More than 20 giant dragons kept squirting down the dragon, and turned the hill into a fire sea. The boiling flame was rolled up on the weekly ten meters high. From the perspective of Han Jin, I could not see it. Go to the dragon dragon of the dragon domain.

Of course, the dragon dragons of the dragon domain can’t see the outside, so they don’t have a chance to retaliate. Even in the empty space, the giant dragon has the upper hand, they only need to go to the fire. It is ok to add fire to sea, and the goal is very clear.

The conflict between the giant dragons is a bit like another World’s air battle. A fleet suddenly appears above the enemy. The latter’s plane is still parked at the airport. Before it has time to take off, it will usher in a burst of bombing. This is a battle. The tragedy of the disaster surname has become a necessity.

The golden dragon’s magic resistance is very strong, but it can still be supported for a while, but the green dragons can’t stand it. After struggling for a few minutes in the fire sea, they completely lost their fighting spirit and fled straight to the east. What is the meaning of this direction not at all, but it is the result of the chaotic selection of the first collapsed giant dragon, and then several other green dragons feel the action of the companion, subconsciously following.

In the inside, you can’t see the outside, but the dragon dragons in Dragon City can judge the enemy’s position from the scroll of the fire tongue. The two upper golden dragons quickly approach the distance, and the raging dragon crosses down and hits the ground. It made a loud noise.

But the green dragons were desperately desperate, and they couldn’t care about anything. They smashed through the dragon’s breath, and although the body was rushed to the east, the burning pain caused them to make a deafening roar, but the footsteps were not Stop, they just want to escape the fire sea earlier, even if one second in the morning is good.

Two more golden dragons left the team, and they spread their wings. They flew down in the oblique thorns and landed on the ground. They were blocking the fire sea. They lifted their proud heads and waited for the enemy to appear. The two superior golden dragons hovering in the air, they have enough confidence to drive the enemy back.

When the companion began to escape, the three superior golden dragons of the Dragon Field stopped their rebellion and divided into three directions, quickly fleeing. Their attitude was much stronger than those of the green dragons, as if they had already discussed it. And they are much faster than the green dragons.

Han Jin doesn’t care about the battle between giant dragons. His eyes are always squatting. Suddenly, his line of sight is paused at a certain point in the air. What should be found, then bowed his head and his mouth showed a trace. Of course, smile.

The three superior golden dragons of the Dragon Field came first, and the Green Dragon companions first fled, but they actually rushed out of the fire sea one step ahead, although they could not lift off, but they did not run very slowly, starting from the beginning. To escape, no more than ten seconds.

Dragon City’s giant dragons have discovered the enemy’s intentions, but their attack targets seem a bit confusing, and the three superior golden dragons in the fire sea are trying to escape, and they can’t stop them.

Long Tian’s top-ranked Jinlong suddenly felt that his eyes were dark, and he finally rushed out! Then I saw the old man with a sneer in front of him, and couldn’t help but fight a chill. Xavier’s reputation is not loud, not comparable to Maxwell, who always maintains a high profile, but can be listed in Elder Yu, Xavier is sure With his own cuddling, it is not that he can fight.

It is a pity that at this time, the top-ranked Golden Dragon has no way to re-select the direction of escape. The next moment, Xavier extended the hand, pointing to the ground, there was a long crack in the ground, extending from the foot of Xavier to Fire sea.

This is an extremely common ground fission, but the timing of magic release is so good that it even produces a change something rotten into something magical!

Slowing down the speed of the first golden dragon, he rushed out of the fire sea, stepped high and stepped on the wings, ready to forcibly lift off. When his feet were only a few centimeters from the ground, the cracks extended from his feet. However, he stepped into the air, his body fell involuntarily, and the crack was rapidly widening enough to accommodate his legs. His figure continued to fall, and the crack continued to widen, waiting for him to swallow most of his body. When he entered, Xavier waved his hand and the crack tightened and closed inward. The superior golden dragon was caught in the crack and finally the ground returned to its original shape, leaving only a large faucet exposed.

From Xavier’s release of magic to the swaying of magic, there was only one second before and after, and for the top-ranked Golden Dragon, he saw Xavier, who could not help but chill. After the chill, he found that he could not move.

“No…” The head of the golden dragon screamed, then spurted a raging dragon’s breath, and struggled at the same time, trying to break free from the ground. Unfortunately, perhaps only the life buried alive can understand, the kind of powerlessness How sad it is, he can’t move.

Xavier did not pay attention to the golden dragon who was in a desperate situation. His figure flashed and appeared in the air. The first thing he wanted to observe was Han Jin.

Han Jin lowered her head and looked at the ground thoughtfully, as if there was something very interesting on the ground. At this time, another upper golden dragon rushed out from the direction of Han Jin and was seeing Han Jin. Lu, he and his companions, involuntarily feel a cold heart, no one thinks that Han Jin’s strength will be worse than the dragon’s Elder, but he immediately squats, while fanning the wings, while desperately rushing to Han Jin, while Open your mouth and spit out a dragon’s breath.

“Be careful!!” Xavier snorted and then quickly sang an incantation, pointing his hand at the upper golden dragon.

The dragon dragons in Longcheng seem to care about the safety of Han Jin, and almost come to Han Jin’s position. A path of stagnation, all concentrated on the upper golden dragon body.

Han Jin’s figure flashed and appeared outside the number of 100 meters. He was still looking at the ground.

The upper-level Jinlong was hit by more than a dozen dragons at the same time. He had lost his balance. He took a few steps and fell to the ground. But he looked very tenacious and immediately climbed up and tried to spread the wings again.

The ground around him suddenly became alive. The ‘live’ here means that the sand and dust seem to have life, or that the body of the golden dragon suddenly has a strong attraction, and countless tiny pieces of soil follow. His legs spread to him, and every time he took a step, his body became more bloated. After four or five steps, he had become an obese ‘duck’, even his eyes were thick. The layers of soil covered it, and the pace of running became wobbled. Finally, it fell to the ground again.

Dragon City’s giant dragons rushed to rescue Han Jin, so that the superior Jinlongweiz had a big bargain. He forced the dragons of two green dragons to spread the wings and flew into the air.

“Not good! Stop him!!” Xavier screamed, and then began to sing incandation, a rocky spike with a severe ten meters high and pierced from the ground, straight into the golden dragon.

But Weiz has taken full advantage of the few seconds and got the life-saving acceleration. He has a double-winged slant and a semi-circular trajectory, avoiding most of the spikes, only one spike. He didn’t hesitate to squat in his chest and abdomen, then he madly spread his wings and flew straight into the distance.

Compared with his companions, Weiz is undoubtedly fortunate. A companion is buried underground, leaving only his head exposed. A companion has become a huge egg of earthy yellow, and it creeps irregularly, or A few times, from the outside, no one can see that there is a golden dragon in the bread, only him an escape alive, but how long can this luck last? !

“You waste this group! Give me a chase! Chasing me!!” Xavier growled.

Feeling Xavier’s anger, the giant dragons together to spread the wings, chasing away to Weiz, even the four golden dragons playing the ‘sm’ game, also stopped the action of torturing the opponent, several dragons The green dragon finally rushed out of the fire sea, and then fell down. The scales on them were almost melted. The torn skin and gaping flesh, the pieces were black, and some places exposed the bones and even saw the internal organs. They also lost their wings forever. This kind of injury, even if they don’t kill them now, they can’t live for long.

For a moment, most of the giant dragons flew back. Obviously, they chased them. Dark and windy night, Weiz grabbed the opportunity, and just found the clouds to drill up and down. It is very easy to get rid of the chasing soldiers behind.

Xavier’s eyes became extraordinarily cold, his eyes swept over a dejected giant dragon body, and finally landed on Han Jin, and Han Jin was still looking at the ground, and he couldn’t help but yell: “Raphael adults?”

Han Jin is still looking at the ground. This scene makes Xavier feel very surprised. He really wants to see it in the past. What is it that attracts Han Jin’s attention.

“Raphael adults!!” Xavier raised his voice.

This time, Han Jin heard it. He looked up: “You call me?” Then he released the contraction spell and appeared on the side of Xavier.

“Raphael, you…” Xavier said with a bitter smile: “There is a golden dragon that has escaped!”

“You have so much…and let him escape? Deliberately??” Han Jin laughed.

“What?” Xavier’s face changed immediately, and then glared: “Raphael, what do you mean? How can I deliberately let go of the dragon’s enemies?!”

“Yeah, you have no reason to let him go, hehe… I am so hearted.” Han Jin smiled on his face, but he was sneering in his heart, of course he could deliberately let go of the enemy! Xavier’s goal is to force himself to become a deadly enemy with the Dragon Field, so that he can only fully rely on the Dragon City to protect himself! If it is really unintentional, Xavier should not carefully observe his expression! Speaking of which, he is grateful to Solomon. Without Solomon’s teachings, he could not see it so thoroughly. Although it does not necessarily mean happiness, he would rather not be happy than to be a plaything for others.

The muscles on Xavier’s face were extremely twitching. He should have said something and so on, but suddenly there was nothing to say because he had a feeling of heart.

However, Xavier experienced a lot of scenes. He quickly recovered his emotions. Slowly said: “Raphael, what happened to you?” Then he pointed his hand at the still squirming dome: “He should have been you.” To deal with it, but you…hey, otherwise, the golden dragon can’t escape!”

“I am thinking about things.” Han Jin whispered, what is this? Eat yours, drink yours, calculate yours, and finally you have to bear all that is not! Fortunately, he never thought about who he was going to in the past, or else he would regret it now.

“Thinking about it? This is fighting… You are thinking about something?” Xavier didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“I was thinking about Sunier, you should know…” Han Jin laughed, then lowered his head.

“Sunier?” Xavier paused for a moment and made a long sigh: “I can only say that Fine Spirit Elder Ampura made the most stupid choice, his ignorance, shortsightedness, dragging Dragon City for him too. Pay the price!”

In addition to several dozen li, a well-dressed old man from a crystal mirror, after watching the entire giant dragon battle scene, also saw Weiz escape, he silent for a moment, put away the crystal mirror, body shape into the air, At the moment when his figure is floating, a wave that can be described as a majestic spreads to all directions.

Weiz desperately spread the wings and kept drilling through the clouds, because he didn’t know if there were any enemies following him. He didn’t have the time and energy to observe, just wanted to escape farther and farther.

Just when he once again flew over the clouds, he suddenly felt the volatility of the fire element. The kind of fluctuation was very intense and very familiar. He stabilized his mind and tried to converge his breath and quietly drilled. Clouds.

As the height dropped, he found an old man on the top of the mountain. He also saw who the other party was. The other side also saw him. At the moment of the line of sight collision, a string of half-punch tears Weitzer flew out of his eyes, and he could no longer control his emotions. “Adults…Adults…” Weitz, while crying, quickly descended to the top of the hill.

Taking off and landing, this kind of thing has been repeated thousands of times, but today there was a mistake, and almost fell to the ground.

“Weiz, what’s wrong with you?” Xia Zuo asked with a frown.

“Adult, that damn Raphael, he betrayed us!” Weitz couldn’t take care of the bleeding in the chest and abdomen, yelling: “Everyone is dead! Everyone is dead!! You have to avenge us.” ……”

“You are very angry, it looks… you can’t keep a secret.” Xia Zuo sighed.

“What?” Weiz didn’t understand.

A javelin-type weapon composed of flames appeared in the hands of Xia Zuo. At the next moment, Xia Zuo had already thrown the javelin back.

Xia Zuo’s movement is very simple, his strengths only have one word: fast!

Not only the movement of the hand is fast, but the speed of the javelin is also flying to the extreme. Weiz just saw the flame gun. The gun body has penetrated from his front neck and emerged from the back neck, blasting a meter or so. The blood hole, the flame gun continues to fly upwards like a meteor, only in an instant, has risen into the extremely high air, the flashing rays of light become very weak, even more vague than the most bleak stars. The strength of the incomparable gigantic on the flame gun smashed Weiz’s body to fly six and seventy meters high. The huge body of the above Golden Dragon was able to fully turn over and fall to the ground.

Weiz once explained to Han Jin that Xia Zuo attacked Yadunis, not at all. It turns out that Weiz is honest. If Xia Zuo shoots with the same strength, he can only release all the vindictive Adonis. One end, being spiked!

But Weiz’s vitality is very tenacious. He is still not dead. A pair of pupils are nailed to Xia Zuo. He can’t speak, he can only express it with his own eyes.

“Raphael not at all betrayed us.” Xiazo slowly walked forward for a dozen steps, standing in front of Weiz, looking up at the pupil of Weiz: “I want to implement a plan, a thorough end to thousands of years of war. The plan, Weiz, I am sorry, you can only be a victim.”

“For…” Weitz struggled to spit out a character, and at the same time, countless blood bubbles poured out from the wounds on his upper and lower layers.

“Because I can’t let other guardians know.” Xia Zuo said in a low, sad voice: “At least, never let Harriet know.”

Weizi couldn’t say anything. The divine light in his eyes became more and more bleak. Then the pupils slowly closed. Xia Zuo raised his hand and gently pats Weiz’s face and made a long sigh.

From the beginning, after Han Jin told him the plan, he believed Han Jin’s sincerity, because Han Jin was to let the Dragon Dragon’s giant dragon attack the Holy See and snatch the Holy Crystal. This is a deadly handle!

Since Jedice joined the Han Jin camp, his actions have been impeccable. Han Jin has secretly snatched the sacred crystal. This thing is spread out. What qualifications does he have to be the lord? ! A lord can be murderous to the enemy, but must be caring for his subordinates, otherwise who will sell his life? Who will be willing to unite around? Xia Zuo is very clear about the meaning of Shengjing to the Holy See. If you know that Han Jin is the mastermind, Jeddes will go crazy and will definitely go crazy! And the mentality of other powerhouses around Han Jin will also change dramatically. Can Han Jin give such a deadly handle to himself, is there any need for doubt?

What’s more, from the plan of Han Jin, Xia Zuo saw a perfect blueprint. Nikolay has already moved closer to the Dragon Field. He and Solomon talked for a long time and realized that Solomon was also somewhat tempted by the full support of the Dragon Field. On Han Jin, the Dragon Field can control these three powerhouses. What other power can compete with the Dragon Field? ! What’s even better is that after Han Jin’s fake investment in Dragon City, he will try to reduce the strength of Dragon City. Just like today, when the strength of Dragon City becomes weaker and finally wakes up, it is too late and too late.

In fact, Xia Zuo began to feel chilly, because Han Jin’s mind was somewhat terrifying, but after some deliberation, he gently put down the vigilance. Han Jin is too young, so he is very arrogant and very proud. With this shortcoming, Han Jin’s achievements are limited, at least he can’t break away from the control of the Dragon Field. Han Jin keeps saying that the ideal is to unify the entire continent. Every time I think of it, Xia Zuo wants to laugh. How can the dragon domain see the continent unification? Han Jin also said that in the future, Solomon’s foundation will be inherited. Xia Zuo wants to laugh. He talked with Solomon. Solomon did not swear. He really thought about handing over the elements to Han Jin, but Han Jin was a bit rude and missed. Unexpectedly, he beat Tony’s stopped, and even Solomon’s eldest son Jared was rushed out by him. This caused Solomon’s dissatisfaction. Solomon hoped that his three children would be safe and happy. If you live happily, if you hand over the elements to Han Jin, Jared will die! Looking at it now, Solomon’s initial idea is to develop westward, and Han Jin goes north and south, and each of them fights their own foundations. They are bounded by the swamp zone and do not infringe each other. The relationship between the second son Ellison and Yalina can be sent. Go to Han Jin and give his own foundation to Jared so that he can fulfill his wishes. All three children can live well. Xia Zuo can understand this embarrassing feeling and believe in Solomon’s words!

Therefore, Han Jin’s arrogance will be learned in the morning and evening. However, at that time, the overall situation has been decided, Han Jin is unable to change anything, only to bow!

Xia Zuo sighed again, took out the crystal mirror again…

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