In the blink of an eye, when Han Jin and Yalina came out, the outside was full of sunshine. Only a few people knew the agitation of the Abyss World. There was no need to spread the news. This only made people worry, so the atmosphere It seems very quiet, everyone is not practicing in their own room, they are going to the city to play, or gather on the deck to chat.

“This is for you.” Han Jin gently placed the long red bow on the table.

Sunier glanced up and said, “Oh my bow…”

Han Jin waited for Sunier to finish, had grabbed Sunier’s hand, tapped the tip of his left finger, and a very fine purple light spurt out, piercing Sunier’s index finger, and then Han Jin carefully squeezed a drop of blood. Beads, then placed Sunier’s hand on the longbow.

The blood beads were quickly sucked up by the dragon blood, and the bow back and the bowstring shivered at the same time, emitting a burst of faintly discernable screams, and for a moment, everything was calm.

“Raphael, are you making it?” Gao Bin showed an expression of interest, and then said to Sunier: “Try it!”

Sunier did not shirk, slowly stood up, raised the longbow, took an arrow from the quiver, and then deeped a deep breath, pulling the bowstring a little.

Perhaps because the first time it was tightened, the back of the bow and the bowstring continued to make a sound of zhizhi. When the back of the bow was turned into a full moon, Sunier gently released his fingertips, and the black light flashed without disappearing into the golden sunset. .

“Let me try.” Gao Bin reached out.

Sunier just wanted to hand the longbow to Gaobin, and Han Jin hurriedly grabbed Sunier’s wrist: “This bow can only be used by Sunier, and someone else will have an accident when it comes to it.”

“Oh…” Gao Bin remembered Han Jin’s move just now.

“There are still these.” Han Jin took out another quiver. This quiver is bigger than the ordinary quiver, and it has more than 60 arrows in it.

Han Jin told Hogan that the bow is not the focus. The reason for the Sunier tempering longbow is to let these arrows release the most huge.

Sunier took the quiver and pulled an arrow from it. She only took half of it. She had already seen the arrow with a small and strange rune, Suner laughed, and pushed the arrow in her hand.

“That’s it, you sit down first, I go out for something.” Han Jin also laughed and then walked to the ship’s side.

“Raphael, I’m going to have dinner soon, let’s go after eating.” Gao Bindao.

“No.” Han Jin shook his head.

“Where are you going?” Sunier asked.

“I went to the Holy See.” Han Jin waved and then the figure had disappeared into the air.

“Is that all magical arrows made by Raphael?” Gao Bin also saw the strange rune on the arrow. He shouted: “Sunier, how about looking at the formidable power?”

Sunier didn’t have a good look at Gao Bin: “Do you think these magic arrows can be made casually?”

“About more than sixty arrows, what is the use of an arrow?” Gao Bin said hehe.

“No!” Sunier’s answer was firm.

“Sunier elder sister!” Yalina suddenly said in a slightly resentful tone: “He has to go again!”

Sunier made a mistake and then said with a smile: “He just went to the Holy See and went back in a while.”

“No, he has to go to Cold Shadow City these few days.” Yalina said: “Maybe… we have to wait until ten days later to see him again.”

“Cold Shadow City?” Gao Bin said: “He went to find the madman?”

“Well, he said that there are some things to talk to Chesham.”

Sunier stayed for a moment, then long sighed, and the corner of his mouth showed helpless smile: “He always does this…” In order to catch up with Han Jin’s footsteps, she has put in the best effort, but the distance from Han Jin is farther and farther. It’s not that she is too slow, but Han Jin’s footsteps are too fast.

“Yeah, he always wants a person…” Yalina’s face is full of embarrassment, she and Sunier face the same kind of confusion.

“Right, Yalina, he is gone, we can’t be idle.” Sunier said: “I have something interesting, do you want to be with us?” She certainly knows that Yalina is close to her and tries to resolve both sides. The embarrassment, she is an elder sister after all, always have to return something.

“what’s up?”

“Go to treasure hunt.” Sunier said with a smile : “Hidden Business Group’s hidden treasure!”

“Okay, okay!” Yalina’s eyes lit up immediately: “When are you going?”

“Wait for him to go.” Sunier thought for a moment: “Otherwise he will worry about us.”

“en!” Yalina slammed her head and immediately realized a question: “Sunier elder sister, where do you know Morgan hidden treasure? Is Keeley telling you?”

“Keeley is also not quite clear, but it doesn’t matter, we have a treasure map.” Sunier said with a smile: “Yalina, do you know why the stupid guys stare at Keeley?”


“Because they started to defraud Keeley’s trust…” Sunier told the story from Keeley, and said it to Yalina.

“It’s actually very dangerous. If they know that the magic seal is on Keeley, it’s a poisonous hand… Keeley once exposed his identity in the city, and it almost brought danger to everyone. Since then she has been very careful… The guys who pretended to be Morgan Business Group also handed the treasure map stolen from Morgan Business Group to Keeley…”

“Does Keeley really take out the magic seal?” Yalina asked nervously.

“She has some doubts, she has experienced so much, and it is not easy to win her true trust… the guys are very patient…”

“And then? Then?” Yalina heard members of the Aster Flower Organization, in order to deceive Keeley’s trust, to make a trick, even to protect Keeley and the others, to fight the search team of Fine Spirit Race, and to die with the human race When fighting, a heart can’t help but hang up.

“It’s a clever little Joseph who noticed their conspiracy… but Hilna wouldn’t lie, so… In the most dangerous time, they met Adolf, otherwise they couldn’t escape.”

I have been listening to Sunier, Yalina has a long sigh of relief, a weak woman, a carefree female warrior, and a teenager, fighting with a group of wolves, the passing of which gives her a thrilling feeling.

“Sunier elder sister, with a treasure map, you still don’t know where the hidden treasure is?”

“Nobody knows the specific location,” Sunier said. “In fact, the first thing to discover under Holy Crown City is not Dismark, but the Morgan Business Group. They seem to have discovered it 100 years ago. Morgan’s hidden treasure is in those In the underground ramp, the treasure map is only an area. If you find the area, you can find the hidden treasure. But can we find the specific location in that many roads?”

“Bad!” Yalina suddenly thought of something, complexion changed: “Raphael caused a volcanic explosion, completely destroying the dungeon, if Morgan hidden treasure is near the dungeon, it may already be…”

“No.” Sunier shook his head. “There is no record of the dungeon on the treasure map. Obviously, the Morgan Business Group people never knew that there was a city hidden underneath, if Morgan’s hidden treasure was located near the dungeon, they It’s impossible not to find out.”

“But… you are so confident, should there be other clues?” Gaobin suddenly asked.

“hehe…” Sunier laughed. “The secret is in Keeley’s magic seal, and we have a general direction.”

“Hunting treasure, such a very interesting thing… count me one.” Gao Bindao.

“You don’t want to go, you have to go.” Sunier said: “We are taking advantage of him to act privately. If something goes wrong, I can’t afford it.”

“I called Gail Uncle too, so I was foolproof.” Yalina said.

“Gail manager is also leaving? What should I do here?” Sunier was hesitant.

“It’s okay.” Gao Bindao said: “You didn’t pay attention to what the Jedis gangs are doing? They have been desperately setting up the magic array, hehe… The sneak attack of the Dragon Field has become an unforgettable lesson for their lives, and The magic Legion is also back. The Master Tower of Holy Crown City can play the largest formidable power, plus your War God number, want to capture the city, unless the enemy has Raphael, Adolf level powerhouse, otherwise Can look at the city and sigh.”

“Why do you want to say you?” Yalina asked. “We are partners!”

“This…” Gaobin stunned, then said with a smile: “Well, I am wrong, it should be us.”

When Sunier and Gaobin talked about how to find treasure, Han Jin had already sounded the door of Od. It was not long, and there was an impatient voice: “Who?” With the voice, the door was pushed. When it opened, Odd came out from the inside and saw Han Jin at a glance, and could not help but stay there.

Han Jin pushed the door open and walked slowly into the yard. Chitke took a few people and hurriedly followed Han Jin.

“What are you doing?” Odd coldly said that although he was seriously wounded by Han Jin, it was not enough to make him fearful. The hard questioning of the state meant what kind of surname he was.

“Are you talking to a Sir Lord like this?” Han Jin indifferently said: “Pay attention to your Knight demeanor.” Han Jin said as he walked forward and quickly approached Odd.

Odd is deep took a deep breath, this time, his wording has eased some: “Raphael, what are you doing here?”

“I heard that your mood is not very good during this time, so come see you.”

Odd stretched out his arm and blocked the door. Slowly said: “Adult, have you seen it now?”

“Don’t welcome me?” Han Jin smiled and stopped in front of the door.

Odd is silent, but his arms are still in front of Han Jin completely motionless.

“Odd, your door is too narrow, some do not meet your identity, do you need me to help?” Han Jin’s smile is even more enjoyable, so that the two teeth of Baisensen are exposed.

Odd’s heart was in a big contact with Han Jin. He gradually learned about Han Jin’s habits. Han Jin always liked to smile. Once Han Jin opened his mouth and showed a happy smile, it was often something to release. Or a sign to break out.

Odd’s figure involuntarily took a step back, but his arms were still in front of the door.

Before Han Jin came, I intended to leave some face to the Holy See and try to get the relationship between the two sides to be thawed. But Odd’s move was too weird. He insisted that he not enter the door. It’s obviously a ghost in his heart. Think of Han Jin’s eyes. Cold, transported the mind, swung out, and the fist was hitting the wall.

Bang… The walls made of large square stones are extremely fragile. Under the fist of Han Jin, a two-foot-shaped hole has appeared. Countless gravel powders are splashed into the room and hit the wall inside. Peng peng The sound, sometimes mixed with bursts of crisp sound, seems to have something shattered.

“You…what are you doing?!” Odd was furious, but he questioned Han Jin at most, and this world dared to take the initiative to attack Han Jin. It is very rare, even if there are so few, absolutely not It will be his Ode.

Han Jin swept Odd coldly, and his body flashed, and it appeared in it. Chitke waved his hand, and several people behind him quickly spread to the sides and rushed to all corners of the yard. They can also search brazenly!

Odd saw Chitke and the others unscrupulous movements, and his heart was even more annoyed. He thought that Han Jin, who was behind him, bit his teeth and turned and rushed in. He was glaring and staring at Han Jin’s back: “what on earth do you want?!”

Han Jin ignored Odd and looked up and down the room. The room was clean and clean, but he punched it out. It has become a mess. On the carpet, square table, and chair, there are bricks and stones everywhere. Chips.

Just then, a gentle footstep came from the stairs, and then a silhouette came down from above.

Han Jin’s eyes smashed into the silhouette, and the heart was wrong, and the line of sight could no longer be turned, and I forgot what I should say.

“Raphael, how come you?” Branzi glanced around the messy room, her expression was as wrong as Han Jin: “This is…”

“Blanchi, are you okay??”

“What will happen to me??”

“Search, give me a careful search, be sure to find Branzi!” Chirk’s snoring came from outside: “Live to see people! Death to see the dead!!”

Branchi was not stupid, and immediately understood the reason for this. She looked at Han Jin with a strange look, said with a bitter smile: “Raphael, my standard for finding a man is really so bad? Think of a murderer as my husband…”

Han Jin is extremely embarrassed, also said with a bitter smile: “Why don’t you go back and tell us? Do you know if we have been looking for you for a few days?”

“The front is the Holy See. It is very inconvenient to enter and exit here. I don’t want to trouble him.” Branzi whispered: “I wanted to go back, but he… he won’t let me go.”

At this time, Chitke rushed in from the outside: “Adult, outside…” He only said a few words, and he was stunned and looked at Branqi silly.

“Well, Chitke, take your people away.” Han Jin took a long and deep breath, whether it is not letting her go, or reluctant to go, it is a private matter of the couple, he rushed in to save people The murderer, who knows that the two couples are enjoying the time of reunion, this scene is really tangled.

“Understand, adults.” Chitke also knew that he had made a big oolong. He screamed and said that he turned and rushed out.

The rest of the three people were speechless, and Odd’s face was better than just now, but his heart was also entangled. Han Jin was concerned about Blanqi’s safety, which moved him, but regarded him as a possible murderer. Let him know’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Raphael adults, thank you for your concern, thank you very much!” For a moment, Branchi broke the silence: “In the male empire, you saved me once, in Beitman, you saved me again, now… I Know that you are treating me as a true friend, thank you!”

“I am this person… How do you say it?” Han Jin shrugged: “I have always been speculating about the worst of the people. You may not understand it. Maybe I think it is evil, but everything I do is only It is to protect myself better, and my friends, because I have tasted many similar lessons in the past, but my luck is better, so I can live to this day.”

“I can understand.” Branzi smiled: “If I didn’t have you, I would have become dust, isn’t it?”

“I can understand it.” Han Jin paused, and coughed again: “This… I will break the damage and will double the compensation.”

“You said that you will see it.” Blanche said: “Raphael, stay with us for dinner? I happen to be ready.”

“No.” Han Jin hurriedly waved his hand.

“You are saying a word.” Blanche looked toward Aude.

Odd is silent, and Han Jin once made him a serious injury. This is a trivial matter, but he can’t tolerate Han Jin’s contempt for the Holy See. Although Han Jin never publicly said it, the attitude toward the Holy See is enough to prove. Besides, no one but God can tell the Holy See.

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound outside, and it was clear from the broken door that a dozen bright Knights rushed over here, leading Amy Jie.

Ode expression changed: “Blanchi, you hurry to hide!” After that, he quickly walked to the door.

“Odd, do you have to let me pass this unspeakable scorpion?” Branzi sighed: “Because I am a pagan? Just because you are afraid of your partner to doubt your faith?!”

Odd’s body became stiff, and then he turned around. He had refused to take Han Jin in the presence and said in a pleading tone: “Blanchi, now is not the time to say this, okay?!”

“Let me come.” Han Jin crossed Odd and walked out of the door.

Amy Jie has already rushed into the courtyard and is seeing Han Jin. He can’t help but say: “Adult?” Then he rushed to extend the hand and stopped the bright Knight behind.

“A little misunderstanding, I am alarmed.” Han Jin laughed up.

Amy Jie has inserted the long sword back into the scabbard, sweeping his eyes and seeing O’s silhouette appear at the door. This is completely relieved, but he did not say hello to Od, because in the three St. Knights, He and Han Jin walked the most recently, so they were often ridiculed by Odd. The relationship between the two people has become more and more rigid. Seeing Odd is fine, he has also fulfilled his obligations. Others, he only discerned to pay attention. .

“Adult, how come you have fun here today?” Amy Jie said with a smile.

“Nothing, just turn around.” Han Jin said: “Is there time? Go with me?”

“Okay.” Amy couldn’t help but glance back, but his eyes were cold, as if he was demonstrating to him, and his figure was naturally close to Han Jin’s side.

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