Warm Dragon

Chapter 293 Education should start from childhood

"Ice cream's temper is getting worse and worse. He is not as cute as he was when he was a child... It seems that he still lacks education. When he goes back to the dark dreamland, he can't always let ice cream go... Knights and dragons also need to compete."

Wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.

While burning firewood and cooking, Russell was still thinking about the things in the dark dream.

It was obvious that from one horn to the three branches of the horn, the little dream dragon had grown up a lot - in the soul state, it could not be measured by body size.

In the past, the little Menglong could only bark foolishly; now, the little Menglong has obviously tasted the sweetness of the Ice Beads and Ice Soul Beads, and is asking for them crazily. Although communication has improved with the improvement of intelligence, my attitude has also become much more independent.

"Although I don't know how to PUA ice cream, mutual respect is the basis of partnership... I need to whip the ice cream more hard!"

As the old saying goes, a small tree will not grow straight if it is not cultivated, and a tree will not grow straight if people do not cultivate it.

The same goes for dragons and humans, or intelligent creatures. They are basically the same. Without education, they will be swayed by desires.

The little Menglong is just a blank piece of paper now. If it follows its temperament, it will definitely grow into an evil dragon in the future.

"I have a huge responsibility to raise a baby dragon!" Russell sighed, and silently formulated a "dragon growth plan". "Education must start from the baby. It's time for me, as an enlightenment teacher, to work with Ice cream got along.”

Breakfast was still barbecue, but this time it was replaced by a nest of rabbits.

"Eudemons, do you want to come over for breakfast?" Russell shouted at the big tree, but he didn't get any response.

In fact, the harpy dragon is apparently related to owls, prefers to stay out at night, and is sleeping at the moment.

Russell howled so loudly that he woke it up directly.

However, he rolled his eyelids and continued to crouch on the branch and fell asleep.

"Don't you want to eat?" Russell shook his head and enjoyed a nest of roast rabbit alone. After eating and drinking enough, he finally decided to leave.

In a short period of time, he would definitely not gain the trust of the Harpy Dragon, and the other party would not show any love for him like Baoli did. Therefore, you cannot coax the other party over with just a few words, you have to engage in a protracted battle.

Back then, in order to capture the Silver Winged Fox, Baron Roman led his team of knights to stay in the snowfield for more than a month.

Naturally, Russell had to be prepared to stay in the Snow Forest of Green City for a long time.

"Fortunately, I have a lucky whisper. At least I have figured out the preferences of the Harpy Dragon, and then I can just go with it."

After leaving Ludu Snow Forest, Russell hurried back to his territory.

"Sir, let Grove and I accompany you to the snowfield for inspection." Eric came to the door immediately.

His reason was also very sufficient: "I am your Lord's guard knight captain. How can I let Your Lord take risks alone in the snowy field?"

Grove said with a naive smile: "Your Excellency has given me everything, and I will protect you from all dangers!"

"I accept your offer, but I can't take you to the snowy fields with me. You can just keep the territory for me." Russell's reason was also very good. "You have seen Paulie's speed. I will take you with me." , the efficiency is too low.”

Kevin, the golden and silver wolf dog, cannot be ridden, so Eric can only ride the ordinary war horse Snowfield.

The Wind Blade Brown Bear Bill can be ridden, but it is too bulky and slower than a war horse, so it cannot run fast at all.

"This..." Eric suddenly sneered.

He felt this deeply when he followed Russell in the Second Battle of the Fall. Ordinary war horses simply couldn't keep up with Baoli's speed.


He extremely hoped that he and Kevin could cultivate to spiritual perfection as soon as possible and contract a second fantasy beast. He had already thought about it. He must contract a nightmare ghost horse or a flying fantasy beast, otherwise he would not be able to keep up with Russell. pace of.

He hopes that he can become Russell's right-hand man instead of being a hindrance.

As for Grove, he didn’t have so many ideas. Although it was a pity, he was very satisfied with Bill. Bill's love for life rekindled his expectations for life. With Bill in his life, he was content.

"Okay, Teacher Eric, Grove, you haven't eaten yet, let's eat together." Russell invited the two of them to have lunch.

Before he could go upstairs, he heard the sound of horse hooves outside the Cigar Courtyard, and then Charles's voice came in.

"My lord, are you back? I just heard the news that your lord is back!"

"Yes, Sir Charles, the master has returned." The newly recruited valet at the door replied.

Russell stood on the steps and said with a smile: "Okay, I know that at this time, Charles will definitely arrive in time."

Eric suppressed a laugh, and Grover laughed innocently.

After waiting for a while, he saw Charles walking over quickly, taking off his hat and bowing to salute: "Sir, it's great that you are back. There are many official matters in the territory. I was about to report to you... Ah, Mr. Eric Mr. Grove is here too."

Eric and Grove bowed slightly in return.

Russell waved in a funny way: "Let's go, it's just in time for dinner, let's talk while eating... But don't mention it if you don't have wine."

"Hehe, don't drink, don't drink." Charles said with a smile, and took out a small bag from his arms, "Sir, this is the trophy handed over by the knights, a total of twenty-two ice beads, including two A top-grade ice bead.”

"Okay." Russell took it casually.

The four of them had lunch together. Eric and Grove had no manners at all. They devoured the food one plate after another. In fact, knights have huge appetites, so they can't be polite when eating. Otherwise, a meal would take two or three hours.

Russell was the same. He ate meat and bread with big mouthfuls.

Only Charles, who no longer practiced fighting spirit, had a lower demand for food, so he could be a little more polite. He used a knife and fork to gently cut the steak and ate it in small bites.

However, his manners were limited. He was mainly talkative. He chattered and reported everything that happened in the territory in the past few days.

Many trivial matters could be skipped.

But he knew that Russell loved to hear these. This young lord had a great love for the trivial matters in the territory. Other lords didn't care about the details of farming at all, but only cared about the benefits. Russell loved to listen to farming and especially loved to give suggestions.

Of course.

Charles had to admit that his young lord was not a layman in farming, but a real expert, so he could not be perfunctory in reporting.

After all, the composting technology was invented by Russell, and even alarmed the great scholar of the Red Castle to come for inspection.

Charles asked the two great scholars - maybe it won't be long before the young scholar Russell will be promoted to the young great scholar Russell.

The lord has both strength and wisdom.

As a follower, Charles dared not fool around a bit, and he worked more attentively and meticulously during this period.

"It's almost the day of praise, sir, are you still going to the snowfield?" Charles asked.

"I will definitely go to the snowfield, and the specific length of stay is uncertain. Anyway, you should discuss this year's praise day with Butler Morris." Russell said indifferently, "In short, I accept the kindness of the people, but I also want to let the people feel my love for them. How to do it is up to you."

"Yes, sir." Charles replied.

After a hearty meal, Russell basked in the sun on the rooftop terrace as the sun was shining brightly.

Then he called Jerry, the Red-Eyed Rat King, over: "Jerry, you've gained weight recently. It's a good opportunity to go to the snowfield with me to lose some weight."

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