Last night’s blizzards covered a wide area, from north to Cold Shadow City, west to Wild Willow City, south to Dark Raven City, including Beitman and Holy Crown City, all covered in silver, but Beitman Cities are protected by the Tree of Life, which is the least affected.

Outside of Maxinburg, there are green vegetation everywhere. There are big trees, shrubs, grasses, and rattan. The city wall is no longer visible. Even the sky above the city is covered by a giant net of rattan. Strictly, only a few days, this has become a green forest.

At the center of the city, there is a giant tree with a number of 100 meters. The stacked tree crowns are more than a thousand meters wide, and they are magnificent and magnificent. The trunks of the dragonfly are very strong. Seven or eighty spirits are hand-in-hand in a circle. In order to be able to hold the trunk, the covered cane stretches out from the city’s all directions, gathers here and drills along the bark to Earth Abyss. Although it is not a true ancient tree of life, the formidable power of the seed of life is also not to be seen. In fact, the emerald green throughout the city is all evolved from a single seed.

The city is much warmer than the outside world. The green is not only covered with the land of Maxinburg’s sky, but even the Earth Abyss, which the naked eye can’t see, is covered with countless vertical and horizontal roots. If a god comes to the world, use Supreme to pull the city out and throw it into the sky, you will find that the tree growing from the seed of life is the center of all vegetation, and the green that extends out forms an irregular circle. The city is wrapped in a tight air.

In the depths of the vegetation, a large number of elves are hidden, which can’t be seen from the outside, but as long as there is a slight change, there will be countless elves out of the emerald green, jumping out and launching a fierce attack!

A silhouette appeared at a great distance, slowly passing over the snowfield and gradually approaching Maxinburg.

It was an elf. From his appearance, he looked very young. He was riding a horse with a colorful hair. Yes, it was a very ordinary horse. The tip of the ear is the most prominent feature of the elf, but the elf has a strange ear, but how to look strange in other places, of course, the so-called weird is from the perspective of the elf.

There is a strong beard on his face. This is the most incredible. The elves also have long beards, but they naturally like to modify themselves. They always shave their beards. Only when they are more than a thousand years old, they gradually show their old age. The elf will have a beard to show the difference with the young elf, and the elf looks very young, with fair skin and strong muscles, without any old state. His chest was wide open, revealing a strong chest, carrying a scary giant bow behind him. Every time he walked out of the quiet dozen meters, he picked up a shiny wine bag, fiercely drinking a big mouth, breathing room. It was full of sour alcohol. Obviously, he was riding a bad horse, drinking bad wine, and the economic situation should be very bad.

In the hustle and bustle of the snowfield, the silhouette was exceptionally clear, and the elves responsible for the Guardian found the intruders all the time. They took the longbow and waited silently.

The silhouette went closer and closer, and a fairy drilled out the bushes, raised his hand and shot an arrow, and shot it on the ground in front of the inferior horse. He shouted: “Stand up and don’t move!” Although the elf’s vision is very good, I saw it. The characteristics of the intruders, but the spies sent by Holy Crown City recently did not know what method was used. Everyone had a pair of pointed ears, disguised as a returning elf, mixed into Maxinburg, and after being seen, it caused a lot of Destruction, now the elves are alert to surging names.

The silhouette showed a narrow smile, turned over and jumped off the horse, and patted it with his hand: “Old Partner, don’t mess, you have been warned.” After that, he took a big step and went straight to Maxine. The fort came.

“I am telling you, don’t mess!” The elf roared.

Behind the elf, hundreds of elves jumped out and opened the longbows. The cluster of cold glow arrows pointed at the invaders. However, the reaction was only a small part of the elves, most of them were Standing there, they can see each other’s shocks and unbelief in the eyes of each other, they can’t believe it!

The silhouette did not care about the elf with the swords drawn and bows bent, and continued to stride, the headed elf was furiously shouted, the arrow raised his hand, and hundreds of arrows wrapped around the whistling sound to cut through the sky, only to that A silhouette of the shot.

There was a six-pointed star on the forehead of the silhouette. He put the wine bag in his arms, and then extended the hand to the cloud-like arrow. Just a light shot, hundreds of arrows were banging. The sound whirls around and flies like a cloud of smoke.

“Gao Bin!!” A dazed elf finally couldn’t help but scream.

However, his scream not at all got the response from the partners. Most of the elves are still in a daze, because the opposite silhouette is too different from the impression in their minds, just a little bit like the eyebrows.

“The enemy attack!” The elf headed back a few steps back and made a roar.

At this moment, the big elf Lydia was talking to Branzi in the vicinity of the vicinity, and heard the outside tangled, Lydia frowned, and turned back to the city wall.

The chaos outside has evolved into a panic. Hundreds of elf shooters are desperately attacking, no matter how hard they work, the silhouette only needs to extend the hand, and the lasing arrow will become scattered and broken iron. And the silhouette of the silhouette was not affected at all, and continued to approach Marksingburg.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides is already less than the thirty meters, when the headed elf is ready to order into the depths of the jungle, the silhouette suddenly stops and does not move. Lydia stands in front of him, and the two men look at each other silently. With.

Regardless of whether his own claim is suppressed or endorsed, and no matter how difficult it is for Prudence, Lydia always gives a very quiet feeling, and the honor and disgrace are not shocked, the mood is not in color, but at the moment Dia is quite different from her, her chest is violently undulating, her hands, arms and even her body are shaking uncontrollably. She even made an action that only a little girl would do, with a white The teeth bite their lips.

For a moment, the silhouette slowly opened his arms and laughed at Hehe’s saying: “Come, cute, let me hug.”

Excitement, ecstasy, excitement and other emotions, after the other party’s speech, turned into full of ridicule, Lydia could not help but glance at each other, but she still obediently walked over and hugged the other side.

At the moment when Lydia and the other party hugged together, the dazed elves suddenly went crazy… They jumped, shouted, wept, danced, and rushed over like a tide.

Feeling the warmth of the other side, a strong hug, the tears slowly filled Lidia’s eyes, she said softly with a sob, “Gaobin, welcome… go home.”

It was the turn of the other part of the elf to be in a daze. They were not the elves of Wild Willow City. Of course, they could not understand why their companions were so excited.

God Arrow Gaobin, Gaobin with Gothic Bow, as the high-ranking Wilbin of Wild Willow City, together with Lydia, is called the High Will, the two big slaughter machines of Wild Willow City, and the Senate The high-confident conflict, Gao Bin, who has been away from home for more than 50 years, has disappeared from the high guest. At this moment, he is finally back!

Excited emotions were spreading wildly, and shouts came from every corner of Marksingburg. The elves who came from Wild Willow City cheered and rushed in the direction of the shouts.

When the high guest is in the air, the descendants of the descendants such as Solomon Grand Duke, Fossa, Zaganide, Dismark, including Guevera and the others, are small children, and some are not even born yet. At that time, Wild Willow City was the most powerful. city. However, because of different ideas, Gaobin and the Senate finally broke out of conflict, and they also shed blood. The Senate’s collective meeting made a decision to execute the Gaobin, although Great Elder’s Ampullah was in a row and even threatened to resign. However, the anger of the Senate could not be quelled. In the end, each step was decided to drive the Gaobin out of Wild Willow City. Only when the elves who sent the order went to Gaobin, Gaobin had already left.

After the departure of Gaobin, Wild Willow City became a day less than a day, so that afterwards, it was only by alliance with other cities that he could barely protect his territory, and Lydia also resigned all military power and ran to the cliff. The city went to do business and became a businessman.

Correct, often use errors to verify, this is a very sad and helpless theorem. When Gaobin and the Senate were in conflict, there were still many elves who thought that Gaobin was too impulsive, even for a human woman to brutally kill the veteran of the Senate, but after the waiting for the high guest, the situation of Wild Willow City went from bad to worse, and the elves started again. I miss the Gaobin, especially after the battle of twenty years ago, after the Silver Pegasus Legion was almost completely wiped out, this nostalgia has arrived. The elves believe that if Gaobin is still there, it will never be so bad.

Although led by the Senate, the continent elves have gathered together, the momentum is huge, the results are brilliant, but many elves still feel fearful. The elves of the Lonely Cliffs brought back a lot of information about the Raphael lords. The dragon slayers had magical magic. The comprehensive combat power was unfathomable. At the beginning, there was an elf unbelief. But then a fact proved that the elf mercenaries were not At all lie. Going deep underground, Zaganide was wiped out in a short period of time. On the counterattack, the Holy Crown City was occupied overnight. You know, the Spirit Race is attacking all the way, and you have suffered a big loss under the Holy Crown City. It has also been captured by countless numbers, which is enough to prove that the power of the Raphael lords is much stronger than their elves. In the past, if there were Dragon Races fighting together, it would always bring great confidence to the elves, but now it is different. The Raphael lord is a dragonslayer. After killing several giant dragons, can Dragon Race really depend on it? ?

Gao Bing’s return, gave the elves a shot of stimulant, only by Prudence, should not be the opponent of the Raphael lord, plus Gao Bin, then there is absolute certainty!

In the chamber of Marksingburg, two elves, and a human being, sit in a chair and whisper, and the Great Elder of the United Senate, Ampura, and the military commander of the Spirit Race, Prudence, sit. On both sides, he even gave the center to the human.

“Do it… can you really deal with that Raphael?” said Ampura, sullen.

“Ampudra, I am not mistaken? Are you questioning the formidable power of the dragon magic?” The human indifferently said that his tone is full of condescending taste.

“No, no.” Ampudra showed a bitter smile: “The Elf mercenaries will not lie on this issue, Raphael has Body of Undying, I am worried…”

“Body of Undying?” The human said with contempt: “Do you think he is the god of meditation?! It is just a kind of magic.”

“Hey magic?”

“Yes, I heard the Elders talk about it, just…” The man hesitated: “This magic has been lost for a long time, and the Raphael has a lot of secrets, so we must be alive!”

“Scratch alive?” The smile on Ampudura’s face became more and more bitter. It was already very difficult to kill Raphael. I still want to catch it?

“This is what the Dragon Race Elders mean?” Prudence asked. His response to Ampudra is very helpless, even pretend to be polite do not understand? ! I promised to go down, it’s that death is alive in his hands. This is not what Dragon Race has to say. When I accidentally missed it… everything is solved!

“Yeah.” The man ordered nodded.

“I understand.” Prudence whispered: “But… that Raphael is very cunning, I have already laid inescapable net, just wait for him to come to Sunier, but he has never appeared. Have we been waiting? Not a way!”

“How to lead him out is your business. My task is to seal his body when he appears.” The human is said with a slight smile.

Prudence still wants to talk, suddenly faintly heard a fierce shout from the distance, at the same time, a elf Elder hurried in and shouted: “Great Elder, not good! Gaobin is back! !”

“Gaobin?!” Ampudra’s face showed ecstasy, extremely lost self-control jumped up: “Are you crazy? Is there anything wrong?! It is very good, great! haha… ”

“But…Sunier she…”

The smile on Ampudra’s face abruptly stopped and his face became pale.

Outside Maxinburg, Gao Bin and Lydia are smiling and laughing. Lydia whispered: “For more than 50 years, what are you busy with? Why don’t you come back to see old friends? Don’t tell you that you are worried about the veteran. I don’t believe you will take them seriously.”

“Busy farming.” Gao Bin said with a faint smile.

“Cultivate the land?” There was a picture in Lydia’s mind. Gao Bin waved his hoe and sweated in the sunshine. She couldn’t help but laugh.

“This is not funny, I promised to accompany her to finish this life, so…” Gao Bin sighed.

“You have been with the human woman?” Lydia couldn’t smile.


“When I look at a person who is getting old and slowly dying, what is it like?” Lydia is full of pity, the end of the hand, stroking the beard of Gaobin’s face, and sighing: “You are now It’s too stupid, it’s like a tramp.”

“Not good said.” Gao Bin narrowed his eyes: “At the beginning, I only felt hate.”


“Hate the humbleness of life, hate the ruthlessness of the years, hate your own powerlessness.” Gao Bin laughed: “But in the end, I slowly accepted, except for God, all life must bow in front of the law, isn’t it? There is also the day of aging. Hehe… Although I can’t save her youth, I can at least make her happy and satisfied every day.”

“You have been with her… she is so lucky.” Lydia sighed.

“Lucky?” Gao Bin’s eyes suddenly shot a sharp cold glow. When he showed up, he turned to Lidia and looked very contemptuous. Later, when he talked about the past, he gave a feeling of vicissitudes. At the moment, it changed. Into a sharp, fearless arrow, it is unpredictable, which one is the real one.

“She has been beaten into a cripple, blind! Can’t see the blue sky again, can’t see the blooming flowers, lucky?!” Gao Bin said with a sneer: “What I did was to make up for us. s damage.”

“She can’t see your hate, can’t see your sorrow and helpless. Isn’t that lucky? And… I mean, she is lucky compared to Hailuer.” Lydia softly “Gaobin, you hurt her too deeply.”

“Hayul… She… What happened to her?” Gaobin expressed a slight change and hurriedly asked.

“She fell and became a night elf.”

“The night elf…” Gaobin sighed in relief, his face was clearly a kind of cynicism.

“I guess… you want to go to Hailuer, are you?” Lydia said with a slight smile.

“How is it possible!” Gao Bin shook the head, his face became very serious again: “She is a night elf, and she has turned away from natural Goddess. If you let me see her, I must have a fiercely lesson…”

“Forget it, Gao Bin! I still don’t know you?” Lydia couldn’t help but laugh: “You even dare to kill the elders of the Senate. Will you care about her identity and belief?”

“I speaks correctly the truth.” Gao Bin’s expression is still very serious, but his eyes are full of smiles.

“For you… I am really helpless.” Lydia shook the head: “You have used it for more than 50 years to make up for a human woman, and then want to go to Hailuer to make up for what you have caused to her. Hurt, is it… Are you making up for regrets and mistakes in your life?”

“I want to make up for you, if you like.” Gao Bin laughed at Hehe’s extend the hand and picked it up at Lydia’s chin. Then he said, “Don’t talk about it, Great Elder is out, just …he will repeat the deportation order of the Senate or welcome me…not good…”

Ampudra has already brought Prudence and a dozen elders to welcome him. Gao Bin finally recovered his true color and fell to his knees on one knee: “Great Elder!”

“Get up, my child.” Ampudullah rushed to extend the hand and lifted the high guest.

Not waiting for Ampudra to say something chilly, Gao Bin opened his mouth. Obviously, he is not a passive person. He likes to hold the dominant position regardless of any scene: “What about Sunier?”

This sentence exports, Ampudullah and the others, including the face of a dozen or so veterans have changed a bit.

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