A Magician in the main seat, who is about sixty years old and wearing a white robe, couldn’t sit still and hurriedly said to the people around him: “Youss, you see this…”

Today, Yu Wensi, the vice president of the mercenary guild, who is in charge of coordinating with the Cold Shadow City caravan, saw this kind of scene, he revealed a hesitant expression, the so-called public anger is difficult, and his power is limited, it is plain He can tell the mercenary what he can’t do, but he is not qualified to command the mercenaries to do what. The mercenary guild has a few rules. The mercenaries have a few minds. Now there are no rules, just foreign businessmen. He said that he was dissatisfied. He did nothing to go up, and he could not even stink his reputation.

The old Magician sees Evans indulging, not coldly snorted, taking out the magic scroll from the space ring and raising his hand.

As the magic wave spreads, there is a row of black spots in the sky, the black spots are getting bigger and bigger, and finally, like clouds, over the duel field, the old Magician face shows a proud color, this is the cold shadow city. Stone statues are also the pride of the cold shadow city! In the decisive battle with Kubu City, this unit played a pivotal role.

In fact, many cities have a rapid response force, such as Silver Willow City’s Silver Pegasus, Zaganide’s vampires, and Stonehenge units, but they have different characteristics. Silver Pegasus Legion’s Pegasus is a variant of the Snow Beast. It has a pair of flesh wings that can be used for short flights. Within a certain distance, the Silver Pegasus Legion moves extremely fast, and can be counted as electricity, plus elves. The shooter cooperates with the attack, the attack power is very fierce, but their defense is worse. If the attacking opponent has enough strength, it will often bring the heavy impact to the Silver Pegasus Legion.

Vampires also have their own strengths. After they are deformed, they can fly on the weekly hundred li without a break. They can even join the battle directly. Their combat power is stronger than that of the Silver Pegasus Legion. Strong means that they are not afraid of any special forces, no matter whether they are facing Swordsman camp, Knight group, or group of Magician, they all have the capital to fight for the end; toughness refers to endurance, flying on single hundred Li, then put into killing, and then put on a whole day, they will not exhaust, the vampire race has unimaginable physical strength, if it is the Silver Pegasus Legion, the army has already collapsed.

On the individual combat power, the stone monsters are the worst, but they have the same ability to stand out from the crowd. The most terrifying is that the stone monsters are not living creatures. In short, they are made by the Magician of the Cold Shadow City. The biggest advantage of Cold Shadow City is the war of attrition. The sky is a group of stone monsters. On the ground is a piece of stone shovel and steel shovel. Even if the whole army is over, it doesn’t matter. Before the enemy wheezes, more stone monsters and cockroaches will be pressed. Of course, Cold Shadow City needs enough magic material, which is the root cause of their strong appearance in the city! Finally, the export of the ice sheet was opened, and their leaders are planning a war on a larger scale!

Silver Pegasus Legion and vampires can’t do it. If they are too expensive, they need years, or even decades, to recuperate. Now Wild Willow City is in a very embarrassing situation because their silver Pegasus Legion was more than a decade ago. The damage in the battle was heavy and it has not recovered.

Looking at the hordes of stone monsters, Juventus’s complexity is slightly changed: “Hogen, what do you mean?!”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Hogan replied faintly: “Since you can’t protect us, we can only protect ourselves by ourselves.”

Juventus was furious, but he barely controlled his emotions, said coldy: “It seems that I have no meaning to stay here.” After that, he stood up and left his seat.

Hogan didn’t stay at all. He thought he had the ability to deal with all the changes. Juventus took two steps and returned. He said to Hogan in a smirk: “Before I leave, tell you two things, first. You are stupid! Second, you are more stupid than I thought!”

“You…” Hogan was also angry. He said coldly to Juventus: “Evangelist, I hope you can remember today’s words!”

“You still have a mood to question my memory?!” Juventus laughed.

Hogan’s gaze turned to the field, and he discovered that there was a subtle change in the field. The mercenaries were sitting there neatly in their seats, but now they are in a mess, but that’s not really chaotic. The mercenaries or a few people or a dozen people are close together, forming a team of each and everyone reading power, in a chaotic order, and no one reveals the expression of lose one’s head out of fear. On the contrary, each and everyone looks so High-spirited and excited.

In fact, their attitudes are fundamentally wrong. The mercenaries are mostly thorns. Afterwards, what will happen will not happen. If Hogan just let his men push the slave to the stage, let the mercenaries Picking up, I feel that I lack a fighting partner in my team. If I want to find a beautiful woman, I will not regret my money. As for buying people back, it is a partner or a cannon fodder. It is a female slave or a wife. This varies from person to person. However, if the cannon fodder is brave and loyal, the female slaves will be gentle and considerate, and things will naturally change. A person accustomed to a free environment will not allow his conscience and judgment to be controlled by pressure, or that mercenaries like to follow their own feelings.

I can only say that this powerful performance is to raise your own feet!

“Raphael, what do you think of Magician from Cold Shadow City?” Duye Sam asked softly.

“I… very abominable to them!” Han Jin slowly replied, he must say so. Sunier has been holding his hand tightly, as if he was a bad person and he wants to crush his hand. Han Jin wanted to say that I hate them. This is his real thought, but he understands that just one ‘hate’ can’t satisfy Sunier.

Duye Sam and Winston looked at each other, and Winston indulged for a moment, and turned his eyes to Gibran: “We should give you a model, Gibran, what do you think?”

“You mean… let us shoot?”

“At least give them a lesson!”

“I have no problem.” Gibran showed a cold smile. In fact, he and Han Jin belonged to the same kind. Julia stood by him. Even if there was a problem, he would also kill the knife!

Han Jin and the others began to move, and walked slowly. The mercenaries were watching the moves closely. Seeing Han Jin and the others, they were more excited.

Duye Sam, Winston, Gibran and Han Jin, if the four of them appear in batches, the impact will not be as big as it is now, no matter what the fans admit, the mercenaries think they are the top powerhouse in the mercenary world. It is the pride of the mercenaries, and the four people are moving forward, which is equivalent to a huge wind vane!

In fact, the situation in the lonely city has already been broken by Han Jin. In the past, everyone earned money and did not ask for how good the relationship was. They only asked for no contradictions. Even if there were contradictions, they must find ways to resolve them. They are only groups of each and everyone. They have never had a relationship. common goal. Han Jin and Yalina teamed up to kill a number of mercenaries who had attempted to become unsuccessful, and became the influential figure of amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, and Han Jin also had the identity of a dragonslayer. No one dared to despise him to Duye Sam and Winston is the representative. Many mercenary groups have tried to draw a relationship with Han Jin. Even the mercenary guild has a low profile. Although this is not a common goal, it is at least a common idea. There is no difference between goals and ideas, but in the word ‘common’.

Seeing people coming, Hogan couldn’t help but reveal a dignified expression. He wanted to ask Juventus, but after Juventus had passed him, he had ignored him. At this moment, Evans had already greeted him. First, he was facing Duye Sam. And the others point nodded, they are old acquaintances, they don’t need to be a guest, but in the face of Han Jin, he dare not sloppy: “Raphael adults, what are you busy these days? I don’t see you coming out.” Juventus said with a Smile.

“With some new ideas, I need time to think, so I can only be bored at home every day.” Han Jin also smiled.

At this time, Hogan also brace oneself ushered in, as a magical city of Magician, he accepted another set of inheritance, lack of understanding of the outside world, do not bother to understand, and now see suddenly come out of so many powerhouse, A heart is already half cold.

Although the tenth-order powerhouse can’t be said to be able to move unhindered in the whole world, it can’t be ignored. Dismark’s famous bloody Knight Gerald is only the tenth peak, not Duye Sam and Winston. A single red squad, Gibran is a tenth-order thief, Kane is a nine-order Magianian, Julia and Edwina are ten-level rangers, no need to turn their hands, only quietly standing there, it has already let The root feels trembling in fear.

No one cares about Hogan, Han Jin is on the platform. He is simply being rushed to the shelves. Sunier has been staring at him with a fanatical and trusting sight. It seems that as long as he is willing, he can save the people from the fire… If not What will make Sunier disappointed, and in my heart, he also thinks that those slaves are very poor.

Looking at the body of the giant, Han Jin sighed and then loudly said: “This is a real warrior! He would rather choose to die than to wave the butcher knife to the weak woman! Come up a few brothers, take his The body is carried on, he is qualified to accept a grand funeral!”

“I come!”

“I am willing to work for Raphael!”

With the voice, several mercenaries you rushed to grab the platform.

“Slow!” The referee was dissatisfied and stopped the mercenary: “He lives is our slave, even if it is dead, the body is ours! What do you want to do?”

“Can I ask, how did they become slaves?” Han Jin indifferently said.

“They are the soldiers who bought the city, we defeated them, they are naturally our slaves!” The matter of defeating the library to buy the city, the referee’s face showed arrogant color, squinted look towards Han Jin.

“So simple? I understand.” Han Jin said with a slight smile: “If I beat you, you are my slave, right?”

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