“It should be almost? What do you mean?” Guevera asked.

“It’s a kind of magic array.” Han Jin smiled and said to the mountain soldiers: “You move the box down and move to my room.”

“Yes!” The mountain soldiers promised to move the box and walked up the stairs.

Han Jin slowly stood up, Guevera hesitated, and he could see what he wanted to say, but did not say it. Han Jin noticed Guevera’s expression and turned back with a smile: “Do you still have something?”

“Gail is in charge of him… you don’t want to be too…” Guevera doesn’t know how to say his thoughts. He has to take into account the internal unity and the feelings of Han Jin, but there is a clear existence between the two. In conflict, it is difficult for him to do both.

Han Jin was silent for a moment, slowly said: “this world is like a big river that lurks innumerable undercurrents. I heard that…when in the world, one cannot move freely, I understand what it means, but that is not really understand, some Things can only be truly understood if they have experienced and experienced them.”

Guevera didn’t interrupt, and looked at Han Jin quietly.

“The Legendary story says that heroes gather together to eliminate evil. They are everyone and everyone. It’s as simple as a newborn baby. When fighting, it’s as brave as an orc who is blessed with madness. Even if you sacrifice, you can’t The slightest hesitation, for justice, they can give everything, as if they have countless lives to squander at will…hehe, in fact, such innocent people can only exist in the story.” Han Jin slowly organizes his robes: “There are contradictions and disputes in some places. This is inevitable. It is the most stupid way to misinterpret people’s surnames and deny people’s surnames. If we want to eliminate and resolve the contradictions between each other, we can only Make a trade-off between small ones, and even someone needs to make sacrifices, just like you.”

“I?” Guevera groaned.

“In fact, there is a contradiction between you and me. For example, Sunier represents the fine Spirit Race.” Han Jin laughed: “At that time, I was not very sensible, but… I never noticed the serious problem. The main reason for the surname is that you are ready to sacrifice, aren’t you?”

Guevera smiled, Han Jin said it was good, he was indeed ready, if Han Jin really came together with Sunier, and the Spirit Race also accepted Han Jin, he could only quietly retreat.

“I know what the Gail manager wants to do, maybe he can hide himself very well, but Yalina can’t do it, showing too many traces.”

“Why didn’t you refuse at the time?” Guevera asked.

“Because the Gail manager is very reasonable.” Han Jin indifferently said: “If Keeley and Hilna really have any dangers, I can hardly take care of them both, I need help.”

“Just because of this?” Guevera did not believe it.

Han Jin was silent for a moment, hehe smiled: “To tell the truth, although the Gail manager is always doing small tricks, I am not worried about him, because his way is very soft, and I have noticed my feelings, I can tolerate him, and Compared to the Gaelic supervisor, I am more worried…Jedice.”

“Jedice?” Guevera frowned: “Raphael, I think… Jeddy is very tolerant to you, or to us.”

“I used to think that power can give me the qualification to take it. Now I find out that I am wrong. The higher you go, the more things you need to be scrupulous. The more you can’t help yourself, I always have to do this. Among those, because of the choices made by the interests, Jeddis… is just like me.” Han Jin slowly said: “The Holy See has been destroyed by Nikolay, and three St. Knights with the surviving priests The composition of the sacred squad, Qianli rushed here, what is the purpose? Of course, it is necessary to rebuild the Holy See! And Jeddes is the candidate of the Pope’s unique and unmatched! Hehe… They want to reshape the past glory of the Holy See, or to follow The idea of ​​Diss, in addition to the evils, and the establishment of a new Holy See, not only affects our present, but also affects our future!”

“Oh…” Guevera sighed.

“The three St. Knights are inseparable from Jedice all day, often in secret conversations. What are they talking about?” Han Jin’s eyes showed a narrow smile: “In their minds, I should be a very terrifying powerhouse, killing A few giant dragons, alone against the Dragon Knight and the golden giant Ferragon, killed seven abyss demons and killed Zaganide. The long-range leader Al Quart also died in my hands. Can a powerhouse have a record comparable to me? So…the one who cares the most is me.”

“So, did you choose to leave this time?”

“Yes, I vacated the stage and let the three faithful St. Knight adults perform and let Jedice freely choose.” Han Jin indifferently said: “I will wait patiently for them to make choices, even tomorrow. I can find Keeley and Hilna, I won’t come back, it’s cold in the cold, and the Spirit Race can’t launch the attack. It’s a good time for us to integrate internally. Although it is dangerous, it is better than being in the future. There is a knife in the back.”

“You obviously have the power to influence Jeddes. Why do you want him to choose freely?” Jeddis frowned. “Raphael, you do this… push our comrades into the enemy camp.”

“Jedice is the leader of the future Holy See. It is not enough to influence him alone, but Jeddis is a believer who cannot be influenced by others. Otherwise, Nikolay will not kill him.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “Listen to Jess, said that only the Pope, during the third generation of the Pope in charge of the Holy See, the strength of the Holy See was unprecedentedly expanded, and even interfered with the appointment and dismissal of the King. This gave birth to the Pope. The power is also above the kingship. In fact, my request is not high, I just hope that Jedice will not play any king of the king.”

“What is the name of that’s all and what can it stand for?”

“There are too many things to represent.” Han Jin slowly said: “It is the Pope or the Pope, which represents the will, goals, ideals and desires of all believers. It also proves that Jedice is binding and controlling the believers. What’s more… I can’t force Jedice to retreat in a moment of retreat. I can’t do it. As long as he can take a step back, I naturally have a way to let him step back in the second and third steps. Of course, I will give him the corresponding compensation.”

Guevera was silent for a long time and said softly: “Raphael, you are really mature!”

“hehe ……” Han Jin laughed: “So at this time, I need the friendship of Gail’s manager.”

“So in the future? Do you still need it?”

This is a heartfelt statement. This time it was Han Jin’s turn to be silent. It was only half a moment to replied: “You know, I am not the kind of indifferent person.”

Guevera also knew that his words were too sharp. He sighed and shifted the subject: “Right, Kane asked me to ask you, although Gibran never walked out of the magic array, but he seemed to notice the change of the outside world. He asked me to ask. What should you do? Is it always keeping Gibran and Julia inside?”

“Let them stay inside, it’s good for them.” Han Jin smiled.

“I know, you don’t want Julia to be hurt.” Guevera stares at Han Jin: “But I can’t figure out why you always care about Moxinke, Cessacioun, Gibran, Julia, and Gail. But it is so harsh?! Be aware that Gail’s help to you now and in the future will far exceed them!”

“If I don’t have the strength and status of today, will Gail executives look at me more?” Han Jin indifferently said.

“Your opinion… some naive, and somewhat extreme.” Guevera shook the head: “What is a complete Raphael?”

“What are you talking about?” Han Jin didn’t understand.

“The body in front of me, and an invisible soul, the two together, is the real you, Raphael! Here bread contains a lot of things, such as your appearance, your thoughts, your experience Your right and wrong, your judgment, your knowledge, your strength, etc. Because you have extraordinary potential, so that you are optimistic about your Gaelic general, and those who love you because of your appearance, status, and strength. Female slave, not at all The difference between the physical surnames.”

“Female slave?” Han Jin couldn’t help but smile again.

“I didn’t want to say it, but I have already talked so much… I can only continue to say it.” Guevera showed a vicissitude in his eyes: “You said that the Gail manager was deliberately wooing because of your strength and status. You, make a good deal with you, can you pay for this in the world without any reason, no regrets?”

Han Jin just wanted to talk, Guevera waved: “You go ahead!”

Steelberg, Mellie and the others all looked silly. Seeing Guevera spoke, they retreated from the stairs to the boat room, leaving only Han Jin and Guevera on the deck.

“First talk about the person you least want to mention.” Guevera slowly said: “Why does Sunier like you? Is there no reason for this?? If you are really a waste, Sunier, who is a descendant of God, may help. You, take care of you, but will never like you, and take care of you is just a moment of care, she will definitely leave. Say Moxinke and Cessacioun, yes, when you meet them, it is just a broken aristocrat, you start to get along It’s also very harmonious, but it’s not why they still follow you! Moxinke has his own powerhouse dream. The ideal of Cessacioun is to travel the entire continent. If you have never demonstrated your ability, you… have long since separated. !”

Han Jin is silent. He just wants to communicate with Guevera, but the process is not controlled by him. Guevera’s emotions are a little excited, and Guevera’s words have their own reasons.

“Let’s say Yalina, why are you following you? Because you have not only saved her, but also made her feel your strength! And the people of Gibran, Julia, Winston and Saxon, why did they choose to trust you?” Guevera slowly Said: “The deepest relationship with you should be Steelberg, but… you have a lot of secrets that you can’t tell him? What happens after you say it?”


“From the age of seventeen to the present, less than three years ago, you have become the youngest lord on the continent!” Guevera laughed: “You have such superior ability, I really can’t imagine, in the first seventeen years, why? It will always be unknown?! Dismark is a very open-minded person who knows how to value talents and care for talents. In fact, you should have been a VIP of the Lord’s Office.”

Han Jin had to close his mouth, this is his biggest weak spot, and he can’t justify his explanation.

“I said this, not to explore your secrets. I want to tell you that everything you have, whether external or internal, is equally important.” Guevera said: “Of course, I don’t deny that on World. There is friendship, if you suddenly become nothing, Moxinke and the others will still take care of you and help you as before. You have developed a deep friendship in the long hours of suffering, hehe… you always value them, Love them, is this because?”

Han Jin did not answer, only listened quietly.

“You said that you are not an indifferent person, but why do you think that the Gail manager will be indifferent? Most people are gathered by your side for the same reason, you accept others, but Gail The manager refused to give him a chance to go from start to finish. You always have a dike in his heart.”

“You seem to be a lobbyist for the Gail manager today.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Hello, he is not worthy.” Guevera shook the head: “I just want you to pay attention, at least to be fair. These things have nothing to do with me. I also see that you are wary of the Gaelic director. You really thought that Did the Gail manager know nothing?”

Han Jin lightly sighed.

“You just mentioned the Legendary story, then let’s use the story as an example.” Guevera paused: “In a love story, always emphasizes kindness, purity, or… is a soulful beauty, and always destroys power, Power, wealth, and this story will resonate with many people. Do you know why?”


“Because power, strength, and wealth are always controlled by a few people, but it doesn’t matter, and more importantly…” Guevera’s mouth has a slightly ironic smile: “The beauty of the soul cannot be proved! Power, strength, wealth cannot be disguised A little temptation will reveal the horse’s feet, and a person who is shameless and wretched can also pretend to be a good person. In this respect, all the people are standing on the same starting line, there is no distinction between high and low, hehe…and To say that people like the beauty of the soul, it is better to say that they are pursuing an absolute fairness.”

“You are wrong.” Han Jin shook the head: “At least the beauty of the soul will not change with the passage of time. I used to like Sunier, not because she can protect me, nor because she has the identity of the descendants of God. Because she makes me feel warm, and Sunier is against me…”

“She likes you because you can give her a future! Of course, there are other reasons.” Guevera laughed: “The beauty of the soul will not change with the passage of time? Really won’t change?”

Han Jin just wanted to talk, and was once again cut off by Guevera: “Do you believe that Sunier will not change, or does Sunier believe that you will not change? Is Rahatel now really unchanged compared to Raphael three years ago?”

“that is because……”

“The reason we are talking about is not important. The important thing is the result. What is the result? Sunier has changed, you have changed!” Guevera said: “Some people love flowers, others love yellow gold coins. People always think that the former is elegant, and the latter is vulgar. In fact, they are not at all. How much difference is that a person who loves flowers is hungry for a few days and thrown into the street, he will immediately love the gold coin crazy. ”

“You…something is arrogant.” Han Jin said with a bitter smile.

“I want to say that because your strength has an incalculable potential and it has been taken seriously by others. This is normal. You should feel glory and not be hostile to Gail. Although I don’t know him, but… Look at his attitude towards Yalina, he is just a very ordinary old man, has his own emotions, has his own wishes and guardian.” Guevera whispered: “At least you have to give him a chance to let him approach you.”

“I don’t want to force myself.”

“Who dares to force you?” Guevera laughed. “I know, you speaks correctly Yalina, but… you can reject her! Remember, now the Gaelic commander is asking us, not that we are asking for him. If I didn’t guess wrong… The Grand Duke of Solomon suffered a lot of injuries when he was young. The current physical status is very bad. Even though he is less than 50 years old, the Gail manager will not be so anxious. Seek refuge for the descendants of the Grand Duke of Solomon.”

“What do you mean…” Han Jin said.

“I don’t understand yet?” Guevera looked helpless: “Gail’s first choice is the quickest and most stable way, but that doesn’t mean he has no other way. You…and on other things. You have become very savvy, but once you have a problem between men and women, you are too stupid.”

“How can I compare with you?” Han Jin shrugged: “I heard that you had more than a dozen wives when you were young…” Han Jin hurriedly closed his mouth, Guevera’s wife and children He died in the hands of Silver Pegasus Legion, just like Sunier is his pain, he should not mention this.

“You can refuse Yalina, but you can’t deliberately alienate Yalina as you do now.” Guevera whispered, as if he hadn’t put Han Jin’s words in his heart: “Now you are the lord, you take the initiative! I and Jedice, The identity of the general manager of Gail… It’s almost your home. Compared with you, he doesn’t want to irritate you. You refused Yalina and expressed a certain goodwill. He naturally wants to make new suggestions. Now understand Already?”

Han Jin indulged for a moment and ordered nodded. He understood the meaning of Guevera. Even if he refused Yalina, it would not mean that the two parties would break down. Of course, he should express his kindness in a timely manner.

“You think about it yourself, but don’t hurt Yalina too much, she is a good girl.” Guevera sighed: “At least in my eyes, she is much better than Sunier.”

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