“Raphael, you didn’t kill another giant dragon?!” Gibran’s voice was so excited that he was out of tune. “The fluctuation of this dragon crystal is very pure! Heaven… is definitely a giant dragon that is going to advance!” Julia also called.

Jedice looked at Han Jin with a shocked look. He had to admit that he was too underestimating the strength of the other. When Han Jin left a few days ago, he would never again be with Dragon Knight and the Big Devil under Nikola. The super-orderhouses such as the instructor have conflicts. Of course, he is kind, but now it seems that his kindness seems a bit ridiculous. A person really has the strength to reach the peak, and he has already formed his own style and his own judgment in the battle. Can you fight, how to fight, you don’t need to go to him.

Sunier, Moxinke and the others are equally stunned. Although Han Jin has the title of Dragon Slayer, they have a good idea of ​​how the title of Dragon Slayer is coming. They believe in the strength of Han Jin, the magical and huge magic array. The world-shaking magic is the most powerful proof, but they are always a little uncertain in their minds, because Han Jin did not kill the giant dragon by hand.

Now, looking at the dragon crystal in front of the ray of light, all doubts are disappeared. Before I heard people talking about Han Jin, they are the dragons, they always show their smiles, but from now on, they will never again Not so funny!

Duye Sam’s cheeks leaped. As a Dragon Knight, he dreamed of conquering a giant dragon all the time and became a real Dragon Knight. However, he knew that his strength was not enough to compete with the giant dragon. After all, dreams are just dreams. He never expected to put into action, and the dragon crystal had the strongest impact on him!

Han Jin shrugged, it’s too much trouble to explain, and he doesn’t want to say anything about Murphy. In his mind, giant dragon is an alternative kind of demon. If you face a fox who spits words, no matter how beautiful and fascinating the fox is, he will also unscrupulously start, not my family, its The heart must be different. There is never any trust between the self-cultivator and the demon. Conversely, if the strength of the fox demon prevails, she will also shoot. For the demon, the essence of the comprehension and the Primordial Spirit and even the fleshy body It is the item of great nourishment. In the modern society where the spiritual power is dying, the conflict between Profound Sect and the demon for survival and development has become extremely cruel.

What is the difference between giant dragon and demons, at least Han Jin thinks so!

Of course, there are also some entanglements, friendships, and even loves, but that is an extreme example. The transformation of one or several comprehensions cannot represent the attitude of the entire Profound Sect. On the first day of Han Jin’s cultivation, his Master focused on him to explain some principles that cannot be questioned or denied. The demon slayer is the first one. The comprehension person needs to use the demon and the blood refinement to make the medicine pill. Magic weapon, the demon needs to use the essence of the comprehension and the Primordial Spirit to enhance the skill. This is a dead enemy. Whoever is soft can be killed by the other party!

In Nuremberg in Dark Raven City, when Lang Ning wanted to slaughter those caveman people, Han Jin stood firmly on the side of Lang Ning, precisely because of his principle of inheritance! In fact, he does not understand war. He only knows that the ugly things that caveman blinks are like demon. Even if it is not a demon, not a demon, it is also a kind of strange. Don’t kill thousands or tens of thousands of people. I don’t care.

However, Murphy is not a bit malicious to him, and Murphy is a friend of Branzi, which is also a friend of Louise and Pan Wen. These two points are the root cause of his guilt, so he does not want to face it anymore. That thing, I don’t want to explain anything.

“More than this dragon crystal! You must have other gains!!” Yalina looked at Han Jin with a gaze and spread her hand: “Get it out!”

“How do you know?” Han Jin smiled.

“Come on!” Yalina was in a hurry.

“I will give you sooner or later, what are you anxious.” Han Jin forwarded, and several space rings rolled down in Yalina’s palm.

“Wait!” Jeddy suddenly yelled, and he took a few steps. Extend the hand to pick up a space ring that was not too small and extremely visible. He looked at it for a moment: “You…what are you from?” owned?”

“From a small child.”

“Wow… you can grab even the little child’s stuff?! Enough…” Moxinke shook his head and sighed.

“The little child almost killed me.” Han Jin didn’t want to hide it. He wanted everyone to learn his lessons. As for dignity and face, the thing was not squatting and hiding.

“No…” Moxinke immediately straightened his eyes.

“The little child almost killed you??” Sunier showed a shocking expression: “How old is the child?”

“About ten years old.”

Yalina and the others, look at me, I look at you, I can’t say anything for a while, the dragon crystal in front of me is enough to prove that Han Jin is a real dragonslayer. The child around ten can almost kill Han. Jin ? Is he a projection of a god in this world? !

“I didn’t want to hurt him at the time. I just ignored him. I know that when I set up the magic array, he suddenly launched an attack on me.” Han Jin showed a bitter smile: “Fortunately, I have another one.” life.”

Sunier showed a panic, Han Jin said that he was fortunate to have another life, which means that Han Jin had been killed! Sunier is not told by gnashing teeth: “Good vicious little child! Then?”

“I want to kill him. As a result, he released an absolutely barrier, and said… it was made by Jedith himself.” Han Jin’s eyes fell on Jedice: “Then he escaped.”

“You didn’t kill him right.” Jeddes said with a bitter smile: “Otherwise, you will definitely be greeted by Nikola’s mad revenge.”

“Oh?” Han Jin said.

“He is the only son of Nikolay, called Timothy, he…” Jeddes said and said: “Hey…”

Han Jin was there, when he jumped out of the ground and attacked. There was a tenth-order Knight on the opposite side. He had a very strong fighting power. He was very troublesome. He realized that the identity of the little child was special, but he never thought that it was Nikola. The only son.

Recalling the previous scene, if he is given another chance, will he decide to kill the killer? Yes, definitely! If you want to perish, you must make it crazy! There are strategies in the chest, stable and steady, and Nikola with advance and retreat is terrifying.

Unfortunately, the opportunity is fleeting!

“Who is Nikola?” Sunier asked in surprise.

Gibran just remembered that he hadn’t introduced Jedice yet. Cessacioun came over and talked about Langing’s affairs, then pulled the military capital, then Longjing, then the little child, and finally said that Nikolay would turn. Going back to the topic, Gibran said with a smile: “Come, let me introduce you, this is the Jades from the Holy See, the highest arbitrator of Archbishop, referee!”

Only Moxinke didn’t realize what Archbishop represented. Sunier, Cessacioun and Duye Sam and the others here showed a dignified expression, and they came forward to say hello to Jedice, while Jedice smiled and responded to everyone. .

Cessacioun likes to tell stories, but he doesn’t know what happened. He had to play a bard by Lei Zhe. From the rescue of Winston and the others, he surrounded the thunderbird group and felt the eruption of the curse, then to Han Jin. I went to the country of Xiongguang, then came back, and I told him one by one. The memory of Lei Zhe is very good. His story and facts are not very different, and even some details are clearly stated.

Sunier and the others never thought that there had been so many things happening, each and everyone heard that they had entered the gods, and it was said that at dusk, Lei Zhe talked about Long Jing, they just happened here, Han Jin never revealed how it was. Killing the giant dragon, they subconsciously thought that Han Jin would hide the secret of his magic, and everyone would have avoided the topic.

In the time when Lei Zhe was telling the story, Yalina had not been idle. She hid far away, and Han Jin gave her several space rings. She had erased all the seals, and piled things in front of her. Into a hill, there are Magic Crystal, weapons, armor, etc., as well as clothing, handkerchiefs and other daily necessities.

However, the space ring worn by Nikola’s son, Dimos, has plagued Yalina. She has closed her eyes and has been mentally sensing the seal of the inside, which is a very different and complicated sealing technique. She has never seen it.

Jedice didn’t know when to quit the crowd, walked to Yalina, and looked at Yalina quietly. When Yalina opened her eyes with frustration, he whispered: “I think the seal magic array is weird?hehe… This is the masterpiece of the great Magister Zhilinqi.”

“Great Magister?” Yalina frowned.

“Right, just…” Jeddy slowly shifted the subject: “Is that Magician saying that the army is ready to attack Beitman? Raphael has his own army? Are you not a mercenary?”

“Raphael is the lord of Dark Raven City. How can I not have my own army?” Yalina’s mouth hangs a little crafty: “You are interested in his army?”

“Well… yes.” Jeddes nodded.

“haha, you are really an honest person.” Yalina was teased.

Over there, Han Jin suddenly said: “How come you all? Hogan and Alexandre have always had contradictions. If no one is pressing them, it may cause big trouble!”

“I let Yalinshan Ritter go to Beitman.” Sunier said with a smile.


“Lang Ning said in the letter that although he had completely smashed the army of Beitman and Woodrow, there were some casualties in the rapids of Legion, just as Hogan had solved the suppression ring of hundreds of slaves and listened to Alexandre Reiter. Said that they were originally outstanding fighters, I asked Alexandria to bring the soldiers to support Lang Ning.” Sunier said while watching Han Jin’s face: “Lang Ning’s staff is too small, they can It’s always good to get a good job.”

“Oh.” Han Jin points nodded. He wants to master power. The fundamental purpose is to cultivate. In fact, his power desire is not heavy, so it is natural to recognize Sunier’s self-assertion.

“Do not worry, Raphael, we brought a lot of back to the city scroll, I want to go back when I want to go, that is… it’s hard to say when I come.” Moxinke said: “You just came two days, we came, who Knowing that we sent us to the west, we have spent a lot of effort to get here. If there is Duye Sam, we will definitely get lost.”

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