Warm Dragon

Chapter 117 Unreasonable Request

It was about a quarter of an hour later that the Baron and his wife came downstairs.

Russell guessed that it was probably because his mother, Mrs. Meryl, had not gotten up before. A lady who had given birth to a child had the right to stay in bed, and could be washed, put on makeup, and have breakfast in bed by servants.

"I heard from Carter that there is something wrong with the evolution of your elf bug?" Baron Roman asked as he went down the stairs.

Russell stood up, nodded and replied: "Yes."

Roland picked up the jade box and handed it to the Baron: "Father, look, Russell's mushroom worm is indeed good, but unfortunately, it still lacks a little talent."

Baron Roman took the jade box and looked at it carefully. Without saying anything, he handed the jade box to Mrs. Meryl.

Then he walked to the sofa and sat down, motioning for Russell to sit down as well: "I've seen the situation, and it's not optimistic. The little guy has the will to evolve, but his stamina is obviously insufficient. He wants to break through the shackles, but he can't get over it."

These words are similar to what elder brother Roland said before.

"But, father, it is still evolving!" Russell sat on the sofa and covered his face with his hands, fearing that his acting skills would not be up to par.

He knew the situation of the fluorescent mushrooms clearly at the moment, but he had his own confidence - the little dream dragon was about to return to the dark dreamland.

So now it is just a pavement for the possible successful evolution of fluorescent mushrooms in the future.

It's not that Russell insists on being a saint in front of others and pretending to be cool in his parents' faces.

If they could witness the evolution of fluorescent mushrooms in front of their father, mother and eldest brother Roland, this would greatly alleviate their doubts about themselves - Russell's previous luck was so good that it was difficult to explain.

Despite the existence of Xiao Menglong, no one can discover it.

But Russell would pick up an elf bug or catch a fantasy beast every now and then, which would eventually attract the attention of interested people.

In addition, Mr. Ross has always been hostile to Russell. If anyone associates the two with each other, it is inevitable that they will not pursue his secrets. At that time, what if Xiao Menglong reveals his secret, or the identity of the time traveler is revealed.

The scene will be embarrassing.


If the fluorescent mushroom could be successfully evolved into a mushroom bird in the fluorescent castle, in front of his parents and brothers, everything would be easily solved.

No matter how lucky Russell is in the future, they will only sigh: "Did the dragon of the Grand Duke really fall in love with Russell? Otherwise, they will go to the Red Castle to propose marriage to Princess Anxia and let Russell marry Kunraya Little princess, what a chance to ride a dragon?”

Instead of trying to figure out whether Russell has any secrets.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. What better way to keep a secret than to "show" the secret under the noses of the Baron and his wife?

This was the reason why Russell had to visit the Fluorescent Castle, and it was also the plan he made so that he would no longer have to make excuses for good luck in the future.

"Russell, there's no need to be so sad." Baron Roman wanted to comfort him, but he thought it was nothing. He was not uncommon with situations like fluorescent mushroom bugs. Elf bugs in the castle came and went, and he had seen them fail too many times.

Mrs. Meryl, on the other hand, directly hugged Russell into her arms and comforted: "It doesn't matter Russell, if you fail this time, there will be another chance... There will always be a chance. Mother believes that you can bear this blow." rise."

"I know, mother." Russell struggled out.

Then he raised his head and looked at Baron Roman with red eyes: "Father, if Sir Ross can come out..."

The words have not yet finished.

Then he was interrupted by his elder brother Roland: "What are you thinking about, Russell? He is just a worm, how can I bother Mr. Ross!"

Baron Roman also said seriously: "I understand your current mood, my son, but you must also understand that Mr. Ross is not omnipotent. Even if he can, we cannot consume Mr. Ross's essence on such small things. "

"Is this a trivial matter? There have only been two mushroom birds in the fluorescent mushroom family for hundreds of years!" Russell wanted to ask, but he didn't.

He understood Baron Roman's thoughts. Lord Rose was too important to the Netherlight Valley.

Ordinary breathing does not consume the dragon's essence, but if you want to save the elf bugs, breathing alone will not do it.

The breath will only burn the elf bugs to ashes.

Only by consuming the original breath can we provide power to the elf bugs.

The same is true for the dragon flames breathed by Xiaomenglong. Normally, it often sprays dragon flames from its nostrils. However, this kind of dragon flames is not rich in original power, and it does not consume much power when spitting it out. It can only spray on Cordyceps and mushrooms. The dragon flames spit out by the insects will consume the original power.

If it wasn't for Little Menglong's ability to rely on ice beads to replenish his strength, Russell wouldn't be willing to let it waste its original power to catalyze the elves.

The flying dragon cannot rely on ice beads to replenish its strength. Naturally, for Baron Roman, wasting even the slightest bit is a big sin.

Therefore, Russell nodded very sensibly and responded: "I understand, father, please forgive me for my unreasonable request."

"It's not an unreasonable request, it's just a family discussion." Baron Roman didn't mind.

Mrs. Meryl also smiled and said: "Besides, Mr. Ross didn't hear it. If you didn't hear it, you just didn't say it...Okay, Russell, cheer up, stay at the Fluorescent Castle tonight, and then ask your elder brother to take you out for a walk." Relax."

"I will stay overnight, mother, but I don't plan to go out. I want to accompany the fluorescent mushroom...to send it on its last journey."

"Think positively, Russell." The eldest brother Roland stood up and patted Russell on the shoulder. "Father and mother, the customers at the porcelain kiln factory are still waiting for my order. I'm leaving first. I may not come back for lunch at noon."

After saying that, he turned to Russell and said, "Let's have a drink together in the evening."

After the eldest brother Roland left, the baron and his wife also went upstairs. Lola, who had not been discovered, suddenly leaned over.

She looked at the fluorescent mushroom in the jade box curiously and asked, "Russell, is it going to die?"

"No." Russell said lightly.

"But, didn't father say..."

"I believe in it. As long as its will to survive is strong enough, it will definitely get through this difficult level!" Russell said with a fist.

Lola seemed to understand something and stopped asking questions: "Okay, I will pray to the Shadow Flame Dragon and send it blessings."

"Thank you, Lola." Russell stretched out his hand and crushed Lola's braids.

Lola was immediately annoyed and said, "Don't mess up my hair, damn Russell!"

From noon to night, Russell stayed in the fluorescent castle, looking after the fluorescent mushrooms in the jade box while looking for some information in the baron's study - he would take away any good books he found, because the baron and his elder brother didn't like to read anyway.

Almost immediately after dinner, Russell took a bath and went to bed.

He wanted to take advantage of the time when the fluorescent mushrooms were still holding on to contact Xiao Menglong as soon as possible, and then help the fluorescent mushrooms evolve.

But the more he wanted to sleep, the harder it was to fall asleep. He tossed and turned for a full hour before he could barely fall asleep.

In an instant.

The dark dream came, accompanied by a "ga" call, and Xiao Menglong flew over again with his short wings.

Russell waved his short, cartoon-like arms and greeted enthusiastically: "Xiao Gao, I really miss you so much!"


Xiao Menglong frowned, and his heart suddenly palpitated, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

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