Warm Dragon

Chapter 247 Vertical pupils (more updates, please give me a monthly ticket)

The Snow Giant Da escaped. This was the news that the Torrent Dragon brought back when it returned to the battlefield in the middle of the night. It failed to kill the Snow Giant Da.

But when Arnold Lieyang was translating the dragon language of the torrent dragon, he couldn't hide the joy in his expression.

There is no other reason.

The torrent dragon cut off one of Snow Giant Da's arms and absorbed some vital power from this arm. This power has important benefits for the dragon. Once the snow giant is lost, it is a permanent loss that cannot be replaced.

In other words, even if the Snow Giant Da makes a comeback one day in the future, it will only be a disabled Snow Giant with missing arms.

But no one was excited about the good news.

The entire battlefield has been cleaned up, and the knights have gathered around the Shadow Flame Dragon and camped here one after another. There were no smiles on the faces of the knights, not only mourning their deceased comrades, but also mourning the Grand Duke Kunstein.

Count Merlin's hair turned white overnight, and he stood motionless beside the coffin of Archduke Kunstein.

Swan Baron Quimbiff Shadowflame, accompanied by Arnold Marquis Sun, was talking about something in a tent.

Count Osclos Shuiliu and the other five barons tried to persuade Count Merlin several times but failed to persuade him. He could only accompany Count Merlin quietly, guarding the coffin of Archduke Kunstein while dealing with post-war matters.

In the snow in the distance, Russell led a team of knights, like many other knight teams, to clean the battlefield again to prevent snow ghosts from lurking, or dead knights from pretending to be resurrected.

But his mind was no longer on cleaning the battlefield.

From time to time he raised his head and looked at the torrent dragon circling in the sky. This giant dragon from the Kingdom of Fiery Torrents has never landed on the ground. As long as it wants to, it can even fly to its heart's content without landing for the rest of its life.

"There are two giant dragons at the front and back, and the ice cream doesn't dare to raise its head at all." Russell sighed with emotion.

The M-shaped mark on the palm of his hand had been hidden for a long time. Only the sword butterfly mark and the thorn mark could still be summoned by Russell.

"My lord." Eric came over on horseback.

"Was John's body burned?" Russell sighed slightly and asked.

"It has been burned. This is his relic." Eric said. Despite the escort of Lord Ross, the Knights of the Netherlight Valley still suffered a lot of losses. The continuous battles caused the Knights to lose more than fifty knights.

Even John, one of Russell's four knights, fell in this battle.

"Put away his belongings and go back and count the harvest. When we return to the territory, discuss the pension amount with Charles and give it to John's family." Russell said softly, without too much pain.

Although he was paddling from beginning to end of this cruel battle, he was still used to life and death, and his nerves were already frayed.

Eric responded in a muffled voice: "Yes."

"You continue to lead the team to clean up the battlefield. I will go to the camp to take a look and see Archduke Kunstein off on his final journey."


Riding the unicorn Paulie, Russell walked through the broken snowfield.

The battle tore the ice caps apart in the snowfields, but as the force of the battle subsided, the cold swept in again, freezing the cracked ice caps back together. Along with the cracks, there were also the broken limbs and broken arms left by the knights.

In this battle, the Grand Duchy did not know how many knights were killed. Most of them were gathered up and the bodies were burned together.

Prevent corpses from pretending to be corpses and turning into snow ghosts.

But there are always parts of the body that cannot be found, left behind in the ice.

"I'm so tired. I'm so tired. Why are I so tired? I don't want to come to the snowfield again. Nothing good happens every time."

"I'm starving to death. Damn it, why haven't you brought me anything to eat?"

"The giant dragon is so scary, the giant dragon is so scary, the giant dragon is so scary, don't get close to the giant dragon, the giant dragon is so scary..."

"I am invincible!"

"I miss that snow-white war horse. I thought I heard it was called Baoli. I really wish I could get close to it for a while."

Weird murmurs sounded in Russell's ears from time to time. These were the whispers of the phantom beasts. There are even phantom beasts who are trying to take advantage of the unicorn Baoli.

Russell frowned and thought fiercely in his heart: "When I return to the territory, I must go to the fairy race class. It's too annoying that the whispers of the phantom beasts cannot be turned off... Fortunately, I was not distracted when I charged. If I were disturbed by the whispers of the phantom beasts, It’ll be bad if something goes wrong!”

The previous battle was okay, the Phantom Beast Knights were spread out over a vast battlefield, and the whispers of the Phantom Beasts could not always be heard.

But now that the knights are gathering, the density of the phantom beasts is too high, and you can hear a whisper of phantom beasts almost every once in a while.

The noise made his head hurt.

"I can't hear you." Paulie the Unicorn said in her mind.

"It's a good thing that you can't hear it. The whisper of the phantom beast sent to me by the Saipan fairy is indeed very strong, but I only used it to get to know you. Before I started to capture more phantom beasts, I was upset by it... The key is The phantom beasts here all have masters. ”

"We can go to the forest to catch phantom beasts."

"Of course, that will happen in the future. Now we can only ignore the whispers of the fantasy beasts." Russell shook his head helplessly.

One man and one beast had already reached the camp.

Most of the wounded knights have been transported back to the Fire Ant Swamp for treatment, but the main force of the knights still stayed here to see off Grand Duke Kunstein.


The dead cannot be brought back to the warm land. Knights who died in the snowy fields must be disposed of on the snowy fields, either crushed or burned.

According to the simple understanding of the people of Longmian Continent, once the dead are resurrected, the soul will be locked in the body of the snow ghost, suffering. Even if the snow ghost is killed, the soul will still be transferred to another snow ghost.

Unless all the snow ghosts are wiped out, no one knows when the soul can be freed.

"Sir Russell." A knight who knew Russell greeted him, "I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound."

"You too, we all survived." Russell touched his palm with the other party on the back of the unicorn.

After passing through the tents, they came to the center of the camp, which was also the center of the battlefield of the war.

The Shadow Flame Dragon was crawling on the ground, with its eyes closed, and the magma scales on its body flashed red. The torn and broken wings had been straightened and pressed against its back, and it could be seen that the wounds were healing quickly.

But there were too many wounds on its body, and even many places had holes. It was not easy to repair them in a short time.

Although Russell had seen the Shadow Flame Dragon during the day.

At this moment, he still wanted to observe the Shadow Flame Dragon carefully. There were not many opportunities to get close to the dragon.

The Shadow Flame Dragon was like a mountain.

Even if it looked a little miserable, the pressure of the mountain still existed, and people did not dare to have any disrespect.


Even if the Shadow Flame Dragon was miserable, as long as it was not dead, it was still the unquestionable god of the entire Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. All knights and all humans relied on the power of the Shadow Flame Dragon to reproduce in this warm land.

"His Highness Shadow Flame fell asleep."

Just as Russell was observing the Shadow Flame Dragon, a gentle voice sounded beside him. He turned around and saw that it was a tall knight.

"Sir Welch." Russell hurriedly saluted.

The man was Lord Welch, one of the ten dragon knights of the Shadow Flame Grand Duchy. He was also the chief guard knight of Grand Duke Kunstan. However, as the chief guard knight, he failed to protect the safety of Grand Duke Kunstan, and his identity as a dragon knight was already in doubt.

If the Red Castle is furious, it is very likely that he will be deprived of the right to ride a dragon.

Only the hereditary nobles can obtain the ownership of the wyvern, or pick up the wyvern from the wild.

Otherwise, all the dragon riders who are given the opportunity to ride a dragon by the Red Castle do not have the ownership of the wyvern and can be deprived of the right to ride a dragon at any time.

"Don't disturb His Highness Shadow Flame." Lord Welch said softly.


Russell nodded and stopped approaching the Shadow Flame Dragon.

However, at this moment, the sleeping Shadow Flame Dragon suddenly opened its eyes. At that moment, the pupils of the eyes, which were larger than a house, shrank into a line and stared blankly at Russell who was about to retreat.

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