The old orc Toby continued to sprint, two strange red lights lit up in his eyes, and then, a thunder like a thunder swelled in the process of rushing, the old orc Toby’s body became more and more burly, More and more tall, the ultimate madness!

When the old orc Toby locked Guevera, the distance between the two people was still more than 700 meters away. It took only a dozen seconds to reduce the distance to less than 100 meters. The effect of the ultimate madness was completely released. When it came out, the old orc Toby became a golden beast of the golden.

Bianmei’s giant beast formidable power is not limited to the number of enemies that can kill and kill. It is enough to see all beings entangled and sweeping all the enemies, enough to make any enemy feel trembling in fear, even collapse, the old orc Toby, Behind him, a dozen or so groups of people than the giant beast lined up, just like a hill on the face, the Holy Crown City Knight group battle appeared loose, Knights have an illusion, can not fight, otherwise they will It was crushed into powder in an instant.

Behind the giant beast of Bimeng, there are more than 200 hill giants, but they run far less than the giant beast, when the Biangi giant beasts are approaching the battle of the Holy Crown City Knight. They just stepped into the throwing distance. Behind the hill giants, about three thousand thunderbirds swooped down from the air, and a sharp scream rang out, and a pair of wings spread out to cover the night sky.

Life and Death is hanging in the air. The old orc Toby is very clear. He doesn’t have time to start a regular battle. He doesn’t have time to test it. So when he comes up, the trump card is out. It is necessary to tear the enemy’s battle at the fastest speed. Array!

The giants of the hills shouted and struggling to throw the hammer in their hands. A path of heavy hammers pierced the sky, spinning, roaring and falling to the Holy Crown City Knight.

The Knights of the Holy Crown City Knight group were disfigured. They understood that the situation was very bad, but did not expect that the deadly attack would come so fast.

There were a lot of Knights who released their bodyguards and then tried to use the guns to block the hammers that roared. Unfortunately, they couldn’t stop it! The blood flower piece splashed, and the hammer hammer of more than 200 handles was deeply embedded in the battle of the Holy Crown City Knight group. Some hammer hammers even smashed a blood path of more than ten meters. I don’t know how many people stumbled, all tried. Knight, who had been blocked, was shot and broken, and even the horses that straddle were broken.

Why is the powerhouse always awesome? The answer has come out! Those Knights are qualified in the Holy Crown City to show off one’s military strength. They can face more than 200 hill giants. They are extremely fragile. Only one face, there are six or seven hundred Knights. In the pool of blood.

The giants of the hill shouted and continued to rushing forward, and the thunderbird group had crossed them and rushed to the battle.

This is the three-axe axe of the human race! It is also a very skilled three-axe!

Before the Biangi giant beast cut into the enemy line, the giants of the hills first launched the throwing, trying to alleviate the pressure of the giant beast, and then thunderbird before the group, supporting the attack of the Biangi giant beast, and the task of the Biangi beast, not to annihilate all The enemy, but the tears of the enemy, they will straight forward, forward, and forward, the deeper the better.

If the Biangi giant beast is a rampaged tank, then the hill giant is the gunfire that provides fire support, and the thunderbird group that swoops down from the sky is the plane, and the blasted wolf warrior that surges like the tide is of course a squad. This is an alternative type of three-dimensional combat.

The Guevera expression changed slightly, and the casualties of the Holy Crown City Knight group were somewhat unexpected. The old orc Toby sent out an excited roar, and the enemy’s fragility was beyond his imagination. Such an enemy could never resist him. attack.

Suddenly, Toby’s footsteps slowed down. He felt like he had crossed a layer of inexplicable diaphragm. He could clearly see Guevera and see the horror of the Holy Crown City Knight group. Who knows this step is going out, Saw a blur, then the enemies in front disappeared out of thin air, and the surrounding winds roared and sneaked around. The skylight and the moonlight could not be seen in the sky, and the wheat fields could no longer be seen in the ground. Everything around them was gray and gray. It seems to have entered another World.

If you switch to any orc, you will lose one’s head out of fear, but the old orc Toby’s combat experience is too rich. When he was charged and smashed in the sand, Fossa was a child who couldn’t talk, listening to the orcs behind him. The warriors did not change their shouts, and the old orc Toby immediately judged that everything in front of him was an illusion.

Next moment, Bimeng giant beast lined up and saw all the enemies disappearing inexplicably, they stayed for a while.

Hey… The old orc, Toby, screams like a thunder, and then moves again, and starts to charge forward. His roar is louder than a scream. It’s louder than loud, it’s not venting anything, but telling all Orc, don’t be afraid, don’t lose yourself, follow me!

Han Jin on the War God sighs. The illusion is just a magical array. When the number of enemies is enough to fill the entire great array, what does the so-called ‘magic’ mean? In fact, the eight-door lock array is definitely the top array. At the beginning, his strength was very poor. The eight-door lock array set up could not create an illusion. He could only rely on Yalina and other eight darings and many stars to kill the enemy. Now, it is capable of creating an illusion, but it is impossible to turn it into reality like Fengshan. Frankly speaking, he can only set up a real and complete eight-door lock array if he has reached the limit of the golden body.

However, he did not expect to defeat a few hundred thousand orcs by illusion. The real purpose was to protect and protect those friends who are very important to him, as well as relatives.

“Hugh! Health! Injury! Du! Scene! Dead! Surprise! Open!” Han Jin continually swayed eight times, every time he broke his drink, and the corresponding goalkeeper stiffened, a feeling of incomprehensibility. Rising from their hearts.

Sunier and Yalina and Gibran, their expressions are as usual, because they have had similar experiences, Guevera, Dominique, Gail, and Hogan can also remain calm, Han Jin explained them, only know nothing. Gao Bin, immediately dumbstruck. He found that his senses spread to all around with a mysterious state. Within a few dozens of li, there was nothing to escape his gaze. All the vegetation, rocks, rubble, birds and beasts were all in his heart, as long as He is willing, he believes that he can even count how many ants are on the ground. What kind of magic is this? Too strong!

The eyes of Moxinke, Cessacioun and the others are somewhat complicated. Once upon a time, they were also daring, and they had made great efforts to resist the mercenaries. However, in order to maximize the use of formidable power, only others can act as a daring.

Guevera’s body-protection has been released to the extreme, his body shape is wrong, the whole person becomes a comet with electric light, and quickly approaches the old orc Toby.

The illusion of the eight-door lock is limited. When Guevera is less than ten meters from the old orc, the illusion can’t hide his figure. The old orc Toby sees Guevera and immediately lifts the right palm, such as lightning. As the head is covered, if you are photographed by this palm, Guevera will definitely be forcibly pressed into the earth, just like the nail under the hammer.

Guevera’s body shape can avoid the pressure of the old orc Toby, approaching the enemy in the oblique thorn, and then the dragon gun in his hand spurts out like a life-threatening dragon, hitting the old orc Toby. Left ankle. Of course, Guevera wants to attack the other’s throat, heart, etc., and can be limited by height. He can only give up unrealistic thoughts.

The old orc Toby’s reaction was extremely agile. Looking at the strength and speed of the palm, it was estimated that his half arm would fall deep into the ground, but after Guevera avoided it, he could recover his strength at the last minute, then left. The fist fell and slammed into Guevera’s head. Guevera had no choice, and he was the same. The two bodies were different ten times different. Can you still play a heart-breaking fist?

Guevera’s wrist was lightly picked, the gun was retracted, and the figure continued to move forward. Then the dragon gun stabbed back and stabbed the old anast Toby’s back ankle. He is looking at the enemy’s legs today, not to make the enemy disabled. Never give up.

Just then, the space was distorted, and Dominique’s tall silhouette appeared in front of the battle of the Holy Crown City Knight group. She had already had a long-awaited lightning javelin in her hand, and then the javelin flashed away. Next moment, the lightning javelin appeared in front of the old orc Toby.

Two hit one? This is not fair! But the old orc, Toby, didn’t have time to complain. He was turning his body and trying to deal with Guevera. He couldn’t wait to dodge. He could only lift the right hand and force the thunderbolt’s offensive.

A loud bang, the thunder and lightning javelin exploded in the old orc Toby’s palm, a thunderbolt Titan’s full attack, formidable power can be imagined, the old orc Toby’s right palm was blown out nearly one meter square The blood hole, inside a fleshy and fuzzy, can even see the white bones, his lips are also bleeding, and the fist back, because of the huge force collision, his boxing bones involuntarily kneel on his mouth, lips are cracked, The back of the boxing was also marked by his own sharp teeth. A path of extremely deep blood marks.

Pain, it takes time and nerves to transmit and feel. When the old orc Toby has not felt the pain, a faint shadow appears above him. The shadow seems to move, and the old orc Toby A blind blood light suddenly appeared in the left eye, and then the shadow disappeared again disappear without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

A feminine silhouette was extremely abruptly raised from Dominion, holding a strange magic wand like a gourd hammer in his hand, and then the magic wand slammed forward.

The sky has become brighter, a path of lightning has fallen straight from the air. The first bad luck is the thunderbird group that has lost its attacking target and chaotically circling. About a few thunderbirds are falling in the nine-Gray drop. Within the scope of the attack, although thunderbird has a strong resistance to electric magic, Yalina does not release ordinary magic. Hundreds of thunderbirds are blown up in the air, whistling, and countless feathers like snowflakes. wave.

With Yalina’s current attainments, I can greatly shorten the singing time of Jiu Gee Ge, but I can’t make a real instant. However, she hides behind Dominique and sings the elements caused by magic, all of which are Dominique. The lightning javelin is hidden, and there is no difference between instant and instant.

The Bimeng giant beast rushed into the eight-door lock, and seven of them were attacked by the nine-Gray descending technique. The defects of the weaker beast of the giant beast are unmistakable at this moment. They are constantly in the continuous electric light. Roar, writhing, every electric light makes them feel unbearable pain, and the first to scream is the old orc Toby, the right palm is severely wounded, the left eye is hedged, and the nine-Gray drop is washing. His body, these, let his roaring reach the level of world-shaking.

However, the old orc Toby’s snoring has just been issued, and it has been cursed. Guevera’s all-out, undisturbed dragon gun has pierced the back of the old orc Toby’s, and the crisp bones are heard everywhere. In one’s ear. A long time ago, Guevera and Yalina used the same method and had lightning fighting skills. Guevera was not afraid of Jiu Gee Ge, and when the surrounding enemies were washed by lightning, it was a good opportunity for him to show his power.

The old orc Toby hurts and hurts. He wants to be crazy. He doesn’t feel it at all. A pretty shadow is standing in front of him more than 30 meters away. The long bow in his hand has already been drawn into a full moon. Then, Sunier’s fingers are loose. The arrow emits a whistling sound that tears the eardrum and spurs out.

Guevera struggled to pull out the dragon’s gun, and a bloody splattered from the back of the old orc Toby’s back, and Guevera immediately released the ‘instant movement’ and retreated to the battle of the Holy Crown City Knight. Yalina releases the magic shield and quickly recedes, and Dominique is in front of Yalina.

The whistling sound became more and more harsh. Some Knight even threw away the guns and tried to cover their ears with their hands. The giants on the hills couldn’t help but stop. Everything showed pain and was trapped in eight. The Bimeng giant beasts in the door locks are getting louder and louder, but their squeaks are completely annihilated by a small arrow.

The old orc Toby’s ankle was heavily wounded by Guevera. He couldn’t support his body. He couldn’t adjust his center of gravity. He was slowly tilting. He couldn’t see the arrow. He relied on instinctive reaction and stopped with his left arm. The figure is also shrinking down.

Bang… Sunier’s arrow is shooting into the left arm of the old orc Toby, and then the whole arrow is turned into tiny particles that are scattered and scattered. The particles are turned into a fierce shock wave, wrapped around the old orc Toby, and old The back of the orc Toby is rolled up.

If you slow down the lens, you can see how terrifying the shock wave is! The old orc Toby’s cheeks and the muscles of the body are shaking wildly. All the fluff in the front half is broken in an instant, the left arm is deeply sunk into his chest, and the blind left eye suddenly splatters a sparkling crystal. The liquid, then the blood is thick, and the remaining right eye is raised high, which makes people worry. When he shoots in his head, the eyeball will roll out.

The shock wave swayed upwards, and in the blink of an eye, some of the fallen thunderbird was pulled into a hairless chicken, and the shock wave rushed forward, causing the old orc Toby to withstand tremendous pressure, so that all the wounds on his body were completely torn. The bloody flowers bloom like a salute, and the shock wave swells downwards. Forcibly blasts a large pit on the ground. Several surrounding beasts are also smashed to the ground, only because the old orc Toby The body blocked, the big pit was very irregular, as if someone had bitten a large piece of moon cake.

Next moment, the old orc Toby’s feet left the ground, planted backwards, and the orcs with gold blood released the ultimate madness, although their magical defense did not change much, but the physical defense increased to One degree of terrifying was actually knocked down by Sunier in an instant. The fordable power of this arrow is much stronger than the lightning javelin released by Dominique.

However, Dominique can still continue to fight, still can release the same attack, and Sunier becomes pale, obviously, it is her limit to shoot another arrow.

From Guevera, the attack was first launched, and the old orc Toby was knocked down. It was only two seconds before and after. A powerful warrior with gold blood lost his fighting power in the blink of an eye.

This is the most terrifying of the eight-door lock, and the human race wants to break the battle? Yes, but the strength of the squad is more than eight times stronger than any one, because within the scope of the eight-door squad, the eight squad can gather at any time, anywhere, to launch the enemy. Deadly attack! Moreover, this is only basic, you know, Han Jin as an array eye has never shot! Moreover, only six people from the beginning to the end, Gibran strength is not enough, afraid to give everyone trouble, Gao Bin’s strength is unfathomable, but he does not understand anything … “I x!!!” swearing from a should not The place came out.

Lydia was stunned, Branzi was stunned, Julia was stunned, and Constance was still stunned. They were all staring at Gaobin. What happened to Gaobin? !

“Who will tell me!” Gao Bin did not realize that the muscles on his face were shaking, and his eyes were full of glory: “When did the guys learn to move instantly?!” What he saw was so exciting. If he also masters the ability to move in an instant, no one can defeat him. Even if he is the god of the mortal world, he dares to confront.

“Gao Bin, what are you talking about? What momentary move?” Lidia asked inexplicably.

“You didn’t see it?” Gao Bin glanced.

“No, what did you see?”

“Impossible…” Gao Bin slammed his beard: “How could Sunier move instantly? And Guevera, the old fellow, he is a Knight! Is it his Dual Cultivation?”

“cough cough…” Guevera suddenly coughed hard.

“Brother! What are you talking about?!” Sunier lost his body and appeared next to Gaobin, in a delicate tone.

“Ah?” Gaobin was shocked: “Have you heard? How did you hear it?!”

“Not only I heard it.” Sunier didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “Everyone heard it.”

“Yeah, my old fellow also heard it.” Guevera said in a few kilometers away, the Knights around him were unknown, but the high guest over there was shocked.

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