Seeing Han Jin, listening carefully, Yalina came to the mood and talked incessantly. She always said that the silhouette of Harley and the unicorn appeared in the distance, and she closed her mouth.

Seeing that the unicorn did not run, Yalina was very happy. Even Han Jin felt incredible, but Yalina was tired for a day, just woke up for a moment and was woken up by Han Jin, and then told Han Jin to tell the story and toss it to the present. She really couldn’t stop, and after chatting a few words, she fell asleep without knowing it.

In fact, Han Jin was tired, but he couldn’t sleep like this. It took nearly an hour to repair the damage on the azure glow, then swallowed a few Magic Crystals, and then adjusted for a while before slowly falling on the pillow. .

Nothing happened overnight, nothing happened. If two people were asleep because they were cold or something else, they would squeeze together and add a few cents to this calm night. Unfortunately, it is absolutely impossible. . Comprehension is like a retreat in heaven and earth. Not only do you have to work hard, but you also have to fight against time. Sleep six or seven hours a day? Such a waste! Almost all of Dao Sect in system has its own unique sleep skills, sleeping is cultivation, of course, the effect is far less obvious than meditation.

The same is true of Han Jin, who has not dreamed for a long time, and he is very alert in the ambiguous setting, not to mention that two people are huddled together, even Yalina’s breathing is slightly heavier. He knows.

The snow finally stopped, and the dark clouds of the sky didn’t know when it was disappearing without a trace, sky first glimmers of light, Han Jin slowly opened the eyes, quietly sat up, looked around, and looked at the carpet. On the edge, there is a small pile of Magic Crystal, which is the result of Hardy’s hard work. His form has just been semi-substantial. It is very difficult for him to cut off the body of the blast wolf and look for Magic Crystal. Harley was still busy on the mighty battlefield in the distance, and had not finished it all night.

Harley is really distressed, but it has nothing to do with the intensity of labor. No one is talking with him. This is his most dissatisfied place. Han Jin and Yalina are both asleep. He borrows a few courage and he does not dare to make a noise. Magic Crystal’s actions are all cautiously.

Han Jin puts his legs up and quietly adjusts his breathing. The so-called diligence can make up for him, no matter what time he will not relax.

When Yalina woke up, the sky was already bright. Outside of the battlefield last night, World had become silver white, and there was no cloud in the sky. A clear blue, pure white and blue crossed in the sky. The scenery is extraordinarily spectacular.

Looking at her sleepy eyes, Yalina wanted to sit up and saw Han Jin meditating around. She hurriedly changed her mind and quietly observed Han Jin. At first, she still secretly looked at her eyes and cut her eyes into a slit. It took a long time to think that Han Jin would not find himself, and then she let go of her heart.

Yalina’s expression is very weird, constantly changing, sometimes frowning, as if something is difficult, and sometimes the eyes are happy, it seems very happy.

It can only be said that the task assigned to her by Gail is too difficult!

Yalina has never had a love experience before, and her life is relatively monotonous. When she goes out, she goes to the Magic Academy, 焉 or the library. When she is tired and sleepy, she goes home to rest. She uses all her energy to study. In magic, don’t say tasting to things between men and women, even watching them. The modern social media is so rich, the first love is still able to make people restless, hang on their stomachs, and go back and forth, let alone know nothing about Yalina? And she is still a girl!

Yalina didn’t know what she should do, and she didn’t know if she had done it right or wrong. She was very upset. On the one hand, she really wants to help Han Jin. On the other hand, she really hopes that Han Jin can become an ally with her father and continue to work hard. She is afraid that she will be hurt, not working hard, letting it be natural, and Gael’s director is full. The ominous prophecy is still in the ear, what if her father and Raphael become enemies? She never wants to see the tragedy happen.

In the past, she still had a sense of guilt. Fortunately, they learned from the elf prisoners that Prudence and Sunier were married. This settlement was temporarily put down.

Just as Yalina thought about it, Harley came back. He held a few Magic Crystals in his hands and slowly drifted into the magic shield.

Yalina was alarmed. She hurriedly put her index finger in front of her lips, indicating that Harley would not make a sound, so as not to alarm Han Jin.

If there is eyeball, Harley must have a big white eye, he has been cautiously busy all night, still using others? !

A faint magical wave of volatility came from afar, and Yalina and Harley turned their heads and looked in the direction of the volatility. At the same time, Han Jin opened his eyes.

“Raphael, someone is coming!” Yalina whispered, she was surprised, Beitman, Holy Crown City and other areas have become War Zone, people who don’t want to drowning will not easily come in.

“I know, it’s Kurtini.” Han Jin ordered nodded: “Harley!”

“Yes, Master.” Harley hurriedly threw Magic Crystal on the ground, and the right hand slid out the stick, pointing to the sky, a black smoke rising from the sky, very prominent in this silver and blue world.

“Cultini? This name is so familiar…” Yalina thought.

“It turned out to be Zaganide. After Zaganide died, he turned to us,” Han Jin reminded.

Yalina suddenly thought about it. After they launched a super volcano underground in a month ago, Kurtini and his magician and night elves collectively disappeared. She thought that Kurtini had a wish, so she left with someone. This area, I did not expect him to contact Han Jin.

The time was not long, a silhouette appeared in the sky, and the thorns fell to Han Jin and the others.

“Yalina Young Lady, meet again.” Kurtini gestured to Yalina nodded, then turned to Han Jin: “Adult, it seems that there was a fierce battle here yesterday?”

“Well, we met the orc warrior.” Han Jin paused: “Cultini, how many people are there?”

“There are five or six.”

“How is it so little?” Han Jin stunned.

“Adult, I can’t use the night elves.” Kurtini smiled: “The night elves… are also members of the elves. If they are brought out, who can guarantee that they will work for you?”

“This is trying to find out if they can be loyal to you.”

Kurtini became silent, and for a long while he said slowly: “Adult, this is too cruel.”


“How can I test the loyalty of the subordinates?” Kurtini shook his head. “If you really love them, don’t give them the chance to betray. There are too many temptations and contradictions in World. They can stick to today. It’s not easy, adults, I think… we don’t have to do anything more.”

Han Jin was there, for a moment, his mouth showed a faint smile: “Well, I am not trying to force you.”

“Adult, I hope you understand.” Curtini whispered: “You know… Why did the Zaganide adults always attack Holy Crown City before?”


“The main reason is that Holy Crown City is richer than Wild Willow City, but there are also reasons for this.” Kurtini said: “Zaganide adults really trust, only our old team, especially Hailuer, unless Zaganide adults Decided to give up Hailuer, otherwise he can’t take Wild Willow City as his primary goal, so for decades he has been holding Dismark.”

“It seems that there is always a contradiction in your interior.” Han Jin indifferently said: “If Zaganide wipes out Dismark, it must turn to Wild Willow City, and Hailuer is not worried?”

“Which place can there be no contradiction? Adult.” Kurtini said with a bitter smile: “Even the childish little child will be awkward.”

“hehe…you said it well.” Han Jin smiled.

“Adult, you are looking for me… what do I need to do?” Cultini stepped into the subject.

“Well… you take your people to penetrate into Dark Raven City as much as possible. This is your old business. What should you pay attention to? Don’t you have to smash it?”

“No problem, adult.” Curtini was replied.

“When you are scouting, help me find two women by the way.”

“Woman? What kind of woman?”

“One is Keeley and the other is Hilna.”

“They…does there any characteristics? Adults, we can’t always see women and ask her her name. Even if they ask, they don’t necessarily tell us the truth.”

“That’s Keeley, it looks very beautiful.”

Kurtini’s gaze turned to Yalina: “Beautiful? This is a feature, if it compares with Yalina Young Lady?”

“It’s a little worse, it’s a little worse in appearance and temperament.” Han Jin paused: “The one called Hilna always wears a red leather armor and has a red hair that looks like a The group is burning.”

“Women with red hair are rare and the features are very obvious. It’s easy.” Kurtini said with a smile: “Adult, is there anything else?”

“And that’s all.”

“Adult, then I am going back to prepare?”

“it is good.”

Both sides were clean and neat, there was almost no nonsense, and Curtini nodded to Yalina, then released the floating technique and ascended into the air.

“Raphael, how are you… came together?” Seeing that Kurtini had already flew, Yalina couldn’t control his curiosity: “I thought they had gone somewhere else.”

“Zaganide is dead, are they always looking for a new owner?” Han Jin said with a smile: “Who do you think they should go to?”

Yalina is thinking in her mind that going to Wild Willow City will definitely not work. A small group of humans and night elves will go to the elves to be courting death. The city of Dip, the lord of Ma Lishen? This choice is very stupid, Ma Lishen is now crushed to death by Chesham, and even can be said to be at stake, going to Ma Lishen has no future. Just go to Chesham? Chesham’s strength is strong enough, but for all female surnames, the night elves are definitely walking right into a trap, maybe only a few months later, they will become a seat in the Chesham cemetery. New grave.

Yalina counts it, it seems… only Han Jin is the most sensible, but seeing Han Jin’s smile is so self-satisfied, she is not willing to accept, Yalina turned her eyes: “They can be mercenaries!” ”

“Go to the lonely city?” Han Jin said with a smile.

Yalina suddenly became discouraged. She knew the attitude of the city of Han Jin to the city. She screamed to World that she was obeying the rule of Han Jin. When I went there as a mercenary, sooner or later I would become a citizen of Han Jin. Go to Han Jin.

“hmph! Going to you is the smartest, you are amazing! OK? What?” Yalina said slyly.

“When did I get proud?” Han Jin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh: “And I am not too good, always making such mistakes.”

“Error? What happened to you?” Yalina got nervous.

Han Jin silent for a moment, sighed: “This time I took you away from the Holy Crown City, on the one hand to find Keeley and Hilna, and on the other hand to give Jedice a chance.”

Han Jin’s learning ability has always been strong. The so-called learning ability means that you have to make a difference, and you can see that the attitude of Curtini to his subordinates has made him feel a big touch.

“What opportunity?” Yalina asked.

“It’s an opportunity…but it’s because I’m rubbing my face.” Han Jin said with a bitter smile: “Actually, I dug a big pit and then called Jedice, but I’m Hiding aside, waiting for him to fall into the pit.”

“You… cheated Jedice?” Yalina said in amazement.

“I didn’t deceive him, he won’t lie to me, I will never lie to him.”

“I don’t know much.” Yalina’s eyes showed a confused expression.

“It’s a good thing to not understand.” Han Jin whispered: “Don’t be like me, count all the time to calculate, and live too tired.”

“You are the lord, of course, more than we think.” Yalina said, although she couldn’t understand what Han Jin was saying, she could see that Han Jin was very unhappy, so she was persuaded in warm words.

Han Jin slowly shook the head and didn’t speak. If you really love your subordinates, don’t give them a chance to betray. Curtini’s words have been echoing in his ears.

Jedice is not too short with everyone. Jedice’s actions, no one can pick out the problem, not to mention that there is no fundamental contradiction between the two sides. To put it bluntly, it’s just a matter of dividing the cake. I have eaten a bit more. You have to eat less, you can discuss it! What’s more, what he wants is not power, but to seize a lot of resources and lay a material foundation for his own path of comprehension.

If it is said that the previous Jeddy has been playing chess, then his performance of Han Jin is to push Jedice in the opposite direction. Is this really necessary? ! At the time of departure, he hoped that Jedith would not see his intentions. Now, the angle of seeing the problem has changed dramatically. He hopes that Jedice can be smarter, lest both sides can’t look back.

“Raphael, what are you thinking about?” Yalina asked softly.

“Nothing.” Han Jin stunned his eyebrows: “Yalina, going further northwest for more than a hundred miles, is Nuremberg in Dark Raven City, we went there to have a look, then go back.”

“Ah? So fast?” Yalina’s face became uncontrollably white.

“Is it not good?” Han Jin did not understand the changes in Yalina’s mood.

“No.” Yalina waved her hand in a panic: “So we don’t look for Keeley and Hilna? How do you tell me back?”

“Dark Raven City is so big, it’s too hard to find two people. I can’t spend all my time here.” Han Jin whispered: “Maybe you think I’m cruel, but compared to the Holy Crown City, a lot of things are More important than them.”

“In case… in case Keeley and Hilna have been caught by the elves? Kurtini they are impossible to save people.”

“No?” Han Jin stared at Yalina: “Yalina, you seem to be reluctant to return to Holy Crown City?”

Yalina panicked away from Han Jin’s gaze, but she still insisted: “In case? In case they were caught?”

Yalina can’t help but insist that Gail executives talked to her. She can go out with Han Jin alone. It is a rare opportunity. The Gaelic director told her that she must try to get a breakthrough in the surname. The problem is that Yalina doesn’t know what it takes to be a breakthrough. She panicks and is confused. She wants to go down with Han Jin for a lifetime. Now Han Jin has to go back to Holy Crown City, and she will of course worry.

“The method of the elf is relatively softer. It should not hurt the innocent humans at will. Keeley and Hilna are not stupid. Can’t you always call my friend everywhere?” Han Jin hesitated: “This is good, we are here.” Take a look at Nuremberg, if the Spirit Race really puts a poison on the humans in Nuremberg… we think of another way.”

“The elf is not a good thing!” Harley groaned and learned that Sunier had been married to Prudence. Han Jin always had nothing to do with the people, but the pain behind him, Han Jin knew, Harley knew, so Now Harley is extremely hated of the elves, including the Sunier who made Han Jin sad.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Han Jin glanced at Harley: “The magic crystal of the blast wolf is collected?”

“Master, you don’t know, the snow was too big yesterday, and the blast wolf was buried inside, and the body of the blast wolf was frozen and harder than the stone!” Harley hurriedly called: “I Not lazy! Master!”

“Useless things.” Han Jin stood up and strode to the distance. Harley’s follower Han Jin, he felt wronged, he was really not lazy, but he didn’t collect Magic Crystal all night. All, it’s really useless… (Too miserable! Get up too early today, get up at three in the morning, some are not awake, ready to play for half an hour or an hour, let your brain get excited, start coding In fact, I can’t think of anything. I remembered it for a long time, a long time ago, and the game of the Red Alert, the Fairy Sword, the hero invincible 2, the armored marshal, the result is not over the World, all 2 generation 3 generation, finally it is not easy Find one in a corner, the game is small, only 12m, just finished, and then install, the machine immediately crashes, after the restart is full of viruses, and then crash, this time can not enter the xp interface. I haven’t encountered this kind of thing in a year, completely unprepared, no way, reload it again, other things are okay, my fonts! Oh!! Also patched, loaded with various software, mess Eight whole bad finish, almost 10 point, evidently, I only play with the life of the plant wars zombie, after the firm is no longer nostalgic!)

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