The old orc Toby was defeated in an instant, and the Holy Crown City won the first round. However, this did not affect the influence of the surname, and the orcs were still struggling to rush.

At the time, when Han Jin and Rheinnell negotiated, they once seemed to be concerned, but in fact they were ignorant of a question. When Fusha died, would you be opposed by internal? Han Jin also talked about the success of Fossa. He hinted at Rheinnell that you should carry out an internal cleaning.

It is a pity that Fossa is Fossa and Rheinel is Rheinel. Their family name and style cannot be the same. In order to consolidate his position, Fossa destroyed all internal potential surname threats, and Rheinnell believes that he is a member of the blood family of gold. The human race is worried about the future. In this case, everyone should be united. Never kill each other. Of course, this is not to say that Rheinel is better than Fossa. In yesterday’s battle, Rheinel was only for his own face, just to retaliate against Han Jin, forced the shaman to launch bloodthirsty, and ruined three thousand. More than thunderbird, and more than 7,000 thunderbird lost their combat power, replaced by Fossa, how can this mistake? He had been entangled with the Grand Duke of Solomon for decades, and even if he had only one impulse and could not control himself, the city of Faro had long been annihilated in the long river of history.

Fossa is extremely strict with the inside, but passive to the outside world. Unless there is a certain victory, he will stick his claws out, and Rheinel is still loose inside, holding a tooth for a tooth, In an anxious attitude, after knowing that he was calculated by Han Jin, he was bent on revenge on Han Jin. It stands to reason that Rheinel is more suitable than the Fossa to be the leader of the human race, but this requires a premise. He has the opportunity to continue and have the opportunity to correct his mistakes. Otherwise, everything is a bubble.

The human race warriors’ eyes have turned into blood red, and the muscles on the cheeks are also distorted. This is proof of the release of madness.

There are a lot of sons in Fossa. They were killed by Han Jin near Dark Raven City, and one by Han Jin in Wild Willow City. The rest are still alive, they are the most terrifying! As long as you have passed the juvenile period, you can master the ultimate madness, and the appearance of each silver than the Mongolian will make the nearby orc warriors make crazy shouts.

Fossa killed his brother, as well as Uncle and Uncle, which drastically reduced the bloodline of the blood family of the Golden Blood. When he firmly grasped the rule, he also understood the mistakes he made. He paid attention to protection. These children are looking forward to their glory in the future. In fact, if there is no regret, Rheinel has been executed, but Fusa is reluctant, every warrior with gold blood inheritance is precious, even though he understands that his 嫡eldest son has been hating him, and finally I chose to continue observation.

Fussa accumulated a lot of force for many years, and it is completely blooming at this moment! On the other hand, it is not easy to do this under the high pressure of the Duke of Solomon.

Compared with the offensive of the human race, the battle of the Holy Crown City Knight group is particularly pale. Even if they can hold their own front, they can face the orcs that flow like the tide. What is the use of a reef? What they need is an indestructible dam!

Lang Ning led the rapids of Legion from the side, Alexandre led the mountain Legion to the front, then Winston led the Holy Swordsman group of the Holy Crown City, Saxon led the second Swordsman group, also rushed over, five Legion lined up to block the attack of the human race. At this time, the strategic reserve team is no longer needed. Faced with the already crazy enemies, they can only use the same madness to meet.

Kane directed the magic Legion to release magic, trying to intercept and interfere with the attack of the human race, but the human race has reached a desperate level, regardless of what is in front of them, they will turn a blind eye.

Fire wall, if there is no external interference, the fire wall can burn for a few minutes, even tens of minutes, which is determined by the magic depth of the caster, but with each and everyone’s body rushing into the fire sea, let the fire A lot of elements are worn out, and the fire wall will be extinguished for at least a dozen seconds.

The swamps still can’t make the orc warriors fear. They rush in and get stuck. Then the partners step on their bodies, then rush in and then sink in, until the entire swamp is filled and becomes a thoroughfare.

This is no longer a battle, but to fight against humanity, against humans, against elves, against heaven and earth, against the whole world!

Perhaps the orcs have realized that today’s confrontation is what they left on this world, and the last cry.

The battle became hot in the first place, and the battle was extremely fierce, and there was no more tragic!

Winston and Saxon practiced the fire fighting skills. They have released the bodyguards to the maximum, like two firemen, rushing in the battle of the human race, their style makes the Swordsman of Holy Crown City Feel the great encouragement, even if it is a group of sheep, under the leadership of the lion, it can also break out of fighting spirit.

Alexander Hill’s mountain Legion front is extremely stable, with a wave of offensives of the human race, without any wavering, the backbone of the mountain Legion is composed of prisoners of war, and later from the Holy Crown City first Swordsman group and In the second Swordsman group, more than half of the high-end Swordsman supplements were added, and the strength was greatly increased. It is the most elite Legion of Han Jin. When I was fighting with the Cold Shadow City, facing the 傀儡Legion, which covered the sky and covered the earth, they would still fight to the end. Now, it will not waver. At least the beasts will hurt and bark, and the Legion is a lifeless monster. Even if there are more monsters to kill, there is no fun as a warrior. At the moment, they have been waiting for a long time.

However, they can stop the orcs, only because the human race has changed the tactics.

The old orc Toby was defeated, and the desperate new Shaman Theodore released the order without authorization. Originally, he wanted to break through two paths. Now the enemy’s defense is much stronger than they think. Theodore is determined to be a dead one. Fighting, turning the breakout into a concentrated breakthrough, all the Biangi beast, the hill giant and the thunderbird group are all concentrated in a vertical line, pointing to the Holy Crown City Knight group in Guevera.

Guevera’s pressure has increased. Fortunately, Han Jin’s eight-door lock array has turned all the thunderbirds that have swooped down and ready to release lightning attacks into waste. Once they fly into the great array, they can’t see anything, let alone talk about it. On the target, only the ultra-low-flying thunderbird can see the crowd on the ground through the illusion. Unfortunately, they fly so low that they have become the target of the elf shooters, and the elves are not in the eight-door lock. Affected, did not wait for thunderbird to release lightning, a path of lasing arrows have shot it into a honeycomb.

The Holy Crown City Knight group can remain stable, Guevera has ordered them to retire to 100 meters far, fighting with the Biangi giant beast, not those Knights can participate in, and, as commander, he can’t use irresistible death. To test the will and courage of the Knights, the test has no meaning at all, and the passing test of Knight will definitely become a dead person.

Yalina once again appeared behind Guevera. Her eyes were full of dissatisfaction. She didn’t know who was irritating her. Then she slowly lifted the gourd hammer and began to sing magic.

Dominique had never left, and she noticed that the magic was fluctuating. She glanced back and felt a little surprised. Who made the little Princess angry?

The sky became brighter, a path of thunderbolt appeared, and it fell down with the mighty momentum, and the ground was blasted with sand and stones. The human race warrior was smashed with flesh and blood, along with the old orc Toby. The Bianmen giant beasts have long suffered a lot of injuries, and the flexibility of the body has been greatly reduced. A dozen of besieged Guevera and Dominic together with the giant beast, still can’t get the breakthrough quickly, of course, Guevera and more Minnie is self-sufficient, unable to kill the enemy, and found that the opportunity can only be gently let go, otherwise they will suffer heavy losses when they kill a giant beast.

Bianmen giant beast once again suffered, the magic defense is too low, the attack of the nine-Gray drop can easily get the most damage, each column hits their body, it will splash a bloody flower, but their body Extremely large, as long as the injury is not fatal, they can continue to fight. This is not a hard-resistance, but a hard battle.

Guevera’s pupil suddenly shrank, and he found that the fluctuations in the electrical elements not only did not weaken, but became more intense, which violated the magic principle.

Every thunderbolt blasts, leaving an electric light, like a very thin mirror with a diameter of about two meters, attached to the ground, printed on the body of Biemen, covered in bloody bodies, Within the number of 100 meters, this strange ‘mirror’ is getting more and more.

Bang… Bang Bang… Jiu Gray’s drop is still unscrupulous, because no one can pose a threat to Yalina. The giants who broke into the eight-door locks can’t see Yalina. It’s useless to see them. They have Lost throwing weapons. In fact, the animal’s human race’s three-axe tactics have a continuous surname, the hill giants collectively throw hammers, attack the enemy, and then thunderbird flies down to help, usually, the Biangi giant beasts can be easily rushed into the enemy. The mountainside giants follow up, pick up their weapons, continue to shoot, or fight melee. Unfortunately, the Biangi giant beasts have not made any progress at this moment, and the hill giants are all unarmed.

The strange mirrors printed are more and more, and finally connected to each other and overlapped. The number of squares within 100 meters has been completely covered by a dazzling rays of light, and the magical fluctuations caused by it can be overwhelmed. Frenzy.

Guevera roared, stepped back, and detached from the giant beast of Bimeng. The spear glow on the dragon gun quickly became dim, and the rays of light emitted from the body became more and more dazzling. . Dominic had a silver light in her eyes, and she was quickly retreating. At this moment, both Guevera and Dominique used their best efforts to protect themselves.

Suddenly, the whole mirror slowly bulged, like a round piece of bread, and then the piece of bread with a number of 100 meters blasted open. In the world-shaking bang, countless silver lights rushed. Shot, Guevera and Dominique are completely covered by silver light, they can’t see their movements, and the magic shield released by Yalina seems to be punched by an invisible giant, and it bursts instantly. Her figure is full. Flying down to the severe dozen meters far away, the Holy Crown City Knight group in front of the Knights were rushed to turn over, some Knight even took the horse to fly, rolled a few laps before landing on the ground, people are fine, Knight They all have bodyguards, but the horses have broken bones and fractures.

The Biangi giant beasts who were directly hit were even worse. Most of them were drenched with blood, and the surrounding skin seemed to be forcibly ignited by an invisible force, revealing the muscles of the red dragonfly and the dense spider web. The bloodline even reveals the bones, and some of the stomachs of the giant beast are cut open, and the intestines that are several times thicker than the human waist flow to the ground. How bad the scene is.

A shadow suddenly flashed, and Han Jin appeared on the side of Yalina, holding a handful of Yalina who was still flying back. He showed the expression of blame, but did not speak.

And Yalina’s face is full of excitement and joy, she did not speak, but a pair of big eyes with rich expressions are staring at Han Jin, she is waiting or looking forward to, she can fully express her with another World movie name. Mood: You have to praise me!

In the battle of Undying Bird Legion, a headed Magician groaned and suddenly said: “Thunder blasting? Yalina has reached the peak of the Magister?!” Although he can’t see the scene in the eight-door lock, But the elemental fluctuations caused by magic are not his own.

“Impossible?” Another Magician expression headed by him was hesitant: “In the beginning, we used seven or eight years. Even if Yalina’s qualifications are much better than us, it’s not so fast!”

“Yalina is beside Raphael… It’s been almost two years, isn’t it?” The previous Magician said with a smile: “Tobias, it seems that you are not used to being overtaken.”

“When Yalina became a magician, it has gone far beyond us.” Magician also smiled: “Spond, I have not been as stingy as you think, and… Yalina has just released the nine-Gray drop. Even if she really reached the peak of the Magister, it was impossible for her to release it.”

“Yeah…” The Magician called Spencer screamed, and the companion said it makes sense. It is too difficult to release two high-level magicians in a row. Especially the thunderstorm is a powerful magic that is infinitely close to the curse, even if it is Yalina. Really reached the peak of the Magister, and can’t do it.

“Don’t think about that many.” Tobias said with a smile: “We should contribute, we can’t easily be compared to young people…”

“This is inevitable.” Spencer said the head, with a narrow tone, said: “Even adults admit, what else do you insist on?”

“Raphael is really so powerful?” Tobias’s expression was slight and he smiled and said: “But he is an opponent of an adult, and my opponent… is Yalina.”

Out of the scope of the thunderstorm, Guevera’s image is still good. In Han Jin’s magic lab, he and Yelina have harvested a lot, and the solid body protection has protected him, and Dominic It seems a little embarrassed, the helmet does not know where to fly, revealing a flying hair, shoulders and breastplates have a small crack, even Dominy with a strong electric system magic power has become like this, I can imagine the end of those than the giant beast.

Dominique’s mouth was opened, as if she wanted to scream something about Yalina, who was outside ten meters, but in the end, a thousand words turned into a helpless sigh, then reached out and beckoned, and there was a thunder in her hand. The javelin, as she stood up, rushed to the mourning Bimeng giant beast, swearing at him, asking for his life, not doing anything at this time, what are you waiting for? !

Guevera also raised the dragon gun. Behind Dominique, the attacking wave of the human race was completely interrupted by the magic of Yalina. The followers were still counting 100 meters. They had enough time to kill those injured one by one. Bimon’s giant beast.

“Han Jin is finally talking.” His tone is somewhat helpless. Yalina’s magic loss is very serious, and he has suffered some injuries. If you know that Yalina will forcefully try to release overlapping magic, he will definitely stop Yalina.

Yalina bit her lip and her eyes dropped a little. Han Jin didn’t praise her and made her disappointed. What a great success for her? She finally mastered the overlapping magic!

“My Yalina…is the best.” Han Jin knows Yalina’s mentality. He has to squeeze out a sentence. When he says this, he feels that his back seems to have a goose bump, although he likes it. Yalina, but not accustomed to use this kind of numbness to express, just to prevent Yalina from disappointing, reluctantly, of course, not like meat and linen does not mean that he does not cherish Yalina.

“hehe…” Yalina almost broke and laughed, and the corner of his mouth immediately rose, showing a happy smile.

“Go back to rest.” Han Jin didn’t want to continue to numb, even though he knew that the girl needed to use numbness, but he couldn’t do it.

“Yeah.” Yalina ordered nodded.

Han Jin looked ahead, Guevera and Dominion had the advantage, and the giant beasts were hit hard and almost lost their fighting power. Even if they could continue fighting, they could only make a few screams and jump a few times. It threatens Guevera and Dominique, but in the distance, the next wave of the human race has already arrived. There are almost a hundred giants in the hills and three silvers, and they are also gold. The powerful warrior of the blood family.

Han Jin’s figure flashed in front of Guevera and Dominique, and then his body shape has disappeared into the ground. He is in the range of eight-door locks. He can move freely without restrictions, and he can walk out of the eight-door lock array. No.

Next moment, Han Jin emerged from the blast of the hurricane wolf warrior, a group of extremely bright purple light around him, quietly cutting all the orc warriors close to him into pieces of flesh and blood.

More than a hundred giants in front of the hill and the blood family of the warriors immediately discovered Han Jin, who can move freely in the ground, only one person!

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