The sky is already dark, and the white scorpion is full of the green vegetation of the opportunity to live. As the sun fades, it gradually becomes dim, like a piece of ghost shadow, the wind blows, the branches and the grass keep shaking. The sound of rustling and the atmosphere became a bit strange.

“Yalina, pull yourself together.” Han Jin had to whisper.

Yalina bit her lip, the corner of her eye swept over Han Jin’s back, and then took out her magic wand from the space ring.

Han Jin walked into the depths of the vegetation like a walk, although Nuremberg seemed undefended at the moment, but Han Jin knew that there were more than a hundred elves hiding in the vicinity, but they were not at all eager to show up. Instead, I touched it a little bit backwards, and it seems that I want to cut off Han Jin’s retreat.

Yalina rides on the back of the unicorn, with no expression on his face, and the unicorn below looks a little restless, and every time he walks a few steps, he makes a low scream.

The air in the city is much warmer than the outside. The original spacious road is covered with densely packed grass. In some places where grass cannot grow, it is also covered with moist moss. The elf’s ability to transform the environment is really strong. If it is a few more years later, the city will disappear without the trace under the erosion of vegetation.

The biggest difference with a human city is that there is no light here! Maybe the elf is afraid of causing fire and damage the Tree of Life, so it is not allowed to ignite, but a big city is quietly immersed in the boundless darkness. If it is a ghost, only a few moments away from the distance, the light source is stable. That should be a magic light.

Han Jin suddenly stopped, and a dozen elves jumped out of the trees on both sides, blocking his way. There were also seven or eighty epistle shadows in the back, and Han Jin and Yalina were surrounded.

“Courage is not small.” The former elf seems to be headed with a smile: “Only two people dare to sway and go inside, hehe… forget it, I am not difficult for you, let go of the weapon, I can protect you. Life safety.”

“I remember there should be a lot of people in the city, what about them? You killed them all?” Han Jin asked softly.

“As long as I don’t mess with me, we won’t kill people indiscriminately.” The elf headed said with a smile: “You still care about yourself, I repeat it again, let go of the weapon!”

“You are not a real warrior.” Han Jin looked around. Although every elf is a qualified shooter, there are still elite and ordinary differences in the regular army. The elves in front of them are very ordinary. The elf leader actually wears the treasure hunter’s badge. What’s more interesting is that the badge is awarded by the Lonely City Mercenary Guild. The treasure hunter is equal to the Swordsman. The elf leader is about the same size as Moxinke, and it was three years ago. Moxinke.

“Are you provoking? Be careful, there are hundreds of arrows pointing at you now.” The elf leader was a little angry.

Han Jin laughed: “I want to inquire, where did you shut the people in the city?”

Han Jin’s bell barely fell, and Yalina behind him suddenly lifted the magic wand, and sang loudly incantation, the elves’ expression changed, Han Jin was wrong there, the black lacquered World suddenly lit up, through the densely The packed vines clearly show that the sky is as bright as white, and countless lightnings are rushing.

Among all the professionals, Magician is the most vulnerable. For Magician, it is more important to protect yourself than to kill opponents. Yalina releases magic without protection, even if she is a super-professional. In a case, I can’t ask for it!

Hundreds of elves shot the arrow at the same time, and all aimed at Yalina. Yalina smiled, two tears quietly overflowing from her eyes, and then her magic wand went down, a path of huge thunder The column is directly drained, and the nine-Gray drop is down!

Han Jin’s sweat was erected. He released the constricted spell with the fastest speed. He appeared on the side of Yalina, then threw himself at Yalina like lightning, while holding his arms and holding Yalina in his arms. Stop, continue to rush forward, rushing to the tree wall.

Because of the fear that Yalina was shot, Han Jin was very tight, as if he had become a person, but fortunately, Han Jin had mastered the contraction. Fortunately, he had already blessed himself by convention. Otherwise, as long as you slow down a little, Yalina will be shot by the elves as hedgehogs!

Han Jin could feel a few arrows hitting his body, but he couldn’t penetrate the dragon scales, and an arrow hit him on the back neck. He could even feel the coldness of the arrow.

The pillars fell one after another on the ground, covering the entire vegetation of Nuremberg. The curtains of the giant vegetation were torn apart one after another. The broken branches and leaves fluttered in the sky, and the pieces of sand and stones splashed around and were torn at the same time. There are elves’ bodies, the elves who are responsible for blocking the roads are formed into battles, and the attack of Jiu Gee Ge’s attack is extremely wide, and they just become a living target.

For a moment, lightning finally stopped, hundreds of elves fell into a pool of blood in all sorts of weird postures, Han Jin not at all said wrong, they are not real warriors, in front of high-level magic, it is extremely fragile, no one The elves can escape this robbery.

“Yalina, are you crazy?!” Han Jin yelled.

At this moment, Han Jin has put down Yalina. They are all standing on a small hill. In fact, they should be a house at the foot, but they are covered with grass and moss, and they can’t see the original look.

Yalina didn’t look at Han Jin. She struggled hard and tried to poke her head out of Han Jin’s shoulders, wielding a magic wand, and an electric ball spurt out and chased the elves who were fleeing.

Can only say that Han Jin does not understand the woman’s heart, at least, he does not understand Yalina’s first love heart!

Yalina is born noble, beautiful and talented. She said that she is a proud daughter of the heavens. It is not too much. Whether at home or in the Academy, or whether she likes low-key or everywhere, she will inevitably become a concern of countless people. The goal, from small to large, why did she feel so wronged? ! In order to get close to Han Jin, in order to get the warmth of the hustle and bustle, she even took care of Han Jin like a maid, what should she do?

Moreover, this is Yalina’s first love. For all the boys and girls who have just fallen in love, love is the most holy feeling in the world, and they are everything they or they are born for love, for love, this is in adulthood. It seems ridiculous in the eyes of the people. After experiencing the hardships of life, they know that there are still some things that are as important as love, but the boys and girls only see one word. They dare to promise, dare to pay, and even dare to sacrifice.

All the grievances only exchanged indifference, Yalina really hurt, she was disheartened, she felt that fate is always teasing her, but, although unable to fight against fate, she has a power that cannot be deprived, Refuse to face up.

Even if fate is omnipresent and omnipotent, you can’t tease another person!

When Yalina lifted her magic wand again, Han Jin grabbed her wrist: “Yalina, are you calm down? I think we should talk about it!”

Yalina still didn’t look at Han Jin. The sight was only searched in the shadowy forest, but she did not continue to struggle, let Han Jin hold her hand.

Han Jin looked at Yalina with helpless eyes, and he sighed and retracted his hand.

Han Jin just let go, Yalin released the floating technique and flew straight in the upper air, chasing away the elves in the direction of escape. The magic wand in his hand kept waving, one after another lightning bolt spurred out, no target unimportant She also didn’t want to find a goal. As long as there was something to do, she would be satisfied if she could forget the heart-wrenching pain.

Nine Grays is a signature magic, only the top professional can release, but a magician without any defense, but also an irresistible temptation! Although the elves were scared of soul destroyed, under the influence of the great temptation, they did not escape at all, scattered in the depths of the trees, waiting quietly.

Yalina’s figure is just getting close, a few shadows are shot from the trees, and from all angles to Yalina, but Yalina, who refuses to face the fate, simply ignores this attack, just as Han Jin ignored her, with a second thought, The hand released several electric balls in succession, and the color was also used.

An azure glow spurt, Han Jin crosses his left arm, hugs Yalina, and avoids the oblique thorn. Several arrows shoot his back in this moment, then Han Jin sword refers to azure glow Roaring down, in the deafening roar, a black hole in the top of a small hill, next moment, Han Jin has been holding Yalina into the hole.

Yalina was restless and struggling. Han Jin worried that Yalina was too strong and sprained her own arm. She had to put Yalina in her arms again. No matter how fierce Yalina was, he didn’t dare to let go.

For a long while, Yalina gradually became quiet, and Han Jin felt very incomparable. He promised Guevera, don’t hurt Yalina, even if he can’t do it, he can’t bring a dead Yalina back! The result is not only the Gaelic director, Guevera and the others, but even his own.

Time is a little bit gone, all around a silence, if the nine-Gray drop is the magician’s signature magic, then azure glow is Han Jin’s signature, and is also a unique and unmatched sign. The leader of the elf saw the azure glow. After all, he came out of the lonely city. He immediately recognized the opponent in front of him and immediately issued an order for all retreats.

I know why this is the beginning! Han Jin regrets it. I shouldn’t refuse Yalina in that way. I should look for a softer way, but how can I be softer? Han Jin didn’t know that his brain was a mess. Regardless of whether Yalina is wise, but she has always been at least sensible, knowing what she should do and what not to do, so Han Jin overestimated Yalina, saying that there are thousands of 10,000, and today Yalina is still under 20 years old. She is just a little girl!

Even if you don’t cherish me, why should I cherish myself! Ever since ancient times, I don’t know how many girls have gone on the wrong path because they can’t look back. It sounds naive, but from another perspective, it will prove that in their hearts, ‘you’ far Far deeper and heavier than ‘I’.

Yalina was finally quiet, but Han Jin still didn’t dare to let go. He always felt terrified in his heart. Fortunately, the strength of the group of elves was very bad. If there is a person Elf Ranger, Yalina has already been shot! In such a short time, he had no time to save Yalina. In fact, the distance between Life and Death was not calculated in seconds, but in milliseconds!

Two people stand together, like a pair of lovers, Han Jin’s chest should be very warm, but Yalina is constantly playing the hem, as if in the boundless blizzard, tears from her eyes continue to drop Falling, and more and more, is about to become a line.

Han Jin looked awkward. He didn’t dare to let go of Yalina. He didn’t know what to use to persuade him. He could only keep silent. Every minute at the moment made him feel very difficult.

Similar problems do not know how many real-hearted heroes have a headache, even the original Gaobin, it is difficult to choose, the last choice of the woman, one is because the veterans tried to influence his decision, sent someone to maliciously attack that Woman, he has apologizes in his heart, one is because the elf’s lifespan is long, so he decided to go with the woman for the rest of his life, and then use all the rest of the time to make up for Hairouer’s pain. It’s a good idea to think that the grief of Hailuer betrayed Wild Willow City and was willing to be a night elf. After wandering for decades, he went to Zaganide.

Gao Bin, who has always been isolated from the world, does not know what happened later. The irony is that he can still calm down, laugh and scream, because he doesn’t know anything, and he doesn’t care about Hailuer’s dark night. The identity of the elf, for him, as long as you work hard, everything can be recovered.

Happiness is just because of ignorance! Of course, the ignorance here is not derogatory.

If you love someone, you have to destroy another one? The same problem, Han Jin and the unsuccessful Gaobin will face sooner or later, but one is full of contradictions, and the other is full of sorrow and sorrow.

I don’t know how long it took. Han Jin felt that Yalina in her arms seemed to recover. He gently sighed and said softly: “Yalina, let’s calm down and talk about it, can we?” He has never been like this. Grateful to the elf, with Yinaina who is not afraid of death, he can’t fight at all. It is more dangerous to take Yalina into the ground. Yalina’s desperate struggle will destroy his Taoism. He can go, but Yalina will be alive. Dead, fortunately, the elves gave up the attack, he has decided to forgive all the elves in the city, as long as they are willing to leave.

“I… I ask you!” Yalina said in a slightly squeaky voice: “When you know that Sunier is married to someone else, is it painful and painful?”

Han Jin stunned: “Yes.” He saw himself clearly. When he faced the elves and frantically vented the hatred of the bones, the most incapable of hiding was the same feeling of love.

“Then do you know, what is my feeling?” Yalina’s voice shook even more.

Han Jin is silent, he is really speechless.

“I will ask you again, if… If you have never met Sunier, would you… would you like me?” Yalina raised her head and stared at Han Jin with the red eyes. They are all playing riddles, one knows what they are doing, one knows what the other party wants to do, but they don’t say anything. Today, Yalina finally said the two words.

Han Jin looked at the face of Yalina, and suddenly remembered a word in his heart, the most difficult to suffer the beauty! He said a deep breath, with the slightest hesitation: “Yes.”

“I don’t want you to pity me!” Yalina’s body jerked.

“I won’t force myself to promise because of sympathy.” Han Jin softly said.

“It’s like you just said, is it?”

Han Jin smiled and he didn’t know how to answer it. However, seeing Yalina’s mood has improved a bit, he changed the subject: “It’s getting late, are we going to find a place to rest first? And there are still many Things didn’t do it, Halley!”

“In!” With the voice, Harley’s figure appeared in front of him, but his hoe was drooping down, as if something on the ground needed his attention.

“You look around and there are no elves ambushing us.”

“Yes.” Today’s Harley is extraordinarily clean, and the words are like gold. There is no nonsense, and he turns and flies out of the hole in the roof.

In fact, Yalina’s ‘terrorist-style’ attack just frightened him. Later, when the situation developed more and more, he became more and more afraid to speak out, causing Han Jin’s attention. Maybe he would vent his anger to his head. Up.

For a moment, Halley appeared again in the hole, he looked down first, then fell down: “Run!”

“What ran?”

“Running all over.”

“Show me the words!” Han Jin frowned.

Harley felt that he was wronged than Yalina. He used to explain his words clearly and added a lot of his own explanations. The result was always embarrassing. It was so easy to be concise today, and Han Jin could not be satisfied.

“Master, there are not many elves in this city. It seems that there are only five or six hundred. Well… I mean live, if you add those dead, there are almost six or seven hundred…”


Harley succumbed to suicide, just like Yalina, his tone became very low: “They all withdrew, I just saw their back on the city wall, Master, do you want to chase them? You are Take care of Yalina here, you can give me the rest of the matter! Right… they left the Tree of Life, haha, that is too big, and they are not moving…”

“Okay, okay.” Han Jin waved his hand impatiently and interrupted Harley’s words.

“Master, then… do you want to chase them?”

“I have already said it, no.”

“You just said it! You just speaks correctly ‘Good,’ I…” Harley saw Han Jin’s face wrong, and hurriedly closed his mouth. He swears that he will never speak again until the sun goes out.

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