At this moment, Omar has become a top-notch fire beast. The raging fire burns every inch of his skin. Crazy slaps and rolls will only make the flame burn more intensely.

Omar鈥檚 eyes have been burned alive. He can鈥檛 see anything and can鈥檛 hear anything. For him, this world has become a purgatory. No matter where you flee, you can鈥檛 avoid it. The pain of cracking the lungs.

In fact, with his huge body, he could have been holding on for a few hours, or at the beginning he came to a strong man, and he simply cut his foot down, at least temporarily saved his life. Of course, Han Jin stared at it. No matter what he does, it makes no sense.

After knowing that Han Jin is a Magician from Hilary’s mouth, he is not afraid at all. Although there is no small flaw in the magic defense of Biangi beast, he has absolute confidence in his combat effectiveness. Magician’s magic release The distance is limited, and he can rush out of the kilometer between the breaks. At most, one or two rounds of magic, he can kill the opponent, unless it is close to the Half-God Level of the Grand Duke of Solomon. The powerhouse can cause fatal damage to him.

Later, it was seen that Han Jin was actually a warrior. He was even less afraid. No creature could withstand the collision and attack of the giant beast in face-to-face battles. Even Angel could not do it!

Who knows that Han Jin has released the flame that is so vicious to the extreme. When he wakes up to the formidable power of the flame, everything is too late.

Within a few kilometers, there are potholes everywhere, and there are countless deep ditches. Almost no one can maintain restraint and calmness in this kind of incineration. Omar has to use his head to hit the ground and use giant claw to catch it. Shaking, or unconsciously hammering the ground, and even rolling around, although he has made the greatest efforts, but what he did is not saving, nor saving, just the last vent.

The scream of Omar Hughes came out more than 10 li, or even further, even Yalin was alarmed, and the flight was over, but she didn’t dare to be too close, not wanting to give herself, bring Han Jin To trouble, only watching the tragedy far away.

Han Jin kept the height of 100 meters and stood still. Harley returned to Devouring Soul Bead and returned to Han Jin’s bracelet. When Omar became a beast of giant beast, he stopped yelling. In another language of the world, this guy has a spirit of Ah, and he started by yelling Han Jin to help him revenge because he felt too Wronged, when he found out the true identity of Omar, he immediately changed his angle to review the battle just now, and he was complacent. Great and brave Harley… It was even a fight with a giant beast, and such a powerful enemy couldn鈥檛 take him. He watched his calm shift, tsk tsk… Of course it was a transfer! Harley will not admit that he is being beaten!

Han Jin is also secretly surprised. This has nothing to do with the strength of magic defense. The vitality of Biangi beast is too tenacious. At this moment, Omar has lost the ability to walk because the muscles in his legs are melting. Especially, at the beginning of the fire, the foot bones turned into fly ash, but he still did not die, while rolling, struggling, and there was a cry without a cry.

Han Jin hands-shaped hand seals, then the sword pointed down, the giant sword slammed down, then flew away to Omar. Han Jin has a twisted shape, his head and feet, and he is behind the giant sword. His hands are still fast-formed hand seals, a path of talisman spurt out and hit the giant sword. Every talisman turned into a streamer, the azure light on the giant sword was bright, and the distance of 100 meters, Han Jin made hundreds of talisman, and finally could not see the shape of the flying sword, dazzling azure light Illuminating the whole piece of land, illuminating the gloomy sky, and illuminating the snow, the snow becomes extraordinarily dazzling, as if there are thousands of absolutely fire only Fire Insect flying in the air, the whole body is made into one A giant meteor, wrapped in a deafening wind and thunder, rushed down, hitting the final struggle of Omar.

There was a loud bang, and countless sand and snow blocks skyrocketed. A shock wave that couldn鈥檛 be detected by the naked eye quickly rolled toward all around. The raging air turbulently put snow in the hundreds of square meters near the attack point. Sweeping away, and outside the number of 100 meters, the rising snow wave is more than ten meters high. From the sky, it looks like a giant flower is blooming, the earth is shaking violently, and a wide space appears on the ground. The big pit of seven or eight meters, the flying sword was deeply inserted into the bottom of the pit, and even the handle was not.

Omar’s body was completely smashed into a powder by a sword. Countless, large and small Mars were scattered inside 100 meters, and they continued to burn, like a star.

Han Jin released the curse, avoiding the rushing sky, and then the sword pointed, the giant sword turned into an azure glow, and spurred him away.

“Master, you are so great, too powerful…” Harley鈥檚 screams rang, but he also told himself in his heart that I was as great and powerful as Harley!

The shocked Yalina also fell from the sky: “Raphael, what is your magic? Attack too terrifying!”

“hehe… is not very practical.” Han Jin laughed. He is not modest, it is not very practical. If you deal with the real powerhouse, no one will be stupidly waiting for the attack in the same place, avoiding it. At first, he has learned the unforgettable lessons from the vampire Caroline, if he is dealing with the weak. There is no need to be so expensive.

What fits in that World may not be suitable here, but if you have an advantage here, it may not be easy to return to that World. The mantle technique is an obvious example. For the comprehension, the mantle is only a low-level scorpion, and there are a lot of weak spots, but this is why Han Jin can master the mantle technique very early. Most practitioners know how to Operating the power of Five Element, and catching the breath of each other, and simply playing a spell that changes the Five Elements, you can put Han Jin alive, and there are more than a dozen of Strange Sects. Most of them are more effective than mantle. The highest order is the split light. With the streamer, you can disappear without a trace, even a thousand miles.

But here, the mantle technique has become a top-notch method, so that Han Jin has the ability to release the middle-level martial arts, but he is too lazy to waste energy and energy in this regard, because it is enough.

People always change with the changes of the environment, and the same is true for spells. All kinds of Dao Sect and Han Jin must re-summarize and summarize according to the power of this world’s special surname and powerhouse, and take the essence to its dross.

A sword that made Yalin shocked, if it wasn’t because Omar had fallen into the state of final struggle, she would not have this chance.

“That guy… is Biangi giant beast?” Yalina looks towards the unfinished fire around. When she arrived, Omar had been wrapped up in a flame, and could not see the specific shape. She just felt that the roar was very similar to the giant beast.

“Yeah.” Han Jin ordered nodded.

“No…no!” Harley’s figure was revealed. In this respect, his knowledge is much stronger than Han Jin: “He is an orc warrior, but he said that he within the body has gold blood. “”

“What is his name?” Yalina hurriedly asked.

“He called…” Han Jin’s eyes fell on Harley. Although the other person introduced himself, he directly filtered out those nonsense.

“It seems to be called Omar.” Harley said.

“Omar?” Yalina frowned, she had no impression of the name.

“Harry, you used to find out the Magic Crystal of the blast wolf.” Han Jin waved his hand and then sat down on the ground, no matter what and where, no matter how easy or hard the battle is, he will never forget. Collect Magic Crystal, this is his root.

“Understood, master!” Harley’s promise, and then flew to the distance.

Seeing Han Jin sitting on the ground, Yalina refused to recall the Omar: “Raphael, why are you sitting on the ground!” She said, and she leaned down to lick Han Jin’s arm.

“What’s wrong?” Han Jin is a little unknown.

“Get up, get up first!” Yalina slammed Han Jin.

“But I want to…” Han Jin’s azure glow was damaged. He had to mend the damage to deal with the later battles. But looking at Yalina, it was very hard and hard. He had to lift his ass and follow Yalina. Force stood up.

Yalina took Han Jin and went out to find a place that had not been affected by the war. The snow here was swept away by the attack wave caused by Han Jin. The ground was very clean. Yalina took out the carpet from the space ring. On the ground: “Sit down, you are not a small child, how can you sit on the ground casually!” Yalina is half-spoken and said to be spoiled.

Han Jin shrugged, he wants to laugh, but he doesn’t laugh. When Yalina first entered the World of Warcraft, he also carried the ‘shelf’. Later, after a few days, he barely gave up his own restraint. Now how to pay attention to it. ?

Yalina released the magic shield, blocked the falling snow, and then took the pillow out of the space ring, but this time it seemed more natural, and the distance between the pillows was closer than last time.

“Right, what about the unicorn?” Han Jin suddenly thought about it.

“Yeah… I left it there!”

“Now should you run away?” Han Jin felt a bit of a pain in his heart and shook his head. “I knew… it was better to kill it at that time and wasted a ten-order Magic Crystal.”

“Don’t!! How can you do this…” Yalina closed her mouth. Obviously, the words behind should not be too good.

Han Jin laughed, did not answer.

“I will go back and see.” Yalina stood up.

“Forget it, let Harley go back, your speed is not as fast as he is.” Han Jin waved.

When it comes to Harley, Harley is coming. He holds a flaming Fire Sword in his hands and screams at the side of it: “Master! Look, what did I find?!”

“Fire Dragon Sword?!” Yalina screamed, her face as shocked as the original Hilary.

Just stepping into the magic shield, Harley released his hand uncontrollably. Fire Sword from the sword to the hilt, the whole body was shrouded in a burning flame, this flame made him uncomfortable, and could not persist.

Seeing that Fire Sword is about to fall on the carpet, Han Jin鈥檚 hand is fast, the sword is pointing, the azure glow is coming out, and it鈥檚 gently picked up on the Sword鈥檚 blade. Fire Sword rolls over a few laps and falls in the magic shield. In addition, Han Jin did not know the bottom of the Fire Sword, and dared not take it by hand.

Yalina hurried to the outside, leaned down and watched it seriously. After a while, she couldn’t help but sigh: “Sure! This is the real Fire Dragon sword!! Day…”

“Harry, go to the place where we used to rest and see if the unicorn ran away. If it didn’t run, bring it over.” Han Jin instructed, then he stood up and walked slowly to Yalina: Fire Dragon sword? Is it famous?”

“Raphael, how are you…how don’t you know anything?!” Yalina looked at Han Jin with a strange look.

“Master, what about the Magic Crystal of the Wind Wolf?” Harley intervened.

“You bring the unicorns first, then go to Magic Crystal. Can the magic crystals of the hurricane wolves be combined with a ten-order Magic Crystal?” Han Jin gave Harley a look. As for Yalina, He didn’t hear it, and he couldn’t answer it. In the past, he always kept a low profile and said that he was an unseen ruined aristocrat. Now this excuse is not appropriate. Who will believe it?

“Yes, Master.” Harley replied, his body quickly huddled inward, and then shot in the distance.

Yalina’s gaze fell on the Fire Sword again. She hesitated and tried to touch the Fire Sword with her hand. It was just that her hand was still more than a foot away from the Fire Sword. She felt the pain of the fingertips and hurriedly retracted her head: “No, I can’t touch it.”

Han Jin formed hand seals, then reached out and gently held the hilt of Fire Sword. Although the sword was covered with a blazing flame, the brightness was not very high, but in the moment Han Jin鈥檚 hand held the hilt, a path Of the swaying red light exploding in four directions, the 100 meters shine brightly, which is more dazzling than the original Omar’s first sword.

Han Jin stunned, he sensed the strong breath from Fire Sword, and immediately put the Fire Sword into the space ring: “Yalina, tell me about this Fire Dragon sword.” He feels himself It should be a bit of a supplement.

“How can you afford the Fire Dragon sword?” Yalina looked at Han Jin silly, she couldn’t believe her eyes: “Does the Fire Dragon sword recognize you as the Lord?!”

“No, I have something else.” Han Jin laughed. The Five Elements, such as the Water Curse and the Fire Curse, are not high-level methods. In fact, the Earthworm is also an upgraded version of the Earth-scraping spell, but the magic of this world often contains comprehensive lethality, such as meteorites, large Fireball, Icicle, Wind Blade, etc., in addition to elemental attack power, also have physical attack power, so the effect of Five Elements is very limited, and Han Jin has almost never been used.

The two walked back to the carpet and sat opposite, but Han Jin was still a ‘rough’ double disc, and Yalina was sitting sideways.

“Talk about it.” Han Jin looked at Yalina.

“In the era of the ancient gods, in order to protect their own believers, the gods did not hesitate to lose strength, and they made weapons for their own believers, or armor, or other magic items, which is the source of Divine Artifact. Speaking of these things, Yalina came out with a mouthful: “However, because the war was too intense, many Divine Artifacts were destroyed. The Divine Artifact that survived has four main sets, that is, four kinds of armed forces.”

“The most powerful of formidable power is the sacred arm, and the sacred armies have a name, called the law!” Yalina’s eyes fell on Han Jin’s Knight shield: “The holy arm is made up of six parts, your lion shield is One of them is the crown of the gods, the sword of the prophet, the brilliant pendant, the boots of the saints and the bright robes.”

These Han Jin already know, but he did not interrupt Yalina, just listening quietly.

“Secondly, the dragon is armed. Another name of the armed dragon is called Shenli. It is said that whoever gets the arm of the dragon has the power of God.” Yalin paused: “In the battle of the gods, Aaron Aaron His son, Shurport, was killed by Hamas, and Abel was extremely sad. In order not to let his son disappear completely, he made a ring with one eye of Shurbert, using another ring. Only the eyeball made a ring, made a helmet and necklace with the teeth of Schulbert, made a magical robe with the wings of Shurbert, made boots and shields with bones, made with Magic Crystal. Became a Fire Dragon sword and made a dragon with a dragon scale.”

鈥淒ragon Scale?鈥?asked Han Jin.

“How can the dragon scales I made compare with the armor made by Aung Avon?” Yalina’s face was a little red: “It’s too far and too far.”

“What we just got is the Fire Dragon sword? Made with Magic Crystal?” Han Jin suddenly realized.

“Yes.” Yalina nodded.

“do you have anything else?”

“There is the Titan armed.” Yalina said: “The Titans were made by Thorman, divided into four parts, the Titan’s Sword, the Titan’s Sword, the Thor’s Helmet and the Guardian’s Shield, which is said to have the Titan Armed, you can unleash the power of the magic, including the curse, but compared to the first two sets of Divine Artifact, the Titan armed formidable power is worse.”

“What is the last set of arms?”

鈥淔ighting the gods!鈥?Yalina said: 鈥淥ther armed forces, no one can collect all of them since the war of the gods. People are selfish. Who will give their Divine Artifact to others? The Divine Artifact is far from being comparable to the set of armed forces. Only the gods were armed. In the era of War God, Abraham was collected by the king of the hills, and then Duned set a trap to kill War God. Rabham and the elf messenger Doreen, St. Knight Gotha led the army to avenge his friends. At that time, Dantin was also seriously injured, knowing that he was not an opponent of Gotha, sending messengers to negotiate with Gotha, as long as Gotha agreed to withdraw. He was willing to give up the gods, but Goda refused his request. Finally… Gotha killed Danding, and the gods disappeared with Gotha. There are two legends, one is Gotha. A friend who died of heartache and thought that Dantin was affected by the spirit of the gods, he would poison the life and death partners, so he personally destroyed the armor of the gods. Another way is that Gotha hides the gods in the arms. One Secret place, as to which is right …… I do not know. “

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