In the Chamber of Secrets, quietly, what I said is finished. Of course, I shouldn’t say that the Great Elder Ampudra and the eyes of a dozen elders have been turning around in Gaobin, and Gao Bin’s face Gloomy, sitting there leaning, the elves are mostly ceremonial, especially the upper elves, only the high-specials, he is used to me, when the contradiction is not so big, some veterans are self-sufficient, or Or secretly reminded Gao Bin, saying that Gao Bin did not respect the Great Elder. As a result, Gao Bin was laughed, saying that respect is to be placed in the heart, and has nothing to do with his posture of walking and lying.

Some good elves passed the words into the ears of Ampudullah. Ampudra was touched and a little sighed. He was moved because he knew Gaobin’s surname and knew that Gao Bin really put him in his heart. The sigh is because Gao Bin and Sunier are both big and big, and the education method is exactly the same. Why is the difference between the two children’s surnames so big? !

“You are Prudence?” Gao Bin’s gaze fell on Prudence.

“Well… yes.” Prudence was replied, and all the elves in the Chamber were in the most embarrassing situation. Gao Bin’s tone and posture lacked basic etiquette, but he could not help but Gao Bin was Sunier’s big brother, in love, and regardless of whether the other person respects himself, he must respect each other, but he can’t be too respectful, because he is the commander of the elves, and respecting each other is likely to be detrimental to his position. Impact.

Gao Bin nodded, he was very satisfied with the first impression of Prudence, love beauty and ugliness, this is the most surname of the most intelligent life, Gao Bin is no exception.

“What I can’t figure out is…” Gao Bin indifferently said: “Why did Sunier enter the temple illusion at this time?”

Ampudra and the veterans, you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know how to answer. From entering the Chamber to the present, no elf is lying. They are all telling the truth, but the key places. It’s always ambiguous that’s all, no one wants to deceive Gaobin because it can’t afford the consequences of a disaster.

“Because Sunier doesn’t want to marry Prudence.” Lydia suddenly said indifferently said.

“Oh?” Gao Bin smiled. He looked at Prudence again. The second impression was still very satisfying. If he heard the words that were not good for him, he could still keep quiet. His brother-in-law is not a superficial person: “So… Sunier has her own favorite elf? Who is it?”

“What kind of big brother has what kind of younger sister.” Lydia said softly.

“What do you mean?” Gao Bin frowned, very distressed and said: “Lidia, don’t play dumb puzzles with me. After so many years, my brain can’t keep up, you still tell me directly!”

“I have already understood it very well.”

“What kind of big brother has what kind of younger sister…” Gaobin’s face suddenly changed and suddenly jumped out of the chair: “She likes Shanghai Luer?! No?!”

Prudence dumbstruck, the name of Hailuer is the female surname, and the veterans almost collapsed on the spot, and Ampudra is also didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Day…” Lydia added her hand: “It seems that you have been stupid for a long time!”

“What do you mean by that?” Gao Bin’s gaze looked at Lydia: “Is it…”

Lydia can be regarded as a service. I am afraid that the eccentric and magical divergent thinking of Gao Bin will produce any absurd thoughts. He hurriedly said: “Sunier likes a human being, called Raphael.”

“Fortunately, okay.” Gao Bin relaxed: “Why do you say it early, why should you scare me! Oh… Raphael? I seem to have heard of this name.”

“I heard that.” Lydia said: “He is the lord of Holy Crown City now.”

“Oh…” Gaobin held his chin with his hand and meditated there. The expression became very dignified and very serious. He slowly shook his head and said: “This is not good! As a descendant of God, she cannot shirk Your responsibility!!”

After saying this, I don’t mention the idea of ​​An Pudullah and other elves. Even Lydia couldn’t help but smile. She glanced at Gao Bin: “Are you talking about yourself?”

“Just because I experienced the feeling of watching people slowly aging and slowly dying, so I disagree.” Gao Bin’s voice became low and powerful: “Sunier is unbearable!”

The elves in the room all showed a happy color, and Ampudra took a long breath and always said that the heart of the blind man had finally fallen back into his stomach.

Lydia laughed and then closed her mouth. She is an elf. Although she disagreed with the joint Senate to launch this large-scale war, it would not hinder the marriage between Prudence and Sunier, at least not publicly.

“Lidia, should you persuade Sunier?” Gaobin asked slowly.


“What did she say?”

“Sunier is still small when you go, so you don’t know, she is as stubborn as you are.” Lydia sighed.

“Really?” Gao Bin looked at Lydia with interest. Sure enough, Lydia was not at all wrong, he would not put the traditional things in his eyes.

“I advised her, she can persuade me ten.” Recalling the scene at that time, Lydia could not help but smile.

“What does she advise you?” Gao Bin is more interested.

“She advised me not to interfere with her freedom. She said that I couldn’t understand her. She… said a lot.” Lydia paused: “In the end she also warned me if she forced her to leave Raphael and marry a stranger. Elves or other people, she would rather die.”

The heart of Ampudra was so cold that Prudence was angry and looked at Lydia coldly. There was an elf elder who couldn’t help but shouted: “Lidia, pay attention to your position!!”

“Close your mouth!” Ampudullah shouted, but he was not shouted on Lydia, but on the veteran of the voice.

Wild Willow City Two big slaughter machines, one is the god arrow Gaobin, the other is the magic arrow Lidia! In the Old Elvish, God has many meanings, the power of God, the field of God, Divine Spark, etc., and the devil has only two meanings, one is the power of the demon, the other is the adjective, referring to something crazy, terrifying, Supreme’s formidable power, so magic is called magic, and the devil becomes a devil.

Magic Arrow Lydia is an extremely rare wizard who has mastered magic! It’s not the life magic that is unique to Spirit Race, but natural magic such as fire, electricity, and earth! On the other hand, Lydia is also an extremely crazy warrior, it is extreme!

Although Lydia has been standing so quietly and embarrassed for decades, Ampudra will never forget the essence of Lydia. Just like the day when Gaobin left Wild Willow City, Lydia resigned from the military position and then broke into the home of an elf elder. However, the elf elder who was seriously injured by Gaobin was dead, in front of dozens. The face of a veteran, Lydia laughed and said: “This guy is very timely.”

Full of surprise, the elders absent silence, Lydia’s intention is very clear, she is not to visit the wounded, but to kill!

Gao Bin, who is in anger, still retains a point of mind. Without a dead hand, Lydia, who retains all his sorrow, smashes into an elf elder’s house to kill in the sky, which proves that Lidi Asia is an out-and-out madman!

This idiot! Ampudullah secretly groaned in his heart. Seeing that Lydia had been obedient for decades, she forgot the name of Lydia. It was so good that the scars forgot to hurt! Compared with the two elves, Gao Bin is a lazily, sun-drenched tiger, angering him, he will hurt and hurt, and Lydia is a white rabbit that looks harmless to humans. Very low-key, but if she feels the threat, her answer is often only two words, ruin! Not destroying the enemy, it is destroying herself!

However, even if Lydia’s surname is terrifying, Ampudra has never been worried because he saw Lidia.

Lydia has no backbone, and she is not daring to take responsibility! He knew that Lydia had always opposed the United Senate to launch this massive war. What did Lydia do? I just found some patriarch temptations and discussed another possible path to save the elves. From the beginning to the end, Lydia has always cooperated with military operations and tried her best to complete her task.

Lydia didn’t dare to provoke the burden of the rise and fall of Spirit Race! She is not afraid! ! Otherwise, with Lydia’s surname, she has already put her ideas into action.

However, when Gao Bin came back, everything became completely different. Gao Bin’s name was very strange. He was never controlled by any force. His mind and thoughts were even more weird. Sometimes it was ridiculous, sometimes it was Let people make a case.

Gao Bin dared to think, Lydia dare to do! Gao Bin is the backbone of Lydia, and Lydia is the blade of Gao Bin!

Ampudra also knows that Lydia has been deeply in love with Gaobin, but because her appearance has been ruined and self-defeating, she has buried her love in her heart. Gaobin regards Lydia as a good friend who has nothing to say. And Lydia also regards Gaobin as a good friend, but one is natural and the other is deliberate.

For these two elves, Ampudra has quietly observed the taste for seven or eighty years. He knows too much. Lydia is buried in the bottom of her heart. It is an unforgettable love, a kind of heavier than the mountains. Deeper love than the earth is a kind of love that is not regrettable! Ampudra didn’t doubt that if Gaobin had aududly had a thought, and Lydia said that only killing Prudence would take back the command of the army, Lydia would immediately turn to find Prudence. Assassination, whether it is a challenge or not, she must kill Prudence or kill herself.

“I understand…” Gao Bin suddenly made a laugh, but his tone became sinister: “It turns out that you are united to calculate Sunier!”

Lydia regained her silence, sitting quietly and slyly, no matter what she did, she would not lie to Gaobin. Her duty was to say all the facts that happened, and then let Gaobin make the decision.

Ampudullah heart startled, the vulgars on the side of each and everyone glared at Lydia, even Prudence, this is simply a car, showing hostility, and Gao Bin’s mind is jumping, of course They will find clues, and they don’t lie from start to finish. They are worried that they will not be able to swindle Gaobin and leave room for recovery.

“Gaobin, you can’t say that.” Ampudullah said with a bitter smile: “The elves are not suitable for coming with humans. You just said that, the taste is not good! Don’t you look at it! Is Sunier going to be tortured?! And… Sunier is still too young, and for the first time, I like to have a different surname. It is inevitable that I have emotions in my heart. You are her big brother. You should go with her to persuade her!”

“Yeah, Gao Bin!” Another veteran should say: “Sunier is young and ignorant. Don’t you know anything? Now is the best time to reproduce the Spirit Emperor. You know, two What does the wedding of the descendants of God mean to the elves? For the sake of the Spirit Emperor, for our elves, to abandon their irrational, immature feelings, shouldn’t it?!”

“hehe…empire…elf family…” Gaobin looked up at the sky, his fingers tapping on the table, and he didn’t know what he was thinking. For a moment, he said with a smile: “these two distinct things, It is always the most powerful Divine Artifact that forces the majority to make sacrifices. The more people who like to hang these two distinct things, the safer they will not sacrifice.”

“Gaobin, you…” The elf is so angry that he can’t imagine, Gaobin would dare to smash the natural Goddess and the whole elf.

“You are surprised? It seems that my evaluation is a bit too high, then… I am is the truth.” Gaobin remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs looked at the elf veteran: “Remember who said it, in order to The empire, for what kind of family, is willing to make any sacrifices. This valuable spirit is nothing but a pile of garbage that can be ignited by any ambition to illuminate his name!”

In the Chamber of Deputies, there was a silence in the dead, and even Anpdula was stared wide-eyed. In front of Gaobin, although it had a sly taste, it could barely be heard. The latter words were too naked. It is not awkward, but a vicious subversion! Subverting tradition, subverting faith, subverting the spirit and blood of countless elves in the past thousands of years!

“Ridiya, have you heard this sentence? Who said it?” asked Gao Bin, who had something to do.

Lydia resisted the smile: “It is what you said.”

“I? No?” Gao Binturn pale with fright: “When did I become so wise?”

Lydia was stunned and ended up with a sigh of white. She had lived for more than two hundred years. Lidia’s experience was very rich, and she had suffered countless sufferings and dangers. Her face was destroyed, and she was beautiful. For the elves, what is more painful than this? ! The whole piece of continuous, can make her speechless, don’t know whether to cry or laugh anytime, anywhere, only one high guest.

“Gao Bin! Are you crazy?!” said Empuda, one word at a time.

“I am not crazy, I have been planting for more than 50 years. I am more awake than ever.” Gao Bin laughed at Hehe and said: “And those who always hang the empire and the elves are really Crazy, because they are calling on the elves, preferring to love the graves of the graves, and don’t cherish their opportunity to lively body!”

“Gaobin… I used to be too indulgent to you, so you will become like this!” said Empudura, heartbroken.

“No, no, hehe… If your wishes are right, then there is no justice or truth in World.” Gao Bin still laughed: “Look, we are of course justice, the orcs for their own empire. In war, they are also just, then human beings are just as right, dragons are just, dragons are just, and even abyss races are just, but… who should be wrong?”

Ampudullah trembled and he couldn’t say a word.

“Don’t forget, you are a wizard!!” said an elf veteran gnashing teeth.

“Yeah, I am an elf…” Gao Bin’s voice became more and more low, and then he smiled and said: “Well, persuading Sunier’s things are on me, but I have a request.”

“What…what?” Ampudra almost couldn’t believe his ears, was extremely disappointed, and was extremely surprised in the blink of an eye. The contrast was too strong.

Prudence felt that something was wrong. Since Gao Bin started talking, he mastered the emotions of all the elves. Every word of his is like an invisible baton. Let you laugh and laugh, let you marry you. Let you be angry, you will be angry, but he has to admit that seeing Gao Bin suddenly changed his position, he really long sighed in relief.

“What requirements?” Prudence asked.

“You…and you, including the veterans of the United Senate, will attack the Holy Crown City tomorrow! You don’t have to look at me, you are yourself! Then you don’t have to come back.” Gao Bin said solemnly: “The dirt of the grave is so The fragrance, so that you yearn for, I will fulfill you, sacrifice!”

“You are awkward!!” An elf elder knew that he was being played again and could not help but scream.

“Speak well, don’t yell, you still don’t make sense?!” Gao Bin’s expression is very wronged: “The situation is like this now, Sunier doesn’t want to sacrifice for us all, so I need you to do it.” I have a reason to persuade her, and in order to improve the rise of the Spirit Emperor country, you can give up even life, of course, she must give up her feelings! Ah… you are not willing?” Finally, Gao Bin also asked what he had to do.

No one answered, all the elves were shaking, and Ampudra was a direct Venus. If he didn’t consider his identity, he really wanted to spit a few mouthfuls of blood, so his heart would be more comfortable.

“In order to improve the rise of the Spirit Emperor country, you… really do not want to? I am disappointed too! Too disappointing me!!” This time, it was the turn of Gaobin’s heartache: “Sunier’s sacrifice is right, let You can’t sacrifice it! Who can tell me, why? Why?? I didn’t understand it before. Those who shouted the most slogan of sacrifice, but always live comfortably, now I understand, it turns out What you need is always the sacrifice of others!”

“Gao Bin, for the Wizard of Wild Willow City, you are a Legendary hero, I hope you are sensible, don’t be like a little child!” Prudence said.

“Right!” Gao Bin pointed to Prudence with his hand. He was determined to carry the hooligan to the end. Prudence’s intervention not only did not help, but burned the war to himself: “Since you are not Willing, then I will change the conditions, boy, don’t you want to marry my younger sister? Well, but… I think you guys are not suitable for leading the army, saying that you are a waste… although it is too much, but also Almost, this way, you bring my younger sister back to Wild Willow City, and everything else is handed over to me. Rest assured, I will do better than you.”

“Bastard!!!” Prudence roared and roared. He was the 12th-order peak powerhouse. He was the pride and hope of the Elf family. In his life, why have he been subjected to this vicious insult? ! Prudence not only wants to vomit blood, he is already mad.

Ampudullah stood up at the same time, grabbing Prudence’s arm: “Let’s go!”

“Let’s let go!” Prudence slammed hard, picking his longbow with a trembling hand, and he was going to fight this damn bastard!

“Go!” Ampudullah sighed.

Prudence looked towards Ampudullah, and he saw a hint from the eyes of Ampudra, took a long and deep breath, letting Anpudra walk away.

“You see, look, and get angry.” Gao Bin’s face is helpless and puzzled. “You need Sunier’s body to boost morale. I need your position to satisfy my desires, and then I willingly advise Sunier.” Is there a difference? Ah… Great Elder, don’t leave, don’t go, my words haven’t finished yet, do you want to change the conditions?” Gao Bin looked very serious and reluctant, and chased a few steps.

“Gaobin, I think… I have nothing to say to you between you and me.” Ampudra’s tone was cold.

Gaobin sighed and sat back in the chair. His eyes fell on the back of Ampudra. His eyes were a bit complicated. He heard the taste of the Anpudra.

Ampudra took Prudence and walked out of the Chamber of Deputies. Other veterans followed, and their hearts sank into the bottom of the hall. On the square outside the Chamber of Deputies, the densely packed emperors were filled with elves. Looking up and looking at them, obviously, the elves want to see them.

Ampudra’s hand trembled abruptly. The elves didn’t like war, and Gaobin still retained considerable prestige in the minds of the elves. The most helpless thing is that Gaobin and Sunier are also descendants of God. In this case, it is impossible to kill Gaobin and expel Gaobin. What’s more, there is a comrade-in-arms around Gaobin, a lifelong friend who never loses!

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