Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 780 War Etiquette

"That's your rebel brother. It can no longer be solved by conventional combat units such as Space Marines or Thunder Warriors."

"Not to mention the Space Marines, even the New Thunder Warriors, if the number is not enough, I am afraid they will not be their enemies together."

When Ryan was still formulating a plan to use Space Marines to deal with Angron, Qin Mo persuaded him, trying to change his attention.

"But the Gray Knight once exiled it." Ryan said, "Maybe we can let the Gray Knight..."

"Caldo Diego is not present, and Angron is now in the Eye of Terror. Not only can it appear at will, but it can also exert its strength far beyond that in the real universe. The effect of the Black Stone Obelisk is limited and does not Can suppress it." Qin Mo replied.

Ryan nodded, thinking that this was indeed the case.

The fact that demons can appear in large numbers already explains a lot of problems.

Thinking of this, Ryan glanced at the scanning array detection results displayed on the tactical table.

There are a total of 888,888 demons on Broome. Not all of them appeared with Angron, but poured out from the Skull Fortress.

The current situation is the reason why Ryan was unwilling to activate the Ohm Messiah Blade Titan Legion before. He wanted to let the Titan Legion deal with these huge amounts of demons.

But whether they are demons or traitorous originals, their appearance is not the most cruel and embarrassing battle situation that Ryan could have expected.

"The one who can deal with the original body is either the original body or a warrior more powerful than the original body." Guilliman glanced at Qin Mo, "The Lord of Tyrone and I will deal with Angron, you stay in the bridge Continue to command the battle, we need you as the war commander to coordinate the overall situation."

After hearing Guilliman's suggestion, Qin Mo nodded his head in agreement.

Angron, the organized demon army, the demon prince of Drakasi and the army of Drakasi, the demon prince named Killer and the machines of the Blood God.

These things were piled together, and it was hard for Qin Mo not to support letting Guilliman handle them together with him.

"No." Ryan looked at Guilliman seriously and shook his head, "Give me your father's sword, and I will fight Angron, because..."

The Lion King did not elaborate on the reason.

But Guilliman himself knew the reason, that is, Lion didn't think he could defeat Angron or other big demons.

And Guilliman himself even had to admit that Lion's considerations were not wrong.

"You are the Warmaster. You should be in charge. If you always want to end personally, then don't be the Warmaster. I will transfer Jaghatai from the branch fleet and let him be the Warmaster. How about that?" Guilliman asked.

"..." Ryan was silent.

"Do your own thing well." Qin Mo said, "Lord Caliban, send enough helpers to me and Roboute, just don't let us be surrounded."

After thinking deeply, Ryan nodded silently.

on the ground.

The blood rain mixed with blood clumps and fell, looking like heavy rain mixed with a snowstorm, except that both the snow and the rain were red.

The Drakasi people built positions and dug trenches on the vast bloody plains. The mortal civilians of the demon world who believed in the blood god not only were not scared away by the demons and the demon original body, but also felt excited and honored.

Demonic Titans stood behind the position.

From time to time, a roar could be heard from within the Skull Titan where the murder weapon was located, and then flames erupted from the skeletal structure.

But when Ubendrak asked Killer in a low voice if there was any trouble, Killer said nothing happened.

Ubundrak was too lazy to talk nonsense. He stood with the bloodthirsty demons and the demon primarch Angron, standing at the forefront of the position.

The demonic army composed of vampires was also on the battlefield. They lined up in cold weapon combat formations, forming square formations one after another.

Weapons such as skull trebuchets are placed behind each phalanx.

"What are we waiting for?" Ubundrak asked his colleagues who were also slaves of the Blood God.

"We are following damn war etiquette!" Kabanha roared angrily, "We must wait here, waiting for the enemy to be ready for a full-scale war, instead of us taking advantage of the opportunity to kill directly through the gap in the enemy's front line. Go in and beat the hell out of them! Because we're following goddamn war etiquette!"

"Okay... okay." Ubundlak nodded slightly panicked.

Most of the Blood God's servants are extremely manic, which makes Ubbondrak uncomfortable with sharing power with others.

Angron stood there, breathing heavily, leaning on his sword and looking ahead.

Ubondrak sensed that the daemon primarch was getting impatient.

Fortunately, the demons did not wait too long.

A group of drones flew in from a distance and stopped thirty kilometers away from the Blood God's army. The small black stones carried by them created a small area where the laws of physics existed.

Then dense golden beams of light fell from the sky, and the new Thunder Warriors were teleported out one after another.

No one had ever seen the New Thunder Warriors assemble on such a massive scale.

Bendis, the commander of the Thunder Warrior Legion, commanded his men and arranged them to line up neatly.

Then a formation of transport planes flew over carrying almost all the Dark Angels.

The Ohm Messiah Blade Legion came slowly, and along with these divine machines appeared numerous Cursed Legion warriors, infantry units composed of metal skeletons, and giant war machines that obviously came from the same source as them. them.

Some people know about the existence of the Cursed Legion. After all, the Cursed Legion appeared in the Battle of Cadia.

But the origin of those metal skeletons is still unknown.

Considering that the demonic army of Khorne was thirty kilometers ahead, no one chose to fire at the metal skeletons who looked very heretical at this time, but chose to fight side by side with them for the time being.

When the Dark Angels are ready for battle, the war has not yet begun.

Angron was still waiting.

Until a bolt of lightning suddenly fell from the sky and struck at the front of the new Thunder Warriors.

Qin Mo, Guilliman, and the guards appeared where the lightning flashed.

"Blood Sacrifice—Blood God—" Angron roared loudly throughout the battlefield, raised his sword and walked forward slowly but powerfully.

Kabanha and other big demons and the demon prince followed Angron.

The war phalanxes formed by the vampires also began to march forward slowly. The demons' orders and prohibitions were uniform, showing discipline and military literacy that far exceeded that of any army of any race or belief in the universe.

The artillery units of Drakasi's mortal regiments opened fire, followed by the Skull Titans, war machines and ranged troops who provided covering fire for the demonic forces.

Both sides of the war are bombarding each other, and ground troops are approaching each other.

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