At the back end of the market, there is a small but not too small duel. Unlike other cities, mercenaries are loose alliances composed of countless close groups, because no one is willing to serve each other. Once there is a contradiction, it often leads to a bloodshed. The mercenary guild has very limited restraint. They are not the relationship between the boss and the mercenary. At most, it is a referee that’s all. For the mercenaries who are bloody, if you can control your emotions, you will be referee, really do not care, referee is also the same!

In order to control the bloodshed in a certain range, the mercenary guild built the duel field. It is normal for two people to look down on each other and make a duel. Especially for mercenaries, it is more commonplace. The mercenary guild’s open attitude is that it does not support or block, but in fact they encourage mercenaries to put contradictions on the duel field, at least better than killing each other in secret. However, this is also different from person to person. Like Gibran, you will never stand in a ridiculous duel.

The duel field all around is sitting on a lot of people, all watching the lively, see Duye Sam, Winston, Gibran and the others come together, very interesting to let go.

They came a little late, the show just started, the platform of the center of the duel field is not small, almost hundreds of square meters, enough for a Magician and a warrior to play a fair matchup. At this moment, twenty slaves slowly climbed onto the platform and split into two camps. They wore very little, both men and women, wearing short rags underneath, revealing smooth or rough thighs, and men were naked. The woman has a more tube top. The slaves are only one after another. They are the headbands on the head. The headbands are beautiful in style, emitting soft brilliance in the sunlight. It looks like a jewel-like thing, but it is too far away. Some can’t see clearly.

A Magician in a white robe walked slowly onto the platform, releasing the sound-sounding magic first, followed by a lecture. His central idea was to introduce the origins of the slave, and to boast of the strength and beauty of the slaves with all kinds of gorgeous words. With loyalty, at the end of the day, several followers put a group of long swords and iron shields on the platform. Under the command of Magician, the silent slaves stepped forward and selected their own weapons.

“This is…” Winston groaned and looked at Duye Sam and the others. They all thought of something. A long time ago, the game that was loved by the nobility was alive!

The followers carried a few buckets of water and walked onto the platform. They poured water on the slaves without any politeness. The water was colored. One of the camp’s slaves became red, and the other camp’s slaves. Becomes blue.

“Begin!” The sound of excitement rang through the sound of the sound of the sound in the duel.

The slaves are still standing there silently, not at all making action.

The Magician retreated to the side of the table and took an hourglass from the space ring and placed it on the ground. Loudly said: “Time is up, if there is a survivor on one side, all are judged!”

After hearing this sentence, the slaves finally had a little more vitality. They looked at each other and watched their opponents. They didn’t know who was the first to make an action. Then the situation suddenly intensified. The two camps The slaves shouted and clashed together.

Without dazzling vindictiveness, the slaves are completely fighting on their own strength. They should be war-torn warriors. Even the women are the same. Their movements are simple, powerful and swift, which makes the battle very cruel. A fluffy blood flower blooms one after another, broken hands and broken feet flying around. If it is stabbed and stumbled by the long sword, the scene is better. Some slaves are scattered by the iron shield, and the scene is true cold cold shivers. Down one’s spine !

In just a short period of time, the winners and losers have been divided. One of the camps has only one slave left, and the other has four left. The slave is waving a long sword and an iron shield. Injured, the situation was extremely critical. Suddenly, he issued an angry roar, which scatters the ray of light.

The four slaves who besieged him were shocked and hurried back. The slave was at all chasing, the figure suddenly slammed there, then the roar became a tragedy, and the long sword and the iron shield fell off. Then he fell to his knees and hugged his head with both hands, rolling hard, but only after a few laps, he would not move any more.

Under the stage, there was silence, people came to see the fun, but did not expect that they saw a bloody fight! Although the mercenaries do not reject the battle, the battle should have its own meaning, at least to find a reason, for example, in order to survive, in order to solve the threat, even if it is criticized by Gibran, it will not be a murder. ! To be precise, they are not blind to blood, but can not stand this unreasonable cruelty.

The Magician wearing a white robe stood up and announced the end of the first corner fight. A dozen of followers ran to the stage to clean up the body, and the four surviving slaves supported each other and walked down the stage as they walked past the Magician. , Magician suddenly reached out and stopped them.

There are three men and one woman in the remaining slaves. The three men are only slightly injured. The woman’s injury is heavier, and she has a sword on her leg. She can barely walk under the help of her companion, but her left The arm was smashed in the iron shield, and the bones should have shattered and twisted in a very weird posture.

Magician used a magic wand to knock on the left arm of the female slave, then stepped out of the two steps and waved her hand. A follower pulled out the long sword and slid to the neck of the female slave.

The sword is not fast. Han Jin and the others just saw it clearly. The female slave’s combat power was very strong. She knocked down four opponents and laid the foundation for the victory of the entire camp. It is reasonable to say that she should be able to avoid this. A sword, but she only stood there, letting Jianfeng pass his neck, blood spatter, a skull rolling up and flying up, the headless body swayed and fell down.

The three male slaves stayed for a moment, slowly turned and walked down the stage.

“This guy! Is there anyone else?!” Moxinke yelled.

“Too cruel!” Sunier’s mood has become very bad.

“Do you know what Totem is in Cold Shadow City?” Gael’s manager said indifferently said that everyone saw that Gail had caught Yalina’s arm, and Yalina had been trying to shake, but Gail’s hand was like Like a root, she simply can’t take it off.

“Yalina, don’t mess around!” Han Jin whispered.

Yalina looked a little discouraged, white Han Jin, and gave up the struggle.

“Gail, you just said, what is Totem in Cold Shadow City?” Han Jin asked.

“It’s a snow wolf.” Gail’s eyes flickered, as if recalling something: “Only those who have been to the Xuefeng Plateau will know the terrifying of the snow wolf, and will understand what the people of the Cold Shadow City believe in.”

“I see, they did it on purpose,” Winston frowns said.

Just during their conversation, the second batch of gladiators have already stepped onto the platform. The people who played this time were a bit strange. One side was all women, and they wore a skirt that only protected the last shame. There are two blushes on the chest that are faintly discernible. The age is almost between 16-17. The weapons in the hands are even more outrageous. There are mops and Fire Burning Sticks, which are common things in the house. On the other hand, there is only one giant who is about two meters tall. He holds a long steel sword in his hand. His body is covered with soft armor. He wears a helmet in addition to the headband. Is this a corner fight? !

“Begin!” The Magician repositioned the hourglass.

A dozen girls were huddled together, not to mention fighting. They didn’t even have the courage to look at their opponents. The mop in their hands and the Fire Burning Stick shook very badly, and some even made a cry.

Time passed by, the giant man always looked up to the sky, did not move or speak.

The Magician who made the referee was impatient, and had to repeat the rules aloud, and the big man still didn’t move, as if he didn’t hear anything.

Seeing the scene is a bit cold, Magician feels embarrassed, whispering an incantation, the headband worn on the giant head scatters the light.

The shape of the giant man shook a little, and then turned his eyes down, a sneer bursting on his face, then he crossed the long sword, placed between his neck, forced a stroke, a blood spring spewed Out, the huge body stumbled and walked a few steps forward, and slammed it on the platform.

The audience was quiet for a moment, and suddenly someone shouted: “Good! This is like a man!!”

People have been patient for a long time, this scream can be regarded as igniting the fuse, the bohemian mercenaries all followed, and the shouts waved and waved through the sky. They are free and advocating freedom. They will never allow anyone or any force to dominate their destiny. Even the gods will not do it! Also, see those slaves in the end of the miserable, let them heartfelt anger. Of course, the mercenaries will also be affected by the interests, but in normal times, they have their own principles, for example, eating to check out, playing with women to give money, strength is strong, and can not kill people for no reason, these are The most basic respect for the same kind of life.

Lonely City has never participated in the war. The lord has fallen, the lord has risen, and they have no relationship with them. The relatively calm life makes them reluctant to bow to power and violence. In other words, the power is more explicit and violent. The more they squat, the more intense their rebound.

The clever mercenaries have noticed that something is wrong. The Magician of Cold Shadow City seems to have no intentions. They are deliberately scaring people. Most mercenaries just think that the soldiers are dead, the girls are very poor, the giant is not willing to kill their compatriots, preferring to end their own lives, is a good man. But no matter what, it is enough to cause the anger of the mercenaries. The former, they are not afraid of the threat of foreign forces, and the latter makes them feel sympathy.

“The cold shadow of the city, I want to fight with you!”

“Damn it, you just don’t treat people!”

The screams of the mercenaries followed, and Moxinke couldn’t help it. He shouted with the loudest voice: “Go! Brothers, kill those beasts!!” Han Jin didn’t speak, he didn’t dare to have any action. But shouting a few times is not a problem.

The people nearby heard the shouts, looked back and saw that it was Moxinke. This time was more energetic. Moxinke was surrounded by the influential figure of the mercenary community. He dared to shout, naturally it was supported by the influential figures. .

The Magician people in the Cold Shadow City near the platform immediately panicked, and they never thought that it would cause trouble. In fact, they passed the same performances when they passed through Dipu City and Holy Crown City, but in those two cities. They are harvesting a silence. Compared with the city of Lonely, the gap is too great.

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