Carrying too much anger and hatred of the orc family, Han Jin can still maintain his face, even indifferent, he only bowed his head and stared at his left palm, where he did not know when a fist-sized flower bud appeared. .

The orcs made angry roar sounds, and they fought hard to Han Jin. Even the hill giants became very excited. If not the three powerful warriors with gold blood inheritance stopped with their snoring, they would be throwing their own together. Weapons, of course, they want to hit Han Jin. It is impossible for the heavy hammer to fly out. The bad luck must be the orc.

Han Jin looked at the flowerbed in the palm and sighed: “The fire is red, open!”

The flower buds suddenly shot ten thousand zhang, and instantly illuminated the dark battlefield. The petals opened a little, then fell off the flower buds, flew out to all directions, and each petal kept changing. It became two petals, two petals became four petals, and finally turned into absolutely thousand, the battlefield of murderous aura, has become the ocean of flowers.

The petals are wrapped in swaying light, flying around, chasing, more dense than snow, more beautiful than the rainbow, warmer than the spring breeze, more splendid than the starlight, the beauty of the ultimate brilliance, almost suffocating .

At the same time as the red lotus blooms, the three powerful warriors with gold blood inheritance snarled, but they did not attack at all, but instead turned around and desperately fled to the distance. At the beginning of Mark Singh, Han Jin also released the same magic, easily killing a near-dead abyss demon and destroying the defense of Maxinburg, surviving and surrendering Han Jin’s warriors and Magicians to remember. In that scene, through their mouths, Han Jin’s magical formidable power gradually spread. Later, the Spirit Race occupied Marcinburg and learned a lot. Powerhouses such as Ampudra, Prudence and Fossa agreed. The release of Han Jin is definitely a mysterious curse.

What if I see the curse? Of course, to escape, for the human race, the curse always means irresistible death and injury. In history, the most powerhouse of the human race can not compete with the curse.

Compared with the warriors of the Golden Blood family, the more than a hundred hill giants are very tragic. Although their bodies are tall and ordinary orcs only reach their thighs, this is enough to make them unable to retreat. On the contrary, in the crowds, they continue to move closer to Han Jin.

Most orcs don’t understand what the dazzling petals of the face are, and after a moment of dazzling, they try to open their eyes and catch the shadow of Han Jin.

Only in an instant, thousands of petals with a burst of light shrouded the square of nearly a kilometer. The human race was attacked by a wave of three gold-blooded warriors, more than one hundred. The giants of the hills, and there are more than 4,000 blast wolf warriors, all wrapped up in it, no one can escape.

The petals are particularly gentle and swayed by the orcs. The effect of the madness disappears inexplicably. At the same time, there are many negative emotions disappearing. For example, hatred, anger, fear, etc., many orcs have strange smiles on their faces. They stayed staring at the endless flower rain, letting their bodies continue to melt, disintegrate, and die. They were not dreadful at all. They clearly saw death, but they felt a kind of happiness, from the depth of The pleasure of one’s soul.

However, the orcs outside the red lotus industry’s fire range are horrified, seeing their companions each and everyone become riddled, even fragmented, but they are actually laughing, for the onlookers, this scene Not only is it incomprehensible, but it is also an horrible thing.

The three warriors with gold blood inheritance are still running hard. After releasing the ultimate madness, they have become a huge silver, and every step can be taken out of the weekly ten meters, and they don’t care whether clansman lives or not. , arbitrarily rushing, the speed is almost to the extreme.

From the front, the three fighters are still normal, but from the back, you can see a strange picture that is also seen in hell. Their backs have been eroded by the absolutely red lotus petals, and even a clear, ten meters-long, bloody vertebrae can be seen clearly, and the vertebrae are writhing with their running postures. Some of the joints have been highlighted, as if the next moment will fall, and it will be straight.

With this kind of injury, even if they can escape alive, they may not survive. However, they can still control their own bodies and their own will, not affected by the red lotus industry fire.

With more than three hundred meters left, you can charge ahead. For them, this is only a dozen steps, but their pace is slowing down, slowing down, and then falling on the ground.

This kind of information, it is impossible to achieve 100%’s comprehensive, 100% accuracy. Now, after the human race has paid a huge price, it finally understands that someone can instantly curse!

Nearly kilometer around Han Jin, it has become an empty field. Only he is standing alone. The orcs who fell to the ground continue to melt at a speed that can be perceived by a naked eye, and finally become The pieces fly gray.

Han Jin extend the hand, pointing forward, thousands of dazzling petals suddenly formed a frenzy, rushing to the distant beasts.

The orcs turned pale with fright, and they witnessed the companion’s end. They understood that the petals that looked so beautiful were fatal, and each and everyone hurriedly turned around and rushed to the rear.

“What kind of magic is that?” Toby’s of Undying Bird Legion was stunned. Although the distance between the two sides was far away, there was no magical fluctuation, but the dazzling color was particularly eye-catching in the night, and Tobias immediately released. The eye of perspective, witnessed the formidable power of the red lotus fire, his expression and the orcs were equally astonished.

“I don’t know.” Spencer replied with a dignified tone. He and Tobias are both fire attribute big mentors. They are extremely deep in magic, but the magic of formidable power and attack power, and outside. In form, it is far beyond the common sense of magic, he can not accept.

“It seems to be fire attribute magic.” Tobias hesitated.

“Is there fire attribute magic that we don’t understand?” Spencer asked, if there was a fire attribute magic that they had never heard of, it was an insult to their profession.

“It seems that I don’t believe it, but now… can you still admit it?” Tobias said with a bitter smile: “Spond, you said, this time I want to bring Lorraine back, I advise Let’s just say, don’t delay the future of the child. She is here, maybe she can learn something we can’t teach.”

Spencer was silent for a moment and shook his head. “I will not interfere with Lorraine’s life. If she is happy here, let her go.”

“Yesterday… you don’t seem to say that.” Tobias said.

“I changed, can’t I?” said Spencer with a squint.

“Where are you so angry?” Tobias felt a little strange, and suddenly realized: “Is it bad to be overtaken by one young man after another? Poor self-esteem is doing…”

“It is a good thing to be surpassed by young people, so we will have hope.” Spencer said disdainfully: “I don’t like you, I have Yalina as my opponent… What do you think? I am for you.” worry!”

“Raphael!” Rheinnell, who has been in a state of confusion, finally came to life. Seeing Han Jin standing still in the distance, an uncontrolled flame filled his chest, and then Rhinenell opened his mouth again. Roar: “Raphael !!!” With his roar, his figure swelled up a little.

Han Jin sneered, did not take care of Rheinel’s provocation, and his body shape shrank to the ground.

With his current energy, releasing the red lotus fire is easy, but it takes a lot of effort to make the talisman, that is, he has the strength to continue fighting. However, the human race is a group of mad dogs. If you keep yourself here and let the human race lose confidence, it is very likely that you will run away, or you will attack in multiple ways, which will make him a headache. Sunier wants to show his strength, so Yalina also wants to show his strength. As a result, the two darings cost a lot of physical strength, one consumes a lot of magic power, and they can’t participate in the battle for the time being. The remaining six arrays Bold, Hogan wants to stay on the War God, Gibran’s strength is not enough, Gail’s general manager is not suitable for killing on the battlefield, Gaobin’s real power is unknown, he can’t assign Gaobin indiscriminately, in case of danger, how is he responsible? That is to say, he set up eight darings for his eight-door lock, and now there are only two left to fight at any time, Guevera and Domini, if the human race breaks the way, they simply I’m too busy, even if the human race only sent a few more than a giant beast, and then followed dozens of hill giants, no matter which Legion hits the Holy Crown City, it will have the absolute advantage, this is the high-end power Terrifying place.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, he can only try to attract the soldiers of Biemen’s giant beast and the blood family of gold to the middle of the road to relieve the pressure of other Legion. In other words, he must constantly tell the human race, yours. The tactics are correct. You will succeed a little bit, but because we are very tenacious, we will block you. As long as you work harder and harder, you will be able to break through the line of defense.

The orcs saw that Han Jin disappeared, and countless deadly and beautiful petals became disappear without a trace. They immediately reacted, and the orcs had a certain understanding of magic. A Magician released the curse and then hurriedly withdrew. What does it mean? Magical exhaustion!

Don’t attack now, what are you waiting for? And the others home meditation, add magic, and then release the curse again?

Rows of hurricane wolves warrior waving a bright scimitar, desperately rushing forward, stepping through the dead, fragmented bodies left by their companions, and rushing into the eight-door lock. However, this time, the human race did not dispatch the giant beast and the hill giants, and even the half-mad state of Rhinenell was dragged by several brothers. Of course, several giants with a height of more than 20 meters Twisted together, causing a fatal threat to nearby orcs, even the new Grand Shaman Theodore was almost trampled to death, scared him covered head and sneaked away like a rat, escaped far away, hiding in The safe place is secretive from the belly.

In addition to the Holy Crown City Knight group, the situation in other areas is gradually turning into a bad situation. Although Han Jin and the others have not invested too much energy in other aspects, the human race is also the same. The first wave of impact is only a temptation. Numerous blast wolf warriors and walking orcs with inferior weapons rushed up and fought with each Legion.

Winston and Saxon are very good, but the human race also has its own generals and heads. Winston and Saxon have been forced into the wind, and the casualties of the first Swordsman and the second Swordsman are rising rapidly, but In terms of strength, Holy Crown City’s Swordsman and Knight are more than ordinary orcs, but the human race’s deadly fighting spirit is what they don’t have. The only advantage is flattened, plus the human race is crowded with people. The Swordsman group and the second Swordsman group are only 8,000 people, but they are suffering from the tens of thousands of orcs. The hardships can be imagined. Fortunately, Han Jin’s eight-door locks make all thunderbirds Waste, if you add thousands of thunderbird attacks, it is estimated that they have already collapsed.

Winston and Saxon were in a hurry, but they were in deep trouble, unable to return. Although the human race had no fighting skills, but the height was strong, the bright curved knife was fast and stunned. Winston also Better, Saxon has had seven or eight wounds. However, Han Jin has killed the many giant dragons. The dragon scales have already become the standard equipment of friends. The scimitar broke his Saxon body and strength. Already lost a small part, and then cut the dragon scales, the force on the scimitar is running out, and at most, a blood mark is drawn, it is difficult to cause the damage of the real surname, but after all, it is not the way, they urgently need support.

Langing’s rapids Legion can still be barely maintained, because Knight’s equipment and tactics have played a role in restraining the hurricane wolf warrior. The right hand wielding the gun can control the distance between the two sides. If the enemy forcibly throws in, they can also use The Knight Shield protects itself, and the War Horse is much taller than the Wind Wolf. Gibran did not know what ran to Lang Ning, his real strength is stronger than Winston and Saxon, but the impact is far less than Winston and Saxon. Gibran is like a poisonous snake. When the poisonous snake is angry, the tiger and the lion will retreat. But what about the poisonous snake in the face of a group of ants? With the bite of each and everyone? No matter how hard he tries, he can only puncture an enemy, but Winston and Saxon can knock down.

The mountain Legion of Yalinshan Reiter is also somewhat unsupported, but they are relegated to be very organized and step by step. In contrast, the scenes of the first Swordsman group and the second Swordsman group are somewhat confusing.

Kane became the fire brigade. He divided the magic Legion into five brigades to support each Legion, but the effect was not obvious. No way, he could only personally plunge into the battle of ‘fire,’ on the battlefield. Big Magician’s formidable power is far more than the same level of warrior, sing a few incantation, a magic cover, you can easily reverse the situation, of course, when he goes to the second support point, only a few minutes, the original support point The situation has started to get worse again.

“Have you seen it?” When Gaobin sinks his face, his posture is extremely powerful, cold glow twinkling eyes, straight as a javelin body, and a thick alternative beard, looking murderous aura, then His arms point to the front: “They are bleeding for us!”

Dozens of fine pirarchs in the Spirit Race, and the middle and low-level leaders of thousands of Spirit Races, surrounded the high-pitched, quietly listening.

“Once, our long bow in our hands aimed at them; once, we occupied their city and hurt their loved ones; once, we regarded him as the most terrifying enemy and tried every means to kill him.” The voice suddenly became high: “Now everyone take a closer look, how did they return us!”

The emotions of the elves are a little bit irritating. This is a naive race. One person is innocent and one race is innocent. That is sad. According to the truth of the fittest, they are extremely difficult to breed. The alternatives like Ampudra and Prudence have a very small proportion in the Spirit Race. Of course, the elves such as Gaobin, Sunier, and Lydia are also different. Most of the elves only want to be quiet and peaceful. Life, like the original Blanche, has hundreds of elves in the village. They think that there are many more things on World that are more meaningful than war. Ampudra is reinventing Spirit Emperor. The glory of the country is a slogan, and it has provoked the enthusiasm of the fine Spirit Race, and replaced it with any other slogan.

When I heard Gao Bin’s words, the elves’ emotions became very uneasy, and Gao Bin didn’t talk at all. The truth is this! An opponent who is regarded as a deadly enemy, they are protecting them at the moment!

“Are we supposed to do something?” Gao Bin seems to be talking to himself, but his voice is clear: “They have already regarded us as partners, as comrades, they trust us, we?!”

The elves’ emotions are getting more and more excited. The front shouts and kills the sounds. The battles have already become hot, and the casualties will certainly not be less. Until now, no one has been injured because the humans have provoked the most dangerous. The burden, keeping all the enemies in front of them, just like Gao Bin’s self-talking, what should they do?

“Go! Let us express our most sincere apologies with the blood of the enemy!” Gao Bin’s arm slammed his hand and repeated: “Go!!”

The elves turned around neatly and ran forward, and their fighting spirit had been shaken by Gaobin.

Although Gao Bin’s words are short-lived, not at all tells the contradiction between Jing Spirit Race and Holy Crown City. But this is a pre-war mobilization, not a speech. He can only choose the most concise language. Has the fact been thoroughly explained? It is estimated that when he finishes, the battle is over.

“Let’s we together?” Lidia asked with a smile, perhaps remembering that in the past, Lydia’s face was filled with an indescribable look, or a style that even made people ignore the ugly face. Scars.

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