Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 781 Angron and Angron

After another battle began, the clone Angron, disguised as a new Thunder Warrior, mixed in among the Space Marines and charged towards the demonic army coming forward like a bloody tide.

The clone's eyes were fixed on his own body. With his height, he could see the location of his body across this extremely long distance.

The fallen body is as weird and crazy as what scholars Qin Mohe said, and even its appearance has changed so much that if no one told him about this clone, his true body would be With such a ghostly appearance, as a clone, he would not be able to recognize the original body just by observation.

At the end of the clone Angron's gaze, the leader and powerful warrior known as the Lord of Tyrone showed why he was given high hopes. Thunder and flames surged around him, and eight bloodthirsty demons led their own demonic armies to besiege him. Looking at him.

The regent who had persisted since the Great Rebellion 10,000 years ago was holding the Emperor's Sword to kill every demon in front of him, and was roaring and provoking the Demon Ascension Primarch as he trudged hard.

The Regent was not at all as elegant and dignified as he was on the ship. He roared, eyes bloodshot, and fought to slaughter every enemy he encountered, surrounded by his champion guard.

The body takes action.

Clone Angron stopped.

In his field of vision, his body jumped into the sky, and actually jumped towards the Lord of Tailong and the Regent on the ground, carrying a huge force, seemingly without fear.

But what happened next, Clone Angron couldn't see, because the Titan named Martian Witch passed over his head.

"Dong dong dong dong——"

The rapid-fire volcanic cannon mounted on the Mars Witch's arm fired, and the trembling sound weakened by the Thunder Warrior's armor sounded like someone knocking on the door.

The volcano cannon left a spurt of blood on the shield of a Skull Titan on the opposite side.

The Skull Titan tried to fight back, but a burst of flames suddenly burst out from near its head.

With the eyesight of the original body, the clone Angron could see the armored warriors fighting the demons in the damaged areas of the Skull Titan.

That was the person who went to perform the beheading operation earlier.

"For humans! For humans!" Clone Angron ran wildly on the ground with a chain ax, roaring as he ran.

The war in front of him made him feel excited. Although he couldn't jump hundreds of meters to where he wanted to go, at least he still had legs and could move much faster than a Space Marine.

The clone Angron ran wildly on the battlefield, searching for enemies that he could face and defeat.

Finally, his eyes fell on the Lord of Drakashi, a demon prince holding a great axe.

"It's you again?!" Ubundrak chopped up the Dark Angels Space Marines who were charging towards him with an axe, and turned to stare at the "New Thunder Warriors" who were charging towards him.

The Demon Prince could clearly feel that the "New Thunder Warrior" who found him was the same person he had fought with before on the Death Corps position.

You can tell even by looking at the weapons.

After all, those glittering superhuman warriors generally don't use axes, but use weapons such as spears.

"This is the last time we meet." Clone Angron waved his chain ax, preparing to completely drive away the nasty demon prince in front of him.

Ubundlak doesn't think this will be the last time they meet, but it does want to have a fight with the strange thunder warrior in front of it to find out the identity of this strange guy.

The huge ax carved a mark on the bloody scorched earth. Ubendrak dragged the ax in a circle around Angron, and then stood still.

The two men who had fought before immediately wanted to fight again, but unfortunately they were unable to do so.

A guard descended from the sky holding a chain sword. When he landed, he suddenly grabbed Ubundrak's big horn and pressed his head into the ground.

"Your opponent is me!" Gray jumped up and slashed down the chain sword in his hand.

Ubondrak subconsciously raised his ax to block and avoid the fatal blow, but was immediately stabbed by the flaw in the attack.

Looking at the bone-deep wound in the abdomen and the easily pierced carapace, Ubundlak was extremely shocked.

Clone Angron wanted to go up and help, but then more guards descended from the sky to help Gray fight the demon prince.

Seeing Ubundlak being beaten and retreating, Clone Angron turned around to find the next enemy.

He wanted to deal with some vampires ahead.

But the beam emitted by the Mars Witch annihilated the vampires.

After wandering around the chaotic battlefield for a while, the clone Angron suddenly found his own body, which was fighting Guilliman.

The regent held the Emperor's Sword and was beaten back steadily. The main body held the giant sword and hacked again and again until finally Guilliman was exhausted and fell to one knee after being hacked.

The exchange between the two men was silent.

Because although the Daemon Primarch of Khorne may have the ability to communicate like other Daemon Primarchs, it doesn't look like it wants to communicate at all.

"Angron!" The cloned Angron roared, wielding the chain ax and rushed towards his own body.

Angron's scream stunned the demon primarch for a moment. The monster, which had become extremely large and strong due to his demonic ascension, showed humanistic movements and actually looked around to find the person calling him.

The Demon Primarch quickly saw the "Thunder Warrior" running towards him.

"The puppet emperor's lackey! You have no right to call me by my name! No!"

The deafening roar made clone Angron's ears hurt, and then he saw the original body running towards him, slashing the air with his sword as he ran, looking extremely angry.

Since being found and hidden by Qin Mo, the way clone Angron spent his time was to sit in his room and recall the memories in his mind.

And then, of course, he was ashamed of the memory of being mean to his own children.

Feeling more guilty for his own madness.

In my memory, many people are afraid of themselves... no, to be precise, they are afraid of their own bodies.

Regardless of others in the memory, at this moment, even the cloned Angron himself felt a trace of fear when facing his own body.

This fear does not come from the madness of the main body when it comes to kill, nor the speed or strength when charging, but from a kind of...

An eerie sense of strangeness.

It was as if that was not his own body, but just a crazy and bloodthirsty lunatic, a stranger.

This is not right.

Clone Angron recalled what his other clone brother, Guilliman, said about his meeting with the original body. Guilliman said that the meeting was pleasant because the clone body would have a certain connection with the original body, and then the clone body would have a certain connection with the original body. Feel friendly.

Just as the clone was thinking, the demonic original had already rushed in front of him, holding the giant sword high in his hand.

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