Warm Dragon

Chapter 317 Quarrel

The construction of Black-rumped Snake Manor is no longer as lively as it was in the first year.

The manor offices, courts, and schools originally planned to be built this year have been put on hold indefinitely.

This was an order given by Russell, and Charles could only carry it out.

So he is still working in a shabby room in the temporary office.

"Has the wheat potion field been developed?" Charles frowned and asked the one-eyed Boris, the director of the wheat farm, in the noisy office.

"It has been opened up, a full 1,500 acres, sir, not even an acre is missing." One-eyed Boris replied happily.

There was also a magic potion field in Wheat Village, and the enthusiasm of the serfs for farming immediately increased.

After all, the welfare of growing magic potions is much higher than that of growing ordinary crops. After all, the serfs pay the lord according to the proportion of the harvest.

However, he said worriedly: "Sir, you must ask Mr. Rudy to go to our wheat village often to guide the work. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the serfs will not be able to handle the wheat potion well, and it will delay the lord's harvest and it will be over. !”

"Don't worry, I will arrange for Rudy to guide you." Charles said.

Rudy is the technical officer of the manor. The former serf technician Red Nose Rudy is very good at growing potions.

After asking the one-eyed Boris, Charles waved him away and then asked the clerk to call the next village chief to come in.

The person who came in was the lame Adolf, the head of the Alfalfa Village: "How do you do with your Excellency?"

"Okay." Charles nodded calmly, with cold eyes. The majestic style of the territorial clerk was very good. After all, he had lived a noble life since he was a child and knew how to deal with civilians and serfs. "The hop fields will be placed in your Alfalfa Village. You must take care of them." good."

"Yes, yes, sir, we at Alfalfa Farm must carefully serve the hop potion field and never let a potion plant become infected with disease or insects!"

"Your Excellency Rudy will go to your village later to teach you how to farm, so that the serfs can learn well. If you dare not be careful, don't blame me for serving you with a whip."

"Yes, yes, sir."

So busy, the whole morning passed by.

Charles took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. It was almost dinner time, and he wanted to go around the cigar compound and report on his work.

But he hesitated when he got up: "I have been to the Cigar Courtyard too frequently recently. Although my lord does not dislike me, I must be conscious... Now my lord is different from the past. He is becoming more and more majestic. Even the giant dragon has to look at me." …”

The clerk brought a coat, put it on Charles, and asked humbly: "Sir, do you need to prepare a horse for you?"

"Forget it, I'll go back to the officials' dormitory." Charles put on his coat and left the temporary office. When he arrived at the door, he dropped a few coins. "Go to the grocery store and buy two packs of melon seeds. Then send them to my house. Charlie wants some." "

Charlie is Charles' youngest daughter.

When she got home, her wife was a little surprised: "Charles, aren't you going to the Cigar Courtyard to eat... and report to work today?"

"I'm not going today." Charles didn't explain the reason and threw his coat directly to the old maid waiting on the side.

At this time, the younger daughter Charlie ran over: "Father."

"Good daughter." Charles touched Charlie's head but did not hold his daughter. He didn't like holding children.

"Since Charles is having dinner at home at noon, then, Aunt Conley, tell the cook to make an extra lunch for the master." Charles' wife told the old servant. Although she was not a noble, the family still hired cooks and servants.

Charles sat down on the chair and glanced at his wife, who was already flabby, with a look of disgust flashing across her face.

Comparing it to Catherine who often lingers in my mind, I feel even more disgusted with my wife.

However, when he thought that Catherine's sister Katie had become a fantasy beast knight, he immediately stopped his thoughts and did not dare to provoke Catherine again.

Looking at his daughter Charlie who was playing with a doll, he suddenly made a decision: "I plan to send Charlie to the knight academy in the town to practice fighting spirit with her brother Chad."

"Ah, Charles, why did you think of letting Charlie practice fighting spirit?" His wife didn't quite understand.

But Charlie jumped up: "Really, father, can I also practice fighting spirit?"

"Of course." Charles looked at his daughter who was now a little adult and smiled unconsciously, "Now that my father has money in his pocket, he can naturally afford my daughter to practice fighting qi. However, Charlie, practicing fighting qi is very difficult. You Be mentally prepared.”

Charlie immediately puffed up her chest: "I'm not afraid of hardship!"

"Okay, be ambitious!" Charles said happily, "As long as you are willing to work hard, my father believes that your future achievements will never be low."

Charlie was delighted.

The wife was a little confused: "Charles, what do you think? How much tuition will it cost to let Charlie go to the Knights Academy? It's hard enough for our family to support Chad alone. How can we have other energy to support Charlie?"

"What do women know!" Charles glared.

The wife glared back: "Then you can earn more money and come back. Apart from going to the lord's house to eat, I don't think you have any other abilities!"

"Long hair makes short sight!" Charles said angrily, "Without me working hard with you, do you think you can live in a stone building and afford servants and cooks?"

"Hmph, when someone else becomes a local chief, they take all the benefits home, but you don't even dare to take a single coin home!"

"So I said that you have long hair but short knowledge. The lord has a bright future. I follow him and work hard to have a future. A blind woman like you, who wants to take everything home and risk your future! "

"I'm blind. I'm blind so I married an old pervert like you. When I see that person, my eyes pop out! The key is that it's just beautiful. That person is eighteen years old but looks eighty. You can really do it. Mouth!"

"If you keep making noises, believe it or not, I'll slap you loudly!"

"If you dare to slap me, I will go and complain to the lord." The wife was not willing to show weakness.

"You, you, you..." Charles' hands shook in anger, but in the end he sighed helplessly and sat back on the chair again.

Knowing that she had won, the wife immediately said proudly: "That means I don't dislike you. Whose sister is a knight of fantasy beasts? She can still like you, an old pervert! You have no ability at all. It's not because of your luck that you are not even the clerk. Not worthy!”

Seeing that Charles was speechless, he took out a Bailu cigar and lit it tremblingly. He lit it several times but failed to light it.

The wife probably felt that she was too mean, but she refused to bow her head, so she muttered: "Hmph, you don't want to get along with the Lord in this life, put away all your lustful thoughts, and train Chad honestly!"

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while, and neither of them spoke.

Daughter Charlie also hid in her room early, not wanting to see her parents quarreling.

Dang Dang Dang.

There was a knock on the door, which eased the stiff atmosphere in the room. The clerk stood at the door holding melon seeds: "Ah, hello madam, these are the melon seeds that Mr. Charles asked me to buy for you. I brought them to you."

The wife suddenly showed a gentle smile: "Really, thank you for your hard work."

He took the melon seeds, but had no intention of inviting the clerk to come in and sit down.

The clerk had already seen Charles lighting up a cigarette on the sofa, and said hello with a shy face: "Sir Charles, I bought melon seeds for you... You are busy, you are busy, Sir, Madam, I will go back first "

"Thankfully you still have the conscience to buy some melon seeds for Charlie." The wife said, breaking the previously stiff atmosphere.

Charles exhaled a puff of smoke, got off the donkey along the slope, and hummed: "I, as a father, have not neglected Chad and Charlie in the slightest. It is only you, a woman, who takes the pranks outside as real all day long!"

"It's really not true. I know it better than anyone else!"

"It's not that you know better than anyone else, you are more suspicious than anyone else... I'm warning you, you have to be careful outside and don't make a joke. After all, I am also the chief clerk of the manor, in charge of the five Six thousand people!”

"Hmph." The wife snorted, and then said, "You are the only one who can play tricks on the occasion, right? I can't play tricks on the occasion. Every time I accompany you to the Cigar Courtyard, meet the lord, and meet your colleagues, I can say What's wrong with you?"

"As long as you know."

"I've never seen you be so careful before, and you often say bad things about the lord behind his back..." the wife muttered.

Before he finished muttering, he was interrupted by Charles: "Shut up!"

"What's so bad about it!"

"Today is different from the past. Since the seed of vindictiveness bloomed, Lord Lord has fully demonstrated his genius." Charles looked at his wife and said seriously, "If you follow Lord with all your heart, Chad will definitely be knighted in the future. Restore the glory of our ancestors.”

He didn't know that Russell was already a would-be Dragon Knight.

But he knew very well that Russell's achievements in more than a year, as well as being looked at by the Shadow Flame Dragon, all showed that Russell's future was bright.

Being able to follow such a promising lord was the greatest opportunity for his father and son in their lives.

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