Warm Dragon

Chapter 245: Blue Riding's Fatal Blow


Accompanied by the dragon's mighty roar, the entire battlefield trembled, which meant that a new dragon had arrived on the battlefield.

Two against one, this battle will be won.

There were expressions of surprise on the faces of the knights, feeling that the dawn of victory had arrived and the difficult battle was about to end.

But Baron Roman did not laugh, but sighed: "Every gain must be lost. The arrival of the dragon from the Fiery Torrent Kingdom means the Shadow Flame Dragon... I hope I have overthinked it. After all, the Grand Duke is from the Burning Sun Royal Family. 's grandson.

Russell smiled: "No matter what, Snow Giant Da is dead. With this great enemy dead, the Grand Duchy can develop safely again."

Just at this time.

Another thunderous roar came from the center of the battlefield: "Da!"

This is Snow Giant Da's roar, with a strong fighting spirit in his voice. It seems that Snow Giant Da is still not afraid of the upcoming two-on-one attack.

"Roar!" The Shadow Flame Dragon was unwilling to lag behind and let out a loud roar, but the weakness and exhaustion in it could not be hidden. It was completely different from the roar it had made during the previous battle.

"I really want to join in the fun and see the battle between the dragon and the giant." Russell turned over and rode on the unicorn Baoli.

Looking into the distance that cannot be seen clearly.

Through the wind, snow and heavy fog, a red light can be vaguely seen, intertwined with a blue-green light.

But it was just a faint light, and it was impossible to distinguish each other's outlines.

Even until now, Russell didn't know what Snow Giant Da looked like, whether he had a green face with fangs or blue and green skin, or a sphinx with three heads and six arms. He only remembered Snow Giant Da's ear-splitting roar.


That's how it got its name.

"Perhaps, I can only wait until the Snow Giant Da is killed in battle, then I can go over and take a look at its body and imagine how powerful it was when it was alive." Russell shook his head helplessly, "You think so, Paulie."

"Yes, but Russell, I don't want to get close to the center of the battlefield. I don't like the breath of the Snow Giant Da, the shadow flame dragon, or the new dragon's breath." Baoli said. Respond in the heart.

Then he added: "I only like the smell of ice cream now."

"Oops, Paulie, you've taken the shape of an ice cream cone."


"Haha, just kidding." Russell said with a smile, "The battle has been going on for almost a day and a night. You can't be tense all the time. You have to relax."


A fantasy beast knight flew from the sky: "The Torrent Dragon has come to support. Victory belongs to the Grand Duchy of Shadow Flame. Earl Merlin has ordered that all knights immediately end their rest, tie up the Snow Demon Legion, and strive to defeat the Snow Giant, Catch all the snow demons and snow ghosts in one fell swoop!”

Baron Roman responded: "After receiving the order, the Knights of the Netherlight Valley will act according to the order!"

"Mount up and gather!"


However, before the knights could complete their assembly, the ice cap in front suddenly cracked, and then under everyone's gaze, a huge creature crawled out from under the ice cap.

It was a humanoid snow demon, riding on a monster that looked like a tiger but was even bigger.

The snow demon is four to five meters tall, and the tiger-like monster is five to six meters long. Adding the two together, the height has reached seven or eight meters.

The dark blue skin shone with a permeating luster under the light of europium powder.

The ice crystal weapon in the hands of the Snow Demon was like a spear that could pierce the earth, directly blocking the charge route of the Knights.

"Riding blue leather!" A knight exclaimed.

This is no longer a level that the Knights can deal with, even if there are several Phantom Beast Knights in the Knights.

However, Baron Roman was not afraid in the face of danger and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency Ross!"


Mr. Ross went crazy in an instant and rushed towards the riding blue leather, fighting like a front row of human shields with the riding blue leather.

The dragon's breath kept spitting out, burning the riding blue skin over and over again.

"Charge!" Baron Roman shouted.

The Knights of the Netherlight Valley quickly rushed towards the blue-skinned knights. The knights stabbed guns, chopped swords, and shot arrows to help Lord Ross.

Riding the blue leather horse is like a knight returning from hell, silently, waving the ice crystal spear, fighting the clay dragon Rose alone. And the snow beast under it, that is, the snow demon in the form of a beast, used exquisite movements to dodge the attacks of the knights.

All of a sudden.

The Youguang River Valley suffered the most difficult battle in this war.

Russell no longer hid, and fully unleashed the edge of the Phantom Beast Knight. He unleashed his rough fighting spirit sword that he had just practiced, and attacked the blue-skinned horseman crazily. He also took out the light snow bow from his back and fired arrows repeatedly.

Anyway, the horse-riding blue-skin is huge, so you don’t need to consider the issue of accuracy, you can hit it with your bow.

The unicorn Baoli has no attack magic, so it cannot participate in the siege of the riding blue skin. However, its unicorn firepower is fully activated, piercing all the approaching snow ghosts at extremely fast speeds, and blooming vital energy. , exploded from inside the Snow Ghost's body.

Gradually, the Knights of the Netherlight Valley, with the cooperation of Mr. Ross who acted as a human shield without fear of death, quickly suppressed the blue-skinned horseman who broke out of the ice.

The countdown has begun to hunt down the riding blueskin.

On the entire battlefield, most of the twenty knights were attacked by the blue-skinned mounted men lurking under the ice cap.

Many of the Knights' wyverns went to the center of the battlefield for support, which led to the Knights' orders suffering heavy losses in the face of the attacks of the blue-skinned mounted knights. Even a mountain province Knights' order collapsed directly, and the knights fled in all directions.

On the eve of the victory of the war, the human Knights were hit head-on and suffered heavy losses in just a short moment.

I don't know how many knights who were still happy because of the participation of the dragons of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents were buried in the snow.


The real loss has not yet come.

As the elite of the Grand Duchy, after the arrival of the dragons of the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents, Grand Duke Kunstan could not wait to rush to the front of the Knights' Order, even stealing the limelight from the commander-in-chief and starting to command the battle.

He was ready to advance to the center of the battlefield, waiting for the two dragons to kill the snow giant Da, and then rush into the scene first to receive all the glory of this sacred moment.

That was the snow giant Da who killed his grandfather, the dragon knight Quentin III Shadow Flame!

If he died in a battle he commanded, he would take back all the dignity of the Shadow Flame Dragonblood family that was lost because of his grandfather's death. The surname Shadow Flame would regain the respect of all nobles.

Even the Shadow Flame Dragon would truly recognize him because of his victory and re-sign the contract of the Dragon Rider.

Unfortunately, everything was too beautiful in imagination, but the reality was so cruel.

Right under his feet, the ice cap shattered the next moment, and a blue-skinned horseman who had been lurking for a long time broke through the ice. The ice crystal sword pierced the warhorse under Grand Duke Kunstan with almost no effort, and then continued to pierce Grand Duke Kunstan's body.

In an instant, the young, handsome, and ambitious new Grand Duke of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy was split in two.

The two halves of the body shed blood and fell in the cold ice and snow.

Even until this moment, his split face still had a smile that was about to feel a better future.

"Your Highness!"

"Grand Duke!"

"Revenge for Your Highness!"

"Be loyal to the Grand Duke!"

The Dragonblood Knights were in a frenzy, especially the several fantasy beast knights who led the charge. After they were killed from head to toe in an instant, the only option left was to accompany Grand Duke Kunstan to die in battle.

If the commander died in battle, how could the guards survive alone!

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