Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 779 Blood God Primarch


When the war was at its climax, a sudden buzzing sounded throughout Broome.

Whether it's the people in the battleship far away from Broome, the controllers in the Skull Titan and those trying to kill the controllers, the mortal and superhuman warriors fighting each other with the Plague Marines and Dracasi's armies...

No matter where you are, you hear this hum.

The knowledgeable person instantly realized that although the buzzing sound was far louder than the Titan's whistle, it was not the sound of the Titan's whistle, but an ancient horn sound.

In a time when war was not about superhuman units cutting each other down or cannon fodder units beating each other up, in an era when all participants in the war were armed with cold weapons, both sides would use horns to announce the beginning of a war.

And the sound that resounds throughout Broome now is the sound of war horns.

When everyone's attention was attracted, a red meteorite fell towards the surface.

When the meteorite fell to the ground, the explosion and tremor caused instantly tore apart a defense line composed of a mortal army. Even the Plague Warriors present were wiped out in pieces.

In the huge deep crater created by the meteorite bombardment, and in the dusty place, an extremely strong red figure slowly emerged.

The ground shook with every step it took.

Outside of Broome, the Glorious Humanity flagship, which used a detection array to directly cover the ground, scanned the appearance of the uninvited guest.

When the image of this uninvited guest was presented on the bridge, Guilliman frowned, Lion remained silent, and Qin Mo looked solemn.

The uninvited guest who suddenly arrived was the person who announced the omen of the blood mist - Angron, the demon primarch of Khorne.

"Don't take it too seriously. No matter how brilliant he is, he can't escape the fate of being exiled." Qin Mo said calmly.

In his impression, Angron was such a ruthless character who appeared on stage to make everyone happy.


"Isolate the traitor and immediately evacuate the nearby mortals, leaving only the Space Marines and New Thunder Marines to participate in the battle."

"Never allow any mortal to come near it!"

Ryan quickly gave orders.

His mind had worked out dozens of strategies for dealing with Angron, but whatever the specifics of those strategies were, there was no place for a mortal.

And Angron is indeed not something that mortals can handle.

The place where the Daemon Primarch landed was the position of the 88th Infantry Regiment of the Cadian Assault Army.

This position even has the Ventrilian noble army coming to support, as well as the most powerful force in the assault army - the Lord's Choice.

There are also several combat teams of Dark Angels Deathwing soldiers on the position.

But when Angron hit the ground like a meteorite, the explosion and tremors caused instantly disintegrated the solid defense line established by mortals.

There are many survivors.

Space Marines, mortals.


Angron breathed heavily, holding a huge sword in both hands.

People present didn't know whether it was breathing for the sake of breathing, or to give others a sense of oppression with the sound of its heavy breathing, and to show its current rage and impatience.

"For Lord Caliban!"

The Space Marines attack Angron.

Two combat teams, backed by a Terminator combat team, charged towards Angron.

When those Space Marines chose to stand up and fight, the mortals present, the elite soldiers of the Cadian Assault Army, and even the veterans who might have participated in the Battle of Cadia in 999.m41, were all frightened to the point of their brains. A blank, not knowing what I should do.

The sense of intimidation brought by the demon primarch is not comparable to that of ordinary demon princes or great demons.

The mortals present were just so frightened that their brains went blank instead of running away. This was already a manifestation of the strongest willpower possessed by the mortal body.

"For...for the Blood God! For the Blood God!" Angron roared crazily, and his huge body ran towards the Space Marines at extremely fast speeds.

It wielded a giant sword and slashed left and right. Even the Terminator armor, which was famous for its defensive power, was easily cut open by the giant sword in its hand like tofu.

When the huge and heavy body of the daemon primarch dodged the roaring Spear of Caliban at an astonishing speed, disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then flashed out of the blind spot, it suddenly swung its great sword.

A crimson sword light suddenly appeared, and a whole team of Terminator veterans were easily killed by it.

The blood spurted by the Space Marines splashed on the body of the demon primarch, and then the explosive bomb hit Angron's body, but it was indifferent to this level of attack, standing in a pool of blood, stepping on the Terminator's The corpse raised the giant sword in his hand and admired the weapon in the red sunlight.

The sword of Samnion Arius, the gladiator's sword.

There was a world in the Eye of Terror controlled by Samnion Arius, a demon of Slaanesh who claimed that no warrior could defeat it, a claim that angered Angron.

Angron came to Samnian Arius with a stick and beat it to death. Then the stick in its hand gradually turned into a giant sword. The Slaanesh demon named Samnian Arius was killed. Trapped within it, it became the weapon of Angron, the demonic primarch of Khorne.

After testing the power and ease of use of this weapon in practice, Angron spoke highly of this giant sword.

It then proceeds to use the sword to slaughter anyone it sees.

The Butcher's Nails hummed, and there was only one thought in Angron's mind, and that was killing, more killing.

With the emergence of Angron, the killings it caused, the fear it brought to others, and the spiritual resonance of the surviving mortals on the battlefield, these series of factors weakened the suppressive effect of the Black Stone, and a large number of demons were transported to Angron. Nearby.

A bloodthirsty maniac named Kabanha descended with the demonic army.

The lord of Drakasi, the Demon Prince Ubundlak, also brought the most elite fighting force on Drakasi and rushed to the side of the demon primarch from the defense line of the Krieg Death Corps.

The Daemon Prince named Killer also sacrificed several Skull Titans before escaping from the siege of the hostile Titan legions and giant war machines, as well as the Fire Space Marine legions, and ran towards the location of the Daemon Primarch.

While Angron was killing with abandon, no one dared to approach him to help him, or to ask him to stop and do something serious.

Because if anyone dares to do this, he will definitely be killed by Angron on the spot.

This madman who has been controlled by the Butcher's Nail for his whole life is not qualified to be a commander, and he is not qualified to command the blood god forces on Drakasi. Everyone gathered around it, just wanting to use its combat power and follow it to take over the planet. The participants of the Golden Expedition were slaughtered cleanly.

On the second land mass of Broome, the servants of the Blood God gathered.

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