“Come, follow me.” Han Jin said as he walked, nothing to say.

“Raphael, what? So mysterious??” Moxinke curiously asked.

“You will know when you get to the place.”

“Is it a good thing or a bad thing?” Moxinke asked again.

“Of course it is a good thing.”

Hearing this sentence, Moxinke complexion changed, turned away, Han Jin eyes fast, grabbed Moxinke’s arm: “What are you doing?”

“Let me go!” Moxinke struggled hard, but his strength was too great compared to Han Jin. He struggled and couldn’t earn Han Jin’s iron fist.

“What the hell are you doing?” Han Jin frowned.

“You said it was a good thing, then there is no good thing!” Moxinke grinned. “Do you think I can’t see your little trick? Hey… let go, or can I call someone?!”

Han Jin didn’t want others to discover the secrets of the magic lab. Some worried that Moxinke really started shouting and shouting. The strength of the hand slowed down: “Moxinke, did you notice the change of Guevera? And Yalina, everyone. Knowing that she has reached the realm of the Magister’s Peak, as long as the breakthrough is successful, she can become the youngest Magister in history, even surpassing her father. You wonder why her progress is so fast?”

“The youngest big magister in history? I think only you are worthy of this title! Yalina is far worse than you.” Moxinke’s eyes turned around: “Right, Raphael, are you really Magician?”

“Don’t fight, it doesn’t work for me.” Han Jin said with a temper: “Well, just say me, what did I look like when we first met? Now? You are not curious?”

“Not good odd.” Moxinke shook his head.

“en? !” Han Jin was a bit screaming, his eyes became less friendly, and Moxinke didn’t cooperate. He really wanted to get angry.

“Sunier won’t let us ask.” Moxinke is still trying to move the topic elsewhere: “Isn’t this the secret of both of you?”

“Listen to me!” Han Jin sighed: “Have I cheated you over the past few years?”

“Yes!” Moxinke called. “In the beginning you also said that you are a prophet. What are you…”

Han Jin’s wrists were fierce, and then Moxinke was smashed out, and his patience was finally exhausted.

Moxinke’s burly figure became like a straw, which proved the power of Han Jin. In a series of strange noises, Moxinke flew straight out for more than 20 meters, rubbed the wall, and rolled to the ground, without waiting. He came back to his senses, Han Jin had appeared in front of him, his backhand clasped his shoulder and cast him out.

Purely an intuition, Moxinke thinks that Han Jin’s sneaky want to take him to somewhere, certainly will not have a good thing, now Han Jin treats him with violence, which confirms his intuition, Moxinke can’t help it. Screaming: “Help!”

The voice did not fall, Han Jin had appeared beside him, his shoulders were slightly over, and the direction of Moxinke’s flight suddenly changed. He straightly rushed to the wall. He turned pale with fright and immediately released his bodyguard. Unfortunately, he didn’t have anything. Hit it and fly straight into the vast sky.

This is a mysterious space, head and feet, and all around, all of which are a little bit of a galaxy. It seems that there is never a end. There is a tall giant crystal in the center, which is emitting a faint brilliance. There are two figures in front of the crystal. The short Angel, floating quietly there, even if Moxinke was kneeling at their feet, they were still motionless and didn’t seem to see Moxinke at all.

Next moment, Han Jin also floated in. Moxinke climbed up in a very agile motion, scanning all around, and said: “It’s so beautiful…”

“When Yalina first came in, she also said…”

Han Jin’s words have not been finished yet. Moxinke suddenly started and shot in the direction of Han Jin. Han Jin was angry and laughed, but he did not stop, let Moxinke pass by him.

Bang… Moxinke slammed into something, and the body slammed back and fell to the ground.

“How is it possible?!” Moxinke screamed, turned and jumped up, rushed to reach out and explored in starlight, but he couldn’t touch anything, only felt an inexplicable resistance, the longer the hand stretched, the more resistance Big.

“Don’t worry, after I left, you have enough time to look for an exit.” Han Jin indifferently said. *Moxinke gave up the unrealistic fantasies, returned and walked back, saying in an aurora stick: “You are leaving? Is there anything I need to help? You can say no problem, no problem!” ”

“Give you a mission.” Han Jin held out a finger: “Making him in uniform.”

Angel on the left floated slowly, and a bright lightsaber was formed in Angel’s hand. Then, the light sword was pointed finger towards Moxinke.

“You are not kidding?” Moxinke stunned: “Let me subdue an Angel?!”

“I don’t want to force you like this.” Han Jin laughed: “However, Nikola’s experience, I have already handed it to you, but you have not made any obvious progress, maybe… your life is too comfortable. So, I can only use this method.” After that, Han Jin waved his hand, and Angel had quickly approached Moxinke, wielding a lightsaber, and fiercely squatting to Moxinke.

Moxinke was shocked, and the backhand took out the giant sword, and the bracelet oneself greeted him.

A loud bang, Moxinke was hit hard, giant sword took off and flew out, his figure went backwards two steps, finally failed to withstand the huge strength, once again fell to sit on the ground.

Moxinke’s eyes showed a painful color, spread out his palms, and there were several blood marks in the tiger’s mouth, which was shattered by forcibly!

Just then, Angel on the right floated over Moxinke, and the light wings swept, and a white ray of light enveloped Moxinke.

“Your sword may not be able to withstand long battles.” Han Jin took a sword from the space ring and threw it in front of Moxinke: “This is the Fire Dragon sword, which does not match your Star River fighting name. … you can make use of it, I have no other weapons.”

Moxinke picked up the Fire Dragon sword, waved twice, and said with a sad face: “Raphael, this sword is too light, it is not good!”

“This is your business.” Han Jin shrugged: “If you don’t want to use it, you can throw it aside and use your fist to fight against Angel.”

“Raphael, then… then when can I go out?”

“Not good means you can only fight until I come back.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “Okay, I am leaving, hold on, don’t let me down.” Finished, Han Jin slowed down Walk outside.

“Wait!” Moxinke’s face was wrinkled: “Raphael, do you really want me to fight Angel?”

“You have been locked up here, do you still need to ask?” Han Jin said with a smile, but in the eyes of Moxinke, Han Jin’s smile is getting scarier.

“Wait a minute, wait!” Moxinke cried. “Well, since this is the task you gave me… then I will work hard! But how do you give me a chance to say goodbye to Hilna?” ”

“I will bid farewell to you and Hilna.”

“Raphael, we are brother after all, don’t you be so cruel to me?” Moxinke is really crying: “How can this kind of thing be replaced by others? You want to completely destroy my happiness…”

“Happiness? I don’t know who always said to hate Hilna?” Han Jin was unmoved: “Exactly, this nephew, you have to think about whether you and Hilna have a future. If you don’t have one, don’t give up now. Don’t delay yourself, let alone delay others.”

“I…I…” Moxinke was so anxious that his forehead was straightforward, but he couldn’t find a way to get out of trouble. If he was to change a task, he might have the courage, but with Angel, the difference in strength is too great, even It can be said that if Angel really wants to kill him, he will lose his life only in an instant.

“Is there anything else? I will leave without me.”

“Wait, I… I want to go.”

“You can also think of it??” Han Jin expression is a stagnation.

“I am real…” Moxinke’s cheeks have become red, and I don’t know if it is embarrassing or because of shame.

“You have already sailed in the morning, I know, you don’t need it.” Han Jin shook his head: “As for the future, you don’t need it, because at the time of my departure, you won’t eat anything, the only thing here. It’s your own flesh and blood.”

“Raphael, you don’t want to starve me to death?!” Moxinke yelled.

“Reassured, there is a power you never knew before, it will slowly make up for your consumption, and you will be injured. Angel will help you with treatment. Of course, you have to control your injury, not too heavy, otherwise you will eat. It hurts a lot.” Han Jin blinked narrowly.

“But…if you have been unable to come back?” Moxinke in a hurry is already a secret.

“As long as I am still alive, I will definitely come back. If I am dead… then you have to go with me to die. You just said, we are brother, isn’t it?” Han Jin said with a slight smile, said At the end, his figure has disappeared into starlight.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute…” Moxinke yelled and rushed over, but Han Jin disappeared. Then he found that the shadow under his feet was gradually shortening, and he hurried back, seeing Angel holding the lightsaber slowly toward him. Approaching.

“I am going…” Moxinke made a hysterical scream.


Han Jin likes to work, and walks away, and does not say goodbye to others. But everyone knows that Han Jin is leaving the Holy Crown City today. He is ready, Han Jin is not there, and it does not affect everyone’s life. Of course. In addition to Moxinke, the chat chat, the shopping, all the time.

At noon, Guevera sent away the chairman of Howard, and President Holman also left the Holy Crown City. The contract was redesigned. He rushed back and handed over the things he promised. It was Han Jin’s account. Although it was not clear why it was so urgent, he did not dare to ignore Han Jin’s words.

Guevera had just sat down in his chair, but saw Hogan trying to wave his hands to him as if to let him go.

Next moment, Adolf’s figure appeared on the deck, and Hogan immediately turned into nothing, and he also put his hands on his magic robe, his eyes floating, but he didn’t look at Adolf.

Without Han Jin, Guevera naturally became the top leader. He stood up and walked over to Adolf, said with a slight smile: “It turned out to be Lord Adolf, welcome, how come there is time here today?”

“I have something to look for in Raphael.” Adolf bent down slightly and glanced around at any time: “Is Raphael an adult?”

“It’s a coincidence, he just left.” Guevera said to the side: “Please sit.”

“When can Raphael come back?” Adolf did not sit and still stood there.

“This… I am not quite clear, but he said it when he left. If you are fast, you can do it in a few days. If you are slow, it may take half a month.”

“What?” Adolf stunned. He thought that Han Jin just went out: “Where did Raphael go?”

“Raphael went to Cold Shadow City.” Guevera did not hide.

“To the cold shadow city? What to do?” Adolf asked.

Adolf’s questioning is unreasonable. Is the lord’s whereabouts reported to the Holy See? However, Guevera is very measurable. He won’t be entangled in such small things, but when it comes to big directions and big problems, he will become inflexible. Guevera looks around and whispers: “You should also know about Abyss World? It is worthy of you, Raphael went to Cold Shadow City to reach an alliance with Chesham as soon as possible. Before the invasion of the Abyss World, we must be well prepared.”

“Oh…” Adolf pondered for a moment: “Catchham, the guy, I also heard a little bit, strange name, temperamental, and dealing with him, it is not an easy task.”

“Yeah, but this is not the most important thing.” Guevera showed helpless expression: “Almost two years later, when Chesham hit the city to buy the city, the people who sent him took a large number of slaves to the city of Lonely. On the one hand to show his strength, on the other hand to sell the slave, in exchange for Magic Crystal and Magic Crystal guns to make up for the loss during the war, but they act too arrogant, hey, this guy is the slave Business Group at the time The head of the team, annoyed Raphael, Raphael killed most of the snow and ice mage, and saved the slave, our current mountain Legion, mainly composed of the slaves, they were originally the elite of the library city warrior.”

Hogan squinted his head and retreated to the side. *

“So, Raphael is very dangerous?” Adolf blinked in his eyes: “Who is there next to the adults?”

“It’s really dangerous,” Guevera said. “So, he didn’t bring it alone.”

“I don’t understand.” Adolf paused: “Because there is danger, he wants to see Chesham alone?”

“Yes, you don’t know, Raphael’s magic is a bit special, it really conflicts, we only drag him around him.”

“It turned out to be…” Adolf laughed and slowly scanned all around: “You don’t want to drag him down, so you have to stay here and enjoy your comfortable life…”

Guevera is stunned. Maybe there is a certain gap between his strength and Adolf, but his eyesight is not bad. He can see that Adolf’s eyes are floating in disgust.

“Well, goodbye, Lord Guevera, I hope I didn’t bother you.” Adolf bent over again and then turned to the ship’s side.

When Adolf’s figure disappeared, Hogan got to Guevera: “Mr. Guevera, what happened to the guy? He seems… I look down on us!”

Guevera frowned, but said nothing.


Han Jin drives the purple light and rushes toward the north. The ‘formalable power of ‘Heavenly Dao’ far exceeds that of the former Feijian. At this moment, his flying speed is not much better than that of the ancient giant dragon.

The earth, the mountains, the rivers turned into a white silk under his feet. This phenomenon is very strange. The ground and the mountain range are dark colors. When you pass under his feet, everything turns into a vague, sly The white, Han Jin does not understand the reason, only know that when his speed breakthrough a certain limit, this phenomenon will occur.

Han Jin, while running ‘Heavenly Dao’, meditates. Although he has never sent a spy to the Cold Shadow City, he is very clear about the situation in the Cold Shadow City. It can be regarded as a flawless and well-known, thanks to Solomon’s collection. Because of the close proximity of the location, Cold Shadow City received a high degree of attention from Solomon, at least, much easier than listening to the information of the Abyss World.

The population of Cold Shadow City is not much, and it is not even comparable to the 10% of Holy Crown City. To be precise, their population also rises no raise. Cold Shadow City is located in the world of ice and snow, every year. The ice-sealing period lasts for six months, or even more. The farmers there can only grow a kind of plant called vine, because they can’t grow wheat, they can’t survive if they grow, and the yield of vines is very poor, but the peas are so The rhizome can be used to feed livestock and poultry and make up for some shortcomings.

However, strength has nothing to do with the population!

Perhaps because of the perennial ice, it changed the physique of local residents. There are a large number of ice and snow mage in the cold shadow city. On average, every ten people have a Magician, which is a very terrifying figure, far more than other regions.

The situation of Cold Shadow City was very difficult. The City Lord, who used to buy the city, proposed a slogan: Can’t let a grain pass through the city gate! Kubu City tried to use the method of blocking the sale of grain, starving the people in the cold movie city. However, in the war that lasted for decades, the cold shadow city was not at all dragged, but it became stronger and stronger, Han Jin knew This is a manifestation of Chesham’s ability. He can’t despise Chesham because of his surname, or the disability that Chesham may have. It will make a big mistake.

The lack of warriors in Cold Shadow City is the root cause of the highly developed and even self-contained alchemy of the Cold Shadow City. The stone monsters and various dragonflies that hide the sky and covering the earth can become the meat of the Magician. Shield, and you don’t need to replenish, you are not afraid of sacrifice, and have the advantage that the warriors can’t match.

Such a city is an indispensable arm of his Han Jin. He just wants to convince a mental illness… Han Jin has no confidence at all, really nothing.

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