After taking off the cork, Han Jin raised his head and drank the dragon’s blood in the bottle. In fact, the dragon blood is difficult to preserve, and the energy contained in the blood will be evaporated in a short time. Han Jin got three chances to draw energy from the dragon’s blood before or after, or by chance, but for a specific reason, a large part of the energy was wasted.

Nowadays, the occupation of Holy Crown City has almost received a large number of talents cultivated by Dismark. Han Jin, Guevera and the others have destroyed the center of Dismark in an instant, and the scale of battle is controlled within a certain range. Kind of talent has been protected. There are hundreds of mature Magician in the magic Legion, and the number of students in the Magic Academy is also around seven or eight hundred. The dragon blood and the bottle stopper are reprocessed. This is a trivial matter, no Han at all. Jin talks, the people below will naturally find a way.

Although Han Jin just told Guevera that the higher he went, the more he felt uncomfortable, but he could not deny that power also brought a lot of convenience.

Drinking a bottle of dragon blood, Han Jin sits there and closes his eyes to regain his energy, so that the energy can be better absorbed. After a while, he takes out a bottle of dragon blood. It takes about two or three minutes for a cycle. He has been working hard to speed up the extraction. The speed of energy, but after all the dragon blood in the box has been absorbed, it is late at night.

Han Jin sat quietly for more than an hour before slowly opening his eyes and loosening his body. Perhaps he was destined to have a close relationship with Dragon Race. For the past three years, he has been in assiduous cultivation, but the actual The entry is very limited, and there are three improvements in the surnames, all caused by dragon blood, and the fourth time is still the case.

Han Jin gave a soft sigh of relief, and a faint golden light flashed in his eyes, which added a bit of a prestige. This is somewhat contradictory to himself. The bleak temperament will always exude him in the unconscious. The pressure is diluting.

Han Jin took out a few Magic Crystals from the space ring. These Magic Crystals have less energy than the dragon blood he just drew, but it is a daily homework that he must do. Magic Crystal is his root.

After swallowing Magic Crystal, Han Jin adjusted for a moment, pushed open the door and went out. The corridor was quiet, it was late, most people went back to their room to rest, Han Jin walked down the corridor. Go, reach for a light tap on a wall, and there will be a Dao Sect on the wall, next moment, Han Jin has disappeared inside.

Inside the door, the skylight is flying, a white glow and a black smoke are chasing each other, fighting, Harley’s arrogant and arrogant laughter is particularly harsh, he can easily control the array, here is his site, And the light Angel who fought with him was greatly restrained. Han Jin’s order was to let him try to weaken the fighting power of Angel. Otherwise, he had already broken the light Angel.

Seeing Han Jin’s silhouette appearing from starlight, Harley and Light Angel stopped the action at the same time. “Do not hit, don’t fight, let go of you today, haha…hehe…” Harley laughed a few times, his body suddenly Turned into a tiny black bead, lightning-like shot to Han Jin, and when it hit Han Jin, it instantly restored the prototype.

Angel Angel did not want to let Harley go, and picked up the lightsaber to catch up, Han Jin frowned, the sword pointed, an azure glow came out, hitting the light Angel, in the loud noise, that The body pieces of Light Angel are scattered and turned into countless free spots, flying to the brilliant pendant suspended in the air.

“His strength is getting weaker and weaker.” Han Jin indifferently said. I used to want Light Angel to go back to the brilliant pendant. He had to rely on the power of array, and now it only takes a single click.

“Yeah, Master, light Angel like this, I am not afraid of a few more, hehe…” Harley said with pride, his figure looks too different from the previous not at all, but in the starlight flashing room. The faces of different shapes are constantly appearing and disappearing on him, and they seem to be gloomy, which means that he has not yet absorbed all the thousands of ghosts.

Han Jin shook his head. He knew Harley’s surname. This is a guy who likes to blow, but he said, do it. If there are a few light Angels here, Harley will definitely escape faster than anyone else. He Han Jin ordered Harley to fight.

Han Jin reached out and beckoned, the brilliant pendant suspended in the air slowly flew to him, and finally fell into his palm, Han Jin stared at the brilliant pendant, sinking silently.

The bright power contained in the pendant is magnificent. Although he has been subjected to his blood refinement, he still can’t completely control the brilliant pendant. To be precise, he can always illuminate Angel at any time, but Angel has his own consciousness. You can fight for him, or you can’t fight for him. If Harley shows his body, Light Angel will reject all orders and go all out to attack Harley, and he is not under his control.

This made him a headache. When Zaganide wanted to get a brilliant pendant, he should have his own way to resolve the contradiction. Unfortunately, Zaganide is dead now, and he can’t get inspiration.

Perhaps the best way is to completely erase the Angel’s instinct, but he can’t do it. When the light Angel attacks beyond a certain limit, it will turn into countless free spots and return to the brilliant pendant.

“Master, what do you seem to have?” Harley looked at Han Jin’s expression on the side.

“What can I do?” Han Jin smiled and put the brilliant pendant on his neck.

“Master, you want to take this thing away?” Harley looked a little disappointed, he hadn’t played enough yet.

“Well, I am going out tomorrow, you have to accompany me for a trip.” Han Jin ordered nodded.

“Really?” Harley was overjoyed.


“haha…” Harley’s figure suddenly turned into a black bead, stalking in the starlight of the sky.

Han Jin is too lazy to take care of Harley, take out the bundle of fairy cords from the space ring, and greet the air. The bundle of fairy ropes is just like the brilliant pendant, and the flashing starlight is in midair.

Han Jin quickly handed out hand seals, a path of Three Smells True Fire, and all of them slammed on the bales. When he last killed the green dragon, he tied the two dragons’ legs with the sacred rope, but the green dragon unexpectedly released the dragon’s breath, and the bundled fairy rope was damaged. This time I went out and didn’t know what would happen. Only one Devouring Soul Bead is not enough. If there is more than one magic weapon, there will be more protection.

Harley didn’t know when to return to Han Jin and watched Han Jin’s every move. In terms of Dafa, Harley is also getting started, but the more he knows, the more he understands his superficiality. This is not a magical magic. The system is so grand that it is even more powerful than the existing natural magic, abyss magic, and undead magic. It is more complicated to add together, so he does not want to miss any chance of learning.

The speed of the Han Jin formed hand seals is getting faster and faster, and the ten fingertips of the hands have turned into a group of ghosts. Numerous talismans appear in the air successively, and even form two streams of constant streams, which are sprayed on the bales.

The bundle of fairy ropes gradually produced a faint light, and the long body was constantly twisting, like a snake that never sat, trying to capture the power of the talisman.

The talisman falls on the bales of the fairy rope and instantly turns into a very small pattern that the naked eye can’t detect. It is integrated into the deep part of the bales of the fairy rope, and the new pattern will be covered again, then blended and covered again, and the bales are also covered. Gradually thicken.

After almost half an hour, Han Jin’s forehead had leaked tiny sweat beads to make this bundle of fairy ropes. He used it for a long time, and now he can repair the damage on the bales. With the support of the nearly Bai Xuan, he can do it. If he put it half a year ago, he could not do it.

“Go!” Han Jin waved his hand. With his gesture, the light on the rope was scattered in the bang, and even the star-shaped star flashing around Han Jin flew far away. It is obvious that the star point is moving at a rapid speed, and how can it not escape the field of vision, as if there is infinity here.

Han Jin reached out and grabbed the bales of rope, observed it for a moment, then took the bundle of ropes into the space ring, said with a slight smile: “See?”

“Don’t see, master!” Harley subconsciously cried, like a child who had eaten candy in the instinct’s denial. I don’t know if Han Jin didn’t want him to watch it, how could he stay here?

“Don’t see?” Han Jin really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

It was Harley who realized how ridiculous his pseudo-preparation was, laughed a few times, and then shifted the topic: “Master, Yalina, adults come to you.”

Han Jin was intrigued, and a picture appeared in his mind. Yalina was holding a big bag and walking around his room. I don’t know how many squats went back and forth, Yalina finally stopped and raised her hand. To knock on the door, but think of something, the hand fell a little, and then circled outside the door.

“How long has she been?” Han Jin asked softly.

“I don’t know, Master, I only found out.” Halle replied.

Han Jin reached for a shot on Harley’s head. Harley became involuntarily and turned into a round bead. Then Han Jin put the beads on the bracelet on his left wrist. It was made for Harley, wait for Yalina. When he turned to the room, he opened the door and went out.

A miniature mantra, Han Jin has crossed the distance of the few ten meters, appearing behind Yalina, Yalina just turned around, she has been concentrated and thinking about what she was thinking, suddenly saw a person in front of her eyes, was scared Jumping, the big bag in the hand also lost his hand.

Han Jin reached out and grabbed the big baggage, said with a slight smile: “Yalina, find me something?” Guevera’s words are still in his ear, he can refuse Yalina, but can’t alienate Yalina, but can’t hurt her, but in the end What to do, but also to see himself, in fact, Yalina’s problem is more headache than the light Angel in the brilliant pendant.

“Yeah.” Yalina reluctantly calmed herself down and then smiled: “The last time I saw you wearing the Knight Shield, it’s… it’s hard to see, where is the magic robe and the shield? It’s a kind of nondescript. The feeling, so…so I and Hogan made a set of soft armor for you with the remaining dragon scales. I am going to leave tomorrow. I will send you the soft armor first. I will change it again.”

“Hogen? Why didn’t he tell me?”

“I didn’t let him say, we… I want to give you a surprise.” Yalina said while secretly looking at Han Jin’s expression.

Han Jin is secretly sighed, Yalina is a magician, a top professional! At this moment, it was as timid as a frightened rabbit. Is a Han Jin really worthy of Yalina? If you are outside, no matter where Yalina goes, he will be respected, but on the War God, she is just an ordinary, unscrupulous girl.

“Let’s talk about it.” Han Jin reached out and pushed his door open.

Two people walked into the room, Han Jin took the door, and then placed the big bag on the table: “When did you start making dragon scales for me?”

“It was the last time…” Yalina suddenly closed her mouth.

“Last time I saw that I burned the magic robe?” Han Jin remembered it all at once.

Yalina nodded No, shaking his head is not, it looks very embarrassing, and finally barely reveals a smile: “Do you want to… try it first?”

“Okay.” Han Jin was so refreshed that he nodded.

Yalina’s expression suddenly became excited. She grabbed the big bag and grabbed the bag. She took out two shoulders.

Han Jin has never worn armor, because it is too much trouble, whether it is soft armor, leather armor or heavy armor, it is composed of parts of various parts. It is cumbersome to wear and sometimes depends on the help of others. Well-dressed, Swordsman, Knight and other melee professionals must wear armor, this is no way, just relying on body vindictive is not enough, plus the appropriate armor, the two complement each other, the defense can be improved several times.

After the coincidence of getting the dragon scale, Sunier persuaded Han Jin, but it took too long to make a dragon scale. Besides, he thought that Moxinke and the others need more protection than him. Over time, plus the strength of Han Jin. Too fast, everyone gradually ignored Han Jin, no one mentioned it.

From the beginning to the end, Han Jin seems to be very cooperative. As the armor increases, his temperament is also changing.

Han Jin has a very handsome face, a medium-sized body, not as sturdy as Moxinke, but far stronger than Gibran, Kane and the others, with a tiger-backed waist, strong muscles and a surname, shoulders wide and legs slender. A good cheetah, he is an excellent clothes rack, and ordinary clothes will not be ugly to wear on him. What’s more, this is Yalina’s elaborate leather armor. Later, she found some of the famous tailors in Holy Crown City. After careful cutting, if they are sold in the market, they will definitely sell big prices.

Han Jin, wearing a magical robe, looks very elegant and can wear a armor. He gives a feeling of arrogance. In this respect, Yalina understands the man’s psychology. There is nothing fancy, the tailoring of the leather armor. Simple and simple, the whole body is dark azure, with a kind of calm, vicissitudes of temperament, the scales of the dragon scales flashing a beautiful luster under the illumination of the candle, without losing the luxury.

Finally, Yalin put a fire red cloak for Han Jin, which is like a finishing touch, making Han Jin’s silhouette vivid and vivid, steady and courageous, vicissitudes and vitality, mutual complement each other.

If Han Jin is wearing a robes and walking on the street, it will not attract the attention of others. At most, some of the girls in the spring will be mad at the back, and they can wear armor. He suddenly becomes bold and sharp.

In fact, Knight and Swordsman wear cloak, not for the sake of good looks. For example, the cloak worn by Han Jin is made up of 3-Layer dragon scales, plus the leather itself, a total of 4-Layer dragon scales, the defense is far more than The giant dragon, if anyone sneaked behind Han Jin, even if Han Jin stood still, did not release any Tao, except for the top and super-level professionals, others would be very difficult to harm Han Jin.

“Your lion’s shield?” Yalina did not expect the effect to be so good, said with a smile.

Han Jin took the lion’s shield out of the space ring. Yalina borrowed the shield of the lion, mounted it on Han Jin’s left arm, and then tightened the shield with a belt.

Han Jin faced the mirror and waved his left arm at random. It was really much better. Wearing a magic robe and wearing a shield of the Lion King, how to look strange, the appearance is far less than this set of leather.

Yalina took out an empty scabbard and carefully inserted it behind Han Jin. The scabbard’s mouth slanted on Han Jin’s back and revealed: “There is still something wrong here!”

Han Jin is in the end today, the sword refers to a lead, the azure glow flashes in the air, and immediately turns into a long sword, which is accurately inserted into the scabbard.

“Good-looking… It’s so good! This is the hero in Legendary!!” Yalina couldn’t help but watch Han Jin for a while, then look at the mirror again.

“Hero?” Han Jin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, whether he will become a hero in Legendary, he doesn’t care at all, so cooperate, just to not hurt Yalina.

“What do you think… how?” Yalina asked seriously and nervously.

“It’s good.” Han Jin said sincerely that although he never pays attention to dressing himself, no one will refuse to make himself look better.

Yalina smiled, smiled from the heart, smiled and satisfied, and the first laugh was her eyes. After her eyes were bent into a crooked crescent, the nose was slightly wrinkled. Then the mouth is upturned, her smile is not exposed, but blooms, such as the rotten flowers in the spring breeze, bright and beautiful.

“Then let me tell them, I can rest.” Yalina seems to have noticed her lost self-control, hurriedly turned around and ran outside the door.

“Wait.” Han Jin hurried.

“What?” Yalina stopped.

“Don’t let me sleep in this body?” Han Jin pointed to the soft armor on his body, some helplessly said.

(China Mobile is too dark! Today, my younger brother went to the mobile to find out, only to understand what the inexplicable cost of the mobile phone is going on, people send text messages to invite you to open any business, you have not returned the text message, people will be your acquiescence, Then I will open it for you! Is this unreasonable? My younger brother can talk about someone who was a good person. At that time, he was also angry for a little bit of speechless. For example, when I sold peanuts on the street, I sold a thousand pounds and shouted. The last time, all the people who heard my shouts must buy my peanuts? Is this robbing or buying??)

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