Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 855 Advent Day

The surface of the Wika colony.

Many facilities for mining unknown black ores have been established. These huge facilities used for mining and prospecting or for workers to rest and live are connected together, and they already have the size of a city.

The Earth caste, the Kroot, Govisa who surrendered from the former empire's mining world...miners from the Tau Empire and its allied races are staying in the residential area.

Mining operations were never successful due to ignorance of the purpose of the black ore and how to mine it.

The miners who could not get their wages had previously asked Ether to arrange a transport ship to take them back to their respective homes. However, when Ether came to the mining site and gave an impassioned speech and concluded with the message "For the Greater Good", all the miners, regardless of race, were old. Staying at the mining station honestly, waiting for the day when the mining activities will begin.

But that day never comes.

The roar in the sky attracted the attention of the miners on the ground.

It was the friction sound made by an extremely strong and extremely fast object passing through the atmosphere.

The miners looked out from the high-rise buildings in the residential area and saw a meteor falling from the sky, but this meteor was obviously different from ordinary meteors.

When the Tau people with the best vision at a distance saw the meteor coming and reacted, the meteor had already crashed into the mountains far away from the mining site.

The impact set off a sandstorm, and countless large boulders rose into the sky, splashing around like raindrops.

The shock wave, which was invisible to the naked eye, was visible as it spread rapidly around, and the glass of many mining facilities like a huge city shattered at the same time in an instant.

Then a deafening roar sounded, almost shattering the eardrums of all living creatures within a hundred kilometers of the meteor landing point.

There was so much smoke and dust near the meteor landing point that no one could see what was inside.

A flight formation piloted by the Wind Clan pilots took off from the airport. A total of four formations, hundreds of fighter planes of various types, flew towards the meteor landing point from four directions.

These planes all strangely stagnated in mid-air when they came within two kilometers of the landing point.

It was obviously not a regional time freeze caused by psychic energy or powerful technology, because those planes were still roaring and the pilots were normal, but the planes stopped.

Another shock wave spread out around the impact point.

The smoke and dust were dispersed instantly, and the pilots were the first to see the impact point.

There are no mountains there anymore, just a giant pit.

A spot of light stands out in the deep pit.

The light spot moved slowly towards the direction of the mining facility.

The reconnaissance equipment of the fighter plane helped the pilots see the light spot, and then they discovered that it was not a meteor, but a humanoid creature floating in the air with its body on fire.

The Burner arrives.

Nydrasa floats toward the mining site.

Its actions are undisguised, and those who see it can directly realize what it wants to do.

A little spark appeared out of thin air in the primeval forest in front of the route, and then the entire primeval forest instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The flames spread at a speed far exceeding the speed of normal flame burning and spreading. In an instant, the huge primeval forest and various dangerous species in it, which was a headache for the Tau Empire's various ground engineering equipment, were wiped off the surface.

There is no forest, just a sky full of ashes.

The Burner moved forward slowly amid the ashes.

Relatively slow.

When it came to a mountain, a spark appeared in the mountain without warning, and then the entire mountain turned into countless gravels splashing into the sky.

The power of nature cannot stop this uninvited guest.

When a Wind Clan pilot saw the terrifying thing approaching the mining station where his Earth Clan friends were, he tentatively pulled the trigger. The missile mounted on the pylon lost connection with the aircraft and immediately flew towards the Burner. .

The missile was detonated directly above the Burner's head, scattering dense black spots. These black spots were all small bombs. The AI ​​integrated in them caused them to gather together and explode directly above the Burner.

"Iron rain" washed away the surface, stirring up smoke and dust all over the sky.

But under the nervous gaze of the pilot, the Burner slowly passed through the smoke and dust without any damage, but the pilot did make it stop.

The Burner's head slowly turned, his eyes locked on the fighter plane that launched the missile.

The pilot stopped breathing in shock.

The Burner raised its hand towards the fighter, but just before something happened, it thought of something and finally lowered its hand.

But just when the pilot thought he had escaped, the fighter plane twisted and shrank until it became only the size of a glass ball, and then fell to the ground.

The Burner turned back and continued to slowly float forward.

Finally it came to the mining station and stood still.

The Fire Clan Army and the Kroot Auxiliary Army have been assembled and quickly deployed at a distance of about 70 kilometers around the Burner. The fleet is still approaching the planet's orbit.

As the Tau Army hesitated to attack again, the Burners took action.

This action is not manifested in the body, but in the sudden abnormality.

A drop of rain suddenly fell from the clear sky. When the rain fell in front of the burner, it stopped, and then shrank inward into a black spot.

When the Aether and Colonial high-level officials who were observing the Burner's every move thought that the spot was a super bomb, the things near the spot began to flow toward it, and eventually disappeared.

The mining facilities, the geological environment covering the black stone deposits deep in the earth's surface... these things look like stretched noodles, twisting and converging towards the black spots, and finally being swallowed up by that thing.

The technical advisor of the Tu clan believed that it was a small black hole, but expressed doubts because the engulfment phenomenon of that thing was obviously directional.

The entire mining site returned to a bare patch, and all the giant facilities disappeared. However, none of the people who had previously escaped from it were stretched into long strips and swallowed up.

During the observation, the Burner finished all this, and the black spots in front of him disappeared.

The uninvited guest who suddenly arrived stood on the spot, with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and his eyes looking straight ahead. The only thing moving about his body was the burning substance on his body, which was detected to have a temperature of 100 trillion, but would not actively ignite anything. flame.

The Burner was still.

From just now until now, it has maintained the utmost restraint, including not killing all the ants.

It doesn't care about the life or death of any creature. If it is allowed to make decisions freely, it will burn to death the Astartes and mortal regiments as well as the enemy when it is in the angel fleet.

The reason why people who were closer to the point where the Burning Man descended survived was simply because even a manic and cruel star god like the Burning Man had something he cared about.

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