Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 856 Subtle Relationship

"what is that?"

"I don't know, but I can tell that's not a guy to mess with."

"Is it intelligent?"

"There must be an intelligence that is more advanced than us, because it raised its hand when it attacked the fleet before, and then lowered its hand. In the end, only one fighter plane was wiped out, and the rest survived. Many of the Water Clan's Behavioral experts believe it is intelligent."

"So it can communicate?"


Water Clan Ambassador Xin Ning is in the deepest bunker underground in the Weka Star Colony.

He quietly watched the two people talking at the screen not far away.

One is ether.

One is tall and strong, wielding a big sword that doesn't look like a Tu clan craftsman at all.

Ethereal races, or castes, are not uncommon in the Tau Empire, as they are natural leaders and always need to be visible.

But the latter is not common.

A legendary member of the Viola family, Commander Vision.

The big sword said to be an ancient relic is the symbol of Yuan Yuan. That sword assists Yuan Yuan and makes him invincible on the battlefield.

This level of conversation was not something Xin Ning could participate in, so he just stood there and listened quietly.

"Do you think we should try to communicate with it, or should we take other countermeasures?" Vision asked Ether.

Ether responded without any hesitation: "You are not a military commander who likes to adopt other people's opinions. Now you are asking about my countermeasures. What do you mean?"

Yuan Yuan was silent.

Ether continued: "You were appointed as the administrator of military affairs in the colonial area before the uninvited guest arrived. I must obey, so of course you have to make the decision on this matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Yuan was no longer silent, and said coldly: "I will make the decision, so that I can be held responsible for everything afterwards? Either I will die in the hands of that monster that is covered in fire, or I will be punished for my poor defense."

"You Fire Caste's mouths are as inflexible as your brains?" Aether said.

Vision fell silent again.

This series of events confused the legendary Tau military commander.

When he had to come to the colony, his idea was to take a walk around here, give some advice on galaxy defense and then leave.

Later, he was appointed to take charge of the defense of the galaxy, but this was what happened before the flaming monster fell from the sky.

Obviously Aether didn't expect that a guy who physically traveled across the universe would land on Vika.


Anyway, after arriving here, everything happened beyond Yuan Yuan's expectation, so it was difficult not to come to the conclusion that coming to this colonial area was a wrong decision.

But there are some things that you just don’t want to do but must do. The ethers who are born to be good at management often have the means to restrain foresight.

"Remain restrained." Yuan Yuan was silent for a long time before finally speaking, "The flaming monster is obviously waiting for something. We don't attack him or communicate with him, so as not to end up because of a certain sentence when we don't understand the other party at all. words or actions that anger it.”

"But it's too threatening. What's the difference between this and waiting to die?" Aether asked.

After Yuan Yuan finished speaking, he left. He didn't even look at the ether and regarded it as air.

After he was about to go out, Yuan Yuan ordered his subordinates standing outside: "From now on, the fleet and army in this galaxy will only accept orders personally given by me. Anyone else who goes to convey the order will not be able to take out my order." Personal permission to shoot on the spot.”

After giving the order, Vision kept his eyes on the ether.

"At this time, we must prevent someone from mobilizing the military to do inappropriate things and advance their own abhorrent and short-sighted conspiracy at the cost of the lives of all Tau and Tau allies on Wekar."

After saying that, Yuan Yuan left with his head held high, leaving only the ether that almost had the word dissatisfaction written on his face, and peace of mind.

A hateful and short-sighted conspiracy.

Xin Ning repeated this sentence in her heart, thinking of the fact that Ether used almost explicit words in remote communication before, that is, the conflicts with humans caused by using black ore as a starting point, and the constraint of foresight. Having to come to this colonial area, the ultimate goal of this series of events is to save the Tau Empire from the possible future civil war envisioned by the Supreme Ether.

But there is one question that Xin Ning still wonders about.

"Oshawa is actually an open traitor." Xin Ning said to the ethers, "I am extremely surprised that he can appear here with us. Why would he still accept the nominal rule of the ethers? Are we also responsible for defense here?"

The name Oshawa is Vision's real name.

Xinning didn't know everything that happened in the entire Tau Empire, but he had heard about the Oshawa rebellion when he was growing up. It wasn't even a secret. The Ethers publicly accused Farsight of rebelling, and Farsights claimed that he was Aether abandoned.

But he still serves as a military commander of the Tau Empire.

"Decades ago."

"For whatever reason, Farsight's rule is threatened by other species."

"A species that looks like the Eldar we have come into contact with, a species that is more savage and cruel than the Eldar. They do not know why they left their unknown home and began to wander among the stars."

Ether spoke in a deep voice.

"When the Fars refused to pay them human tribute, they attacked."

"A rifle that can fire anti-matter ammunition, a strange thing that can turn Govisa into a walking zombie... In short, under the attack of various weapons that we can't understand, Vision suffered heavy losses. At this time, the new Supreme Ether came to help, Send out the fleet to help him drive away those terrible wandering fleets."

After hearing this, Xin Ning could realize what happened next without having to continue talking.

It is conceivable that because the supreme ether gave a helping hand, the vision "returned", and then maybe because the previous supreme ether lost the vote, or died for other reasons, and then the vision and the new supreme ether Contradictions arise.

There have been many compromises, sweet talk, conspiracy and counter-conspiracy, until now Farsight is in an extremely complicated relationship with the Aether and the Tau Empire.

"I personally admire vision." Etai suddenly said, "But there is no way. He must die for the sake of the greater good."

Listening to Aether's plan, Xinning's breathing was very heavy, and he remained silent.

"Originally, the order I received was to use the black ore to irritate mankind, forcing Farsight to come to us to command the battle, and then find a way to calm the anger of mankind and hand over Farsight as a war criminal."

"But now a monster suddenly appears, that's good. We don't have to bear the risk of war with humans."

Xinning was full of respect for the ether who guided him, but he knew that the only shortcoming of this ether was that he spoke as directly as a fire warrior.

He was so direct that every word he spoke could make others tremble, even if he was just stating facts that others had already guessed.

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