The atmosphere on the War God was a bit weird. Seeing Han Jin, Gao Bin and the others stepping onto the deck, no one came to say hello. Obviously, something more interesting is attracting everyone’s attention.

Howlman’s pile of sitting on the chair, yes, is sitting on the pile, his body is like losing the vertebrae, soft, if the eyesight is good enough, you can clearly see that Holman’s body is always shaking slightly. In fact, today’s weather is not very hot, not to mention the War God’s self-made world, which is not affected by the climate, but Howman is constantly sweating, his forehead, cheeks, nose, There were sweat everywhere, and he couldn’t see the back of Hausmann, but his chest was completely wet with sweat, and it was not too much to describe with sweat. Sitting in the opposite of Hurman, Hiller, was a smile, sometimes caressing the contract in his hand, and sometimes looked up at Holman with a smirk.

In the center of the deck, there are dozens of chairs, in which a dozen coins are placed in front of the gold coin. From left to right, the gold coin gradually increases, and the last chair is already full of Deng, but behind Several rows of chairs were empty, and a few people dressed in a standing position stood by the chairs and glanced at the empty chairs with a dull gaze. They were all brought by Howman, and they only had the experience of how to experience Howe. Man’s mood at the moment, as for other people, are watching the excitement. In the end, it’s a matter of disparity… Moxinke gave Han Jin a thumbs up, then laughed with a big grin, in fact, when Han Jin spoke his own conditions. At that time, none of the people present realized that it would be a huge number. The planes are different, and the civilization will not be the same. This world is based on elemental civilization. The outstanding people are exhausted and do everything they think. Everything is to make yourself, or to make your own race stronger. Although there is primitive mathematics, it is based on ordinary life. It is hard to imagine that there is something to be applied to ‘billions’. Position, who would go to calculate their own territory a year how many people will consume grain of wheat it?

The gold coin was quickly used up, and the people of Holman did not give up. They wanted to know an accurate result. When the value of a chair was found to be almost equal to the total value of the Joint Chamber of Commerce, there was no more calculation. Meaning, but one of the smart people has a chance to put the numbers in one, and to continue to count down the total value of the Chamber of Commerce. Soon, this unit also broke through the scale of ‘10,000’, and even more terrifying is There are still some chairs that are not counted, and then all the people are stunned.

It can be said that Howman is the most failed businessman since the writing, and a business that should have gained huge profits, but let him make a double loss after trying to trick the enemy, even if he has a giant dragon. Long life, no longer eating, not sleeping, using all the time to work hard to make money, on the day of his death, may not be able to pay off this unimaginable debt.

Other than the people of Harman, others are not too sensitive to numbers, but they know that tens of thousands of joint Chamber of Commerce are not enough. What kind of concept is it, can only say that someone is really It was too bad… The proud Hillist looked up and saw Han Jin walking slowly down the stairs. He hurriedly stood up and shouted: “Adult!!” He never admired a person like this. Perhaps because of his low strength, he does not like violence, and Han Jin has become his role model. In just a few words, the soldiers are not bloody, without paying any price. The huge joint Chamber of Commerce will instantly become just a Passing scene, the more important point is that Howman accepted the treaty with pleasure. Who can do this?

The voice of Hillester alerted Hallin. He turned to see Han Jin and immediately jumped up from the chair and ran to Han Jin. The mouth yelled, “Adult, no, it can’t be done… …”

“Hilster, will President Holman pay off our profits?” Han Jin ignored Holman.

“Not enough!” Hillester deliberately bit the sentence very heavy.

“Adult, no, really can’t do it…” Howman pleaded, but he also knew that Han Jin didn’t want to kill him alive. Maybe he did something that caused Han Jin’s dissatisfaction. He gave him a lesson, so at this time, he couldn’t care about his face anymore. The more he showed his knees, the more likely he was to get the understanding of Han Jin.

“Do you think the contract is somewhat unreasonable?” Han Jin said with a slight smile.

“This…” Howman’s arrogance is unreasonable. Since the emergence of civilization, this should be regarded as the most unreasonable treaty, but he dare not say it.

“I have already said when I left. If you want to change the treaty, you can go directly to Hillester, not to find me.” Han Jin said.

Howman immediately realized that it was because he had offended Hillist. He hurriedly turned around and rushed to Hillist, and whispered in his mouth: “Hilster adults… Master Lester…”

“President of Harman, what’s the matter?” Hillester asked slowly.

Han Jin shook his head with a smile and walked down the stairs slowly. When things got to this point, he didn’t need him to intervene. Hillist should be clear about his intentions.

In fact, it is no wonder that others can only blame Hallman himself. Hilister has been held by the Holy See for so many days. Han Jin is apologetic and always wants to compensate Hillester from other aspects. However, Holman is leaning against himself. The experience and qualifications did not take Hillester seriously, which is equivalent to hitting the muzzle, purely inviting humiliation to oneself.

“What is going on?” Gao Bin and Sunier are inexplicable. They have been staying in the military camp for a few days to protect Keeley. It is not clear what happened here.

When he heard Gao Bin’s question, Moxinke immediately jumped over. Cessacioun and Lei Zhe visited Dip City. Only one of them was left here, which made him feel lonely, and his strong expression of desire could not be vented. He was already crazy. Now I have finally caught the opportunity.

Moxinke started from the beginning, of course, from the beginning, a few words are finished, he also expressed a fart? ! Gao Bin and Sunier listened very seriously. When Moxinke said that the number was too big to calculate, Gao Bin and Sunier couldn’t look at each other in dismay.

“There are so many??” Gao Bin said in amazement.

“haha, I haven’t figured out the final result yet, but the coach of Howman’s Steward said that it seems that it is not enough to take all the gold coins on World.” Moxinke smiled very comfortably, as if everything was From his handwriting.

“Raphael… is too embarrassing!” Gao Bin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, he looked toward towards Howman’s sight, full of sympathy.

“Fortunately, President Howman was not confused, he saved himself.” Sunier whispered.

“How?” asked Gaobin.

“When signing the contract, if he did not insist on transporting the Magic Crystal guns of the city, and adding the previous debts to balance the profits of both parties, then he… is really finished.” Sunier slowly said .

“You mean, is Raphael likely to stick to the contract?”


“He won’t be so cold?” Gao Bin was surprised.

“I know him.” Sunier lightly sighed: “He often said that every life is responsible for his choice. President Harman chose to refuse greed, so he really won the trust of Raphael.”

Gao Bin’s eyes flashed in the eye, and I don’t know what I was thinking.

“He never interferes with other people’s choices, just like when I was… I want to leave him and return to Wild Willow City.” Sunier slowly lowered his head: “Now I know that he should be very disappointed at the time. But he… always likes to hide his thoughts in his heart, not plainly speaking, in fact… if he insisted on not letting me go back, I…”

“You are going back to the temple to try out the magic!” Gao Bindao: “How can you compare you with that of Harman? You want to improve your strength and become his true partner!”

“I hope he can understand me…” Sunier barely laughed.

In the corridor, Yalina finally couldn’t help it: “Raphael, what happened to the president of Howman?”

“He doesn’t want to live.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Because that contract can make him go bankrupt.”

“What?” Yalina said with a big surprise: “If he gave us a gold coin according to the contract, how much should he give?”

“I haven’t counted it.” Han Jin shrugged: “But I know, even if you find all the gold mines on World, you can cast them into gold coins, which may not be enough.”

Yalina suddenly became stunned and then speechless.

“What do you want?” Han Jin turned and then suddenly realized that he had provoked Yalina’s chin with his fingers: “When you went out, you have been a little bit dull. Is it always calculating how much we should get?”

“No!” Yalina categorically denied, but her face was a little red.

“Dearsty is not a child.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“People are not children!” Yalina said slyly.

Han Jin smiled, and then he remembered something: “Yes, Yalina, I forgot one thing, you go to Sunier, take Keeley and Hilna, they have no need to stay in the military camp.”

“Oh.” Yalina nodded answered: “What are you going to do?”

“I am going to meditate.” Han Jin said: “I am going to run a few days in the cold movie city, I don’t know if I can convince Chesham, so I have to do some preparation.”

“Would you like me to go with you?”

“I can do it with Harley.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Reassured, I figured out the accident, and it is no problem to escape.”

“Okay.” On this issue, Yalina is not entangled. She knows that Han Jin’s magic is a bit special. Any powerhouse and Han Jin together may become Han Jin’s burden: “Then I went to Sunier.”

“Yeah.” Han Jin points nodded.

Do your best and make the worst preparations. This is Han Jin’s style. If you run out of an accident, Han Jin doesn’t need to prepare anything, but he rushes to Cold Shadow City to negotiate with Chesham, just to perform himself. Is it the ability to escape? No, he is to reach an alliance with Chesham.

Dealing with Chezham’s kind of heterogeneity, it’s not very useful to use emotions and reason. The most effective way is to release the power of overwhelming surnames without prejudice to Chesham’s self-esteem.

Returning to his room, Han Jin has been thinking about it. He already has enough yuan to release the high quality method. The problem is that he can’t hurt Chesham’s self-esteem. That many, the alliance can not be reached, not to mention, he has already hurt Chesham once.

I don’t know how long I thought about it, the door was knocked, and then Hogan’s voice came from outside: “Master?”

“Come in.” Han Jin rolled over and sat up from the bed.

Hogan pushed open the door and walked in. He had a long bow in his hand. The longbow was blood red, the bow was slightly twisted, and the whole shape was simple and vigorous. Then Hogan put the longbow on the table with respect and respect: Master, has been completed.”

“I didn’t tell you whether this bow was made for Sunier?” Han Jin couldn’t help but frown: “How do you make this?” This bow is suitable for men, and it is a bit odd when it is held in the pretty Sunier. .

“This…” Hogan’s figure shrank down: “The craftsman told me that this will maximize the power of the bow.”

“Forget it, let Sunier make use of it first, and then talk about it later.” Han Jin picked up the longbow, gently stroked his fingers from the back of the bow, and then pinched the bowstring.

“Master, the bowstring is twisted from eight dragons. No one can really master this bow except the real big elf.” Hogan.

“The bow is not important, the important thing is the arrow.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Master, why not let Yalina Young Lady make this bow? Her alchemy level has exceeded me.”

“Idiot, this is for Sunier, let me go to Yalina?”

“Yalina Young Lady won’t be so stingy.” Hogan 讪said with a smile : “Look, isn’t she making a dragon scale for Sunier?”

“She is willing to make dragon scales for Sunier. It’s one thing. I found her and let her give Sunier. It’s another matter.” Han Jin glanced at Hogan: “I don’t even dare to talk about women.” Do you think you understand?”

Hogan was stunned. He seemed to think of something. He dropped his head a little. For a moment, he reluctantly said with a smile: “Master, I want to make a magic wand with the remaining dragon blood, can I?”

“Use it casually.” Han Jin said: “I have a lot here.”

“And…a lot?” Hogan stunned and couldn’t help but ask: “Master, don’t you… find the dragon tree?” Dragon Blood trees can only grow in Dragon Tomb, only two in the whole World. Dragon Tomb, one in Dragon City, one in Dragon Field, Dragon City and Dragon Field is a forbidden place, and Dragon Tomb is a forbidden place in the forbidden land. If you have the ability to challenge more than a dozen ancient dragons at the same time, you can certainly take risks. Otherwise, it’s still a little better. Hogan never heard of anyone who broke into Dragon Tomb and fled back alive.

“No.” Han Jin laughed: “These are all I got from a deal.”

“Master, then I…made a magic wand for myself?” Hogan asked.

“Where is there so much nonsense?” Han Jin said: “Dragon Blood is not very useful to me. Who will not use it for you?”

Han Jin’s tone was a little impatient, but Hogan had a very warm feeling. He bowed his head: “Understood, master.”

Han Jin extend the hand, a purple light spurt out, the long bow floated a little in the impact of the purple light, floating in the air, just then, the door was suddenly pushed away, and Yalina left. Come in: “Raphael, Keeley and Hilna, they are on the boat, you don’t go see… Hey? What are you doing?”

“I…” Han Jin hurriedly gathered his mind and reached out to recall the purple light. He laughed and said: “I made a bow for Sunier, Yalina. You know, Sunier just unlocked the mark of God. The combat power cannot last, if true. When she hits a strong enemy, she shoots at most two arrows, and she will be slaughtered, so…”

“Oh, then I won’t bother you.” Yalina smiled sweetly, and said that she didn’t bother, but did not leave, still standing still and watching Han Jin quietly.

Hogan felt that something was wrong. He whispered: “Master, then I went out.” After he did not wait for Han Jin to agree, he hurried back.

Han Jin also wanted to finish the ‘work’ first, then to appease Yalina, but the corner of her eye went to Yalina. I didn’t know when to take out the gourd hammer, and gently touched the crack on the Magic Crystal with my fingertips.

“Yalina ……”

“You are busy first, I don’t bother you, just stand here for a while.” Yalina looked up and was sweetly smiled, but her eyes were full of desolate.

Han Jin took the longbow helplessly and placed it on the table: “Yalina, come over!”

Yalina bit his lip gently, hesitated, or walked away.

Han Jin sat in a chair and couldn’t help but say, yelling at Yalina and holding Yalina on his legs: “Yalina, I know your magic wand… In fact, I have long wanted to help you, but my Magic is completely different from your magic. I don’t know how to make a magic wand. I really don’t know!”

“I didn’t say anything.” Yalina whispered: “You are busy, don’t let the Sunier elder sister wait.”

Did not say more serious than said! Han Jin has some headaches. He suddenly feels envious of Solomon. Solomon can use the absolute strength to keep the family in harmony, but he can’t do it. Yalina has some possibilities of being ‘reconstructed’, but Sunier’s surname is it would rather. Break but cannot be bend! If Yalina is the young lady of the old society, there is the weakness of follow the man you marry, be he fowl or cur, then Sunier is the modern professional female surname, she needs an equal respect, so in this respect he only It is the attitude that Solomon keeps the mountain.

Yalina’s magic wand has been half-destroyed and really needs more help than Sunier. The problem is that he really doesn’t know how to make a magic wand.

Han Jin sighed and sighed. He didn’t know what to say.

“Are you afraid that I am angry?” Yalina suddenly said, her eyes flashing and staring at Han Jin.

“What do you say?!” Han Jin helplessly said.

“hehe…” Yalina pouted and kissed Han Jin’s face. In fact, she didn’t have to be with Sunier. As long as Han Jin cares about her, it would be enough to make up for her loss.

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