“Don’t you want to kill me? Come down…” Omar looked up at the sky, his tone was full of ridicule, but the voice was very loud, like a giant beast roaring.

“I understand a little.” Han Jin indifferently said: “What did you say? Gold is better than Mongolian? In the orc family, warriors like you should not only be one, but you are always subject to the elements of the… You are afraid of magic, right?”

“What about that?” Omar showed a bright fang, and the air from his mouth shot directly into the air, wrapped in countless flying snow and mad.

“I am a Magician…” Han Jin smiled and spread his hand, and there was a white flame in his palm.

“Go to death!” Omar was furious, and if anyone tells him now, Raphael Lord is a Magician, and he will surely smash that person into a patties!

Next moment, Omar has jumped over 60 meters, and the huge and burly figure is like a flying mountain. From the bottom, the arms are stretched out into the sky, as if the black clouds are torn into pieces. .

After several fights, Han Jin knew what speed the opponent had. Oma’s figure had just started. He immediately slammed the giant sword, and continued to fly at high altitude while the Three Smells True Fire in the handle was thrown. Go out.

Three Smells True Fire is just a small group in the hands of Han Jin, and if Han Jin falls into the palm of Omar, it is also a small group. In the eyes of Omar, the magic released by Han Jin is much smaller than dust. He didn’t care at all.

Three Smells True Fire’s formidable power is self-evident, but it also has fatal flaws. It’s too slow. It’s purely using God’s mind, and you can’t get up fast. When you fight Betty and Caroline, he found this. The problem can not be improved until now, which is determined by the intensity of God’s mind, at least for now, he can’t break through the limits.

Omana’s sharp nails swept under the azure glow. He was too lazy to care about the flying Mars. However, Omar slammed from the ground to the sky, and the air spurt brought Mars in an instant. Blowed back.

“This is your magic?” Omar screamed.

Han Jin was somewhat helpless. He reached out and beckoned, and the smoldering wind formed by Devouring Soul Bead roared to Omar. Although Devouring Soul Bead has been hurt, but Han Jin personally devotes Devouring Soul Bead, the formidable power is much larger than the Harley just now. The turmoil is extremely fast, and the Omar is only a matter of time. Wrap it inside.

Han Jin releases the curse, hides in the yin, and then another curse, appears at the foot of Omar. For him, the thick big feet are like a boat, but Han Jin has no time to sigh, backhand Four Three Smells True Fires were released one after another, and the fire group landed on Omar’s instep and began to burn.

As the fog-like yin not at all played a big effect, Omar actually caught Han Jin’s position and grabbed it down.

Han Jin just released the last Three Smells True Fire, like a pillar-like nail wrapped in a thunderous roar, approaching his body, releasing the curse is too late, if you use the cellar, I am afraid that the lower body has just sunk into the ground, The upper body will be missing. Han Jin can only cross the left arm and use the shield of the lion to block the lion.

The rich white light spurted out to form a dazzling light curtain, and then a loud bang, Omar’s fingertips collided with the light curtain, the light curtain was instantly shredded, and Han Jin’s figure flew like a cannonball. Going out, flying straight out of a hundred meter away, his people were also dizzy, then he controlled the stirring power, released the curse, swept the azure glow, and controlled the sword light to vertical The angle is flying at high altitude.

Omar jumped to Han Jin in just two steps, but Han Jin had desperately escaped.

“Go down! Coward!!” Omar screamed.

Han Jin laughed, only watching Omar quietly. For several years, he has been re-identifying the formidable power of the Dafa. Three Smells True Fire is not invincible, at least not able to cause damage to the golden giant dragon. Giant beast, magic defense should not be comparable to the green dragon, he believes that Three Smells True Fire can determine the effect of the last name.

The four fire groups were still burning quietly. Omar’s eyes lingered in the light, and hurriedly looked down. Seeing that there was a flame burning on his feet, the subconscious end of the hand wiped a hand and tried to smash the flame. Off.

This is a fatal mistake! As the giant palm was wiped, the four fire groups had been connected, and they had spread to the palm of Omar. At this moment, Omar suddenly felt the pain of biting, and could not help but scream.

***When Han Jin wrestled with Bimeng giant beast, there was a bloodshed in the temple of Wild Willow City. More than a dozen elite shooters had just entered the illusion. In just ten minutes, they suddenly became fierce. Attacks, countless gray white, monsters like Little Monkey, from the incomprehensible forest inexplicable appearance, in the twinkling of an eye, formed the anger of hiding the sky and covering the earth, swallowed a dozen elite shooters .

Prior to this, the anxious Great Elder Ampudula sent five elite teams to find Sunier in the illusion, to be precise, to arrest! But after the five elite groups broke into the illusion, they disappeared collectively and mysteriously. The strength of the elite group was stronger than that of one, but the results were similar. In this sixth group, there were even several attempts to break into the illusion. The elf is very familiar with the illusion. However, in the face of the rare beast group that surges like water, they have no resistance at all. In the blink of an eye, they are torn and shredded and turned into bones.

And the group of rare beast is wise, when the attack is launched, there are more than a thousand monsters around the rear, surrounded by the entrance of the illusion, the elves have no way to escape!

It is a pity that a dozen or so elves are added together, and the total weight is only 2,000 kilograms. The monsters are not full at all. They are angry and waving bloodshot bone sticks. They are messing around and messing around for a long time. Dive into the depths of the jungle.

When the day was just off, holding a bow and arrow in his arms, and Sunier, sitting next to a big tree, opened his eyes on time, first checking out a few small traps placed all around last night, confirming that there was nothing unusual. Sunier was satisfied with the nodded, then took out a piece of wood and carefully marked a trace on it with an arrow.

What is the first few days? Sunier couldn’t remember, only knowing that she had left dozens of scratches on the block, and she didn’t know if the day was equal to the day outside. The robes on the body changed several pieces. The sleek, creamy skin is full of mottled scars.

This way, going out, it will make Han Jin scared. Sunier thought bitterly, and gently stroked a finger-wide scar with a finger on the neck. It was a rabbit-like monster left for her. . Although Seth reminded her, Sunier couldn’t think of the rabbit attacking so fast. Almost as Sunier found the rabbit, two red lights had already shot her.

Fortunately, Sunier’s nerves have been trained to be tenacious like steel. Almost every moment, there is a high degree of vigilance. This can be timely at the time of the crucial moment, but even then, Did not completely avoid it.

So when it came later, as long as there was such a white, rounded creature in the field of vision, Sunier immediately shot it and said that she could understand it. In the trial and fantasy, don’t expect which creatures would make a fall with themselves. Beyond those tall trees, all living creatures have a strong attacking surname. The only correct way is to start with a strong hand.

But what makes Sunier happy is that she has never encountered a monkey-like creature. Sunier is not a way to go for something that is like the wind, but if it’s a one-on-one, Sunier has the confidence to solve it. Monster.

The Spirit Race has always been called the forest’s ruler. On the one hand, because of the complex terrain and numerous obstacles in the forest, it provides a natural barrier for the long-distance shooters of the Spirit Race. To fight against the elves in the forest, you must always Beware of the cold arrows everywhere. On the other hand, the ability of the elves to communicate with nature, one flower and one grass, and even one tree and one wood, may become weapons of the elves. In this environment, you are definitely not only fighting an elf, but Enemy with the entire forest.

The forests in the fantasy world are very different from the real World, and Sunier can’t communicate with them at all. But this didn’t have any effect on Sunier’s archery. Here, Sunier played the race innate talent of the Spirit Race Race vividly and thoroughly. The sharp arrows in the hand can be regarded as the best example. Will harvest a life.

At the bowstring, the faint afterimage left by the arrow was flashing in the forest. A colorful snake fell from the tree and landed on the ground with a loud bang. Sunier’s arrows are perfectly embedded between the eyes of the big snake, leaving only about one inch long arrow feathers on the outside.

Sunier sighed, the serpent sprayed out of the venom terrifying matchless, she didn’t want to get a star and a half.

The serpent was still dead, still tumbling desperately, the thick tail creaking on the ground, and Sunier stood in the distance and waited quietly.

Slowly, the strength of the snake is getting smaller and smaller. In the end, it has become a convulsion. There is still no movement, Sunier is still not moving, a qualified hunter, the best is not archery, but must have enough patience.

Until the snake didn’t move anymore, Sunier waited for a long time before he slowly walked over and confirmed that the snake had died and could not die any more. Sunier just squatted and carefully removed the venom gland from the Great Shekou. Put a poisonous juice on top of the arrow.

If there are clansman here, will you open your eyes to condemn Sunier’s actions and even smear on the arrows? Fine Spirit Race has Archery Master and art masters, but they have never used poison masters. They are proud of their disdain.

The previous Sunier has never done this kind of thing, but now if someone asks her, she will smile and ask, how long have you been in the trial illusion?

Some of the huge rare beasts can’t be killed by arrows alone. The reason why Sunier came up with this idea is entirely because of a fight between monsters that he witnessed a few days ago.

It was two rare beasts that were as big as a hill. I didn’t know why it was hit together. At that time, Sunier heard a continuous, deafening crash.

Can make such a loud voice, the block should be too small, although Sunier has been psychologically prepared, but when she saw it, she still sucked in a cold breath of air.

What is this monster? In Sunier’s cognition, it seems that only the giant dragon is qualified to compare it with the two monsters in front of him.

It’s like two lizards that have been magnified countless times, and the way they attack each other is very strange. They are all standing up and slap their opponents with two thick forelimbs. The deafening sound that Sunier hears is like this. from.

Sunier stunned and looked at the four claws that were bigger than their own bodies. They shot them so slyly, and neither of them fell down. It seemed that the other attack was just ticking for themselves. Even if you shoot all your arrows, I am afraid that these two monsters will not cause any effective damage.

After a while, the two monsters seemed to have been angry, and they were not satisfied with the slap. They began to open their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Said to be bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl is actually not very accurate, Sunier visually measured, it is estimated that even if standing in the mouth of the monster, extend the hand can not reach the upper gums of a person, a fang The length is almost the same as her height.

It seems that the temper of these two monsters is more violent. It didn’t take long before they reached the level of irreconcilable. A large piece of flesh and blood flew out, but they didn’t know that the pain was just biting on the other side.

Gradually, the slightly smaller body fell off the wind, and some places have already exposed the forest bones. When they were bitten by the big one, they finally made a beggar-like scream. The big one seems to have no kill to the last one. There is no bite to bite the other’s neck. When the little deserted, the satisfied Yang Tian screams, and does not care about it. A piece of flesh and blood.

Things haven’t finished yet. The monster who just won the victory is happy to shake the tail, just hit a big tree. The tree was broken by the waist and dropped a color from the tree. The bright snake just fell at the foot of the monster.

It is estimated that this snake is also like Sunier, hiding from the side to watch the lively, the only difference is that it is too close.

The monster found that there was a daring guy who dared to invade his territory. He couldn’t help but be angry and lifted his foot and stepped on it. Puchi, the Middle Section of the snake body suddenly turned into meat.

If the monster is stepping on the head of the big snake, it is estimated that nothing will happen next, but the truth is that it does not.

The vitality of a snake is usually quite powerful. The same is true of the snake in the fantasy. It suffers such a huge creation, and the big snake does not give up. Of course, this is also a slap in the face, the waist is stepped into the mud, no matter what creatures live too long.

Sunier saw with his own eyes that the fangs in the big snake mouth penetrated deeply into the monster’s legs, and then the snake head smashed at the speed visible by the naked eye. Now it is supposed that the snake has injected all its venom into it. That monster’s with the the body.

This level of attack that monster does not care at all, who cares to be bitten by the ants? The two fangs of the big snake may not even have two thorns for it. The monster just shook his head, as if doing a trivial thing, and slowly went to the distance.

When Sunier, who was hiding in the distance, was about to leave, he suddenly saw an incredible scene. The huge monster seemed to be drunk, and swaying forward did not rush forward, and he slammed into it. On the ground.

Sunier didn’t rush to go and see what happened, but after a scan, jumped over a big tree and looked at the place where the monster fell. With outstanding vision, Sunier clearly saw that the wound on the monster’s leg had been festering in this short period of time, the wound was black, and the blackness was still spreading slowly and continuously upwards.

Very poisonous! Sunier can’t imagine, so a small snake can poison this monster, of course, small is relatively speaking, compared with Sunier, the snake is not small.

If Han Jin is here, you can tell Sunier exactly that it is a neurotoxin. Only this toxin that acts directly on the junction of motor nerves and muscles can quickly cause respiratory paralysis and suffocate.

The size is huge, and it is also necessary to breathe. The majestic beast like a mountain is so dead under the fangs of a small snake. It cannot be said that it is a kind of irony.

Sunier certainly didn’t know what the neurotoxin was, but she knew that it was the colorful snake that poisoned to death the rare beast.

Since this kind of huge rare beast is more than one, then it must be prepared for future encounters. Sunier has never been a girl who is obsessed with stereotypes. She began to purposefully kill the snake, but only in the process of taking poison. Both are cautiously.

There are already hundreds of arrows that have been painted with snake venom. After the experiment, Sunier has more suffocation in his heart. This is really an absolute blow, and there is no need to shoot the key, even if it only hits the toes. The prey will also fall to the ground in an instant.

Sunier put the painted arrow into the space ring and straightened up to look in the direction of the coming, and the man is also fighting and fighting? But he shouldn’t be as scarred as he is.

Dozens of days of life and death are not useful at all. Sunier’s strength has already had a breakthrough in the surname’s progress, and the speed of response and agility have been greatly improved, and these are exactly what a shooter needs most.

When I go back, there should be a qualification to stand with you and fight side by side. Sunier thinks, I will never look at the back of you alone, and I can only stay in place silently. You bless, never again!

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