Han Jin sat quietly in his chair, thinking about his mind with a small closed eyes. Because he rarely interfered with military affairs, his time was much more abundant than others. Every day, besides practicing, he sat in his own Lord. At the moment, the ‘crews’ on the War God always cheer up and try to avoid talking to each other. Even if you have to say it, you must hide in the boat room. Even walking is also cautiously I am afraid to disturb Han Jin.

Hogan carefully calculated the ship’s hull, although the hull of the War God is incomparable gigantic, but it is difficult to accommodate more than 600 Magic Crystal guns, and it is not the case that the Magic Crystal gun is put on the battle. Ensure that all Magic Crystal guns are free to shoot, the distance between Magic Crystal guns is not too close, the violent turbulence of the muzzle and the conflict of Magic Crystal’s surname may have unpredictable effects.

It’s hard to be Hogan. Yalina and Kane don’t have much experience in management. The legal affairs of Magic Legion and Magic Academy are all responsible for him. Now Han Jin gives him the idea of ​​installing the Magic Crystal gun. The pressure is too high and the load is too heavy. Han Jin has no other candidates. Hogan’s accomplishments in alchemy are better than Yalina and Kane. He is older and more experienced than Yalina and Kane. Everything has just started. He can’t come up with anything to let anyone try. Practice, do it! The so-called capable person can work hard and can only work hard. Of course, Jeddes is also a good candidate, but Han Jin must never hand over the magic Academy and the magic Legion to Jedice.

Although Han Jin also has no experience in managing shackles or domination, he understands what is balance! Comprehension, but also the balance of yin and yang, the balance of Five Elements, the addition of three St. Knights and the sacred squad, have allowed Jedice’s strength to surpass the Guevera and Gaelic masters, and then hand over the magic Legion and the magic Academy. Once he left the Holy Crown City, no one can restrict Jedice.

Han Jin is not guarding Jedice, he must say defense, it is also the anti-micro-defense’s ‘defense’, he does not want to go that step, and he also believes that Jedith is also unwilling to go that step.

Little Jin is languid by Han Jin, not just it, almost all of thunderbird’s emotions are a bit languid, because Han Jin no longer allows them to fly away from the War God.

After all, thunderbird is Warcraft. Although each one has been modified by Han Jin, the intelligence is still very limited. They went out to release the wind a few days ago, and the Holy Crown City was tangled up. Han Jin was just there, and Harley was in Devouring. In Soul Bead, no one controlled them, and as a result they fired in the Holy Crown City. Fortunately, they did not attack humans and horses unwarrantedly, but the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs in the city fell down.

People are feeding bread with breadcrumbs. Suddenly a path of lightning falls from the sky, blows the ground out of one big pit, and even grinds the chicken nest and the kennel, etc., and then one is taller than humans. The giant bird fell from the sky, picking up the fleshy and fuzzy prey, joyfully satisfied flying to the sky, where did the ordinary people have seen this? Some simply stunned directly.

If you are weaker, you can get rid of your teeth and swallow your stomach. If you have something in the background, you will go to the street to find a patrol. The patrol is coming, but can they do the same? Don’t say them, even the Torrent Legion, the magic Legion warrior and the Magician, who dares to attack those thunderbird? People know that those thunderbirds are the treasures of Raphael Lord!

Finally, I was disturbed by the meditation of Yalina, which controlled the raging thunderbird group. Otherwise, it is estimated that the chickens, ducks, geese and dogs in the city have been slaughtered.

After Han Jin learned the news, he was so angry that he didn’t know whether or not cry or laugh. The reason is definitely not good, even Little Jin Lei can’t understand it, let alone other thunderbirds. Finally, Han Jin can only issue a simple order. In addition to eating, all thunderbirds can only stay there and can’t move. In a few days, the spiritual status of thunderbirds is naturally getting weaker.

This is more unfortunate than the wild beast of the zoo. At least in the zoo, the thunderbirds can only stand still. If this world also has animal protection associations, maybe come to Han Jin to protest. They have the courage… Of course, this is only temporary, and after Harley’s shot, they can control those thunderbirds.

I don’t know how long it took, Steelberg and Mirien came out from the front and the bottom. Since Han Jin recognized the relationship between them, Steelberg and Mirien’s relationship became intimate and no longer obscured. Covered, seeing Han Jin sitting there contemplating, Steelberg snorted and hurriedly turned back to give Molly an index finger, indicating that Mirien would not speak.

Then Steelberg cautiously walked behind Han Jin and poked his hand to touch the cup on the table. If the water inside was cold, he was ready to change a pot of water.

However, Han Jin had already noticed Steelberg. When Steelberg’s hand touched the water glass, he suddenly said, “Steelberg, have you practiced these days?”

Steelberg was shocked and hurriedly said: “Young Master, how dare I delay?! Now I can sense the power you said.”

“What power?” Melia was curiously asked behind, she never heard Steelberg say.

“Go! The man speaks, don’t interrupt your mouth!” Steelberg narrowed his eyes.

Ms. Grace was not afraid of it. She used her nose and looked back at Steelberg without showing her weakness. However, she stopped talking. She had a nightmare-like tragedy. She had become very autistic for a while, never talked to people, but she met Steelberg until now, her heart was opened a little bit, and she gradually recovered her lively surname.

“hehe…” Han Jin smiled. “You are not afraid to be courageous. Don’t you be afraid to go back and look for you?”

“Small things I listen to her, major event, she has to listen to me.” Steelberg hehe smiled, since it was installed once, may wish to put it in the end, he waved his hand, carefree said: “Milly, you go back first, don’t Bother me and Young Master.”

Molly was so angry that she was red-faced and hateful, but as Steelberg said, the things between the couples are another thing, but once it comes to outsiders, Molly always looks obedient. At least it was a very good face for Steelberg. He never stopped talking, didn’t refute, and took Steelberg for a moment, then turned and walked back.

“Okay, and then toss, it is you.” Han Jin said with a smile: “Milnie, come back.”

Han Jin’s words were far more effective than Steelberg’s words. She immediately turned around, looked at Steelberg with a smile and joyfully satisfied, and hurried back.

“Milion, although Steelberg has always called me Young Master, but in my heart, I regard him as my pro-younger brother, you are his wife, and of course my loved ones, there is nothing to worry about between us.” Han Jin slowly said.

“I know.” Mellie whispered, then stood behind Han Jin and gently twirled Han Jin’s shoulder with his hands: “I heard him talk about it, your nephew at the time… it was very bitter It’s very bitter.” When it came to this, Molly’s eyes were a little red. When she was listening to Steelberg, she couldn’t believe it. The Raphael Sir Lord, who was so powerful, had such a miserable past.

“Young Master, we…we haven’t got married yet.” Steelberg’s eyes are also red.

“You remind me.” Han Jin nodded: “At the time I said that I would marry you for a wedding. Later I went to the Abyss World and I lost your business. Um… that’s it, Hogan!”

“At, Master!” Hearing that Han Jin was calling himself, Hogan hurried straight up and strode over.

Han Jin opened his mouth, but swallowed back what he had to say. He wanted to hand over the wedding to Hogan, and he could see the bloodshot in Hogan’s eyes, and the paper roll full of numbers in his hand. He really can’t say it.

Let Hogan become his own slave. He was purely out of humiliation and did not expect Hogan to be so useful! Alchemy is exchanged with Yalina and the others in the city of Cliffs. In fact, it is not communication. He is teaching Yalina and Kane. Later, he built the War God. Until now he managed Magic Legion and Magic Academy. Hogan is always in everyone. The busiest and hardest one.

Although Hogan is still less than the extent of his death, it is almost the same, it is almost the same! Although Hogan’s character is a bit unbearable, what makes Han Jin resentful is that he can’t move when he sees a beautiful woman. He always wants to get people to get it. The female slaves in the slaves of Yalinshan Reiter are not. I know how much I have been ruined by Hogan, but no one is perfect. When I control Hogan without making mistakes, I should also give him some sweetness.

“Forget it.” Han Jin waved his hand.

“Ah?” Hogan stared at Han Jin, and he was confused.

“Steelberg, how many spiritual recovery magic scrolls can you do in a day?” Han Jin asked, in fact, the spiritual recovery magic scroll is a reincarnation, compared with the return to the Yuan Dynasty, if the former is tea, the latter is a kind A stimulant that is harmless to the body. The cultivar can prolong life, although the effectiveness is far less than the return to the Yuan Dynasty, but there is also the advantage that Hui Yuanqing’s curse can’t match.

“I can do almost twenty reels.” Steelberg replied.

“From today, I will give Hogan five spirits to restore the magic scroll every day.”

“Okay, Young Master.” Steelberg ordered nodded, no matter how others looked at Hogan, he was very fond of Hogan. This is also normal, with Hogan such a fine, of course, will try to please Han Jin’s only servant.

“Master…this…this is not good! What about Guevera?” Hogan looked surprised. At the request of Han Jin, Guevera used some magic scrolls made by Steelberg every day. How dare he go with Guevera. grab!

“Nothing, I can do a lot of reels in one day, enough to divide.” Steelberg said with a smile.

Mellie’s face showed a sense of pride. She was able to accept Steelberg. It was because Steelberg was only a servant of Han Jin. She was similar to her and was young. She was terrifying, cruel, capricious and incapable without the influential figures. Elusive, but the two have come together, and which wife does not want her husband to become a top-notch role? ! So Mirien has already changed her mind. The more useful and valued Steelberg is, the more she is proud and happy.

“Master, I…” Hogan still couldn’t accept it.

“You go to work.” Han Jin waved his hand: “In the future, pay more attention to rest, things can’t be done, don’t be too desperate.”

Hogan stayed there, Han Jin suddenly made him so good today, he was flattered, and the composition of ‘stunning’ was much larger than the former. He even forgot the thank-you, so he went back with the gesture of Han Jin. Go on.

“Steelberg, you must work hard in the future, do you know?” Han Jin whispered.

“Young Master, I have been working very hard!” Steelberg replied and slammed his head.

“Hare can’t stay here all the time, he wants to follow me.” Han Jin paused: “When your strength has accumulated to a certain stage, this War God number will be handed over to you.”

“What…what??” Steelberg was more shocked than Hogan, who cried in an unbelievable tone.

Mirien is also stunned. She has lived here. She and the inflation figures know what the War God means. Is Han Jin ready to make Steelberg the captain of the War God? ! Because it was too lost self-control, Mirien’s little hands even grabbed Han Jin’s shoulder and twisted the clothes until Han Jin was in her hand pats, and she woke up like a dream.

“Young Master, I… can I do it?” Steelberg asked forcefully.

“I said you can do it, you can do it.” Han Jin replied faintly: “But you have to work hard, at least not to humiliate me.”

“I…but me…”

“Well, there is nothing to worry about. I can let Harley stay with you for a while. After you are completely familiar with it, I will take him away.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “The wedding thing can only be given to Guevera, I am going out tomorrow, and when I come back, I should be ready.”

“Young Master, I don’t want to… I don’t want to get married now,” Steelberg said in a hurry.

“Why?” Han Jin said.

Mirien’s face suddenly became pale, and she stared at Steelberg.

“Young Master, you haven’t… How can I…” The news just made him confused, otherwise he also knew the hidden pain in Han Jin’s heart and would not easily touch it.

Mirien’s heart finally fell, but the thought of hating iron was not steel, and she couldn’t care much in the rush, kicking it on Steelberg’s calf.

Han Jin became silent. The injury is hurt after all. It will not change because of his growth. However, he does not feel pain at all. He just feels depressed and numb.

“Young Master, I didn’t mean it!” Steelberg said slyly: “I…I…”

“You, don’t worry about me.” Han Jin smiled and then shook the head.

Just as Steelberg didn’t know what to say and so on, Guevera showed his head from the gangway and jumped onto the deck.

“You are here.” Steelberg hurriedly transferred the topic and said hello to Guevera.

“Kid, what’s wrong? Look at your face is not very good, what?” Guevera said with a smile. When his injury has not yet healed, Steelberg has been taking care of him. If Guevera finds a truly intimate person, then Han Jin is a Steelberg.

“No…no…” Steelberg moaned.

“We are talking about Steelberg’s marriage.” Han Jin said with a smile.

“Marriage? Good!” Guevera is overjoyed. I don’t know why, many old people like to attend the weddings of the younger generations, and Guevera is one of them.

“I have to go out tomorrow, I can only give this to you.” Han Jin said.

“No problem.” Guevera looked up and down Steelberg and Mirien, and he was really delighted by the younger generation.

At this moment, the slave soldiers on the ship carried a large box of mouthpieces from the side of the ship and placed them neatly on the deck.

“What is that?” Han Jin asked.

“You need it.” Guevera smiled: “The blood of the dragon!”

Han Jin stood up and strode over. He opened a box and saw dozens of glass bottles placed inside. Each glass bottle was filled with bright red blood. The seven or eight boxes were added. Together, there are almost a few hundred bottles.

“So much?” Han Jin frowned slightly: “Can that giant dragon be able to withstand it?” He didn’t want to kill chickens and take eggs. This idea was long ago, but there is no strength to act, and now Dismark is in vain. Give him a giant dragon, of course he should cherish it.

“Do you still want to raise the giant dragon all the time?” Guevera whispered: “That is impossible.”

“Why?” asked Han Jin.

“You ignored it? The giant dragon has the same wisdom as us, even more than us.” Guevera said: “Let’s think about it from another angle. If you are caught, then someone will put it at regular intervals.” Your blood, treat you as a beast, what do you most want to do?”


“The same is true for the giant dragon.” Guevera said: “This time I specifically observed it for a while. The situation of the giant dragon is very bad. Besides, we can’t feed it at all. Although the giant dragon can’t eat or drink, it can last for a long time. But that is sleeping, and we often put its blood, how long do you think it will live?”

“I took it for granted.” Han Jin silent for a moment: “Look, how long can it live?”

“I guess… I can put it four or five times.” Guevera said: “Then we should cut Magic Crystal.”

“Four or five times? It should be almost the same.” Han Jin points nodded.

(Jokes are big! Don’t bring such a fool!! Yesterday, I finally turned out a younger sister. I watched the lights with me. I was watching. Someone called me and said that the group was noisy, saying that I was wrong. At that time, he was using a mobile phone to go online. There was no way to see what happened. Let me go back immediately. I didn’t believe it at the time. Because I was very careful after the mistake, I have to check it several times and then send it again. Minutes, I got another call and said that I was wrong. At that time, I was really anxious. I saw the place where the lights were martial. I was not allowed to open the car. I was desperately trying to run out of a whole street, then I found a taxi to go home and get home. At first glance, what went wrong?! Then I apologize to the younger sister. I was so anxious to throw people away. The result was that I didn’t pick up the phone. The Lantern Festival was too depressing.)

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