“Weiz, don’t mess around.” The golden dragon, who was headed, finally spoke up. The thick voice sounded through the city, and it was far and wide in the night.

“Follow the orders.” Weitz laughed and said, then quickly spread the wings and returned to the ranks of the partners.

The seven giant dragons circled again and formed a ‘v’ shape, then swooped down, almost simultaneously opening a huge mouth, a path of waterfall-like dragons falling from the sky, hitting On the light curtain of the main hall of the Holy See, the light curtains trembled like crazy, and the nearby bright Knights were rushed to the west, and about a dozen believers were directly burned into fire. The head flies are generally rushing into the air, and the mouth is screaming.

“Their goal is to be holy! It is holy!!” The cardinal Haishizi, who had just heard the news, saw this scene and immediately made a sharp call.

The seven giant dragons climbed neatly to the sky, hovered halfway through the air, and swooped toward the main hall again.

Hai Shizi pours in a cold breath of air, then closes his eyes and sings incandation quickly, even forgetting to add magic protection to himself. Jedice took away the ritual group. Among the several cardinals, only he stayed alone to deal with the teaching affairs. It was almost impossible to rely on a St. Knight and a cardinal to fight against seven giant dragons. At this point, he can only fight.

Bright Knight heard the warning from Haishizi, they could not attack the giant dragons, they cast their own guns, and the priests were not far behind. A branch of light was shot like a raindrop to the giant dragon. The stronger priests will not hesitate to release the blessings and prayers of God, and will give each of the Knights they can see magic. Unfortunately, the blessings and prayers of God can only greatly enhance the fighting power of the Knights. The giant dragon always Hovering in the air, the fighting power of the Knights is terrifying, and it can’t harm the giant dragon. As for the guns thrown into the air and the arrows of light released by the priests, the formidable power is so small that it can be neglected. Don’t care about this kind of attack, continue to dive down.

Adonis slammed a few Knights in desperately and rushed to the main hall, squatting up and slashing into the sky.

Yaduni has already used all his strength. This jump has jumped nearly 20 meters high and even exceeded the height of the main hall. It is no exaggeration to say that he can look down the Holy Crown City, but unfortunately, If you want to fight against giant dragon, this power is not enough.

In order to maximize the formidable power of the dragon’s interest, several giant dragons have lowered their position to a low altitude of about 50 meters from the ground, but this short distance is enough to make Adonis look down and see the past from the perspective of Adonis. The more than 20 long gas spurs on the gun can immediately hit the body of a superior golden dragon, but his strength has been exhausted, and he can’t help but fall down. He can only watch the giant dragon. It is getting farther and farther.

The seven dragons once again tidy down and slammed on the light curtain of the main hall of the Holy See. A loud noise, the magic light curtain has become vague after a tremor.

Hai Shizi suddenly opened eyes, his face has become pale, but his expression is extremely firm, next moment, the scepter in his hand has been pointed finger towards Yadnis.

A dazzling array of light shrouded the silhouette of Adonis, and then a pair of white light wings stretched out behind Adonis and held Adonis. The word like a tiger that has grown wings is used to describe the right of Adonis at the moment. He made a deafening roar sound, and his body suddenly spurred into the sky like a sharp arrow, chasing the speed of the giant dragon. Go up.

The bright Knight and the priests who saw this scene cheered, and the figure of Haishizi was softly planted in the cheers. He could have been calm, but the magic wing of Angel took too long. In order to grasp every minute and every second, he released all the magic power and forced the speed of singing. Now that the magic was successfully released, he also lost all his combat power.

Even with a pair of Angel wings, from the intellectual point of view, Adonis should also avoid fighting with seven giant dragons at the same time, but he has no choice but to fight with Heshizi, he can die, everyone here can The war is dead, but the Holy See must not lose the Holy Crystal.

Seeing that Adonis was chasing at full speed, the giant dragons hurriedly spit out the dragon’s breath, trying to block Yadunis, but the body shape of Adonis has become extremely light, not to mention that he is definitely not the first time to have the wing of Angel. In the case of combat, giving people a very obvious feeling of driving light and familiar, a semi-circular trajectory is drawn in the slanting spurs, and it is easy to avoid a few dragons, just like the Weiz easily avoided. His spurs are the same.

The formation of several giant dragons is a bit confusing, as if several small children are avoiding the poisonous bees that rushed into them. Although Golden Dragon belongs to the upper dragon race, the fighting style is still monotonous, mainly relying on dragons and sharp claws to attack opponents. In order to avoid accidentally hurting their companions, they can only temporarily evade in all directions.

Just then, a javelin-type flying object consisting of flames came from the sky. The object flew very fast, almost in an instant, and flew to the battlefield, hitting the front of Adonis.

Adonis has always been in a highly mobile state, but the object is captured in a very accurate orientation, directed straight to the chest of Adonis, and forced Yadunis to avoid the inevitable situation.

Yadunis eye sockets want to crack, suddenly issued an angry roar, a gun greeted the fire tongue.

A loud bang, the gas awns released by Yadunis smashed the fire tongue and turned it into a fire that fluttered in the sky, and Adonis was slammed and flew out.

In the long life of the giant dragon, there is no lack of experience in fighting. Several giant dragons immediately catch the fighters. A path of dragons crosses from all directions, and the silhouette of the Abdul Nice is shrouded in the blink of an eye. .

Yadunis has been desperately trying to fight, but his desperateness does not mean that he will win. His vindictiveness has his own limit. A path of dragons collides with Yaduness, surging, and even forming a group of severe dozen meters. Huge Fireball, next moment, the silhouette of Adonis emerges from the bottom of the Fireball, falling straight to the ground, falling like a meteor over the height of 100 meters, hitting a private house, and the dragon wrapped in him immediately Turned the house into a fire sea.

The cheers of Bright Knight and the priests came to an abrupt end, and Adonis only failed for a moment, then who among them could fight the giant dragon?

Several giant dragons hovered, regrouped into a ‘v’ shape, and then began to dive down. In fact, they did not want to kill Adonis, avoiding casualties. This is the ’employer’ requirement, if not for the Abdul They are not letting go, they should have left now.

In a pair of desperate sights, the dragon’s breath once again plunged from the air and hit the light curtain on the main hall of the Holy See. This time the light curtain only shivered a few times and it completely disappeared.

If it is in the original Holy See, only seven giant dragons want to capture the mountains that are not falling, it is purely a joke, let alone such a miscellaneous army, even if the Dragon City dispatched seven Elder, it can only escape. Xiongguang Emperor Nikolay suddenly turned his face and led his numerous powerhouses to attack the mountains that never fell. The Dragon Field also went out to help the war. Even so, the Holy See still had the opportunity to send out the Holy Crystal, which is enough to prove the defense ability of the Holy See. How powerful!

It is a pity that the Holy See has just been established and it is a waste of time. Jedice needs to do too many things. Moreover, Dismark, formerly known as the ‘Iron Turtle’, built a powerful defense facility in the Holy Crown City. Coupled with the inscrutable power of Lord Raphael, there are several powerhouse assists such as Dragon Knight Guevera, thunderbolt, and the War God with more than 500 Magic Crystal guns, not just Jedice. The entire Holy See generally believes that there is no need to waste financial resources and energy on defense.

It turns out that relying on others is always better than relying on oneself… Raphael led the army to the human race, and because of the accident, all the Master Towers of Holy Crown City lost their early warning and defense capabilities, and several giant dragons with no difficulty came. The Holy See, and the defense of the Holy See itself is so fragile, only a few minutes before and after, it fell.

The head of the Golden Dragon continued to dive down and was hitting the top of the main hall. The masonry structure could not compete with the body of the giant dragon. The loud noise of the giant temple was collapsed, and the whole temple was collapsed. Jinlong opened his mouth and bit the holy crystal, and spread his wings into the sky.


“Leave the crystal…”

The awkward Odd rushed out and saw that the top golden dragon flew into the sky with the sacred crystal. He didn’t come up in one breath, and he swayed a few times and fell down.

Bright Knight and the priests are crazy, desperately firing magic into the air, or projecting guns, even stones, they can only do this.

Just now they cast a round of guns, but the guns not only did not hurt the giant dragon, but they fell a lot on the mighty believers. However, now they watched the giant dragon snatch the crystal. The Knights completely forgot the lesson, they have to vent something.

Saxon with the Swordsman finally came over to support, they are as helpless as the Knights, only a small number of archers in the team can shoot into the air, but there is a huge gap between the human shooter and the fine Spirit Race, their efforts can not say It is to launch an attack, but to send off to the giant dragon.

The Magician who danced and danced also sensed the battle that broke out in the city. They immediately left the night of bliss and rushed back to the Master Tower with the fastest speed. They opened the giant magic shield, but now the giant dragon has already left the Holy Crown City. It turned into a few black dots of faintly discernible.

The headquarters of the Holy See was a mess, the main hall collapsed in half, and the other branches were affected. There were fires in large or small. The believers died dozens and injured hundreds. The light Knight and the priest also suffered casualties. The three masters of the deposit, Adonis, Aude, and Haishizi, all fainted, the most unacceptable is that they lost the Holy Crystal! This is the second time after the hardship of Nikolay.


Once upon a time there was a mountain, there was a tree on the mountain…Han Jin was standing on a nameless hill bag, leaning against a big tree, hands clasped around his chest, expression was very faint, and there was still a tender mouth in his mouth. Branch, there is a little chewing, but his eyes are erratic, do not know what is thinking.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. There were a few black spots suddenly appearing in the sky. I flew straight here and flew over the hill in a moment. It turned out to be a few giant dragons!

The giant dragons circled in the sky for a half circle, falling down in the oblique thorns and falling more than 30 meters away from Han Jin. At this moment, the power of Han Jin has been recognized by the entire continent, so the giant dragons are absolutely There is no point in showing the identity, embarrassment or power. Instead, they try to be as light as possible, so as not to cause Han Jin’s bad feelings.

However, the seven giant dragons have fallen from the sky, and the twin winds of the long eight-several dozen meters are still flying a piece of flying sand running stone. The big tree behind Han Jin sway like a sieve. Han Jin’s body also shook, and the big tree shook very unnaturally, and it sounded like a next moment, and Han Jin shook it, but it’s a bit more temperament. Or, it is a weird evil.

“Raphael adults, fortunately not to be insulted!” The dragon headed by Jin Long took two steps forward, put the giant crystal box in his mouth on the ground, and then said. He never understood, just handing the sacred crystal to Han Jin, and why must he be in the crystal box? But this is the order of the guardian Xia Zuo, he can only obey.

“Working hard.” Han Jin smiled, shaking off the young leaves, and then extending the hand, the giant crystal box then disappeared with disappear without a trace.

“But… there was a little accident.” said the dragon, headed by Jin Long.

“Unexpected?” Han Jin asked with an eyebrow.

“St. Knight Adonis has been entangled in us, and finally there is no way, we can only hurt him, this … may also be seriously injured, or …”

“The guardian is already merciless.” Weitz said in a tone of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “Otherwise, we don’t have to do it at all, he has already become a fly ash.”

“If you die, you will die.” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Raphael, we have expressed our sincerity.” The dragon headed by the dragon said slowly: “Now, is it up to you to express something? The guardian is still waiting for your reply!”

“In fact, I have already been ready.” Han Jin’s smile became more and more weird, and then he made a gesture.

A broken sound came from the air. To be precise, it was a huge demon array that disappeared. Then, the strong waves that could not be concealed were passed over, next moment, a huge silhouette was pulled out of the kilometer. From the air, it was pressed from the air.

“Dragon City?!” The dragon that was headed by the dragon was roar up, and immediately the face-sized pupil was nailed to Han Jin: “Raphael, you betray us?!”

“Selling? No…” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “It’s just because of some accidents, Dragon City knows the deal between us. It has nothing to do with me, Xavier Elder, am I right? ”

“Of course, of course…” An old man doesn’t know when it’s outside 100 meters. At this distance, the giant dragon can get in front of him in two steps, but the old man has no fear, just ridicule. Looked at the few giant dragons.

The hatred of the head of the Golden Dragon was getting thicker and thicker, then suddenly opened his mouth and a dragon spurted directly to Han Jin. He also understood that it was hard to hurt the dragon in front of him. Vail’s young lord, but what else can he do?

Han Jin’s figure disappeared at the same time, and then appeared outside the 100 meters, facing the old man, sandwiching the giant dragons.

Weitz screamed and swayed the wings to try to ascend into the air. He could despise St. Knight Adonis, but he did not dare to despise the more than 20 giant dragons in the air. Just as he had enough confidence in himself, the other party would have Not losing his fighting power.

However, the giant dragon’s body is too heavy, they will never be as light as a bird, not only need to run, but the initial speed is absolutely not fast, of course, only a few seconds, they can reach The ideal speed, regain control, choose to fight or escape, but unfortunately, the Dragon City giant dragons who have already prevailed, it is impossible to give the advantage.

a path of stagnation from the air, impacting the ground, impacting the dragon dragons of the dragon domain, giant dragon is always used to rely on the dragon to attack each other, and they themselves have a strong resistance to the dragon, so The battle between the two giant dragons often turns into a sharp minion to determine the survival of Life and Death.

The whole nameless hill bag has turned into a vast ocean sea, and several of the dragons’ golden dragons are not injured at all. They can still use their dragons to retaliate against their opponents. Even the Weiz, which has been smashed from the air in the air, is nothing. In the fire sea, I rolled a big mouth and spit out the dragon’s breath, but the other four green dragons made a deafening roar. This is the difference between the upper and lower levels. They can’t bear that many, so fierce. The test.

“Raphael, the dragon field will never let you go!!!” The dragon in the dragon field is screaming.

“Guardian adults will come to save us!” Weiz is also roaring, he desperately released the dragon’s breath, hoping that the fluctuations caused by himself are more intense, so that Xiazu adults can detect their dangers more quickly.

Hearing the other party’s accusation, Han Jin expression did not move, only spit out a few notes: “Come on…” His tone is very different from the expression that is exposed, full of contempt and ridicule, if Xavier of Dragon City Elder can hear Han Jin’s voice, and will definitely push all the original judgments down and rethink. However, Xavier Elder’s attention always stays on the mountain bag. What a fascinating scene… The dragon dragon from the Dragon City In terms of quantity, there is an overwhelming advantage, nine upper golden dragons, thirteen green dragons, and the dragons they spurt form a path of magnificent waterfalls, ruthlessly pouring down, and countering the enemy, they can easily Avoiding it, even if it is hit, there is nothing. It is a moment of high-altitude rest and re-joining the battle group. In comparison, the giant dragons of the dragon domain are much worse.

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