Warm Dragon

Chapter 294 Jerry's Tears (Additional update, please give me a monthly ticket)

The straight-line distance between the Green City Snow Forest and the Black-rumped Snake Manor is about 100 kilometers. In order to bring Jerry, the red-eyed rat king, Russell had to let the unicorn Pauly slow down and rest for a while at a cold spring point in the middle.

It was already evening when we arrived at Ludu Snow Forest.

Soon they set up camp at the cold spring in Ludu Garden, gathered firewood to boil water for cooking, and then grilled meat on the bonfire.

"Human, here we go again. The barbecue is really fragrant and delicious... No, no, no, rats are delicious, but barbecue is also delicious."

A strange murmur sounded, and the harpy-like dragon did not leave this cold spring point. It lived here with a group of owl-like dragons. According to the characteristics of the pseudo-dragon descendants, the reason why the cold spring spot in Ludu Garden is so warm is because there is such a group of owl-like dragons.

"Here, Jerry, it's yours." Russell threw the roasted muntjac legs to the red-eyed rat king Jerry - there were a lot of muntjacs in the snow forest of Green City.

"Chichi!" Jerry excitedly caught the muntjac's leg and began to chew it happily.

Originally, he was a little reluctant to go to the snowfield, but he didn't expect to come to such a paradise and enjoy delicious barbecue, which really made him feel good.

As for Baoli, she was munching on the grass around her leisurely.

While eating the muntjac barbecue, Russell began to seduce the harpy dragon again: "Fantasy beast on the tree, do you want to come and eat some? I'll treat you to this muntjac leg." He gave a muntjac leg to you. Tear off the legs and place them next to you.



The harpy dragon remained unmoved, but the group of owl-like dragons couldn't help it. They slowly approached Russell and chirped from time to time.

He probably hoped that Russell would throw the mutton roasted meat away, otherwise they would not dare to come forward to eat it.

"Jiji!" Seeing a group of strange-looking owls coming to grab food, Jerry was reluctant at first.

Dropping his muntjac legs, he screamed directly at the group of owl-like dragons.

The frightened owl-like dragons "Gua'er" and "Gua'er" screamed and ran away, but they were soon attracted by the smell of barbecue.

"The barbecue smells so good... the barbecue smells really good... I like eating mice, no, I don't like eating mice... but the barbecue smells really good..." The weird murmur was starting to make some logical confusion, and it was obvious that the harpy was trying to The dragon has been tempted by the barbecue and lost his mind.


It finally couldn't help it, swooped over, and with lightning speed, took away the muntjac's leg that Russell had deliberately lured.

"Jiji!" Jerry was eating his own muntjac leg, but when he saw another muntjac leg being held in his mouth, he became furious.

If the Harpy Dragon hadn't flown too fast, it would have flashed past and given it a bite.

"Calm down, Jerry, there's enough barbecue for you." Russell comforted Jerry, and then touched a glass pipe in his pocket.

This is a special type of magic potion, a sleeping potion, specially developed for phantom beasts. As long as the fantasy beast takes the sleeping potion, it will become drowsy. Even its Yuan Power cannot eliminate this drowsy feeling, and it will eventually fall asleep.

The only purpose of the sleeping potion is to capture phantom beasts.

Most of the drugs and poisons on the market are meaningless to the phantom beasts, and the movement of Yuanli can negate all effects.

The only difference is the sleeping potion. This is a tonic developed for Yuanli. However, while it is a great tonic, it can also stimulate certain functions of the phantom beast, allowing the phantom beast to digest the tonic effect brought by the tonic by sleeping. .

"There is no need to use sleeping potion unless it is absolutely necessary." Russell brought the sleeping potion just in case.

If the Harpy Dragon remains unmoved, he will use the sleeping potion.

If direct seduction can be successful, then there is no need to use a sleeping potion. After all, catching the phantom beast after being stunned will always make the phantom beast grudge, which will affect future mind synchronization - although the twisted melon quenches the thirst, it is not sweet.

Three days in a row.

Russell was stationed in the snow forest of Green City, using barbecue to attract the harpy dragon in an attempt to complete the relationship.

But the progress was not great. Although the Harpy Dragon was greedy for barbecue, it was always wary of Russell and was not willing to talk to him at all.

"Jerry, it's your turn." Russell changed his approach, "Call some rats in the snowy forest to come out, and we'll roast rat meat."

"Jiji?" Jerry's eyes widened.

But Russell insisted, and it still barked twice aggrievedly, attracting a group of rats. After a while, the group of rats turned into fragrant roasted rat meat.

"Smells, it smells so good, my God!" A strange murmur sounded at the right time, "Does the mouse smell so good when roasted? I love it so much!"

The Harpy Dragon was unsurprisingly attracted to the roasted mouse. After Russell threw the roasted mouse, it immediately swooped over, picked up the roasted mouse and flew away.

"Jiji!" Jerry screamed repeatedly as he glared at the back of the Harpy Dragon.

It felt very distressed. Although these roasted mice were not its descendants, they were still its compatriots.

It is naturally angry that its compatriots are treated as food.

However, it has tried several times, trying to catch up with the Harpy Dragon and bite it with the help of magic - Bloodthirsty Flash. No matter how you flash, you can't catch up. Even if you use flash to get up a tree and prepare for a sneak attack, you will hit a wall of air and make yourself dizzy.

This is the magic of the Harpy Dragon, named Wind Wall Technique by Russell. The effect seems to be similar to that of the fighting spirit transformed into armor by the Phantom Beast Knight.

Can't beat it.

All he could do was watch the Harpy Dragon fly around skillfully, pick up the roasted mouse, tear it apart, and then chew the mouse meat slowly.

"Jiji!" Jerry screamed again with hatred.

Then, full of anger, he bit the roasted mouse in his front paw fiercely. The crispy outside and tender inside of the mouse meat melted in his mouth and his mouth was full of oil. He couldn't help but think: "It smells so good!"

Three more days passed like this.

The ice age is almost over, and the warm season is coming.

Russell has spent his seventeenth birthday in the Green City Snow Forest, but the Harpy Dragon ate his roasted meat without any intention of submitting to him. This made Russell want to take out the sleeping potion several times.

In the end, he held back, after all, a forced melon is not sweet.

Although the sleeping potion is convenient, the consequences may make him regret for the rest of his life - his goal is to become a 5th-level high-level fantasy beast knight.

"You have to change your strategy, Jerry... Stop pretending to be hypocritical and crying crocodile tears for your rats. You have eaten much more roasted rats than the Harpy Dragon these days." Russell scolded.

After hearing this, Jerry squeaked twice in dissatisfaction.

It didn't eat roasted rat meat because it was delicious. It didn't want these rats to end up in the mouth of the Harpy Dragon, so it took the initiative to eat them.

Looking at the roasted rat meat in its claws, it felt a little wet in the corners of its eyes, and shed a few drops of... saliva.

Russell didn't know what it was thinking, and said directly: "Let's change the way. From now on, we won't roast rat meat. You call on all the rats in the Green City Snow Forest to stop going out at night. Even if you need to go out, you must bypass the cold spring point in the Green City Garden... The rats are hungry, and you are responsible for feeding them."

"Chick?" Jerry was puzzled.

"It's time to let the harpy dragon see clearly that roasted rat meat is not for nothing. If it wants to eat roasted rat meat, or even rats...it has to show its sincerity." Russell narrowed his eyes and smiled calmly.

He has been grilling meat every day these days, even at night, not just thinking about using barbecue to attract the harpy dragon.

As the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child.

If you don't feed the harpy dragon's appetite and let it feel the true meaning of food, how can you make it bow its head?

"How can you get rewards if you just give blindly? People, you have to learn to pull." Russell touched his chin, looked at the snow-white figure on the big tree in the distance, and smiled calmly, "It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. If you are used to eating barbecue, can you still swallow raw meat?"

He even wanted the harpy dragon not to be able to eat raw rat meat.

"Ji?" Jerry blinked his little red eyes, not understanding the human's thoughts.

Russell stroked its head and chuckled, saying, "Owl, oh owl, do you know that all the gifts bestowed by fate have been secretly marked with a price?"

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