Warm Dragon

Chapter 118 Mushroom Bird Rosie

"Losing sovereignty and humiliating the country!"

"Ceding land and paying compensation!"

"The family is in disgrace!"

"What a misfortune!"

In the castle's elf room, amid Russell's lamentations, Xiao Menglong, who had successfully extorted a large amount of money owed by Ice Sleet Beads, finally opened his mouth and found the evolving fluorescent mushroom worm among dozens of elf worms, and spit out the second mouthful of dragon flame.

The mouthful of dragon flame four days ago made the magic light bloom on the fluorescent mushroom worm, and the green light broke through the blockade of white light.

And this mouthful of dragon flame, the green light was so strong that it finally completely submerged the only remaining trace of white light.

The originally flickering light gradually stabilized and became a stable emerald green light, clearly outlining the appearance of a mushroom worm. But the next moment, this clear picture suddenly exploded, and the mushroom worm seemed to turn into a green light bulb.

It emitted a super bright light, covering the light of all the elf worms around, even the magic light of the mushroom bird Luo Rui and the elf Tess, was outshined.

"Has it evolved?"

Russell wanted to witness with his own eyes how the fluorescent mushroom worm evolved into a mushroom bird.

However, Xiao Menglong yawned and weakly called out: "Ga."


Everything fell into darkness.

When his consciousness came online again, it was not 7:30 the next morning, but late at night, and it was still dark outside the window.

"Master Russell, wake up quickly!" The voice of the old butler Carter sounded outside the door, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door.

"What's wrong?" Russell was a little confused. It was not time to get up yet. "Come in first and talk."

Butler Carter pushed the door open with a bright smile on his face: "Great news, Master Russell, the Shadow Flame Dragon responded to the earnest expectations of the fluorescent mushroom family. He came to see it, he came to see it!"

"What?" Russell widened his eyes.

In fact, he had gradually become clear and recalled what happened in the dark dream. After hearing what Butler Carter said, he knew that the fluorescent mushroom worm had evolved successfully.

Even in the dark dream last night, he already knew that this matter was almost successful.

But now that he knew that it was really successful, he was still so excited that he could not be more excited. From now on, he will have a little elf, a fluorescent mushroom bird!

"Your fluorescent mushroom bug has evolved into a mushroom bird, Master Russell!" Butler Carter laughed and said, "I think you should get out of bed and go to the elf room to take a look. The master and his wife have already rushed to the elf room."

"Really? That's great!" Russell got out of bed quickly, put on his slippers and trotted to the elf room.

He wanted to show his shock, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. It was important to see his mushroom bird first.

The master and the servant, one in front and one behind, trotted upstairs.

In theory, a fairy bug can affect 150 acres of magic potion.

A little elf is ten times that of a fairy bug, and in theory it can affect 1,500 acres of magic potion.

It seems that the influence of the little elf is just the superposition of ten fairy bugs, but in fact it is just the tip of the iceberg.

The potions influenced by the elves are far from comparable to the potions influenced by mushroom worms in terms of output and quality.

More importantly, the influence of the elves can make the potions in the potion field have a considerable probability of breeding new elf worms. Maybe the probability is not high, but it is stable, which is why the nobles can harvest elf worms stably.

If they have to rely on luck to pick up elf worms like in the wild, the nobles will sooner or later starve.

In addition, there is another very important point.

Compared with the short lifespan of elf worms of ten to twenty years, elves have a lifespan of at least fifty years, and many elves can even live to hundreds of years old.

During the years that elves are alive, they can produce elf worms continuously.

It can be said that getting an elf means getting dozens, hundreds or even more elf worms, and the value is inestimable. Even if you are not unlucky, you can breed new elves before the elf dies.

In a few steps, people have reached the elf room.

"Father, mother." Russell greeted the Baron and his wife who had arrived earlier, and then saw two mushroom birds of similar size.

One was Luo Rui, the mushroom bird, and the other was his newborn mushroom bird without any surprise.


Seeing Russell coming, the newborn mushroom bird immediately flapped its wings and quickly landed on Russell's shoulder.

Then it rubbed Russell's neck intimately.

Through telepathy, Russell could clearly feel its joy of being reborn, as well as its gratitude and dependence on Russell - although everything happened in a dark dream, but like Kevin, the golden and silver wolfhound, it could also keenly sense that Russell was helping it evolve.

"Little guy." Russell tilted his head and shook the beak of the mushroom bird with his fingers. It was hard to imagine why a mushroom worm would evolve into a bird.

But magical creatures are so magical.

Looking at the mushroom bird on the shoulder of the second son, the Baron and his wife looked at each other and saw countless words they wanted to say in each other's eyes.

Finally, Mrs. Meryl stepped forward and hugged Russell: "I am so proud of you, Russell."

"Thank you, mother." Russell took a deep breath, "My mushroom bird...how did it evolve successfully?"

"Carter came over to watch the night and found two mushroom birds in the elf room, which woke us up. Seeing this magical scene, your father and I were equally shocked. It's hard to imagine how strong this little guy's will to survive is. Only then can we grab a glimmer of hope.”

Mrs. Meryl sighed.

Baron Roman also nodded slightly. His mood was extremely complicated. He was not only surprised by the birth of the mushroom bird, but also had other disturbing thoughts.

But in the end, they all turned into incomprehensible words: "Magical creatures are magical creatures, and magical scenes can always happen... I have to say, Russell, the Grand Duke's dragon is watching you, you are really a lucky boy."

"Thank you, dragon!" Russell thanked him sincerely.

Of course, I am not grateful to the Shadow Flame Dragon, but to my little Dream Dragon.

While everyone was sighing, there was a burst of footsteps outside.

Then came the panicked voice of eldest brother Roland: "Is it true, is it true, that fluorescent mushroom has really evolved? This is impossible...Father, mother, you are all here, the dragon is watching , Oh my God, what a great news!”

Roland saw the mushroom bird on Russell's shoulder and was extremely shocked, even more shocked than Russell himself.

But soon he hugged Russell hard: "Good boy, big brother is going to be jealous of your good luck!"

"I don't know how to say it, I'm so happy." Russell smiled, "Maybe the dragon wanted to see the Fluorescent Castle on a whim, and happened to notice my mushroom bird, so he glanced at it and gave me a boost. "

He smiled brightly: "Anyway, thanks to the dragon!"

"Thanks to the dragon." Roland said excitedly, "Father and mother, this is a big event. The second fluorescent mushroom bird was born in the fluorescent mushroom family! Are we going to hold a celebration banquet in the name of this mushroom bird? ?”

Baron Roman said calmly: "Why not, but it will only be limited to the Dark Light Valley."

after all.

This fluorescent mushroom bird belongs to Russell, not to the Fluorescent Castle. After all, it makes a difference.

Mrs. Meryl nodded in agreement, and while stretching out her hand to tease the shy mushroom bird, she asked, "Russell, have you decided on a name for this little guy?"

"Chichi!" Luo Rui, the mushroom bird nearby, flew over and seemed to be trying to give him a name.

As for the other noisy elf Tess, she was still sleeping soundly, and this little movement could not wake her up at all.


Russell said the name he had prepared for the mushroom bird a long time ago, looked at the plump, green, palm-sized bird on his shoulder, and repeated: "Yes, just call it...Rosie!"

(A similar picture of Fluorescent Mushroom Bird Rosie - Rosie is prettier and fatter than it, and she also has blingbling lights~)

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