Warm Dragon

Chapter 116 Relief

"On the afternoon of July 29th, the fluorescent mushroom bugs started to stir... I gave them a mouthful of sugar in the evening... On July 30th, there was no movement... On July 31st, there was no movement... On August 1st, there was no movement... Today 8 It’s the 2nd of the month.”

Russell closed the notebook he carried with him and sighed silently.

The fluorescent mushroom bug in the elf room was still lying motionless on the spot, with only the chaotic and undulating magic power on its body indicating that it was still in the process of evolving.

But a puff of Dragon Flame, as light as second-hand smoke, obviously couldn't help it break the final shackles, causing it to be unable to get past the final step.

"But fortunately, little guy, you are still persisting!" Russell cheered up a little. "If you couldn't hold on, you would be wiped out, and I wouldn't have time to cry. But you persisted, then, as long as you persist until night, you will usher in A new turn of events!”

There is no other reason.

Today is already the fourth day. Little Menglong will be freed from the three-day "confinement period" and will once again be accompanied by dark dreams.

This means that another puff of dragon flame, as light as second-hand smoke, can help the fluorescent mushrooms evolve.

"Although this is a bit sorry for Little Menglong, who just showed up and had to go back to confinement, but... it is better than a mouthful of dragon fire, but in the end it is failure." The sunk cost was too high, which gave Russell no choice but to continue. Additional investment.

If he had known from the beginning that even a mouthful of dragon flame would not help the elf bug evolve, Russell might not have forced it.

The matter has come to this, we can only continue.

"Little guy, you must hold on until night!" Russell stroked the fluorescent mushroom's back while constantly providing "come on", "persistence" and "encourage" thoughts to the fluorescent mushroom through telepathy.

To strengthen the fluorescent mushroom's will to evolve and survive.

"Sir, your horses are ready. Your Majesty Red Eyes has also fed breakfast and is ready to go at any time." Butler Morris came to report, looking a little sad. He has been worried about the fluorescent mushrooms in the past few days.

Russell didn't say much, nodded, carefully put the fluorescent mushrooms into the jade box, and hurried downstairs.

Butler Morris could only stand behind Russell, put his hands on his chin and pray silently for the fluorescent mushrooms.

"O dragon of the Grand Duke's family, your devout servant Maurice, I pray to you, and I sincerely hope that you can take a look here and help the master's fluorescent mushrooms survive the most difficult moment, like a little bird Flying happily as well.”

Not only that.

After Russell rode a black horse and took the Red-Eyed Rat King towards the Fluorescent Castle, he also came to the servants' lounge.

Ask all the servants to sit down at the dining table: "Now, the manor is in a special period. The master's fluorescent mushrooms are evolving into mushroom birds... In order to help the fluorescent mushrooms, I hope everyone can pray devoutly to The dragon prays.”

"Oh, of course, Mr. Morris!" Mrs. Moore, the cook, said in an aria-like tone. "Ever since I learned that cute little bugs are evolving, I pray to the dragon every time before cooking!"

"Very well, Mrs. Moore, now please continue to pray to the dragon." Butler Morris said.

"Of course, of course."

"Okay, let's close our eyes together and pray silently."

Under the leadership of Butler Morris, all the male and female servants and kitchen servants closed their eyes and prayed to the Shadow Flame Dragon.

The sun was hiding in the clouds, and dark clouds were already rolling in the sky.

The warm season is getting hotter and hotter, and the weather changes will also be erratic. When Russell went out, the sun was shining brightly, but by the time Russell arrived at Fluorescent Castle, it was already covered with dark clouds.

"Master Russell, welcome." Chris, the knight commander of the castle guard, personally stood guard in front of the big arch today.

"Hello, Mr. Chris." Russell smiled, "I still have something to go to the castle. Let's talk when we have time."

"As you please."

After saying hello, Russell looked at the tall and majestic castle in front of him, with its silver-gray tiled exterior walls particularly dazzling.

Mr. Ross is not here and has gone for a stroll somewhere.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to make his expression more sad and anxious. After all, there was still a performance coming next.

Of course, he was really worried about fluorescent mushrooms, so his expression and mentality quickly met the requirements.

I met old housekeeper Carter in front of the gate.

Most of the management work of the old housekeeper is handed over to the young and strong deputy housekeeper and housekeeper, so he can always guard the door and accurately greet every arriving guest.

"Master Russell, welcome home." Old Butler Carter bowed and saluted with an impeccable angle, welcoming the members of the Fluorescent Mushroom family back.

"Mr. Carter, nice to meet you."

"But, I seem to see some worry on your face, Master Russell?" Old Butler Carter has very good observation skills.

Russell smiled lightly: "We do encounter some situations and need the help of father and mother."

"Please come in quickly. Can you tell me what the situation is?"

"One of my elf bugs has evolved, but it seems to have reached an impasse and is likely to fail," Russell said.

Old Butler Carter suddenly said seriously: "This is a difficult problem. Indeed, only the master and his wife can help you."

Just as he was talking, his eldest brother Roland came down from upstairs and saw Russell at a glance: "Russell, why are you here?"

"I'm here for an emergency."

"Tell me."

Upon seeing this, Old Butler Carter said: "Master Russell, you talk to Master Roland first, and I'll go and fetch the master and his wife."

In the living room downstairs, Russell took out the jade box and told his eldest brother Roland anxiously about the evolution of the fluorescent mushroom worm: "It's been four days. If it failed earlier, I wouldn't bother my father and mother, but it hasn't failed after all, and is still persisting..."

"This..." Roland became nervous, carefully sensed the situation of the fluorescent mushroom worm, and then frowned, "Indeed, it is trying to survive. This little guy is really extraordinary. It can persist for so long."

After a pause, he shook his head again and said to Russell: "But even so, you still have to be prepared to lose it."


"Listen to me, Russell. I can understand your current mood, but you have to listen to me carefully. Our family has developed from lord to baron for many years. There have been elf worms trying to evolve over the years, but in the end only Luo Rui succeeded..."

After Roland finished talking about the history, he patted Russell's shoulder sympathetically. He envied Russell's first elf worm, which had such a strong will to evolve.

But the ending is already determined, and this alone is not enough.

The countless cases of failed evolution of elf worms in the family history are all in front of us, which shows that only the most extraordinary elf worm can evolve successfully by chance.

Russell's mood became more and more depressed, but he soon raised his head: "I still want to hear what my father and mother say."

Roland shrugged his shoulders: "It should be."

He then turned his head and continued to look at the motionless fluorescent mushroom worm in the jade box, with a trace of admiration in his eyes, admiring the fluorescent mushroom worm's tenacious will, but the admiration seemed to be mixed with a little relief.

Relieved relief.

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