Warm Dragon

Chapter 295: Happe (more updates, please give me a monthly ticket)



Russell no longer fed roasted meat, especially roasted rat meat, which successfully aroused the dissatisfaction of a large group of owl-like dragons, who surrounded him and quacked in the hope of being fed again.

The harpy dragon living in the big tree endured it for another two days, and finally joined the group begging for food.


At this moment, Russell's ears heard a strange and familiar murmur: "I'm so hungry, I really want to eat roasted mice...Human, please, give me the roasted mice...I really want to eat roasted mice." Rats, don’t want to hunt..."

"Stable!" Russell felt reassured.

When the Harpy Dragon was so hungry that his chest pressed against his back, he shouted: "Want to eat roasted mice? I have them!"

Then he roasted the mouse in front of the Harpy Dragon, but handed it to Jerry, the Red-Eyed Rat King.

Jerry devoured it with tears and drool.

The Harpy Dragon's eyes were wider than usual, and there were a group of owl-like dragons croaking around, which made the Harpy Dragon even more upset.

It once thought that the best food in the world was rats.

A living little mouse.

However, after eating barbecue, especially roasted rat meat, the taste can never go away, and it has become a prisoner of delicious food.

"As long as you accept me as your lord and become my future contract partner, then you can eat roasted mice as you like." Devil-like words rang in the ears of the Harpy Dragon, "See the red-eyed rat king Jerry next to me. Now, it can summon little mice at any time, and there will be a steady stream of roasted mice!”

This made it even more distraught.

Its brain is not as flexible as the unicorn Baoli, but it is also fighting with overwhelming thoughts: "Do you want to recognize the master... No, humans... But if there is no roasted mouse to eat, I will die... No, humans prey... …Roasted mice are so delicious, I love them the most…Humans, recognize your master…”

all of these.

They were all enlightened by Lucky Whisper, and the gift from Fairy Saiban was indeed magical. Russell was very emotional, and then increased his efforts.

With the help of roasted mice, he lured a bold Owl-like dragon over, then tore into the roasted mouse meat and fed the Owl-like dragon piece by piece, causing the Owl-like dragon to let out a satisfied "Woo" cry.

Then he touched the head of the owl-like dragon and shouted to the harpy dragon: "Accept me as your master and become my partner, and you will have endless roasted mice. And I promise you, after I No one dares to kill owls at will in our territory!”

There was a pause.

Russell pointed to the ground and said: "I can also issue an order that the Green Capital Snow Forest becomes a forbidden area and no one is allowed to come to hunt."

This devilish temptation made the harpy dragon shake its head, then raised its head and shouted: "Quaer!"


It compromised, or could be said to have reconciled with itself, and flew directly down from the big tree and landed in front of Russell.

It's not that big. It has a wingspan of two meters when it opens its wings. It's only one meter tall when standing on the ground. It's not much bigger than Jerry, the red-eyed rat king.

But with snow-white feathers, a streamlined body like a dragon, and sharp amber eyes, she is as beautiful as a picture. In terms of appearance, she completely surpasses the red-eyed mouse king Jerry, and is not far behind the unicorn Paulie.

"Quaer!" The Harpy Dragon shouted softly, indicating that it recognized its master.

Phantom beasts are different from humans. They recognize their masters for a lifetime and will not be duplicitous. Of course, if they are abused, phantom beasts will bite their masters, but there are very few examples of master bites. Very few knights will abuse their contract. partner.

"Beautiful!" Russell was overjoyed.

I couldn't help but reach out and stroke the harpy dragon's feathers, especially the feather on its head that stood up like an antenna, which was really cute.


"Okay, okay, from now on, you will be my good partner." Russell laughed and handed the roasted mouse directly to the Harpy Dragon.

Holding it in its mouth, the harpy dragon jumped up to a small tree next to the campfire, then grabbed the roasted mouse with its claws, lowered its head very gracefully and tore the roasted mouse apart, eating the roasted mouse in small bites. Rat meat shows elegance.

"Pauly, Jerry, our big family has a new partner." Russell said in a confident manner.

Jerry's red eyes rolled back and he glared hatefully at the Harpy Dragon who was eating roasted mice - these were its food...all its compatriots!

Baoli looked at Russell with a half-smile, and said softly in her heart: "I know it, this owl can't escape from your hands, Russell. Russell, you always have so many ways to deal with phantom beasts. "

"Haha, you're welcome." Russell accepted Paulie's compliment.

Now looking at the Harpy Dragon, he was satisfied with everything except that the Harpy Dragon was not big enough to ride.

Fortunately, Paulie can ride and fly, which at least meets Russell's needs.

Eat and drink enough.

Russell saw that it was still early and planned to take the Harpy Dragon with him and return to his territory. However, when the harpy dragon left, it seemed a little reluctant to leave the owl-like dragons at the cold spring point in the Green City Garden.

"Guaer." It called softly.

Then a group of owl-like dragons quacked together, and they were a little inseparable from each other.

"It's okay, we will come back again." Russell comforted softly.

Then he suddenly had another idea: "After these owl-like dragons leave, what kind of changes will occur to the cold springs in Green City Garden? Will the cold springs cool down, or will the cold springs only appear where the owl-like dragons are?"

He really wanted to do an experiment.

But he didn't do it for the time being. On the one hand, he didn't want to cause the disappearance of the cold springs in Green City Garden due to his random tossing, and on the other hand, he also wanted to conceal the identity of the Pseudo-Harpy Dragon. If he really took the owl-like dragon back, it would be easy for people to guess that it was a pseudo-dragon heir of the mythical beast species.

Although he was confident that he could keep it, he didn't want to be coveted by others, so he just kept it a secret.

"If I have the opportunity in the future, I can be promoted to the Lord of the Dragon Realm, and it won't be too late to make a name for myself again!"

With thousands of thoughts flashing through her mind, the Pseudo-Harpy Dragon also said goodbye to the Owl-like Dragons, and whispered to Russell: "Quack."

"Pseudo-Harpy Dragon is the scientific name... I'll give you another name, like Polly and Jerry."


"Then I'll call you... Happy."


The Pseudo-Harpy Dragon agreed to her new name, but Russell could feel that it was not enthusiastic about her.

At least it was very different from the attitude of the unicorn Polly towards her.

Maybe it was because Happy's temperament was born like this, or maybe the fantasy beast and the knight didn't have enough affinity. In short, it was more like it reluctantly recognized its master for food - it was indeed for food that it had to recognize Russell as its master.

"But it doesn't matter, people's hearts will be revealed over time, and so are the fantasy beasts." Russell didn't care about it, he was confident that he could establish a good relationship with Happy.

The means don't have to be complicated, just give in to her likes.

Since Happy could recognize him as his master for the sake of roasted mice, he could naturally use roasted mice to make him willingly sign a contract, or even synchronize his mind perfectly.

"Let's go home!" Russell turned over and rode on the unicorn Polly, "We have been delayed for so long, and we haven't investigated the area east of the Glowing Valley. Besides, Ice Cream has been complaining for several days in a row!"

It's time to continue the new journey.

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