stage is the real Yuan Qi armor, that is, the fantasy beast operates the Yuan Qi, which turns into Yuan Qi armor and covers the knight.

As the name implies, a fantasy beast is a beast with the ability to transform.

This transformation is to use the powerful force of the Yuanxi to pull the fantasy beast into a pure Yuanxi form, from a tangible and material life form to an intangible and material energy body. To achieve this, the knight and the fantasy beast need to synchronize their minds.

Because after the fantasy beast transforms into an energy body, the consciousness cannot be stored, and it cannot control the subsequent transformation at all.

Only after the mind is synchronized, the consciousness is stored in the knight's mind, and the energy body that has transformed itself can be controlled.

"Our mental thinking has approached perfect synchronization, Baoli, this time, I must successfully transform the Yuanxi armor!"


Russell's mind flashed, and the Yuanxi in his body surged, and quickly established a resonance unique to the fantasy beast knight with the surging Yuanxi in Baoli's body.

In an instant.

Baoli strongly operated her own Yuanxi, directly tearing the tangible and material body into an energy form composed of countless Yuanxi, and then suddenly pounced on Russell, turning into a set of snow-white armor, covering Russell's whole body.

But before Russell was ready, the snow-white armor of Yuanxi shattered, and the white light reassembled into Baoli's unicorn body.

"Failed again, Russell." Baoli said in her heart with some annoyance.

"It doesn't matter, failure is the mother of success, let's continue practicing!" Russell was in high spirits and was not discouraged by failure.

In just over a year, he has been promoted from an ordinary knight who has just blossomed the seeds of fighting spirit to the ceiling of most knights, the fantasy beast knight. It can be said that he has been forging ahead all the way, which has given him great self-confidence.

As long as he wants, as long as he practices seriously, everything will be successful.

"Ang Chi!" Baoli responded.

Then the man and the beast began countless attempts in the bamboo forest. Baoli kept tearing her body into energy bodies and then covered Russell.

From the first moment of breaking, to the later, it can last for three to five seconds before breaking.

It can be said that the progress is rapid.

"Hoo, hoo..." It was getting dark. Russell was already panting with exhaustion. Looking at Baoli who was also panting, he waved his hand, "No more, Baoli, take a good rest, we will continue to practice tomorrow."

Originally, he had to work hard to hatch the black oil dragon eggs and fight on the snowfield.

But now that Baron Roman led the Knights of the Glowing Valley to fight on the snowfield, Russell didn't need to do anything.

So he had a lot of time to practice diligently.


Night fell.

Russell rode on the little dream dragon and started his daily stroll - there were no snow ghosts in the snowfield around the Glowing Valley. The snow ghosts would retreat in the warm season, and then they were cleared out by Baron Roman and the Knights, and there was really no one left.

"Ga." The little dream dragon flew weakly.

"Don't be upset, Ice Cream." Russell comforted, "When Rose hatches, we can continue to go deeper into the snowfield. Rose will provide us with warmth, and we can camp anywhere. Are we still afraid that there will be no snow demons to hunt?"

When Xiao Menglong heard this, he immediately cheered up: "Ha ha!"

"Haha, don't worry, Rose is hatching. It's June now. It will probably hatch in two months when the hot summer comes." Russell estimated the speed at which Baron Roman provided ice hail beads.

This progress is already faster than the Shadow Flame Dragon's estimate.

After all, it has not been half a year since he got the black oil dragon egg - if he hunted snow demons by himself, it would probably take several years.

"Ha ha!"

"The Shadow Flame Dragon's words cannot be fully believed. It said that it would hatch Rose in half a year at the fastest and a year at the slowest. Now it seems that it is either framing me or counting the family behind me. It may not be possible for me to hatch Rose in three to five years."

The loss of black oil dragon eggs is too big, and it can't be made up by him hunting a few snow demons.

Of course.

The loss is a bit big, but he can choose the attributes of the wyvern and make a contract in advance, which is undoubtedly a big profit, so it can't be said that the Shadow Flame Dragon is cheating him, but just a little exaggeration.

While chatting, the combination of one man, one dragon, one beast, one butterfly, one flower, and one louse has advanced to the small market area.

"Let's go to the officials' dormitory." Russell suddenly had an idea and wanted to see what his subordinates were doing.

Eric was sleeping, and Grove, who had just got married, was doing exercise.

Others, such as Charles, were not great knights and lacked fighting spirit, so their outlines were missing arms and legs.


Russell saw Katie.

Katie was sitting cross-legged in the room, and Jerry, the Red-Eyed Rat King, lived in the same room with her and was sleeping soundly.

"Still practicing so late..." Russell sighed.

He thought he was hardworking enough, but seeing Katie practicing at night, he felt ashamed.

At the same time, he also understood why Katie was promoted to a great knight and successfully contracted a fantasy beast in just half a year after she rebuilt her fighting spirit. She was the best among knights in terms of talent and perseverance, and her luck was also good.

It was her luck to meet Russell, a noble man.

It was also a kind of luck that she could succeed in rebuilding her fighting spirit.

Katie had everything, right time, right place, and right people, so it was natural for her to achieve what she has today.

"People who are more talented than me, who work harder than me, why shouldn't I work harder... Forget it, I'm a man who can chat and laugh with dragons, right, Ice Cream, Polly." Russell was ashamed for a moment, and then he regained his confidence.

Hard work can certainly make you stronger.

But Longmian Continent is not an extraordinary world that emphasizes the principle of fairness. A single look from a dragon is more beneficial than a knight's lifetime of hard work.

"And I'm a man with a dragon. Even if I lie down right now, Ice Cream, you will take me to the pinnacle of my life, right?"

"Ga!" Xiao Menglong nodded.

Then he raised his head, which clearly told Russell that even if Russell lay down and became a useless person from then on, it would take Russell to the pinnacle of his life and become a dragon knight standing on the top of Longmian Continent.

"Good Ice Cream!" Russell laughed, "It's a pity that there is no wine in the dark dream, otherwise, it would be a big deal!"


Russell also said generously: "Xue Gao, you are so awesome, how can I, Russell Fluorescent Mushroom, be a hindrance!"

He turned to look at the pink pony and said: "Starting tomorrow, there will be plenty of magic potions. We will practice from morning to night. We will not rest until we have mastered the fighting armor!"

"Okay." Polly responded in her heart.

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