“It’s so cold…” Yalina slammed her hands hard, the weather was getting colder and colder. I wanted to use magic to confront the whole nature. The effect was not good. The magic shield can block the wind, but the magic shield is fixed. Individuals can’t always stand on the plains. The magic shield can move with the movement of the blessed person. It can maintain a large amount of magic power to maintain the magic shield, and the magic shield has a small range and does not have any temperature effect.

However, Yalina is very tenacious, only occasionally complaining a few words. From her identity and experience, it is not easy to do this.

“Master, here is Nuremberg?!” Harley called on the hill.

Yalina hurriedly jumped off the unicorn, and lightly pats the unicorn on his back. He whispered, “Don’t move, don’t move!” After she finished, she turned and walked up the hill, and that alone The horned beast was very alert, and it happened to be in the snow.

“It should be true.” Harley talked to himself and said to himself: “Isn’t there a city in Nuremberg nearby?”

When he was about to go up the hill, Yalina ignored the ice and squatted on the snow, looking out a little and looking down.

“Yalina, what are you doing?” Han Jin came over from behind and saw that Yalina, who had always been paying attention to her posture, writhed and crawled forward in the snow. He was very funny.

“Hey!” Yalina’s little trick: “Get down, otherwise you will find it!”

Han Jin stopped ,said with a slight smile : “Nothing, found us… is their misfortune”

“Oh…” Looking at Han Jin, the eyes of the pair did not hide their sharp eyes. Yalina stood up and understood the meaning of Han Jin. Between the eagle and the squirrel, the latter needs to be hidden.

Han Jin was condescending and looked at Nuremberg below. After they occupied Nuremberg, because the local caveman always looked for trouble, several negotiations failed, and Lang Ning took the poisonous hand and dug the city wall. Jinshan, the result of Nuremberg almost became a ruin, although later recruited around the residents, but the reconstruction work has been slow, the outside forces do not let them recuperate, first Woodrow led the defeated soldiers will break into Dark Raven City, Beitman also sent a coalition lurking in the dark At the office.

Han Jin remembers that when I saw Nuremberg for the last time, the population in the city was only a few thousand together. Even the city wall was not repaired. The army went out and attacked Beitman. There was almost no garrison. It was because of here. No value.

But now Nuremberg has changed a lot. From a distance, you can clearly see that there is a giant tree in the center of the city. It should be the Tree of Life. A large net composed of countless vines covers the whole city. The city is surrounded by emerald green vegetation, and the silver cover of the wild is isolated.

“Yalina, does the cold have no effect on the giant dragon?” Han Jin asked suddenly.

“giant dragon is not afraid of cold.” Yalina shook her head.

“When I met the Orc Warriors that day, there were a lot of elves, but the elves took off one step earlier.” Han Jin said: “That said… If the elves spread the news, the giant dragon can appear at any time. Already?”

“Impossible.” Yalina said: “giant dragon is not afraid of cold, but does not like to come out in the winter, except for the Water Element’s Frost Giant Dragon.”

“I don’t like things that I don’t like. There are enemy situations here. Can they still hide in the nest and sleep?”

“giant dragons are top creatures, they look down on humans, and they look down on elves. Giant dragons are willing to assist in the Spirit Race, sometimes just because they are pleasing to the eyes of that’s all.” Yalina whispered, talking about this, Han Jin is The horse can’t catch up with her.

“Looking at the eye?” Han Jin feels that this reason is somewhat absurd. This is a war, not a game. Putting yourself in danger, just because you are pleasing to the eye?

“Do you know what the giant dragon thinks about itself?” Yalina said with a smile.

“do not know.”

“They think they are the most noble creatures and the king of the entire continent of aloof and remote!” Yalina paused: “The natural aristocrats… In this respect, the giant dragon is similar to the fine Spirit Race, and several elves come together. Their topic is always inseparable from the past. Do you know? They don’t think about the present or the future. They only like to remember the glory of the Spirit Emperor country. It is the beauty of the era. The problem is that the Spirit Emperor The country has been eliminated by history, which is enough to prove that they have many defects, and the defects can not be compensated by a ‘beautiful’. Only knowing the past races, there is no hope at all, too poor, too sad, just like Like a person who lives in a dream forever, when he wakes up, everything will be broken.”

“This is your idea?” Han Jin was a little moved.

Yalina was a little embarrassed: “I heard what my father said.”

“What did he say?”

“In the era of the powerful Spirit Emperor, the elves are indeed the rulers of the entire continent. No matter where they go, they will be respected by all races. Until today, some elves still regard themselves as World Masters, and also keep aloof and remote. The spirit and posture, and Dragon Race likes this style.”

“The country of Spirit Emperor has been dead for a long time? Are they still remembering?” Han Jin asked.

“You neglect the elves’ lifespan. Some elves can even live for thousands of years. The scorpion that the Spirit Emperor country is dying out is only a few generations away from them. It is not far from them.” Yalina Road: “If you change the class of honesty, you have forgotten it.”

Han Jin slowly nodded, he understood.

“Dragon Race is also similar to the Elves. Although their civilization is much longer than humans, they are very superficial compared to today’s humans.”

“Small? Some are not appropriate.” Han Jin whispered: “If you say that all human beings are united, power is stronger than Dragon Race and Fine Spirit Race. I believe, superficial?”

“In many people’s eyes, the Dragon Race is very mysterious and has the power of Heaven Destroying. Do you think so?” Yalina’s smile is quite proud: “Actually… the Dragon Field and Dragon City are all The giant dragon is only one or two thousand together, which is enough to determine their superficiality and even determine their destiny.”

“Quantity doesn’t mean anything.” Han Jin has some regrets. Although he is against Yalina’s point of view, he also knows that Solomon must have his own reason. If he is to discuss with Duke Solomon, he will definitely benefit. Shallow, talk to Yalina, after all, after a layer, you can’t speak freely.

“Ha! I said that at the time!” Yalina laughed. “Yeah, the quantity doesn’t mean anything. A giant dragon can destroy a village in an instant and kill hundreds of people, but my father asks I, how can life grow quickly?”

“This…” Han Jin was asked, and the question of the Duke of Solomon was difficult to answer. If he answered it seriously, he might say that he could not finish it for a few days and nights.

“The quantity doesn’t mean anything, and the long lifespan doesn’t mean anything.” Yalina said: “If a person is born alone, he will be held alone in prison. If he can live for tens of thousands of years, then at the end will he become Very smart and very powerful?”


“Manage Dragon Race Elders in Dragon City and Dragon Field, but it is equivalent to the mayor of a township in human beings. The life they are exposed to, that is many, they are familiar with each other, and the place of life is the forbidden land of continent. No one dares to break in. Life is simple and dull. In the long years, there is no moving, no shock, no confusion, no threat, how can you grow?” Yalina said: “And human footprints are everywhere in continent. In the corner, some people will be in contact with and familiar with thousands or even tens of thousands of companions in their lifetime. Every encounter is a new exploration and new thinking. First, we must master the stranger’s surname to judge Whether the two parties will become friends, or whether there is the possibility of mutual benefit, and where the other party should be placed, whether to be vigilant, the surname is too complicated!”

Han Jin listened quietly, without interrupting Yalina.

“My father said that human beings can live happily and simply. However, many people choose complex and choose to sigh.” Yalina whispered: “Although human lifespan is only a few decades, it doesn’t matter, as long as we can live. It’s enough to be wonderful!”

“The words of the Duke of Solomon are indeed thought-provoking, but we seem to be off the mark.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “I want to know if the giant dragon will run to this place.”

“I don’t feel like coming.” Yalina was embarrassed again. When the Grand Duke of Solomon talked to her about this, the central idea was that only continuous exploration and thinking could mature the life and even lead the entire civilization to mature, like Dragon. Race stays in the old nest all day and doesn’t go out. It’s a waste to live for a long time. At least they can’t push the entire ethnic group to evolve, and human beings will have a brilliant future. It was because of these words that she suddenly took the students to the World of Warcraft Forest and met Han Jin. Otherwise, she stayed in the Royal Lab of the Capital of Elements.


“No matter how the Dragon Race is pretentious, their essence is very greedy, gold, jewelry, Magic Crystal and so on, they all like it. Fine Spirit Race can make more than 20 giant dragons join the war, definitely paying for it. The price.” Yalina said: “giant dragon doesn’t like to come out in the winter. If the elves need the help of giant dragon, they have to pay a more expensive price to convince the giant dragon, not to satisfy the giant dragons, the giant dragon Will they live and die.”

“There is some truth.” Han Jin’s eyes turned to Nuremberg.

“As a dragonslayer, are you still worried about those giant dragons?” Yalina said with a smile.

Han Jin laughed, not at all explaining what, and Yalina reacted at once, her face was slightly reddened, and Han Jin certainly didn’t worry about herself, but worried about her Yalina!

“The elves know who attacked the orc warriors, and they always have some reactions.” Han Jin whispered: “We have been walking for two days, but we haven’t even seen an elf. I feel… something abnormal. “”

“What should I do?” Yalina was a little nervous, but she wasn’t nervous about the Spirit Race attack: “Raphael, don’t you want to go back?”

“Of course not.” Han Jin shook his head and turned to walk down the hill, and Yalina walked behind Han Jin.

Clearing a piece of snow, Han Jin hovered and stabilized, and his hands quickly swayed the law. Yalina saw this scene, subconsciously releasing the magic shield, covering himself and Han Jin, her eyes watching from time to time. Han Jin, sometimes looking around.

After more than an hour, Han Jin was always releasing the energy, and even the forehead came out with a slight sweat, until the sunset approached the sky, Han Jin’s movements slowed down, and a silver whirl was in him. Rotating in front of you, look carefully, there are countless rune in the cyclone that is as thin as a spider, shimmering and squeezing each other, like a mirror.

“Yalina, come over.” Han Jin whispered.

“Oh.” Yalina squatted down and stared straight at Han Jin.

Han Jin extend the hand, in the vicinity of the cyclone, the cyclone like water flowing in the Han Jin’s hand is firmly wrapped in it, then Han Jin took a shot to Yalina, the countless rune turned into a sly cold light, scrambling Shot at Yalina.

a path of rune almost infiltrated into Yalina’s skin and turned her face into silver. Yalina only felt that the skin on her face became dry and heavy, but she seemed very clever, although she also cared about her appearance, but no Looking around in the mirror, I only looked at Han Jin silently.

“Okay.” Han Jin relaxed: “If there is danger, I will take you to a strange place, don’t talk, don’t struggle, I will pull you when you are, you always follow me.” At the time, Han Jin’s expression seemed very serious.

“Dangerous?” Yalina blinked and thought about what Han Jin would do when he was in danger. He immediately showed a shocked expression: “You mean…” Yalina’s fingers trembled slightly to the ground.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded. He used his own display of earthworms. With the current total amount of energy, the consumption is almost negligible, but if you want to bring a person, the energy consumed will have a hundredfold increase, and the consumption of God will be more intense. .

If you are holding a baux sacred corpse for Yalina, the consumption can be reduced a lot, but it doesn’t have much effect. The elf really attacks them with a few giant dragons. If you can kill Yalina once, you can kill her second. Second, let’s not say Yalina, even if his Han Jin is driving a sword light, it is not as fast as the giant dragon.

Yalina looked extremely happy, and looked at Han Jin in a pretty way, with no smile.

Han Jin closed his eyes again and closed his eyes. As for the elves, they found out that they didn’t find them. He could still kill a giant dragon that kept Peak-Stage status with his remaining energy. Not to mention the elves. Of course, if something goes wrong, this fearless mentality can be equated with the sloppy sloppy, but this is a common problem for all high-end powerhouses. It’s hard to imagine, such as Jedice, Guevera’s kind of powerhouse, even the road is full of horror, a little wind and grass, and immediately escape, this kind of person is very difficult, the claws sharp sharp tiger, if there is a rabbit The heart can never be a well-know figure.

When it was dark, Han Jin slowly opened the eyes, and he was seeing Yalina looking at himself in front of him.

Yalina hurriedly removed her gaze and bowed her head. “Your magic has recovered?” With the situation and innocence of Yalina, Han Jin has zoomed in and out of her heart for countless times. It has been a long time since she Still moving.

“It’s almost there.” Han Jin clicked nodded and then stood up: “Let’s go, let’s go to Nuremberg and see.”

“Go inside?”


“So let’s go in?”

“Do you still want to sneak in?” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Okay.” Yalina bit his lip: “Right, Raphael, I want to ask you something.”

“what’s up?”

“Promise me first, you must not be angry!”

“Not angry, let’s talk.” Han Jin has a feeling of being a child.

“Moxinke, Cessacioun, they can only be regarded as high-level professionals. The distance between you is getting bigger and bigger. There are many things. They can’t help you. Why have you been so good to them? Just because you used to is a friend?”

Han Jin stunned, silent for a moment, and replied slowly: “How do you say… The feelings are unreasonable. I only know that I was a waste, they can leave me alone, but they don’t, no matter what the scorpion is The bitterness is sweet, they always take me to taste.”

Yalina groaned, trying to say something, but closed her mouth again.

“Is not satisfied? You want to ask Sunier about it?” Han Jin laughed: “At that time, I had a misunderstanding with Sunier, and she was seriously injured.”

“Ah??” Yalina’s eyes widened.

“hehe, it’s true.” Han Jin’s eyes are complicated: “She knows my secret, then… she finds Moxinke, lets Moxinke go hunting with her, they are going to hunt an eighth-order land. Bear, Moxinke or Swordsman at the time, Cessacioun is just a Magician. Do you know what they mean by challenging the bears of the earth? Death! I will never forget the scene of Moxinke and Sunier arguing, Moxinke said Sunier is crazy, he only I won’t go crazy with him. Sunier tells him that grinding the bones with the bones of the earth’s bear can heal my wounds. This is the secret of the Spirit Race, Moxinke, the big fool… he actually believed, then They quietly left the camp.”

“They are going to hunt the bears of the earth? Are they successful?” Yalina asked nervously.

“No, they are back empty.”

“Fortunately, they recovered their senses in time, taking Moxinke’s strength at the time…”

“No, they are escaping. Sunier almost died under the palm of the earth.”

Yalina paused, she hesitated for a long while, and finally got the courage to say, “What do you say… Sunier knows your secret? The secret… can the secret tell me?”

“It’s not too early, I think… we should go to Nuremberg to find a place to rest.” Han Jin whispered. In fact, he can make up a lie casually, lest Yalina be sad, but he has no choice but to find a chance to reject Yalina. It will become more and more difficult in the future.

Yalina’s face suddenly became pale, even if Han Jin puts a sentence to ‘say later’, it will make her feel better, indifferent disregard, such as a sharp dagger, deeply penetrated her heart.

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