Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 857 Everything is for the Greater Good

"You can't do it." Xin Ning persuaded eagerly, "Yuan Yuan will not let anyone in our fleet or army order an attack, and the flaming monster doesn't look like he will take the initiative."

In response to Xin Ning's reminder, Aether just nodded silently.

Xin Ning continued to persuade: "Find a way to let Yuan Yuan die. This is the order of the Supreme Ether. I will never question it, but I think it is better to kill Yuan Yuan with human hands than to let the monster kill Yuan Yuan, because..."

"Because a monster that can travel among the stars and whose mere presence is enough to cause a planet to tremble is even more terrifying, right?" Etai said what Xin Ning wanted to say. He was really too fond of this old friend and subordinate. Familiar.

Xin Ning nodded.

He expected the wise Aether to change his mind, or to say what reason he felt the risk of letting the fire-burning monster kill Vision was lower than the risk of letting a human kill Vision.

But Aether just said calmly: "If humans launch an attack, they need to let their fleet and army and our fleet fight with the army. This will be a long process, no matter how powerful they are. And during the war, Vision has many opportunities to escape , or humans think he is useful and deliberately keep him alive or something..."

"But that monster is different. It can kill everyone in an instant. Vision's chance of death is 100%."

"So I think it's less risky to let that monster kill Vision."

After hearing Aether's words, Xin Ning felt a bang in her head.

He never dreamed that what Ether said "without taking the risk of war with humans" meant that it did not mean that the risk of war with humans would be that more people would die and even the colonies would be destroyed, but that the risk of foresight could survive in the hands of humans. risks of.

"Why did you do this?" Xin Ning asked tremblingly.

"Because the order of the Supreme Ether is to let Yuan Yuan die regardless of the cost. In order to ensure that he dies, I must choose the plan with the highest probability of success." Ether answered coldly.

After saying that, Aether added: "Of course, all of us may be burned to ashes, and even the planet may be shattered... But... someone has to pay the price, all for the sake of the Greater Good."

At this time, Xin Ning didn't know what to say. He just thought of a rumor.

Some people think that the reason why the Ethers are the ruling class is not because they are wise or are born with such a mission by the Greater Good, but because they can release a special kind of pheromone that affects the thoughts and consciousness of other creatures.

Xin Ning was thinking, if this rumor is true, then the fact that he was personally received by the supreme ether, who was once proud of his leader ether, may have been influenced by the supreme ether at that time...

"But Yuanyuan will not give us the opportunity to mobilize soldiers or crew members to fire on the monster." Xin Ning said.

Aether was silent.

Then a report sounded.

"A battleship broke away from the battleship formation and headed towards the orbit of Vika. Its weapons are being recharged!"

The screen immediately displayed the situation outside the orbit.

That was an image captured by an orbital defense platform.

The logo on a ship's hull is different from the logos on most other ships. It is obviously that the warship that brought Vision to the colonial area is sailing over. The weapons on it have begun to accumulate energy and are aimed at Weika. The deep pit in the star is where the fire-burning supernatural being lives.

"This is impossible!" Xin Ning exclaimed.

Anyone in the fleet or army could launch an attack, but the least likely would be the entourage that Farsight brought from his territory.

"After being in contact with Govisa for a long time, I discovered that some Govisa can call upon a strange power." Aether said.

Hearing this, Xinning subconsciously looked around.

He discovered that Govisa, who was taken by Ether as both a guard and a subordinate, and who could use psychic powers, was not present at this time.

"Everything is for the Greater Good." Etai approached Xinning, "We all must be prepared to make sacrifices."

"We..." Xinning's nostrils twitched twice, and her eyes became firm, "For the Greater Good!"

While the two were talking, everyone else present was working normally, and their eyes became firm, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all.

"For the Greater Good!"

In the far-sighted ship, inside and outside the flagship, two different forces were engaged in a tug-of-war based on the entrance and exit.

The Fire Caste warriors who were loyal to the vision launched desperate charges one after another in an attempt to seize the entrance and exit. However, even though the most successful one was to enter the bridge, they were still driven out by the roaring Govisa.

When a group of fire warriors approached the entrance with heavy weapons and deployed the weapons, a psychic shock was released from the bridge.

Everything in its path was shattered into crumbs of flesh or metal.

Then the remaining spiritual energy gathered together to form a barrier that temporarily isolated the inside and outside of the bridge.

The psyker turned around and looked at the man who was controlling the ship's artillery next to the main console. Seeing that everything was going well, he looked at the many compatriots who had gotten a short rest due to the psychic barrier.

All those teleported with the psyker were the Govisa Ether Guards led by him, and all those present were humans.

They teleported from the ship closest to the far-sighted ship. After entering the bridge, they immediately launched an attack, killing everyone on the bridge. The next step was to hold on to the bridge until the person who controlled the weapons Until people crack the fire control system and can fire on the surface.

"For the Greater Good!"

"We must fulfill the order of ether delivery!"

The psyker struggled to maintain the barrier. After glancing at the Tau who were firing at the barrier outside, he turned around and continued to encourage his warriors.

"Who gave us the medicine when we were infected with disease and waiting to die in the hive?"

"When we were slaves of the governor and the planet was occupied by aliens, and we thought we were going to be pigs and dogs for the aliens, who stood up and told us that before the Supreme Good Way, all living beings are equal and there is no distinction between master and slave?"

"When we fought for the body of the so-called Lord of Mankind but were abandoned by the Ministry of Military Affairs as garbage, who ignored the past and allowed us to continue to survive and fight for a great goal that is truly worth paying for?"

"Fight! Govishas! For the Greater Good!"

The words were not very passionate, but they inspired every human being present. When the psychic barrier dissipated, all Govisa rushed to die one after another just to delay a little more time.

In the end, when almost the entire Govisa Guard in Ether was almost destroyed, the ship's weapon system was finally released, and all weapon systems were aimed at the ground and fired.

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