“Although they are enemies, but as a giant dragon, we have to show enough respect.” Xavier slowly said: “So I will send their bodies to a place suitable for burial, Raphael adults, I hope you don’t let I am embarrassed.” Xavier’s words were apparently asking for the understanding of Han Jin, but in fact they were full of unquestionable taste.

“I know.” Han Jin ordered nodded.

Han Jin’s attitude made Xavi happy. He indulged for a moment and said: “Raphael, we help you out of the shadow of the dragon field, should you…”

“What should I?” Han Jin asked with a smile.

“Should we fulfill our agreement?” Xavier said straight to the point. Just now, Han Jin’s heartfelt words had a great impact on him and he could not be relieved until now.

“First of all, you made a mistake. Today I am helping you, not you.” Han Jin indifferently said: “Let’s go through some scorpions, I hope to see enough sincerity.”

“Raphael adults, things are already like this, you’d better think about it seriously.” Xavier’s words are obvious, the Dragon King’s Golden Dragon has escaped, and the Holy Crown City is about to face revenge from the Dragon Field and wants to be protected. What? You better be obedient!

Han Jin was silent. After about a dozen seconds, he smiled again, said with a smile: “A few days, I need to consider for a while.”

Xavier stared at Han Jin, and he couldn’t see the young man more and more! It stands to reason that the average person who encounters such a downfall will definitely be angry and angry, but Han Jin always seems so bleak, as if nothing is in the heart, if Han Jin is a person without temper, all this It is very reasonable, but the opposite is true. According to what he has learned, Han Jin is not only tempered, but also has a strong temper. When Han Jin feels hurt, the revenge method is extremely ferocious.

Xavier wants to continue to test Han Jin’s bottom line. When he sees Han Jin angry, he will have a real feeling, not as vague as he is now, but deliberately committing to violate an inscrutable super-order powerhouse. Who is responsible for the latter? Xavier couldn’t forget the scene that happened when Han Jin just met. Han Jin didn’t care about his choice. He really fell out with Han Jin. He couldn’t explain it to the companions of Longcheng. Even if he had to turn his face, at least wait until They got the heart of the dragon, and then they don’t need to worry about anything.

Just then, a shadow went out of the forest just a kilometer away. There was a very obvious white flag on his head, and the shadow swayed in the direction while shaking the flag.

The giant dragons’ observations were sharp and their vision was wide. They immediately discovered the shadow. A golden dragon slowly said: “What is that? It seems to be…the orc.”

“Orc? What do the orcs come here to do?” Han Jin asked with a frown.

No one can answer this question, the giant dragons are also puzzled, but there is only one orc, they are not at all.

Soon, the shadow was getting closer and closer. It turned out to be a shaman. He jumped out of the blast wolf outside 100 meters and walked slowly. His eyes glanced around and fell on Han Jin. On the body, he bowed down with respect and respect: “You are Raphael? We have a letter from Fusa to give you!”

“Fusa? How did he know that I am here?” Han Jin asked coldly.

“hehe… We happened to catch a dozen elves and got a message from them saying that you want to do a major event with the Dragon Race’s giant dragons and the southwest of Holy Crown City.” Nasa Full with a smile.

Xavier’s gaze was glanced at the giant dragons. Half of the giant dragons were originally sent by Dragon City to help the Spirit Race. Later, he negotiated with Han Jin to ambush the dragon guardian Xia Zuo and put those giant dragons. They were all transferred. This is also the purpose of his personal appearance. Unfortunately, Xia Zuo has never appeared. When he saw the signal of Han Jin’s attack, he was very disappointed, but it was a heavy lesson for the Dragon Field. It also shows the determination of the Dragon City. The northeast region is the site of the Dragon City. The relationship between the giant dragon and the elf is very good. There must be someone who unintentionally reveals the top secret action. Fortunately, there is no big twist, otherwise he will never give up, but he has to find out who it is.

Those giant dragons are also looking at each other in dismay, and there is no shortage of blame in the eyes. Which one is it? Will this important news leak to the elf? !

“What do you want to do?” Han Jin asked quietly.

“If adults want to say, they are all in the letter.”

“What about the letter?”

“Here.” The shaman replied and took out a letter and then opened the envelope.

Xavier is very good at Earth Element magic. At the moment the envelope is opened, he senses a vague but disturbing earth element fluctuation. His face changes dramatically because he never doubted his instinct: Be careful!” Xavier shouted, then his arm slammed and a sharp rocky spike pierced through the ground.

Xavier’s reaction was still a slow one. The magic that he released was not at all. The effect was that when the shaman opened the envelope, the whole body shrank in and turned into a dry body. The magic scroll was not what. Anyone can release it, and instantly absorb the full vitality of the shaman.

An extremely fierce magical wave spread to all around, and even the air was twisted and twisted by this wave. On the mountain bag, a rising black smoke was forcibly smashed down, and a section was burned into coke. The branches are smashed at the same time, and the flames that have been beating everywhere have disappeared. They become a group of fires that contain cockroaches, but they can’t be put out. More than a dozen green dragons have fallen down, their limbs are spread out, and the belly is dead. On the ground, the chin is the same. They want to work hard to raise their heads, but they can lift up a few feet or a few meters, and then they are sucked down by an invisible force. They make a heavy impact with the ground, a few feet, a few meters. It’s normal for a human being, but it’s too pitiful for a huge giant dragon.

The Golden Dragons are able to stand, but they are not much better than standing down. Their legs and small half are deeply buried in the ground, including their tails. No matter how much effort they make, it is difficult to move. Han Jin and Xavier were also greatly affected. Their calves were also underground, and the knees of both of them were shaking violently, and it was possible to imagine what kind of pressure they were under.

Everything, including life and inanimate, huddled inward and downwards. Even the giant egg made by Xavier became oval, and the status was unstable and constantly undulating. If there is a big palm with the same big shot on it, maybe the egg will be forcibly made into a omelet.

Only the Dragon King headed by the Dragon Field is an exception. His head on the ground is rapidly expanding, and then a loud bang, a long blood arrow in his mouth, the blood arrow seems to be mixed with something, and It also made a whistling sound, which was faster than the arrow that the elf shot, but the blood arrow only shot more than 30 meter away from the slant, and was sucked by forcibly, turning into raindrops of countless spatters. Hit the ground.

With the mountain bag as the center, within a few kilometers of the surrounding, all the grasses are tightly attached to the ground, and a clump of shrubs collapses one after another. The big tree can’t bear this pressure as long as it grows slightly. The first few trees were not collapsed, but their branches and leaves were all smashed down. It was like an umbrella that was put away, and the sound of the break came one after another. One root of the branch was torn away from the mother.

“Big Gravity Technique!” Xavier said in a hoarse voice: “Impossible… impossible…”

In the eyes of giant dragons in Dragon City and Dragon Field, Gravity Technique is an unusually vicious magic. Especially for Black Dragon, Gravity Technique is a natural enemies. Black Dragon itself can immunize all elements and can vomit. Dragons, release magic, powerhouse like Magician meets Black Dragon, it is very helpless, most magic can not hurt Black Dragon, and Black Dragon can use magic attack, or simply tear them with sharp claws The powerhouse like Warrior meets Black Dragon and is very helpless. Black Dragon flies at high altitude and releases remote attacks. They can’t fight back, and the strong name of the black dragon body is on the Golden Dragon, occasionally hit. Black Dragon once and twice, can’t change the ending. Only the big Gravity Technique can instantly bring the arrogant Black Dragon back to its original shape, turning them into a pitiful, primitive four-legged lizard.

In the distance, there was a faint horn, and a row of black shadows appeared in the sky, rushing here at a very fast speed.

Xavier complexion greatly changed, he struggled to pull out a foot, trying to break out of the magic envelope, to block those obviously unscrupulous enemies, but he only took a few steps, then stopped and stopped because of the big Gravity The range of Technique envelopes is too wide, and there are several kilometers. It is too late to go out at this speed.

Xavier looked back and looked at the giant dragons. The green dragons that were crushed to the ground naturally did not need to say that the golden dragons were also very upset, kept roaring and trying to move their bodies, but unfortunately, if their strengths were improved Some, mastering the magic of the dragon language, can release the ultimate deformation technique, but it can be safe. Now the bigger their body, the heavier the strength, unless they disappear, otherwise they can’t move.

In the end, Xavier’s eyes fell on Han Jin. Although Han Jin was trying to support the body, but the expression was calm, he remembered that Han Jin had magical magic and could be hidden in the earth at any time. It is impossible to think of the Gravity Technique. Threat to Han Jin.

Xavier estimated that not at all wrong, those black films have rushed to the edge of the magic enchantment, they only hesitated, they rushed in without hesitation, but they were also influenced by the big Gravity Technique, forward The speed suddenly slowed down.

Xavier made an angry cry, then took a step and walked hard. Now all the companions are in desperate situation. He must fight the enemy and fight for time! Out of a dozen steps, Xavier couldn’t help but turned to look forward to Han Jin. His eyes were full of pleadings, and his heart was even more remorseful. He knew that he would be counted by the human race. He shouldn’t say anything to Han Jin before. To test the attitude of Han Jin.

Han Jin certainly understands Xavier’s meaning. He frowns for a moment, lightly sighed, finally stepping forward, following Xavier’s side, Xavier is very moved, and his eyes are involuntarily moistened. He never thought of Han. Jin will be so high-spirited. Compared with Han Jin, he seems too embarrassed. Xavier secretly vows that if he still has, he will regard Han Jin as a true friend!

Although it is extremely difficult to walk within the influence of Gravity Technique, both sides are working hard. Gradually, the distance between them is getting shorter and shorter, and finally it has been reduced to less than two 100 meters. Han Jin and Xavier can clearly see the huge silhouette opposite, the same huge creature, but the power of the giant beast is obviously stronger than that of the Dragon Race, and the whole plain becomes a heterogeneous swamp. Every time we take a step, the high feet of the severe meters will fall deep into the ground, but they have enough ability to pull out their legs and continue to step, of course, they are also very tired, open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial The bowl, while walking, struggled to breathe, and the sputum dripping from the mouth fell on the ground like a heavy weight, but their eyes flashing red light were particularly excited.

Under the huge silhouette of the row, there was a shadow that looked very small, but Han Jin and Xavier invariably turned their attention to the silhouette.

Han Jin once thought that the orcs had similar looks, except that the protruding fangs were long and short that’s all, but the orc opposite gave him a completely different feeling, because his ordinary, ordinary is like a remote The village teaches children the literacy of the school, neat and plain.

In fact, the waves in the heart of Fossa are undulating, far from being as calm as he is on the surface. The Dragon City has been trying to maintain the Spirit Race, which has caused him a huge problem. The giant dragons don’t want to fight with the Biangi giant beast. When the force is transferred to the rear of the Orc, as long as there is no orc community that is not guarded by the giant beast and the giants of the hills, it will rush to spurt a burst of dragons. When the Fusa dispatched the reinforcements, the giant dragon has already swept away. . Those giant dragons are like a stinger, deeply piercing the heart of his Fusa, making him burnt and making him miserable, but the human race is extremely lacking in airpower, and the shaman-controlled thunderbird group has no effect at all. The number of giant beasts and hill giants is too small, and the giant dragon’s mobile surname is too strong, and can only be left by the giant dragon. These days, I don’t know how many orcs are killed in the giant dragon’s dragon. .

This is not a big deal. He got a message that Dragon City is putting pressure on the Raphael lord of Holy Crown City to try to get Raphael Lord to abandon his suspicion and reach an alliance with Fine Spirit Race to attack the human race on both sides. This is absolutely impossible for him. Tolerant! Now in the spring, the Grand Duke of Solomon should discover his empty city strategy, which means that Solomon’s magic Legion is likely to cross the swamp at any time. Fine Spirit Race unreasonably attacked Han Jin’s territory and formed a deep hatred with Han Jin. It turns out that Han Jin has no good feelings about the human race, otherwise it will not attack the orcs several times, so Holy Crown City will remain silent. Fossa captured the attitude of Han Jin very accurately, sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight that’s all. Anyway, Han Jin is both annoyed. The more miserable the better, the more there is no movement on Solomon. It is the attitude of Han Jin, and I don’t want to interfere too much with this, so as not to cause Han Jin’s suspicion. If the Spirit Race and Holy Crown City reach an alliance and fight against the Orcs, then the Orcs will face a disaster of ruining their surnames, and Solomon will certainly send troops to step on the finals for his ‘old friend’.

Fossa is not afraid of the alliance between Spirit Race and Holy Crown City, only worried about Solomon’s participation, so he must remain patient, Han Jin attacked the orcs more than once, and even killed the great shaman Yuridin, the voice of the family demanding revenge. Very high, but Fossa firmly suppressed the voice and tried to control the army, avoiding the violation of Han Jin. The strength of the Holy Crown City alone, even if he could not attack the main city temporarily, he should send a small unit to attack the guard of Holy Crown City. City, grabbing something is always good, but he can’t do that, at least not now.

Just set foot on this land, Fossa’s plan is very simple, first to eliminate the Spirit Race, then each and everyone to play, but after Han Jin constantly show strength, and know the relationship between Han Jin and Solomon, he has quietly Han Jin has been removed from the list. Even if the elf has been eliminated, he does not intend to attack the Holy Crown City. Instead, he will try his best to maintain the status quo and try to make Han Jin a good time, relax the strength, and then say. Really not, or Han Jin and Solomon jointly attacked him. His last step is to forcefully cross the territory of Han Jin, north or south. Of course, there are only Cold Shadow City and Dip City in the north. The living space is too small, and Fusa wants to wear it. Go through the jungle and go south to the Freedom League!

No matter which angle he looks at, he must destroy the alliance between Han Jin and Fine Spirit Race. As for the giant dragon in front of them, they are dead! Be sure to avenge those tragic orcs!

If it was before, he didn’t want to break the Dragon City too much, lest the Dragon City come out and help the Spirit Race, but the visit of the Dragon Guardian Xia Zuo made him feel good. Long Tian did not want Longcheng in the Northeast. It’s normal to open the situation and do everything possible to destroy it. And Xia Zuo assured him that he would come out and talk carefully with Solomon and try to resolve the hatred of both sides, although he does not believe that the bloody vendetta will be easily resolved for decades. He saw a hope that Solomon had to worry about Han Jin and he still had to worry about the Dragon Field. Then whether he can turn the current situation into a set fact, the key is to look at Han Jin’s attitude. If he can, he can return several Beitman cities. To Han Jin, it can’t even be evenly divided. Of course, this is his last chip. He won’t say it easily, negotiate, and talk slowly.

“I can see that you are a little uncomfortable.” Fossa said slowly while he was walking. His manner and pace were much easier than Han Jin and Xavier: “But I really like the magic of Gravity Technique, if there is a continent. With the eternal gravity enchantment, the human race will surely become the most powerful race.”

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