Warm Dragon

Chapter 246: Wine, Blood and Flood

Grand Duke Kunstan died. He died in the border war less than a year after he ascended the throne.

But this was just a corner of the battlefield that had not received much attention. In the center of the real battlefield, the war was still going on.

The snow giant Da launched the long-ambushed blue-skinned horsemen, causing unimaginable damage to the human knights. And he suppressed the Shadow Flame Dragon violently, almost making the Shadow Flame Dragon, which was already seriously injured and had not recovered, hallucinate.

But the dragons of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents have arrived at the battlefield.

The Shadow Flame Dragon suddenly felt a pain in his heart. It did not understand what this pain meant. Now its only thought was to keep the snow giant Da and let the other dragon solve the major problem for itself and the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame.


The snow giant Da roared and tore off the already limp Shadow Flame Dragon.

The two wings of the Shadow Flame Dragon were only connected by a layer of skin, hanging limply behind it, and two of its limbs were broken. It had to rely on its tail to support the ground to stand up.


The snow giant's body was also covered with cracks, especially the largest crack at the neck, which was almost broken in half.

As soon as the body moved, the head began to shake.

But its fighting power was still strong. In the past, it could severely injure the Shadow Flame Dragon with a knight, and today it could kill the Shadow Flame Dragon that had lost its knight.

Not far away, the dragon of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent had broken through the layers of fog, and the outline of its body had already appeared.

Huge and mighty.

A faint blue light flashed on its body.

Countless two-legged flying dragons circled around the Shadow Flame Dragon to protect the king they were loyal to, and Earl Merlin was one of them.

He turned his head and looked at the dragon flashing with a light blue light, and for a moment he had mixed feelings.

It was hard to tell whether he was relieved, happy, or worried, but he knew one thing very well, the war was about to end.

"Snow Giant Da... It's time to end..." Earl Merlin raised his head and looked at the Snow Giant Da who was pretending to roar, "Twenty-one years ago, you should have ended, but it's a pity that the former Grand Duke and His Highness Shadow Flame were ambushed by you..."


He thought of Grand Duke Kunstan again, and sighed with a wry smile: "Maybe he is right, the former Grand Duke and His Highness Shadow Flame are too independent... If they had found a helper as soon as possible, twenty years ago, they would have ended by hunting down the Snow Giant Da."


The dragon flashing with light blue light finally rushed out of the mist. This dragon is slightly slimmer than the Shadow Flame Dragon, but not smaller than the Shadow Flame Dragon. Under the gray-brown scales, there is a light blue light.

This light blue light is like a sea hidden in the dragon's body, and the light that escapes is the sea water.

This is a completely different light from the magma light under the Shadow Flame Dragon's scales.

Moreover, its body did not emit hot and dry heat to the outside, but washed the cold air around it like warm spring water.

Earl Merlin looked at the dragon that had arrived and said four words lightly: "Torrent Dragon..."

This was the Torrent Dragon, one of the two dragons in the Kingdom of Blazing Torrent. In this generation, it also had no recognized knights and was a lone dragon.

However, before the Torrent Dragon joined the battlefield, the snow giant Da, who was originally fierce and ready to kill the Shadow Flame Dragon, suddenly roared "Da" and then turned around quickly in an unexpected manner.

Then he ran away without looking back.

He jumped and jumped again, at a very fast speed, and only felt the ground shaking frequently. In the blink of an eye, the mountain-like back of the snow giant Da disappeared in the sky filled with ice and snow.

"Hum!" The Torrent Dragon did not land, but chased the snow giant Da directly.

"Roar!" The Shadow Flame Dragon also got up and tried its best to chase the Snow Giant Da, but it was too badly injured and couldn't even fly.

Its wings were completely useless, and a special force dragged its body up, only ten meters above the ground, and then fell heavily again.

The earth began to tremble again.

"Dragon Knights, chase!" Seeing this, Earl Merlin immediately called on the Dragon Knights to chase the Snow Giant Da.

However, when the Torrent Dragon flew away, a new Dragon Knight quietly came to the side of Earl Merlin and the Manganese Steel Dragon Mercedes.

This was a Dragon Knight wearing gorgeous armor. His voice was not loud, but it resounded all around: "No need to chase, colleagues of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy, the Torrent Dragon will kill the Snow Giant Da in the sky, no need for you to worry."

After saying that.

He looked at Count Merlin again: "Merlin, I haven't seen you for a long time. Don't you remember me?"

Count Merlin frowned: "You are... Marquis Arnold Lieyang?"

"Haha, yes, I am Arnold Lieyang. I was entrusted by my king to come to the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame with the Torrent Dragon to support. Fortunately, I arrived in time and rushed to the battlefield before the Shadow Flame Dragon was on the verge of death."

Arnold Lieyang glanced at the seriously injured Shadow Flame Dragon on the back of the wyvern.

The incarnation of the spirit of the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame looked embarrassed at the moment, quietly crawling on the mud. The melted snow water mixed with mud kept flowing past it, and it was no longer able to emit high temperature to evaporate the mud water.

The light of the europium powder gradually dimmed.

The roar of the snow giant Da and the high-pitched roar of the Torrent Dragon seemed to be heard from a far distance, as if they had already started fighting.

The surrounding wyverns have dispersed and returned to their respective knight orders to encircle and attack the mounted blue-skinned knights who had just dealt a heavy blow to the knight order.

Earl Merlin saluted to Marquis Arno Lieyang on the dragon's back. No matter what he thought in his heart, at this moment, it was the other party who came to the rescue and saved the Shadow Flame Dragon and the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy.

"Sir Arno, thank you for the Torrent Dragon and your help. Please follow me..." Earl Merlin's words of thanks have not yet finished.

A flying dragon knight flew over with a wail: "Lord Earl!"

Earl Merlin frowned: "What's wrong?"

"Grand Duke... Grand Duke..." The flying dragon knight choked, "The Grand Duke died..."

"What?" Earl Merlin was stunned, and the next moment he swayed on the back of the manganese steel dragon and almost fell off the dragon's back.

"The Grand Duke is dead!" The Dragon Knight thought that Count Merlin didn't hear clearly, and shouted sadly, "He was killed by the sneak attack of the Horse Blue Skin. The Dragon Blood Knights have gone crazy. In order to kill the Horse Blue Skin, several Fantasy Beast Knights fought with their bodies and died with the Horse Blue Skin!"

"No, no, no..." Count Merlin was in a state of confusion and couldn't calm down at all.

The Manganese Steel Dragon was in tune with him and immediately carried him to the Dragon Blood Knights, even forgetting the greeting of Marquis Arno Lieyang.

Arno Lieyang also frowned: "This knight, Grand Duke Kunstan is dead?"

"Yes." The Dragon Knight choked and said, "Thank you for your support to the Grand Duchy, but at this moment I must return to the Grand Duke. Please forgive me for neglecting you."

After that, he quickly chased after Count Merlin.

"How could this happen? Why did Kunstan die?" Marquis Arno Lieyang muttered, and also drove the two-legged dragon to chase.

Wait until everyone flew away.

Only the Shadow Flame Dragon was left, panting on the ground. The europium powder was extinguished, and the world fell into darkness. No one saw that a drop of blood-colored tears slowly passed through the corner of the Shadow Flame Dragon's eyes and quietly dripped into the mud.

"Buzz..." The Shadow Flame Dragon's throat rolled, and it let out an incomprehensible lament.

It seemed to remember Quentin Shadow Flame, who it met in the vast snowfield many years ago, and Quentin II Shadow Flame, who accompanied it for the longest time, and Quentin III Shadow Flame, who fought with it until he died of exhaustion.

Three generations of dragon knights, three unforgettable memories.

And now, the descendants of Quentin III's bloodline died in front of it again, and the Shadow Flame Dragon closed his eyes in pain.

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